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December 08, 1899 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-08

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f~i,.~I~jj~ pie scores made at l1st 01 tsVs bltWefat' e hepimr
U .o f 4 j, t~aJIU.- flaywere as folows: We etaeote'h rmr
NORTH AvNDSQUTH. W case of a cold. Remember
Published Daly (Suadays exepted). during the Murril & Russeli ... 239'.. 13.. . that good, practically ateproof
CleeyaatMontgomery and Fischer .220' 2 soes and absolutely waterproof
THE UNIVERSITY UF MICHIGAN., Smith and Mandebaum...226 Ave. - oversitoes are essentials not lux-
Ocaeo: The Iland Press, SeningStock. EAST AND WEST sie.Yucnafr'h et
Sth Phose. --- _Brown and Danfort. . .rpriad es.Yohna d. the best ri
Raver andItelsey. . 252002 pics
RaeraMANAGING E8DITORwehaeth.bstattrfln
Hiler and Paddock......241 Aveprcs
F. ELNRsnn,'5lL..
BUSINESS MANAGER. Dr.- Prescott and Perr F. Trow-- ( lass0 .e,00. -bigwretth:fcoy tCr.S oe to .
EDITORS. - The factory works about five hundred "~~" _
ATLTC, ..G .HDUT'1E tons of ees daily. On November 21, - 109 S. MAIN STREET.
T.RG.BWssnow, '0. A.H5. ReesabOlE 294 waon-oads of ees were received,
RG.WSNsw. '022. E. J. . WOO, 'eeoo,0
L. J. MosvaOusn, '0,' W. D. HIlseanv0 , besides thecalod.Ithlbo-
-tory a smpe from each wagon-loadt
is analyzed for pe rt, of sunar in ->
the beet and co-efficiert o purity in '0'
the nuice, and further analyis is maecm iain Jfis
The sbsripiopie of theDAtr ns $2S50Ofr of the fine-cut beets before the 'etr'c--
the cslicgera, with areglardeliveryhbefoeeo';fth'sgri tifco
neon eae -,day. Notics, eoamunicaiins, and no hesga-nthacoy
ether matter intended frepbhicainsmust be
handed in at theeL.. 01cr before O p m or The third number in the Choral l --
malld is he =editor before 3 p. mn. of the tay,
previous to that o which they ae expected to Union series of concerts wili 0e given
appear. 1
Sneiteemyh eta h aLofcMonday evening, December 18, 'by the We carry a full line of the
Xeyer's, or Sieffet s ewtan, or with Biusines Chiago Festival Orchesr and the' ONETA fromn
Masuler Susribers, will cofer a fuvor byTh
reporting promptly at this ofie any failure of Choral Union.,Th principal 'number
arris deliver polper, will e iawatha's Wedding Feast.$ .0$ .
All changes is advetsgtastter must be in The music for this piece is by S Cl- "' TO
en which they are iso rear. .eridge Taylor, a mulatto w0ois ahOe-Ifyuperthohrsyl
_________________________tiv oftheWoo Inia lad .which buttons down th frot
American Universities. _________________whaettalofm
Prof. Abert Bushnell Mart of Mar-
<: "vr University has prepared a stat EU TH YMO0[ ' $ a0 T /$y0
istical table deaing with the reeltra- Asieep.e0eoiTso Moth.ash
tIen of the 10 leading Amenicnnuniver- Aneisetiotle.APECALIFoOUWAThTOWIECsGR,
slties as the figures on Nov. 1, 199 FYUWN W IC A-
staed. The tbe shows that in the EuIthymol0 GARMENT IN
grant total of students Marvard takes FLEECED LINED MENTS WE HAVE THEM FROM
the lead with 5,20, while Michigan Tooth Paste 75c QUALITY 25c TO $2.oo PER GARMENT.
is econd with 3,40 and Columbia is Applarand rliale Dntricre25 T5c
third with ,00. Chicago has 1,00 9Pakage.
students, Brown 6, Johns Hopkins TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH TI PC SRSRE O
032," Princeton 1,194 Wisconsin 2,025, *U R Y -8 T I SAEISRSEVD-O
Cornell 2,645, Yale 2,08.Q U MiIM T
In number of undergraduate si- C&x2MI VSB ~Fii7+iSTOR1. 5K A Cr ..T/1 NT lQa V V)
dents Harvard eads with .1,89, in arts ____________ ALi.ei'J ij rin V~ "
n-rd 496 In siences, In attendance of il~ 8
stdetsat the pancedschools,La Bokelr Puls rs ndIp tr,
Mihigani takes first place, having 1,- ThG7soo a okelr ulses ad Ipres
A Vsit to the Beet Suqar Factories 114 Monroe Street, Chicagoe Ills.
Five of the best sugar factories nownninMcgaweevstdfwS I T
runn ng n Mi hig n w r viite af S H R T SA S A N D E L E T R IC L IG H T IN G S U P P L IE S, S H A D ES ,
days age by a party from the Uni ver. I!
sity, hleaded by Perr F. Trowbridge is not nll that makes them good- U PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.,
and Albert H. White, the instructors in its ifs material in them-thec way A4 SPECIALTY. SITAR' PLCMING, TAR IANDOT WATER BHEATNG.
thy fit-the amount of value you OU. WSIGO
the chemical department who have get fr J. F. SHH 207 E. WSINTNS.
charge of the technical work of the O EDLA h colo acn
beet sugar industry. Several of the ON DLLR he8TILE..D.ciD "
advaned students i this line of work - GRA GER' NThe... D
ere in the paty. The facories at At Your Furnisher Or Clothier Rohete adNar adlhetheeatLANRHYD
Bay City were visited on this trip. Tbe CLUETT, PEABODY b COIIA tIDEMY T LUNRY OEPsr
party was unst cordially received in (lmssiocetsceaam.& 90 Boday ,yeipon
everycse by the higherofiers of the Makera-Pupils receied at ass tie.m-Bll Phee254- 03 IIrioadOay.45lBelhon
works, whe aforded every ppiorunity -
and franky answered all questiens. _________ Schleede's
The heads of the compacs all deplored>}1 V
the tack of trainedAmerican men, In- ATHENS TH ATR Neitv
syinathy with Michigan training for j tn
taew atrk he Owiniteni nu ed ry-nLH.II E
teokOwntotecniddyweather las summer the yield of beetse 1e
isant o large as the frmers exxetied. FRIDAY, DEC EM BER 8 B o
The analyses show that the ents will B o
average for the whole of the state be- -a esaBs uySfr aigyour note Seks or lecture covers call Is and see our new patent cver. The)
twee 13and14 er ent ofsugr, ith Gh~d S uthppr dossot teorr get mispaced a is the old styl stinte bso hok.
atweenhgh1ercnand 14 puitper ecent.er of atesugars fowith p. ho Parker andta Watermanrl o th fato$1.2re; up.hePWholesale cnts'a oun u'
working over five hundred tens of beets F. J. SCHLEEDE0 340 South Stae Street.
daily, yielding frmforty to sixty "" S.AN. H -EADQUfRTBR8 ,FOR
tons yforpure r.granulated m fsugar eevery
twenty-fr ur.Smoftea. Tuxedo-:Ladies and Trunks, Valises, TelescQpes, Dress Suit Cases
ad rcetaoes are equippeiAmost entirely with and Orhota f Eery Dseription. TRUNK AND VALISE REPAIRING at Lewtesi Proee.
German machinery andsperated by=
German experts. In the course of a PRICES,. . 5, 51, 50 ad '7s ts HORSE FURNIS3HING GOODS.
few years, with little dubt, alt the Seats new n Sale, 307 South M~an Street.- ANTN TEUFEL.
machinery will be made In this country
For sosne of the factoreu special anal Typewriter Copying. L iNA1'EL4 0 L ,
yes are being made at the University, Typer ter V~~J*3 U
The P191 Upsilon fraternity wat give nytlcPer10Wrs Guaranteed to be genuine Freneh Eameled
Calf, with the bet sweat proo,-kid lining.
a, house party this evenng at their SCHOOL 01. SHORTHAND Phae 355 Warranted waterproof.

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