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November 02, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-02

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r' o




No. 34.


DNational Convention of This Oldest

T T Professional Fraternityj Held
T T in Ann Arbor.
L 1 mThe seventh annual national conven-
H Fie Fal an Winer Htion of the Legal Fraternity at Phi
E Suitings, Golf~ Suits, E Delta Phi -will e held in the city to-
Fancy Vestings. day and tomorrow under the auspices
,nO at the oct chapter. Some thirty el-
° 1 ,e^als eococ the various captes have
T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T arrived to ake pat in the sessions at
A oA the conventions. A large nunser of
A We Carry the Largest telcael alumni are also in tawn foe
S~o~ I te0ocasinaarecs0c-cthe ofice s oathle
Igeneral fraternity.
In the City. lie Cook oultceo is lhec ovecion
Lh~ Iieaduarter. The usiness ssin
T~c cill e held in liceparors of lie Ioel.
0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 Tomorcrocw night a anuet cill e giv-
en the delegates at lie Cooko House.
RB Many ditingushed alumni cil edt-
D / spn d tccf as s. Am n go ctel c p ers
W I L , ae Cicef ute Grant of the Mici-L D gaSurmCotDnHtcis
Pcfeccors Ifircne, Mehemon .cd
lKna tcc acndl G. A. Kazenerger, of
lho Edinc c Deny, '5, of Delot,
Chocolates Ph w~~~cili act laPih ssteas 'toastuaster.
Choc late P~c Deta Pi istheoldest of exis-
inga pofesscnal school fraternities. I
Wie maie a specily of cca00fbanded c ic elac deactnent of
Chocolates as .a ids line te I acecoty of Mchganc Deceacoc
We sell lots of tiosac as 1109.Thcs parent chapter wcacled
our stuck is always fresh.i en ovd a etalished y Wificldc
Lswneys,Allegrtti'sand eebe '0,Altoed1EL Haweso 'i
Malne always instock.- Jacme E. cottl, I, thuc1M.llMonc
tecth '0,Jon B. Cllad '1adci
Wilder's Pharmacy Joe ,pb D.loa'7t1. 0cecnptr
accela1wy ecs. No atecpt at extentocc
OD Fo r weaks aesics ccscuceor acman e caratecsle
THEOL 1010000 05 an stucklcfotec-sablshment of K-ent Capte. ooti
RELIABLE fcll loss ol LUNCHEOS A-Cs-hacptc-c ooas cstbhisheod ofNothtc-e
G.A1. occi )d TO(BACCO, ernLa Sho col n aloe.lie frterncicy
Pcy'H.sA hT1tcGlALfl c-nowcas cwoticoa-0evn0chaptes ad cc
R . E. JO0L LY & C00. ecablishted at cvcry towschoo of con
-siecoblnote i oe n i tcccd Sates cc
lh i e t aic n ls t c o n v e n tio n o f P i o
M IL~ fRY Delta I too cwas held in Ana Aro,
lilMarcho 3, 192. Acorcing to lie so-
f l A Iti n o t e c t a o u « hR ed la te icc 1 97, lie to tal n um ber
®\of coomc,1 cs ot that tienacrss
TJhI~ Qt, (alithteose 1ll ac-chnorry.
R~ c~IIL ~ The oat chaper has 460 regular oemc-
es and thry-one honorcay oembces.
Our prices re so low that AmcongItoe latter ar Ithe focloing.
any man can afford a Aso cat JustiesBro-own, Halan, ad
pair of them. Ebony iler, of the Federal SuprenmeCort;
backs as low as $100 a Wis. H. Taft, of the Unitedl States Cir-
pair. See them ip our cut Couct; IHenry H. Swan, of lie
winowFederalt Disrict Cour; John Chaplino
winowand Thomoas M. Coly, formery at
Supreme Court of Michiganc; Cluius
Ca~kiS Pha macy . Grant, the present Chief Justice of
__________________________thal court e-Amassador ca England.
_________________________ 'rhio. F Bayard; ex-legnts Barhoour,
O O T B A LL Daper and Whitman, of the tinier-
OCT BA ty PreidentPRogers, of Northest-
-CLOT ING- Cas Aetand Itoe late Chas. .
C M Walker and Wmo P. Wels.'of the De-
ITS tracit ar, and fornerly oc the Lace
S u* Faculy; Dean tclhis, Pc-oesac-s:
Bogle, Johnson, Kichner, Prfesors
fI~r Mechem, eed, _Thampsoco and Wilgu,
of the Lac e Dpartment Melville il.
Bigeiw,. the lace author, and Circuit
G OODSJudge . D. Kinne.
Jerseys and Washington's Birtidaq Committee-
Sweaters at Presioent Cnlon of he senior laos
class has appointed as the senior men-
A ers of Was.ingon's Birthday rom-
lI AAc TtsS H. Van Horn, chairman; J.
T T ___ A Greene, .- A. Soy, W. J. Meyers,

H-. WV. Danforth. The members of the Athletic Board--Finances.--Gracduate
comumittee from. the other Iwo classes Director-Virginia Game.
have not yet heen named. As it has The Athletic hoard held its regular
been lice custom for the senior mom-
hers of the committee to act as a sub- weekly maeting last evening. The cc-
comnmittee on speaker, the members port of the treasurer shoved that there
abave ccamed 'have already gone about is $001 icc the treasury. The cost of the
finding a speaker. A speaker of no-Illinocis trip wvas $121 which heing $1204
tional repuation is pomcised hul 00 tess than the guarantee makes a neal
canoes u-ill he given out until a speakerpotfrnthgae
as definitely secured.prftro thgae
_________ The folloiat-ng resolution seas passedc
Senior Medic Officers. "Wereas: The conract of Charles
Baird witho the Athletic Association as
The adjourned noeeting of the Senior Gradouoie Director of Athletics at Ihe
Itedical class weas held yesterdcay for Univeroity, expires on Dcc. 31, 1899, and
lice purpoose of electing lice remainder "Whoereas: Mr. Baird loan notifie-
of the class ofliceo. There u-as no this Btoard of Directors that he does
real contest for ancy of lice ofhices, coot intend to orenew the contract uinder
cwhichc wvas to.cmorked canto-aol to thec' lie same ecodition thaot have existed
ovoeticog held test Wlednesday. it 'sloe past; and
Thefolausg eer ncanccccc~y Whiereas: This Board recognizes
cbccetcd: 11c fact bloat Athletics at the Ulniver-
Miso Silcey H. Smuith, of Hillsdale, .' y haveeced the renmarkably suoc-
viee-pecsi'dent; Sainuoel H. Haton, of cessfucornditoon bloat nocv prev-ails, nab
- only financially hul also as regards the
Dletroit, treasurer; Marlin L. Hisdtey,
of Norw-alk, ft., secretary.loh cchcievarviedyotr
Onc ele halltlfor pact somoe mecmhers institutioncsccl learning throughout the
of bloceClass developed a remaarikahleceountrrycvlargely on aceaunt of the
enthsusiaosm arid diligence in votlicog ecccofsoa0cuthaGadci
oith lice result that one hundred hat- Dirco rwch systemoc has prevailed
ots were cast wsen thercevwere aoly bar bloc-pastlb8cmonthhs.
cighby--eight persons present in she ahcfrbe1ealdc Tslis
room Th elctio ofclas pot ws bard is oftIhe opinion that the s; s-
Temcofcathliticsmofgclass byaa seas
then left over lfcr the next nmeeting.ln fahei angceth rd
SMrs. Helen Cleavers, of West Goldhor- sate dircteor hr continued; and also
ocactc. Se., ceas elected isitorian. Ge10cobcb TI111hflessef
olhis hoard flit the Board of Rlegents of
A cmovemcent has heen started hy ab
pHrt of floe class too have class dacy ox-thUnvriyaksoe cinr-
-v-c ec gaerrdig.g otnoe finite g o5the onatter, cod 1ha1, Icc this
aeiicc as ss yt leis aboco. end a cooacs mceting of altlthemnc-
A. ft.tic-ilec, of W~ahinigtonload blrs 1fltce Athloetic Association he call-
beeoc elecedo presiidentfatothl~e preiousa ed act soce near odate in lose
cifig.future, at cc bich heetingT same
__________ defsnite pcoo be fornulted
Chicago Michigan Debate to be Held cegardoor ithe future managenment of
at Ann Arbor. athletics5 01 this oniversity, ansd such
'Th Unvesit cc Cicao ad ni-son he suhbmitted tobloc Board of
The nivrsit ofChicgo nd Ui-Hegents far i1 consideration.
veroity ocf Michigain ill nmet in the A icoasnoetong of the Atthblic Aso-
semiolfinoals of the fCentalb Do- 00i1000ncwill he held soon far 1tce par-
delicig Leagute, here, on Jan. 12, Chsi- poe oof labing so eoenral action on
cao- is realty entitled to thcis debate the mattec. The coommittecewchlwcesa
loaf Prof. Truelood sirangly urged an appoinoted is hocve charge of getting the
propositicocosinto shape fororining he-
lre ec oittee, if they nsy f1 ta doface the student lady connsiss ao
so, that the deb ato he held here instead Brownchetairmnon; Aodrowv, Broeck-
of boo Chicago, acid toey haove kindty ftold.

Thuss SMichoigancis eoabled to hboon e
intercolegbciate sdebate 01 hocme, lice
Pc'osyvatiia debate beincg held boo Phil-
As thcere is a stroncg desire on the
paof thelodstudlent lady Is have the
oeboato ho-re and an more interent ewill
he arousedt ifthIis debate taken place at
Ann Acr1occinstead5 of ion Cheatso,
and an a larger attendance can he s°-
curiOChlicago0wa00nat adverse to act-
ing an the nuggesiosn.
icohigan load the choice of olden he-
fre itccwas knaonevhere the debate
c-ls to be oed
The quetstions far discussion it:lRe-
cat-ced-Thaotnmuniceipal aownership ancd
operat i~ iono trccclrailways is prefer-
able taococwnership and operation toy
private corortioncs.n
The judges oelected hy the Graduate
Council of the Cestral Dehating Leag-
ue aoe lHon Hlaooy A. Gftiel, Piece--
lancdGhio; Judge J. .Shermaan, lb-
non City, Iou-a' Prof. C. Mt. Wald'oLa%-
FayAeeItd, and Han. J. K. Hamiltons,
Toledo Ohio, alternatie.
'Ths inteocst taken in debating has
heen 'very encouraging this year ands
Mithigan has 00ronmise of sonae very
strong 'teams.

'The ecomittee to hsave charge of re-
ceiving returnss from the Pensnsy-lvania
gamec was reappintoedl.If consiosto
CraftIn, Hobbins, OWood.
Final carrangememnts co-reomadte far
the XVirginoia game.11tswill commece
pi-amptily a1 2:30 o'clockc. Railroadi
tickets may nawce heobtained at the Di-
relcts aond a oection of reserved seat
lbt is nose at Sheehan'o. Thbe follow-
ing c omonittec eweeappointed:
Tic-ket sellers-Wcoodrowv, Verdier.
Clon cruollodians-Coogr, Mtee, IHen-
ninger, Barber, Von~ieda.
Carri'age opace-Conmmager.
Carriage gate-Hobbins.
Se-rgeant 01 arms-Brookieldl.
Grandstand and ushering-Wod,
ehairman; Brcown, Tefl,Evernocan,
Busih, Gradle, Lancashire, Dppen-
This latter committee weill have to ho
increased in size. Any weho have had
experilence los handling- barge ccrowsvs
and would like Is assist the Associa-
lion far the privilege -of seeiong ice
game should speak to the chairman.
To trains coill, leave for Detoit on
Saturday morning. he special 1t01
and the regular at 11:30, Heturning the
regular leav es cit 1 25 and Ilshe:special
returns at 12.

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