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December 08, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-08

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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, I89 9. No. 62.

Fine Fall and Winter
E Suitings, Golf Suits,
Fancy Vestings.-
We Carry the Largest
In the City..
S We snake a specialty of
Chocolates asa side line.
We sell lots.of them and
our stock is always fresh.
Lowney's,Allegretti's and
Kuhniaslways in stock..


I Wilder's Pharmacy]
THE OLD Freealiweekswe. 55
sees laying in s stock for thi
be asand now are ready wit
_ PtP'HS A sI -GIAL Y.
R. E. J O L LY & Co
I st In


TO DISCOVER THE NORTH street railways of that city. Dr. Bemis
P' LE has come to be looked upon as one of
the foremost authorities in the country
Dr. Ed. Rolsna, U. OfM.,'84, Joined upon the general topic of "Natural
,Monopoly," and his address upon .the;
the Party and has Just Re- topic "Monopoly Problems" may .be
turned Home. expected, to contain a very thorough
Dr. Edward Hofma, who graduated discussion. His recent book on "Moun-
form the medical department in 5004, icipal Monopolies," has been very
has returned from his trip in search :of favorably received.
the North Pole. He was. a member of Six lectures remain in the course be-
the unlucky Wellman expedition, and sides the one tonight. Tickets for the
has been gone just 17 months. entire seven are only 50 cents. Single
The voyage from Tromsoe to Cape admission 25 cents.
Teggethoff, Hall Island, Franz Josef
island, where the permanent camp Permanent Ijnprocements at the
was establshed, did not vary particu- Uniiersity of Michigan.
larly from similar voyages on the part During the last ten years permanent
of other explorers. A portable house improvements amounting to $527,000
of English construction had been taken have been made at the University of
along, and this became, during the Michigan. The several improvements
long Arctic winter, the, home of four and the cost of each are as follows:
Americans and five Norwegians who Two new hospitals, $130,000; enlarge.
constituted the party. The means of ment of the dental building, $7,000; en-
enjoyment throughout the. 90 days of largement of the law building, $25,000;
darkness were somewhat limited. new recitation building, $30,0cc, heating
Dr. Hofma said that.the climate of plant, $56,000; new roof. on museum,
Hall island would not be. unbearable $5,000; gymnasiums, $120,000;,. dorma.
under favorable conditions. Should tory at the hospitals, $20;000; two sun
the discovery of gold, for instance, rooms at the hospitals, $4,000; new law
bring influx of . white men there, building, $65,000; additions to'- the
they would be able to live very nicely, library building, $20,000; new roof on,
although it is many degrees north of the main building, $15,000; electric
Dawson City. lighting plant on the campus, $25,000;

1-3 OFF

We will furnish any Kodak,
new from the factory, at h
factory prices. Ask us about
Calkins' Pharmacy

i .'

-When the party returned to civiliza-
tion, by -Dr. Hofma's direction Mr.
Wellman went to a famous English
hospital to secure needed rest. Ex-
plorer Wellman was about 45 miles
from the camp when he injured his
leg, but went over 50 miles farther
before returning to his companions.
The injury was not serious at the out-
set,. but required immediate medical
attendance, which, of course, it did
niot receive.
Dr. Hofma believes the pole will be
reached. He agrees fully with Nan-
sen's theory, that drifting is the most
certain way of reaching the pole, but
says that course requiresat least three
yeas's' time. A quick dash on foot.
with sledges drawn by dogs carrying
necessary provisions, is, thedoctor
thinks, perfectly. feasible., The at-
tempt must, -of course, be made by
the right man at the right time, and
under the right conditions.
As scientist of the party, Dr. Hofma
made a fine collection of animal and
plant life, which he turned over to the
Natural History Society of. New. York
city. The doctor also brought quite a
number of curiosities and specimens
home with him,
Asked as to whether he was in im-
minent personal danger at any time,
the doctor declared that he had a very
trying experience in a too heavily la-
den canvas boatwhich filled in spite of
his utmost efforts to pump it out. His
situation was exceedingly unpleasant
for a time.
Dr. Hofma declared that he might
again visit the polar regions.,
Prof. Bemis Tonight in. Universityi
The second lecture in the Good Gov-
ernment Club lecture course will be
given by Prof. Bemis of New York
City tonight in University Hall. The
subject announced is "Monopoly Prob-
lems." Dr. Bemis though a compara-
tively young man has come into con-
siderable ,proninepce in the .past few

electric lighting plant at the hospitals,
The gymnasiums were built without
cost to the state. The City of Ann
Arbor contributed $25,000- towards the
hospitals and $17,000 for the site of
the homeopathic hospital which is now
building and which has not been in-
cluded in the above figures. When com-.
pleted this hospital (including (site) will
have cost between $80,000 and $90,000.
With this addition the grand total of
permanent improvements since 1889 will
amount to over $600,000.
Third Facultq Concert Given Last
The third in the series of faculty con-
certs of the School of Music was given
last night. The concert hall was filled
but many of the audience were late
in arriving. The program was well
selected and rendered in a finished
manner. Prof Lamson's rendition of
"Nazarth" by Gounod was the best
received. The second number by Profs.
Jonas, Sturm and Abel was a popular
one and warmly greeted by the. audi-
enlce. As a whole the concert.was de-
serving of more appreciation than it
received. The audience seemed to'be
seized of a chill and could not be drawn
out of it to any considerable extent.
The following program was rendered:
Trio for piano, violin and cello. Op.
15, No. 1......... ....A. Rubinstein
Con Moto-Moderato-Finale.
Alberto Jonas, Bernard Sturm, Fred-
erick Abel.
Prologue, "Pagliacci," ....Leoncavallo
Gardner S. Lamson.
Noyelleten for piano, violin and
cello. Op. 29....... Niels W. Gade
Allegro Scherzondo-Moderato-Allegro
Alberto'Jonas, Bernard Sturm, Fred-
erick Lamson.
Nazareth ................ ....Gounod
Gardner S. Lamson.
During the month ending November
o 699, the total number.of patients
registered in' the University hospital
was 208, cf whom .4 were in-patients
and 125 out-patients. The average
number for thamonth as 81, the

Dr. Spitzle4 Working to Secure
' - '- Them.
Dr. Spitzley, the city physician, ap-
peared before the- council recently and
reported on his efforts to secure two
free beds in the University hospital.
He said the board of regents objected
to any wording in a petition or order
which indicated in any way that the
city had been promised at the time of
its gifts of $25,000 two free beds. The
regents claimed the popular impression
was erroneous, as no promise had ever
been made by the board. Dr. Spitzley
believed the board would substantially
give what was desired, but not in a
way that would bind any further than
was to the advantage of the medical
department: The councii gave- Dr.
Sptzley a vote of confidencee .
Pro. Stanley to Represent the ,Mu
siciansol the United States.
Prof. Stanley, has been appointed by
the International Society of Musicians
recently founded in Germany, repre-
sentative for the United States.. The
object of this organization is to unite
musicians and writers :on subjets re-
lating to music,. and to further scien-
tific investigations. Prof. Stanley is
preparing to organize an American
section of the sorciety.
The official organs of the assoclation
are two publications by Breitkopf &
Haertel, of Leipzig, one , monthty -
given over to Items of general interest
and the results of investigations, and
the other a quarterly containing ar-
ticles of a strictly scientific nature on
subjects relating to music.
Porto Ricans in Pharmacq Depart.
PortoRico has two students nowin
the School of :Pharmacy.- They re
both from the pharmaceutical house of
Fidel Guilermety, at San Juan, the
largest on the island. employing about
fifteen chemists, pharmacists and as-
sistants, in a business of thirty years'
standing. A son of the proprietor is
one of those now studying in Ann Ar-
bor. He is a graduate of the Univer-
sity of Barcelona in Spain, as B.A.
1895. He says at Barcelona the mod-
ern language study Is confined to
French, while at the institute in Porto
Rico,- where he previously studied,
English and German were taught as
well as French. The other of these
chemical students is Mr. del Valle, a
ward of Fidel. Guilermety. His prep-
aratory studies were at the San Juan
institute. Both these men have worked
iin pharmacy.
Pron. French Will Lecture in Unity
Prof. French, the director of the Chi-
cago. Art lustitute, who has been long
and favorably knawn east and west as
an artist and illustrator of exceptional
ability, is to make his first appearance
in Ann Arbor next Monday evening in
the Unity 'club .course. The subject
for the evening will be "The Analogies
Hetween Composition In Literature In.
Art, the eture being illustrated by 0
or 40 pictures of all kinds, includin
faces, animals, landscapes, figures and
ornamental designs, all of which will be
made in the presence of the audience.
An evening of this kind will be a great
novelty for Ann Arbor, and Prof.
French should be greeted by a full
house. His work with the crayon is
wonderfully rapid, expresive and ab-
sorbing to theeye, but at the same


Have you Seen Those New


t: ;:;

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roy £3THE
Unicersity and Ann Arbors

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