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October 24, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-10-24

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VOL. X.e

= It>'liar



Ht Fine Full and Winter
E Suitings, Golfl Suits,
Fancy estings.
AWe Carry the Largest
I Stock
L In the City.
We make a specialty of
Chocolates aa a side line.
We sell ota of them and
our stock is alaays fresh.
Lawney',llegretti'e and
Kahn's always in stock.
Wilder's Pharmacy
TEOD F e sexeou:we
TH O ce laing ia.Lcfo
R ELIIABLE .Is, r rad
r'ttcas atand tR1CtAL,'rT:.
R. E. JOLLY & C(
hn tt -t id of tiloko
Calkins' Pharmac
School of Dncin
MTt aD oaSOSS GA NOV aISsess
snileaAa et y 31 My snrdstsiet-at
bat2 wetofState xa.Wta ccx s
Sc Ii P oe No
O001 LF
Jerseys and
sweaters a

TWO WHITES HURT. Tennis Tournament Progressing. Subscriptions Coming In.
____The felt tennis taurnamnst has been The AtliceAssoaciation was recently
Chaptero AcioensAccidents all n poiths Footballt-fe ins.preags-roheseccarntothee pathemoewMedays.rda.Thurtaareinlfirl gor scpepa-elbtratdoaones oft thea e maste
T e etra. though thac'tennis played so fair is ceived. Haoa. Henry J. Kiltilea, atfStil-
Both Odach 1White, end on the WTar- rather beloav the average. cTesesults ukee, is the generous giver. Tea
sity an.3S. A. White,, tullbatck on tihe so tar are as taoo-a: aninst class huiadied dollass is the amauunt at his
ecruba were untortunate in meeting singles, Catting beat Felker, 6-1, 5-7,sdonatian. SMr. Killelea is ane at Sich-
Ewxith severe accidenats in yesterday at- 6-3 Whrry beat St. Johna, 6-4, 5-t igansamast cntitonastic alumni and his
ternaasas praetice. The tanner IWhserry heat Cutting, 6-3, 6-1; Russell almast unparalled generosity has dane
wxrechled -his ksnee and put his -tibia out beat MceCay, 6-2, 6-4. Russell wilt play math ta retieve the present financial
at jaint, wrhich w"il tike lain out at prae- Strausburg, wha drexv a bye, taiesrraav stringency in the aasecations treasury.
Tticestar a wveek or s and keep him afternoon at four o'clocka. Thse innxer The treaaser reparts that the tallow-
tram playing against Ilinais Saturday. of the match wiii play Whe~rry toe lit,- lng subscriptions have been callected
ATtae latter hiroie his noseandst uill he ctntinli nThr a aesladarirng the past utek;
labioat at the gname ftelacretnainder Thaisfinatlumatch xiii daubtlec u at- J. H.Killelca.......... .. . stes . 0
oftesesnoine goad tennis. Phi Kappa Psi ..... as........5
Thae playing wasa rather ecouraging In se-ixad cinassiglcs Thatrnatu beat Saross.............20
Lto the coesx considering the hana Woodruft, 5-t, 6-3, 6-0; Guthrie beat Lamb & Spencer ....c.....1
Lwaeathier. Thae scrubs had a stroxng tueller, s-i, 6-3, 6-4; Canfild beat bE Calkins ......t.....1
elexven asad neither ide aucceeded in Thomaas, 6-1, 6-4; Doxvning beat hick, S.Burchifield .....a........1
sewring. The regular tormxations only Tut-;tilewybatDwin. . . . . 1
xere axlayed. The ball xvas Ikept ina the 55 -;Fle ba axed -,Fred U-own.. .s
Bhoods aftheia 'Varsity during thae play, 6-2;iauthrie hbeat Eversmani, 6-t, 6-3;Ge.Wh...1
thr scrub reasorting in a kick xwhenevxe T iirGith-exMaLcxie, C-....2.Cott-.Slak.&.C.......1
it got thse ball. Thae feature of thae game rie beat Thurnxau, 6-3, 6-a. Felker xwilt Wadhams, Ryan & Reule 1s
w xas a 45. yard run by Strict. The siusa- ohms1
play Dissoscasy this afternoon at 6Potisemus. . . . .."as
bar of candidates is slowly dxindling a'clack. The uinner xiii play Guthh- Lay ..............5
~sdown, so that at present thsere are not Sisn&Sn....
_tomuorrow. St......on .....a
aver 25 men iwhox come out segularly., 'The GrImisi ulsuith eox. Hatter ................
The coaches regret very much that thxia ar&Mle ..
played this afternoon at three a'ctstloack Silr. . .
is the c sc, tor it a fewe nare oxen ore betueen MeCay and Eversman and Lindenschmnidt & Aptelt.....5
injured it xill be itipassible to liac up Thomsansd Risk. Toxmixrraiw at fice Jno. Koch- - - - -
txwa goad elevens. oclos c Russell and Felker w itt play Nobte's Clothing House-......
Wherry anad Cutting. E. F. Mtiller- - - - - -a..........
Wi inkle out Today. Tensnis Mlanager VonNiedoavwixse Rlerbach & dots- - - - -a........
Wrinkle made isfbrat appearance for Thae Daily to anosunce 'that ribbons lsn Bros .,- - - - - . ..........
the hear today. Like other birat mem- mast be procured from him by all mema- 1Win Reinharat- - - - -a.........
bees it s deotedto te Frshma asAmieriean House- - - --......... a
he ,i sdvoe oii cc hioiOhers of the Atlahtic Associaion u-ho Schteede- - - - - - -a........"
the -"Jester', see hinm. The centre pose u-abtous te"usrt. ixvrd - - - -
is a very ctever draxwing by Whitehead, J. J. Qjuarry- - - - -.
shwn,,theaxshan,s-aswhihacame oea 1c'tr,.,., x.- .v,ors.,j.. ehutsaach- - - - --............ e


freshmanx's career as a result of a fexv
sthort xweeks in college. The cover
draxwing in by tBroxvn, a nexw member of
the board. There are the usual nunmher
of other cuts, by Whitehaead, Bouman,
Ferguson and Pitkin.
Wrinkle makecs good the promise ran-
saied isa the pastes aof last u-eekc and
printaslbheinst of a aeries of "atorrible
Enxoses." The conceit is a laughable
one and uell executed. Riditorially, th-e
tFreshmen, theCo-edo, the Glee Ctub and
other objects at satire are considered.
There ixsame clever verse by tlaun
anailMashaltlad a tax-ge amount of
humorous literary u-ask good, bad, and
Gsa the whate, the nunmber is a goosd
one and the Boasrd evidently intends to
kceep Wirinkcle in thae frnnt rankc of col-
lege funny papers. Wrinakle cextainty
deserves the support of the student
body both in the matter of subscrip-
lions and in contributions.
Michigan Might Tril It.
The students of Northwuestern L:si-
versity have petitioned the faculty ts
add an athletic fee of ose dollar iper
semester to the regular tuitiona for pur-
poses of athletics. This scheme is at-
ready in vxxgaue at Mlinnesota,aPrinse
to;aeoit and Wisronsins. At Knox
this extra fee entitles students to re-
ceire season tickets to alt football
ganmrs. The scheme might be adapted
at Michigan axad every studeik be
called a nmember of the Athletic Assos-
ciation when lie paid his tuition. If
this xvere done all athletic gamses could
be held uwih an admittance fee of 25
cents and the income uould lbo much
greater than it is at present.
The xWnners af thits'NVbster leeliso-
inanies last night xves~e; HM..ci. Car-
a nody, bai t: Ohlilger and Sampsoin, tiedl
for second place..

The folouing is a list of unclaimed
leiters ata the past nofie at Anna Arbor.
Austisn, Dr. Floyd 04.; Andlersona,i.
T.; Ahrends, Fred. L.; Alexander, J.
Fred.; aButler, Nichoasa Murray; Hur-
rts Lloyd; B~rowxci, D. T. (2); Broadbenat,
Jno.,; Blair, Red S..: Denscoles-, W. A.;
Cole, M~rs. Masrie; Craig, Stron; Clasy,
Ailie; Casar, Willie; Campbell, Luther;
Dushy, Mrs. Ida; Davis, SM. L.; Rgeter.
Ansna; Fosrit R. J.; Fariss, Si-. Thomaas;
FereemnsEresat E.; Crisu-old, Jaseph
H.; Stighfxeld, Joshn; Hazen, Fiorenc-e;

lttsa Loivell- - - - 2
The receipts at the tictket office for
the Alumni game uere $365.50. Tick-
eta sold in Detroit and an the train neat-
ted $28.5omore. ItSillet thusu-ilt be seen
that tb- total receipts xwill not be
cnough to pay the expenises at the
President Barrows on the Cniner-
sal Religion.
Dr. John Henry Darrous, President of
Oberlin Coxllige, openerditse caurs'eof
lectures given by the Htenry Mtartysn
Load entertainmxent last Susnday. The

Hoanx, Masrtina; Hopkins, Rcv. St. W.;
Halt, Mtaggie; Jacobs, Fanny; Kresge,
btrics; Keyes, C. 5.; Lietens, Lenxa L.
Laubengayer, Fred.; Lane, Rdwvard;
Loxe, Frederickc B.; Stahaney, Jerrome;
AleKx note, Hinnie; sceremer, Sth H.;
Stiller, F. I-I.; O~liver, Johanna; tRanidall.
AMrs. Mtinnixe;ataynmond, Saraha;alas-
tell, Edwxit; Ruasx-ll, tGea. H.; cRinhart,
Chas. at.; Sims, XV. H.; Snodgrass, T.
Wi.; Sisith, Mdrs. A.; Scott, Jn. G.;
Sibley, Cxxri; Shawv, Will; Sydner, C'ora:
rsytxxr, Will i Truner, Wim.; Tao I'hin;
L~ing; Tuttle, B~erita; Ward,aHenrie'ita;
Wtarreni SelahBIroxwvn; Wardell, Joe;
Welchx, Jan. 5.; Warden, Manud.
Drops-Craxwford, SMrs. Eagene; i'ros-
sette, Murray T.; Cuff, Jno. F.; Es-
mosid, Edtithi; Cinshaerg, Mrs. Hernarxd;
Herbard, Chas.; Larmee, ,Chris.;
O 'Brien, Tbhom5as.
Foreign-Giraatt, E.; Schooxr, ItIrs. Si.
Daihj} Extends Congratulations.
The Daily is in receipt at an an-
nouncesment tfrom Mr asidSirs. Jcsse S.
Tot, at Denver, Cal., announcing the
birth at a daughter. It will be rcmemn-
bered that "Jessac" wxass aoxenaber of the
'Varsity football eeven in '96 and xras
graduated from the University in '96
He is nowx a leading lawyer at Dasfn
ver. Airs. Toni is alsoe a graduate of
the University and wilt be remxembered
as Miss Kate Geiger, '96 medic.


subject at hts address axas Christianity,.
whty r.I- Null ultin~tely bee sac the
UniversatlReligion. Among other things
hse said that the perpetuity and uni-
vcirsality at religion is tse canvictiona of
ali great mesa.iReligion is older than
haistory. Although, certain farms at se-
ligions hase gene douwn, the donmain of
religionwuas never greater than noxv.
The xxorid is divided amog touar ce-
ligionas, via: SMohasumedanism, Duo-
sdism, Confuciantsm and C'hrtstxsntty,
hiudixnx is only an ethnical rcligion
wile Moxhaemsmscianism could siot be
naxtuiratized isa Eturope. A tlhird1 atthe
population at the Globe are Christians.
Ta judge at three rcligions u-e smuse
consider the sacred literature and the,
Dible as the only universal sacred basic,
It is the history of mass, the liera-
inca of a heaven guidcd pexipte adap-
ied to the suxprisie xvoxkofrestxirinag
soulss. It differs fromiulnit nher sacre-1
basiks in that it can be casity trans-
tated. So pre-exinesst is the bible that
there ran ha no camparisaon. We fan-
not imagine a Miahonmct in the uest but
Christ is not locai, lie is universal. Ho
capologies tsr the character of Chrt a
need he macde uwhich must be made tar
all other great teachers. le is she
supreme heasd of all true religion,.lie
Ileads captive the civilized xvorld. is
empire overleapsalal kingdoms.

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