i I
- ' - l
-- t ,
= :
NEITHER SIDE WINS. gain and the Aminni t jeiett0yarftyd
W I 1 D-fo Off sid pay. Again te wurdI
W I Lp "Grads" and _"Undergrads" Pay to back as000tie d ad IBl rft c fi
a a~ah ~c n. ateat to ttndden whto gainedat10 ado
T t fats c ouin tdon. 11idtt o aji 'aa
Theonnalnooout of fun acoo- totesadi tid nji te d ue t jot to
Pemed tby inohtigadlfmayd(ot-gotfhinfor a os oo the jo yad
H Fine Fall and Winter pH t ,cidOIL wieth e toob a nietenffathiiojig)nie ui up
E Sutings, Golf Sui1ts, Ea ejc itItthuayi coft ou ttaait netmthd2oy.,tn e
Fancy Vestings. hit 'asoity a oenti ti nstteI,1U1 uein g ij, tijIjij anl t aj
ni jjj tloaiti terganti ed go , 1 thouG, I i i i jtan in t 'leeaj
T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY TI sIllb0edjjnd. the ojejid t iel, alTithtja
A W Caijte Lr st a Scl O niiB s erfthanijo u~hit h jful y 9 a r as. T isntimho
ptc T ~c tyuh-rgm Otof h ollull0 of mt ie 4 )tnill uteik titit itti-t
W Call the City .r o ll,iijajjdtijijfc l tlc goon jji lc uuhanjijcoditan thn1.Ol
II t tjo ttjif t1taby i~i he io itjti eirlj fjj tpOstioli
1 CI ' iI 'rte te bgining ofiLh io icfoth ibiti liiiihiy t ijijj10i y ai d
In t eliX i.a ao nd mn 0-nailak ltoes.fr t Alion ff tiiifl je.a 'teii ii
if13an o f h Imueiloi net m i I lerstif iile f icnij 2 if d0 K,0e't I r
oOfnh fltyo tablfaitsjao l IiiVoif ii thee-it codiuh d the-i ic-4 ii
-1101n e I -,,, I ev11.0 ci ad he allon at s Iric e fb tittiji
0 10$ EAST W1S1100TO111T1 Q stn!, i t t rundxit toblare oatjiii11111 idowni1hcjca alltinednl
an i+at u ta idjj boy iitrup tt itobeoudoe ' Vas Bum ldi
itof a v L Lii11 tis0i i um110 Y U j i l-.1 11 jjSfa.0 WIith theI t acle ako na
C hocola esho11i,ii0idL tlot 1h~1 tU 10 i- o nneft. thide K o (n lceiotid
L 31uLit, jIjjjfil ts5 Liej \ 7 it tjj- itiie ijjjjm1ctii iti:gandii
aniuoochees aorojI'lii1 uniiiil fill t ,I a, , cllii I k
ourstcs sroca sfre Iil ingte ii tub 110t 0 ard 1"Boom"' mdeicsoin
Tutvey',Allgreti'sand Bi li l li ' 0 00 Oil 01coilh ir' tu ofunl iAglit "liI iiii l O iedbt ("''lidi
8 hns il se fiostul i ii eo m nainsem l e i tre ut\ t
W idep P aj y i ii i hijn lliiiood. 111 tct tjtiii Ii 1 e l t TenKel i.tm edt
I iiof iiillw ill,[ iicasjfiuii-ii d pu t bu Iim i i r . lo_ t n l i.-
Fjjj lceto lil li iam ,m n Agut yardlfhi.l i llot ifl ll iiltl
TH E U LJ l t ja t i deln . Itjw t.jt e S m ( g toi 01 c-t i 111 inea ya d ten ! mo e. 1110k
11 ' EL eAlE lot o hma othee1 IgeII I al fun Jb o>, io I i -gx n 0by igtti2 i an d oo lillllImorfeinj oi -
our 9th A S i8 100Ia LT Y r1sh.Oi l 1111 i ietl clir. i ts. i Ii iilitO j I) l i iii 0"a" ei ngerit goliciti yards
11 ysA lertis nd lr S l h ii 1111 iio jWiM n , l lltisL 115 i ll a an ore io i litlion f ho
R . J0 L L«ndCQ ii i It ti fttO y11l0ft:th, tluoiji5gc liiitti l inei111us1t as 4he chic
10 01 ii Ii inestok. heitniiiii fefiics 2<illcntofatiic tec-
n ts y if b, th r hlaloe o %%' j-i, i tit cii ondiitiiha ilf liial~ion
W il er' Ph rma y Fom il t Id tint h is hloliHadtint 111110 fft l~nllwh o 1 ,"iiot
C A M R Aiut 100 otll t alandupitjgcntit r!ic (c intod tiililonit on tillec icitit
0._ )ToleaS li t eamcc ti n ajl ee bu;i t 01 --t ll i le fud 5, Praice 3.oili
S A L E uldiiNiecitji,-itel-_iiricttciiancoiin niit ililabo ylilttfil4 ' l~ i y '3 o n I e b t Ot
TH nrnih fg n t oc f.i t i tl ilir i info c mOthic.,t 'al tla ingi l('balh othe. 'i tier isitysf
RELI BLE """ i liarea~ctill. )tcyoi liii sht~feie 11" - icnoYrdjir. i llmn , teei olccnl and
i fiejej ll llicesclol i t (Athe i\CO.1dbu lieiOf illt oilou 111111s "Chuc ' "it h o ldhonlt mahut 3 1110 tni h e i
A 6ssilsPliGZA 'L' utils p adilc otoi thliel pull the otdf. 'l A it t eg11110 ciitett bacllj
R . itl i.ro ib neth oh i jersey, oce h o il d o tilms. y t tie ltt ll e of illii
Ca.kE.sJ Pharmacy00- tit- tinted11ytresloo tean e-t ol1 ilil.> Pt-ju ,ilonitei0y' i ii
-- nd ha i~n s-he coat y.dmase knet o t etu ned foril 05 yrs cluton
___._________________pla___ 5 d y ell Inloiu~l te l~ ales-cie001011 bt ou11t-i.t ut 10 befit ii oi ng c l
C A M E RNsalR'y o alhiniglti[ul ht rbt1 I)\ en loyutgSinpu-te dat his fue
itt S hui ck lt o earups tiginu-jh or M ygidtlime. loit sonu'1 Il idil t ittdfii
- ' auit s the 'V andtpi,'s tu ly and 111til t oft bil fujo e d lihe 's hall
,) .t h m il Ierti e i elgcd tltc ill:, i 1111' 1-et)bl a f ~o m en-- 1111 I tol iu t
lehv pa t i ur lie cndo 40 011hat dlyote ilel whlily thuir oppl one I dwns id otni lsuedl ini t iti ill t '. fs-
ahou, wo-hir' o on etc f al hec e rin tw ice t e i aiiinig3t andtose WIllo enuoft11 ttnover.
ca,",a rcs '. wg o c o o is afte a h a l oonfeel frtell o vtihisTeetrd shto-fetin
0 aete I eSeM L u~ - on S uVastu s toiotglneano mno,5 - en Ytookthneal 1ut m take d Sur ae
god oring Tdo- M - Isno by w uld hisg thea n l fuorlb i l intof2. t oustltta lstroefcot-
1 o.on te eodlf once1r they0-jut-lt0boLan aded tey thfellossthe onot
e t s:nIIflo sitce oripbyayd i hento dwnthe bll wttoof oe thseeoi
Cal ins Ph rm a y '~rmjVJ ptele0 brsaly on t ee tbfLsghci lumfnoi. Fuoanc ear floe ndle"ofath
o illonteiroo s ee10yObey line. t. seachi d Te 2an te nthulsttw
5 J 1 F adIdegnupaedos ademsopilays Ju st adei e ach. u dde- te - utndrr tes
L L\ f~l esevelyk n giengSoutey ottr ofter blha dbt Sweer - g ot.hm foruota
lstn is acunse thandeemendig t hutoloiss,lo o my - - - 5a d teso
1 D a n c in g a tuhols m to he useeessuriy e g, SeIm n t d bu f n edher, rei
a / ti o ctechandtohle Iiesnd eer loru~ e ttinub ne l ~n er s - 5.nLe k pons isc dn t Ssuw
fate sof herkofganlue her lng ifebck6- ars-eforlentguowns
Et te-I de by Sho leyf e inondehse th enc eadSe ezll aPndee Febort
c rsl niAey 1 a yn ee-o esno Keaheoe.f tHilr - - -ao ooa
blcSwc o iter e t ers n,, a 110 thre 1 tyardeine Hopedpate linbekTarerrson t elmnisrh - Wsde dnoanz
Se f0 WN. 4 tatqitemonfn-lothceyoped theybull nou3ad Keena - butf - Bdlaterfm-o
escr dhen erei as itg yadsleforengthedmp ire an tferee-nJi. C.B Knight
® T B A L L F trork e die rem ndsepe DOtanld tfLo rn 'erm ,D A .a Tim eo rp-
A TA HO sr henr fospecv imnmadso 1 yar lditeru-WS and fellntie ofhalft
- ". s~~~~theSowguard lonek eas ptri ed t n lominu t. al i h pseso
No. 25.
Senior Latvs Elect Him President of
their Cia-es ill all Exciting
Senitor as I t lli 0 Presitent of
ThiroClass in0 an Etinttgonet.
Quiet reignstagain atthe totOh-wtoo
coner of thetcamopne, nfter Olineltuch-
1d101n1madei- T1'.A. otonitof TOliii-
s 0 eited it boi ace Bnaily 2,tro
Cow \on i l the1110sfidetucy of the en
ior LauwClasso, tle prtue f onwhihoh
b t n en of 1the cltssihave bhaicon
the- asot ts if e praclice hod 0einocon-
st-nuy going an fat Saturdays strug-
O~tt--tinleet O cac tunif etc ite o
nil I~s, the tihole clnss being 010 haod
oai; in the cfay-
f.lu i game starteidproamtlyeat tilt
nid goeat cred titleut he gtie nt
Rlefere e Ki-rby fnr the quick anid effic--
ent tinneli iwchichtohe conitetewas
1ul1e oi i. Co-elion got the halt at the
hick off a110 startedI doiectheio field liki
a frigliteoneitra0b10011 Li tof nftdian,
Fordi, of Ci, IJutteran1Meyst oIf
ttti igil ied -in vin o a 11inil0
but foiledI Dnfth t of Coloradoii,
light 1111tenut atslDanfotohItackled, Cono-
ton usizp-oi iaway laiotlig tile hill
sqtuarelybhoici-e1nte goal Ii 1010 ftr a
touchdiion indit he 10011ides- wshs
The ifla iln was 1h11 cletit sL
an hldiarpest11111e-thatIhas b-uhthell by
ftle scr-1111o-tisttdepiartm11010for teaset
Thoe foittwl iglcndida111tescere till
it nomieinttion: T.A.tihConln, Latee
Iitls, Mih.i; 11. 0V.DauforthoDent-
ver, Co11;W.00.1 tes.AnnitArbort;00.
0. Claeuh, IFort lWaytn:,l, nI; 1ifFordl
durtolat, Othiu; Charles Juittnuer, tlenoihhi-
0 11.IHas,1ef South BetondloId.c-in
nsprungs usadark h otaeIby "Billy"
Itrookha bustofuse-dtolulonwihinemaici
te lh tonsilereil
tealgwithdrewiIVo00the thirdIblloit
too fatiur of Coo; Ford tood Juttner
threow their steogthlonafortth ii inte
fourith tote..The race nowicnalrirowed
Itw'l01tohConlion andilDanforth, withu
Meters a udecidedly idistorbing ehineto.
Cotonogainedillittle by little indbus Oho1
tixfthballoit plledt9llvItels twhich tins
floe exact iouoihreqiredl fir noon-
jollity.Altr.Danforthlinotode a beautiful
uace an11 at too tite befnre the 1las0 bat-
lo0 wsnthe ieetion of role victoa cc-
tain~-ty.lColio'slinal victiory cons due
fl hlisteronlpolaio~rity althoc su0p-
erihocr ousloiatils of his forces. The
vetc by balluts follos:
lsftoo2d. rd. 4th. 10h. 6th'
o n to- ...5-66-96-8Il9-It78
Danfuth .......- 3=- 57tt-81-86-78
Feord- --........4-2- 2-0- 0--S0
Gcake- - - 2-30- 2- 0- 0- I
Jutner- - -tI.....1- 7 - 5- I 0
193 19719l3t1l7t193 193
1931.197 193 t17913193
Mr. Connlon has during his entire
course been one of the most popular
CsoL'ned on second page.