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November 21, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-21

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No. 50.






_T T
Fine Fall and Winter H
E Sultings, Golf Suits, E
Fancy Vestings.
A We Carry the Largest
Stock I
In the City'
We make a specialty of
Chocolates as a side line.
We sell lots of them and
our stock is always fresh.
Lowney's, Allegretti's and
Kuhn's always instock.
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OL DFor several weeks wehave
Teelayog in stock toethe
L p boys, and now arecreody with
EUABL afoll lineot LUNCHES, Cl-
5A5s and TOBACCO.
R. E . JOLLY & CO.
Save Your
that you have taken.
If they are mounted on
cards your friends can bor-
row or beg them.
An Album
will keep them. Albums
don't cost so much in the
end. We sell them..
Calkins' Pharmacy
Philosophy of
An Introduction to the

More Men are tried on the 'Varsity- open to students. Some of our graduates Subscriptions to Athletic Associa-
Keena Practicing Place-Kicking. are alread, holding important posts in tion Coming In.
The coaches are still on a hard hunt these new industries. Treasurer Woodrow reports that since
for material for the one or two weak "Through the generosity of Dr. Brush, the last list of paid subscriptions was
places on the team, Sims, captain of an alumnus of the University, we are published in the Daily, the following
last year's High School team. was tried soon to have a liquid air plant in the have been collected:
at full onthe scrubs -derma& the line-ip.laboratory of Dr. Freer, and the use of Ann Arbor Music C......... $- o
He was also given the position on the it is expected to yield most interesting John Goetz................... 5 oo
'Varsity in signal practice afterwards. and important scientific results. Robison's Livery ... ............500
He showed up well in line-bucking and "The increasing demands which are H. J. Brown...................5oo
defensive playing but clearly showed his made upon the chemical laboratory are Junius E. Beal.:..............10 o
iniexperience at the position. His work calling loudly for an enlargement of it Hildebrand, the Tailor........ - 5 ooo
give good promises, However. Sweeleyand for ample provision for lecture Wild, the Tailor................o oo
rooms. Fred Besimer ...................o 0 oo
was at right haa. Gardner was givenWi. Arnold........
a chancy t leftm.afArHe do.......la........"... o o
a chanc. at left half. He got into plays Class Game a Money Maker. April Shoe House..............2 oo
quickly.Tlse practice was not hard The ate receipts at the Law-Lit class Holmes' Livery1............... oo
enough to give these men a thorough foot ball game Saturdav morning proved .D. A. Tinker & Son...........to on
trying out and their playing is still sose- a very successful venture financially. Martin Hailer................t o00
what of a unknown quantity. The new Although the admission fee was only 25 Inland Press.......... 2 o
pair of ends consisted of Gill and Burns. cents, the total receipts amounted to Ann Arbor Brewing Co.:....... 15 oo
Gill played a fast, steady gase as he al- $264.50. This means 1058 paid admis- Eberbach Hardware Co. onn......... o
wortaysdsh alittle plavstor wleis sons, which is the largest attendance of R. E. Tolly & Co.............on oo
worth, and with a little more weight the year outside of the Notre Dame Sid Millardo.................t oo
game. The association received $132.25 Zeta Psi ........................ 25 00
Cunningham played magnificently, out of this. Manager Carnal of the Law Alpha Delta Phi..............50 o
fairly eating up the opposino line. He team received $66.12 and Manager Hud- Wilbur Grose..................o 5 00
was down on punts, tackling all over, nutt of the Lit team received an equal Psi Upsilon ....... . .............50 75
blocking off, and opening up big holes amount. The total receipts of the Case Delta Chi ....................... 17 50
for the backs. The guards, Wilson and game in the afternoon were $t241o. Sigmnia i.................. 75 on
Seigmund, on the other hand, played list- Wilder. the Druggist............ 1 oo
lessly. Richardson played a strong Results of Quizzes to be Recordec Beta Theta Pi .uggis ........ 25 00
game at end for the scrubs. Street was A new feature has been instituted in Chi Psi........................ 11 00
out again at quarter. some of the clinical courses durirqg the Brunot.....................no
The 'Varsity scored oce touchdown, senior year of the medical course, the Ward....... -................ 3 o
Once the scrubs had the ball within six outcome of which will be watched with Kappa Alpha Theta............. 25 on
inches of the 'Varsity's goal line but the greatest of interest by the seniors. -ec'y Wade5...................o
could not push it across. The 'Varsity's There has been a stenographer em- George & Harry................ 5 on
offensive play was quite fast. ployed whose duty it is to record the Bursley...... ...............5no
Cunningham, McLean and Keena spent quizzes as they are given, and to keep an Zeta Psi....................a on
ahoit at hour practicing goats from exact record of the manner in which Sigma Phi .................. o on
place kicks. He displayed fine form, each case is presented by the student. At Regent Lawtoni...-..0........5.o
kicking six or seven goals in sucession the end of each semester the clinical pro- J. M. Gould.................10 o
without missing one. McLean Was very fessor will only have to refer to the notes Chas. Wallins................tIono
quick and accurate in handling and hold- taken to aid in determining the kind of W. G. Eversman............... 5 oo
ing the ball. work done by the student during the There are still over $no due in sub-
course. By the new procedure each snap scriptions that have not yet been paid.
Commends the Department ol Phar- question and the answer wilt be recorded, Up to date about $1,ono have been col-
macl. and a student will be able to get full lected of the total amount subscribed.
In President Angehl's annual report to credit for work done outside of his regu-
the Regents he has the following to say lar cases. Receipts From Score Card.
The receipts to the Athletic Associa-
the University, which will give the public Prizes Atarded To Senior Medics. tion from the score card at the Virginia-
sonic idea of the great amount of usefuo The prizes were awarded yesterday to Michigan game in Detroit amounted to
work that is being done il that departthe three seniors who submitted the best $50.25. According to the arrangement
workth i idrawings in pathology during their made the asociation received one-half of
"The Deparment of Pharmacyy o junior year. The drawings as a whole the net receipts which was equal to the
commends itself by its genuine work to were very good, and it was very hard above sum. The other half went to the
the profession which it represents, that it for time judges co decide who should be parties who got out the card as their
enjoys the favor of prominent pharma_ the winners. The first prize was $o m share. This arrangement is ass improve-
cists and the committee of revision and gold, which was awarded to Mr. P. E. meit from a financial standpoint. over
publication of the Pharmacopeia of the Marsh of Ann Arbor; the second prize, that formerly adopted by the asociation,
United States, who have furnished grants $ in gold by Mr. F. C. Hyde of Grand which was to sell the entire privilege for
and fellowships for special research by Rands; the third prize, that of honor- $25.
its advanceed students. able mention, was won by Miss Minta .
"Certain new industries which have Proctor Kemp of Sault Ste. Marie. Beneit Ior Circleoil Kings Daugh-
been recently introduced into Michigan The drawings wil be framed and Miss Octavia W. Balm of Detroit, who
are making large demands on the re- placed in the nathological laboratory for has just returued from a trip in England
sources of our chemical laboratory. I inspection. The judges of the contest and France. will give a talk on sonse of
refer to the alkali plants, the manufac- were Dr.Huer, Dock and Warth. the interesting features of the Iterna-
ture ofPortland cement. and the beet Discoceru bl Dr. Hinsdale. tional Congress of Women which was
sugar, factories. A large amount of Po.W .Hndl pnda n held in Lndon in Jladt hc
capital has eens invested in then, and Prof. W. B. Hinsdae opened an In-hediLoonn July, and o wisihs
dian mound within a few miles of Anni she was sent as one of the two delegates
they are calling for thoroughly trained Arbor last Saturday. Akout four feet from the Unted States.
young men. The natural advantages in helow the surface he found a skeleton The International Congress of Women
this state for all these industries are resting on an oval led which had keen had among its delegates women of pro-
found to be unsurpassed, Our chenical inade of clay and then burnt hard. The minence in many lines of thought and
wahavereaid ine tha dtoyoffe to those skeleton was undoubtedly that of a man. from every land and nationality. Ques-
whatever aid science has to offer to those There were also in the grave two earth- tions of great importance were discussed
who are conducting them. Prof. E. B. and plans formulated for future wor,
Causphell has employed a force of ad- en pots. one redl and the other brown, as ln omuae o uu e-r
vanee studes durind te yr in i- and a heap of beaver bones. Within the in addition to these advantages, the dele-
vanced students during the year in in:pots were about two dozen small imple- gates were received at Windsor by the
vestigating the Michigan marls and clays mens, including several arrow points, a Queen, and entertained by a number of
and in determining the best method of copper needle, a fishing spear and a num- high dignitaries. Miss Bates, as a college
handling them. Dr. Freer has given to her of awls. The fishing spear and awls woman and an American, will give us
farmers' cinks the benefits of German were made from antlers. on Saturday evenine her own particular

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