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December 04, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-04

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- T
H Fine Fall and Winter H
E Suitings, Golf Suits, E
Fanc9 y estings.
A WeCarrythe Largest A
L In the City.
We make a specialty of
Chocolates as a side line.
We sell lots of them and
our stock is always fresh.
Lowney's,Allegretti's and
Kuhn's always in stock.
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE O Fo several weks whae
ULE oDenlag i a stoe fo the
boys. and now are ready with
fo111 inue of LL5CHIA, AB, C-
RELIABLE e nJ ggs"
1-3 OFF
We will furnish any Kodak.
new from the factory, at gi
factory prices. Ask us about
Calkins' Pharmacy
Philosophy of
JI istory.
A Introduction to the
Study of
By AFerEo I. Lovn anthoer of "Citizen
ship snd Salvation," and "Dynamic
Ideaim.,, e . .
12 Mo. 264 Pages. $1.00.

Loses Game to Wisconsin-McLeans
Great Runs.
Michigan's football heroes went down
to bitter disappointed defeat lost
Thursday out generaled and out played.
Disappointment, sore and intense was
the rooter's who wore the maize and
blue. Michigan has been defeated be-
fore, but defeat never before caused
such heart-burning. For it never wa.
so unexpected. Defeat by Pennsy was
a great disappointment which ranklet:
the more because Michigan practically
won. But there wa s the solace that in
defeat Michigan practically won from
Penn. and that this factor was gen-
erally recognized by critics. But root-
ers from Michigan followed the teamt
with high hopes of victory. Defeat waso
considered possible by goal kick:t by
O'Dea. Butthat was the only chance for
Wisconsin could never outplay MieL0i-
But their hopes were ruthless
dashed to the ground no more by Pat
O'Dea's heart rending kicking than by
Phil King's football cunning. Miehi-
gan's team superior individually to
Wisconsin's with one or two possib
exceptions was out played in every he-
partment of the game save that of
running back punts. McLean's wor
in this was the one bright feature of
Michigan's game, and even that wat
marred by fumbling. Michigan's phys-
ieal condition was confessedly far sup-
erior to Wisconsin's. Time was rarely
taken out our players while Wiscon-
sin men were constantly stretched outt
on the ground. The 'Varsity wass
trained to the minute and man for mar
was equal or superior to Wisconsu a
except at two or three positions.
"ut the xperintni iti trtens
late in the season proved fatal to team
work. What little team work had ben
developed vanished with O'Dea's
mighty drives and the Badgers' con-
certed attack. In tie firs: half the
'Varsity played good football against
great odds. The ball was repeatedly
rushed down from the middle of the
field inside Wisconsin's 20 yard lint:
only to be punted back clear across
the gridiron by the "Kangaroo." Mich-
igan made great gains. But she coo I
not gain an inch at the critical time.
For each time as the ball approached
their goal line the Badgers hel d last
and firm and Michigan do what she
would, could not force the few remain
ing yards. During this half Wisconsir.
was outplayed in line bucking and it
handling and running punts. Their
goal was a drop kick from near the 30
yard line by O'Dea. O'Dea h'ele
Sweeley's punt for a fair catch just in
side the 40 yard line. He was given Is
cards for interference by Gill on a
fair catch. Me kicked the goal cleanly
and easily. Their second score was,
on a chance touchdown. O'Dea punted
for nearly 70 yards the ball striking
the ground a few yards in front of
McLean, who permitted it to roll by
him across the goal tine. A Wisconsin
man fell on it and was allowed a
touchdown. Shortly after this O'Dea
slugged France and was ruled out of
the game.
As the second half began the Michi-
gan rooters all said "This is Michlg'no
half." And so it was expected to ^
with O'Dea out. Dut they erkon d
without their host. For now Wiscor.-
sin waked up and began playing real

two of the Kangaroo at all other points
of the game. He was especially strong
in leading interference and in defensive
playing, and bucked the line well. Wis-
consin began smashing through Mich-
Igan's line for good steady gains. Sie
did not play a fast game but her inter
ference formed well and every man cit
into every play. The result was oitt
Larsen constantly bucked through for
long gains, and Michigan's miighty line
was thrown back -time and agait
When Wisconsin bucked through te
line from the middle of the field for a
touchdown it became evident thatt
stone wall line was shattered and
Michigan was hopelessy defeated. tier
hope was gone. McLean fanned this
last lingering bit of hope into a flicker
by his sensational run of 50 yards for ,
touchdown. But it soon burned ot.
Wisconsin could gain almost at wioti
and always held at critical times.
Wisconsin's playing as a whole wass
not wonderfully fast or agressive. Iut
every play was executed by the whole
team and was thus effective. Michigan
played creditable ball during the liest
half considering the odds against thes5
in punting. But the team lacked dash
and speed as well as concerted teamo
work. What interference there was
t formed but slowly. To this alone mut
be laid the weakaess of hecr offense.
On defensive playing the line wis
obliged to hold almost unsupported by
the backs. Neither MtiaLcan, .treet, nor
Sweeley are strong on ,'er'siv oand
Richardson was prevented from effec-
tive tackling because of a hand broken
in the Kalamazoo game. Steckle re-
tired because of an injury to his wrist
making him powerless to hold the men
he tackled. Hugh White took his place
immediately after Wisconsin's touch-
down in the second half.
The line men played a good game in-.
dividualy. Snow played strong con-
sidering his condition and Gill did
magniicent work getting down on
punts and was aggressive and effective
in breaking up interference. McDonad
and Steckle held their own until the
constant pounding on the line weakn-
ed them, when several gains were made
through them. France and Cunning-
ham made fine stands against the driv-
ing mass plays directed against them
and were all over tackling and break-
ing up intterference. Both secured the
ball on fumbles from Wiscon in and
saved it for Michigan. Siegmund play-
ed with snap and dash but Iodgers
proved too strong and ext erietnced for
him. Street's generalship was disas-
trous though he was effective in lead-
ing interference. MLeam who '-as
nearly always able to make a ,gain
around the end was nit glen the ball
often. And the same ptai" was tried
again and aga after it toad signally
failed. The rew trolos workel up is
secret practicewere not tried. Theplays
were also slowly started. MLesi's
running, lack of punts and his end
skirting runs were of the maost bril-
liant kind. But he in common with all
the backs on both sides fumbies badly.
Sweeley punted forfair distance, though
not as far as Keena. Neither was
very effective on interferernee. Richard-
son bucked the line for substantial
gains and was fast in getting into the
interference, thoui weak on offense.
Michigan's off side playing way, as
it has been all season, a marked feat-
ure of the game.
It was almost the universal opinion
of critics and former players, that giv-
en the material and physical condition
displayed in Thursday's game by Mic'-
igaa she should have-won. A few days
( cutined on page's

hchoolmastera Club Discuss En-
trance Requirements.
The thirty-third meeting of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' club began
Friday afternoon in the law lecture
room. Probably two hundred teachers
were in attendance. Because of the
president's absence, 'fice-President E.
T. Austin, of Owosso, presided, Supt.
Warriner acting as secretary.
The general report of the commttee
on college entrance requirements was
up for discussion and the report of the
committee on history and civics was
first taken up. Prof Earle W. Dow
opened the discussion. He carefully re.
viewed this report and that offered by
the American Historical associatii,.
In general he appeared to favor the
history courses offered for the second-
ary schools. Principal Webster Cooi,
of Saginaw, E S., followed Prof Dow
and strongly opposed the recommended
secondary school courses of one year
in mediaeval and modern general his-
tory. He opposed the former beceuse
of its lack of defini teness, and the lat-
ter because of the unpreparedness of
high school students for such advauced
Mr. E. C. Goddard dealt forcibly wit
the report of the committeeon mt'i'-
matics. He dubbed the report as
"ideal, but not practical," and called
attention to the fact that Michigan
teachers, although apparently believ-
ing in its provisions, made no attempt
to observe or adopt them. He offered
an extended modification, providing fo.
a better distribution of mathematical
study throughout the course.
Principal E. B. Hall, of the Western
high school, of Detroit, followed Mr.
Goddard in discussion of the ciiort.
agreeing with his conclusions in every
Prof. John O. Read took up the report
of physics and was followed in discus-
sion by Supt. W. F. Lewis, of Port
Prof. Robert M. Wenley in the even-
ing session addressed the club ot the
educational problem in Scotland. He
reviewed in the most interesting man-
ner the development of the Scotch
primary schools and universitie and
detailed the several difficulties inder
which the system is working.
Four topics were taken up in the
morning and but very little time was
left for informal discussion of the club.
Prof. B. A. Hinsdale led off w:th an
address on the report as a whole. He
stated that the object of the whole re-
port of the national association of
teachers, was to secure a better under-
standing between the secondary schools
and universities on the subject of ini.
versity requirements for admission
In treating of the report of the can'-
mittee on English Prof. F, N. Scott
criticised it severely. He thought the
subject had not received the attention
and space which the importance of the
subject warranted and had generally
failed in i* object. Mr. Henry Hirst,
of Grand Rapids, followed wltl a
paper on the report from the point of
view of the high school teacher.
The report of modern languages was
taken up by Prof. E. H. Mensel and
Miss Alice E. Rothman, of Ann Ar-
bor. The professor said he joined the
profession of tiose who asked for four
years of study on this subject. He- ar-
gued for better pronounciation, the
memorizing of colloquial sentencer,
sight reading and the substitution of
modern German prose for the poetry
and fairy Ialea which are read in most
of the high schools.
Dr. C. L. Meader eulogized the re-
port of ancient languages and reno-
Continued on pes2.

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