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November 09, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-09

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ANN ARBOR, MI101., THURSDAY, NOVEMIBER 9, 1899} . No. 40.
Report ofi the Hospital Circle cli ph, sesl the foet ball leanm eos in the'ENTH11US1 ISTIC DEMONT-
Kin g's Daughters for Year. etterenssd ef towis. H sad Inst P en S'RATION
lRseortof tic ~oessitasl Circe'f' at ac cooet and tlhought tisis mightI 1 l

HFine Fall and Winter
ESuitings, Golf Suits,
Fancyj Vestings.
AWe Carry the Largest
I Stocl?
In the City.


'fle 1
t() (telt

'Diigliles foe- year en,.,'shii
'ecilil of tie iiSlitsl Clicke
past Sisr resioolosi:
'iii li itiOc. 1, '93. i x.12
ieiei from Oct. 'be
t. '3 ... ..... .... ..... . 14 6.~7

T c c i I ei i ii bussn ribi' )5"VO2S I
Tits wisis dsiidedsi' oil 0
A toe$101h CS.......$ 12
A.of. bo ...... 535
Sw(L'n s' so k ties ..... i36.0

be theconisiinuatios. t" Policedsithli
iihlt belttinig off theircocoss f's
but oautioniedthttem to sav sosse sit
iintil after the'baie. He ciinclueit i
saing:""I j st y bestwises, boe
silan oetatthe teamssmayi s
c oy"afe ew smoneluty cli 'ci
they s ciiiso iiunti011the repoit ~ trM t o .0rngtentgehr gii
Late Wrinkle Out.
irnl' at auiibrapastdy h o elatiseis be isne
membeitofts' editorilt eaff, Mi. H.
'Miltler,'01.Th sb eientrepagoe by Pitk~i
i i ole o tl., estcarbsiiWichiis11:i
ap e rd i Ciikle. It i s ai
gra5pics 5 lii 5 t~iii siiof a slaw e'e5' io
t~i~stpat g od Prsso i s 's' f so lbi
A0 lare='tionsi of sthIielici'ssiy lii
"Oti' sthee)eLr"is teel0edto th se AS Lit
lc l 1wi hii i .si, as i 5's AM n
isoutldlbe the caso.'liseresis s igoo
iese'byt'ilk andiasneiiiolsdiktiisgessi
for _311 Ilei;;stsin Tentis lilt ileas
ph5sing osie
Opinion on the Outcome oli th


boriesin ......


I I $400.°1
sits IFro ithe aose iu es ~ s ist siy
>.5 nd imn tc'setini' Ani n Ar'ioi 1
Ch'colates 'ei.su i
«'e imake a specit y o odrortisior.
bhocolates is'a sile line. W00haveshadtsienispatisistes's."M
WXe sell Intsof tthem and .=in Artsbossindleigist O fr oorpa.Isi

our stoscktistlsways fresh. Pef arts ne r iIii Ci orsca'e. 1Ex- (se.
Lessney's,A llegretti'stinil lii iituii 5.55a s iollossis......
Kuitn' always in tsootk. P'ati es frosisiA. .0............1e.s
Pients farm5555otihser lcse.....li . Hl'kI h i l'NE t P 1 '1'tttO.
l :scti s o Kig's llaghters. r s'stsie' i. te~ t iit.'"lts 1iisil
Wilder's Pharmacy ''ei...;..;.....8.'f'5 i'P 5 5:535 elsi t
--ii-- - - iI'bo rdofsi t iu iis w'hoss'com e to' is-a islai11,11'osit.1I111
THE OLD For seveal ic sidwe hsie stsiinkisi'i'silii'tysuit-'iiaOcsians ('5Veil
RELI ABLE ,an nw rc re;'ly ith iw itsisitle o fkep "thm te's. e 1,tiies ' 05io~l
l'lt"O'oh A St'l'FI i te '. lIiti ecssiels iii ii ssthe h is tlto is si'Ii
R .E . J 0 L L Y & C 0. tiiiintirlee i, .iidswentheIfinds I
' i eliki charg'oe'd fits boarsel, itI
iisti'th'idsmind.Otis'sia es 1lsltlsiss? llisi"i'_" I 'N t 'i . ''tO
[~If~R il's ciii itPee lnsitidoilsliii' pay btter thasn
liLI~ eo tedt seec.oouhyi e h lid sag5 aist C'hlitgoiV c suit
N IIl% Yi leitan't sil.iios .ii''issi eso t'i'ii ii ii.
Whr ea ies 50oiiothesissnbe'fiisned
whlii o re ible i tossme the oepoisss'i
NE.18 ] 6 otarOso is o souiile st'wieeotusos' Ci't. Sieksa'5idi Inst liefir'
il lll0. Iite isin iiii' toi o S Ol
Our rice orean w tht o0m'iiutsiieefur paietisifromsnabroai.i andsif"1 0they'sitsrt its play'ingthlil
Ou rcsaes o ht It is not prsictic'sleti'nmiakie thil ex be' st I Isaie noii isdobtoliii'eelu-
onty monl con offord o titly Pbilane'sbut it issalwaset in oitse. 5Ishose etronigly fo vic'ieee
poir of them. Ebony vews. Wi' hads on hasid Oct. a. 1S99, but cannos.itiiroilse' it."
hocks us low os $1.00 a $18955,.butet al onosinfsnd us isrec
poir. See therm i17 our cosnstaistand isressissg. 'snoaet'hrsee'
window p'stshnts nesw'in th' bositslandIwe 1)0 t t"t"'lIRt''.
sesist tit this stntemseet in telbsi. "Dutch"s tobeot ssicd: 'We
sltsnI ss 'l ilhy gte)chcisse'
Calkins' Pharmacy that foiends 'wiboihave betiedus ii ints' sfnitn551g.'Thes'enscasdo it
s oulill scntinue to do sit, 5lndth' t it''yisisly 'soll. Of coiurse, liii
othercs m'aybe sireusedsin sterist ini iean is not ins as gooshatspe nitow
thi's wsorb. s t il b 'se. OWe slutnet
JUS I '00 sUes isli totundi ito sersfect forsmi
1,01 ANGIL cLALtaHLN' nsy; oihaeit fashi tff fee the
Cor USTIeSUeDI.~ A HospiLta CicleN 'iscntsngmesilt s." unt
Philosophy of Speech btl President Angell. Stuaiuihy but Itiit ilol be
Li stoy" .fer 111- tainput i~ cu th cowud
H isor.started up Stsiate 'tdiugIi .he'ril-
Au Isiroduciion is the fence serpeistine dance. After listening'
Philosophical tos a speeh by testident Day o Lefit the concert to See the Foot-
Stdh~ie Atbletic Associatioen, Obey rendesl ball Team 0ff.
Stdyof straight for President Angell's scesi- The second nuimbee in Olin 5. L. A.
Politics dence with "Bill' Day lending the course wsas giveis last night by the Alax
lY AmassD 11. tOYs.athsr of "Ciizeni. stocession aiid beating the bass Blendix C'oncert Coampany. A vasried
fiandSalaton"ind"D"aic drum. 'T'e venerable president 'sas itanpouaprgmwsrede.
1 2 Mo. 254 Pages. $1 .0, itte son in appearing and the crowvd All presenst seeied to enjoy the cso-
then lert sff yelling and resorted toa cr.Btaou aaps nn eea
bhu. it of diplomacy. They all sang in a
'GE RG W Mfflchorus, "We won't go home till miorn- go daon to the depot and takc part in
the demonstration there.
Publisher Is the Universitaf Michigan n, and President Angell soon sp-
Ans Arbor. peared. Hen began by seeing he sap- All shoot lbs game In Special Daily.

yFor Departing Football Team-1500
t Ot.
slilst sthe' cees sof5 It en hunsed
Istyaliseu _ts itu.ossg eions thee wisi
41s goodily sptiling of eco-ds, the
'CVte sltees leliotst h'lnight at 9:3 in
theisocmonsitlat'e. Te crod be-
gets In gthe atty andt'theUo li.
baisdts'recd as a lsst rallyeing call 'us
the late' onesseho swelit Ia hii'-
''otistoithit 'aboe nuamssefigue.
koe o hei eet.h'. slls ticnde-
votees gathiessedabout the s"'ci it cne
'siay tifoiat te last end o"0 'le Oaka
usndi 'olud foe sleirefsvoits. "'tors' i
eslcditeehsa Ofeeemssesayiti'
thhss ifthe smscnsplyis utey a ilay
ihe g'amue sill tinly g to itis-
gat. Othiecocalsl s ~e nhests i ee
tha l~foe C'nnsighams, este. 53is'h: intl
'anythsintoissc, stas ua..s to'srakits
himsef Ihestdsandrechird sotse trans
ipulles ots. 'This seenedo siteto be"'a
citelfo astsill smsresentohsisich
ShmtSsLochei g ' d s et -i c
sivetuitast the sdeptpletatform.n e. 555sthis
fcsof -ichsigns fooltstStltlesoe
niseln eoss his'ume ofsots,,i 5c 0030'
riitstheirearus tii 'Ss' 5urd'.y
thisy :.,se isis Fanihn '1 l'stoId
thsis's t thcocs-'lpi 'let,
teiot adHn a ndI- usia use
1tC 'it d s 1'2 - fsisi;1-
tissue's e its'of ue partys: 'utilsg't isi
Ieii, M. Nshsso hsse iii Brs
lit, nt.inlaka ,Swey
Ohiutti, l'st's s:ssiltIC.it\hti t'
'h~e fIS L cl, enVi' ''I o
'ina ' lins-oo.i sits ,sisssse iu 'I} 1
giniat'willb. n ii i.:1 'o l
eatet tacl.Th-otiiss sinsl~
atnnhitiitcstWil~tlibe. IltisofsIkhi-
sate, sns Alist. tee ses f Yiiie. A.0 les-
hilsuppiyssof'set tets ns, iateev
Iskuialiongso [huis t t5 ' e t 'us" usill sut
tic iplacedsot ttof .'sui tiubyte' hangislss
tuo that osit t'sblh''pi' t tilLsci1hiisS;I
to be hosese euis tani thi. 'a.0.Ann
A Double Shift to Work on Campus
Tiesterhday smornisg the camsps weli
usas 65 fet codon is blackslahte. t3e-
gininig esits todsayhtwo shiftss sol eor
ighs sndsulassy. Contracti0'o -Masons sitho
Jacoeb Zietsh(f St. CaicesWill hsave the
sift iuntil nmidnightswhens hDrile An-
dteesoSmith andih''insge'' eiltatkhe
their placses. They bhsve aboust1003 feet
muses of shale and sat~' e srill throsugho
before they rech lisestone. Yesterday
sfternoon a street jar boeeasctsso te
middle, entailing a loas of It. A newe
1,500-fooit cable has been lit into use
swhen its liniO is reahed ai3,00-foot
cube'sil be put in. As the job tprm-
toes to last for see time yet te
biule baa beens encaedondOr the uite.
Postpone the Final.
Heports to the contrary, ntwih-
staniding, the ti ganse betweoen the 1901
~~and 1502 lilas wil be played off Satur-
say at the athletic hield. This will
necssiatethe champinship game be-
ing posoed at least one week.
The only offiial ahcont of Sat-
surday's gainie'will be puiblished
by tine Daily.


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