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November 27, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-27

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H Fine Fall and Winter H
E Suitings, Golf Suts, E
Fancy Ves tins.
n a
We Carry the Largest
In the City.L
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Wilder's Pharmacy
TH E UL1J coa it ac
THE s~in ina stock for the

LAST HOME GAME He punted well and scored the single LAWS WIN
goal that he had a chance at. Richard-
son played his first game before the
Michigan Wins from Kalamazoo 24 crowd since 'IC and made his presence Final Debate-Secure Firs three
to 0, Varsit's Plaq Belot felt all the time. He gained good ground Places-Michigan las Negatie
Standard. when given the ball, was into the inter- Side
fat ance in fine style and at half back
The old fault of Michigan's team to defensive not only broke up the inter- The sacond annual inter-department
loaf in the ist half and then to simply ferance but got the man nearly every debate, leaing to the Central lebat-
mow their opponents down in the see- time. The coaches seem to feel that ng League, held in Univesity 11all,
with him they have filled the position Saturday evening as a vitry for th
ond half was never more apparent than more satisfactorily than at any time
in Saturday's game when Kalamazoo during the season. He was retired in Law Department. The question dis-
College was defeated by a score of 24 to the lirst half by a knock on tht hed cussed was "Resolved, 'Ptat Municipal
0. The feature of the game if there Was and Milo White played full the rest of Ownership and Operation of Street
any was that Michigan succeeded in the game and did some fairly good ailnays is Preferable to Ownership
kicking all her goals, Keena havtg work.
three to 'his credit and Swceley the re- Wreidt, who punted for Kalamazoo and Operation by Private 'orpora-
maainting one. The line up was presum- did so in god shape though his punts tions." The affirmative side was sup-
ably to be the same as that which will were as a rule not as long as Keena s. ported by Lafayette Young, C. McGee,
appear in the game with Wisconsin 1le had one of them blocked also. atd P,. Sonenshein, of the Lit-rary
next Thutsday, but this plan could a Ettrnhttie and Haag at the talest
hardly be adhered to as both Snow and gained good ground for the tsitois Department. Mr. Young is a senior
France were out of town. Siegmund the latter having one 16 yard run to and Messts McGee and Sonenhein are
was still out of it because of his shol- his credit. Iland also at tackle played frshmen.
der and Juttner started in at right a. remarkably strong gatte all around. Messrs. G. A. Ohlinger, Martin H.
tackle in Captain Steekie's place. With Neither te.m fumbled to any great Carmody and A. .. Cloul ta senior
tnis somewhat impt oved line up the extent and the play was clean football freshman, junior and setor respet-
'Varsity succeeded only in scaring once clear tchrough. ively in the Law D partmolent,, denied
it the first half but in the second new It took Michigan 22 minutes of actua' the proposition.
itfe seened to have been instilled into play to score the ilrst time and then it The presidin offiier of tit- evening
the men as they literally tore things came after a serics of rushes from the was the lion.- azeS . t1'etes, Gov-
up. 40 yard line where Kalamazoo had fum- ernor of Michitn. ih- jttdgIs were
Cunnioghatm labored under a gret bled out of bounds. Keena went over Hon. Janes O')of.,-, at Jatson,
disatlantage in his playing in that the for the touchdown and kicked the goal. Congressman Henr- C. t'ith, of
mpire was continually calling him off- In the setcond half it took only 3 min- Adrian, Prin. E. A. Lyman, of Ypi-
ide becuse his head was over the ball uts for the first touchdown so corm- lanti Normal and Hon. E. W. Tolerton,
when he apped it. Several times plete -s the transformation in form. Toledo. S. W. Utiey, lit,, and J. G.
when the 'Varsity was in a fair way to In securing this score, McLean brought Doneldson, law, were time keepers.
makintg a itouchdown this over jealouss the tall bact from the kick-off to the T. K. Jackson, president of the Ora-
oficeial put a dampener upon affais by middle of the fled from where it was torical ,Assoceiatton, tintroafuced Gay'.
calling the ball over on offside play. It carried by a series of line bucks ood Pingree, who before announcing the
perhaps was a good bit of schooling tackle plays to within a yard of the first speaker took occasion to say
however for the men as this has been goal line when Keena went over and that he was greatly interested in the
their one great failing throughout the again kicked the goal. Four minutes subject of municipal ownership and
season. Later in the game harkenbus McLean getting a 25 yard run and operation of street railways; that he
went in at centoer and semed to hold more wera- requiretl fnrthe next score, had had some practical experiese
his owl against th etall middle man McLean getting a 2j yard run and along that line and was glad of an
itoto Kalamazoo. White played a Stckle one of 10 yards during the pro- opportuinty to hear the subject di-
strong game at guard and in the event eess. R ito White carried the ball over. cussed.
of Siegmund's non recovery will pob- The last touchdown was a bit flower Mr. Young opened the debate by
ably play there in the game this week. in coming as many substitutes were in stating the subject and outlining the
Kramer did well though perhaps lie Sweeey crossed the line this time and arguments of the affirmative. He ac-
was not as strong in the position as kicked the real. cepted the burden of proof for his si-ea
Wite. Kelley had no opportunity to The line up: and went direct at the problem at
display any great ability in the few MICIIGAN KALAMAZOO hand. Mr. Olilinger was the first
minutes he was in the game... speaker for the negative. He 'tlized
teil Broofield..le... .. S..-.. ..
McDonald and Juttner opened up at .McDenatd. Wilson It. Stripp his 12 minutes in pointing out the
canked 1-se latter reired in faorg KIStramer, Kelley...lg.... ohoat evils clat nould arise from muelipe
ground.. e latter retired in favor of Cn'm,Darken's c.............ix ownetship and in stating methods at
Steekle when Kalamazoo began to H. White - .rLienan cntrolling railway systems operated
wander inside of our 2 yard lha-. Juttner, Seke .............Iland by private cletrations. Mr. McGe
Stel't at-og defensive game n-s hurns... .H.iandshy spoke second for the lit rary depart--
needed and came Iit at a happy mom- Strcet ..q.... Wreid, Waterbury ment.
ent as the uvsitaos approached no nearer McLean, Weeku...- .lh.S.oat Ie was fll'ed by H. It. Carntody,
the coveted goal line after his appear- Steno, Swealey -..rh -. Hornhek swho won a good rounL of appauae
ance. After the score was three touch- nichardson,ley Wh f........Horbest
RichartdsonWie . l, Kster teem te legal portion of the aud-
lowns in our favor Wilson succeeded ence. The debata for t caffirmattve
McDonald and figured largely in the Referee-Den I3leyker, Kalamazoo' sas closed by M ' SonetlStit oand for
securing of the last score. Gill and Huddleson, Purdue. Touchdowns, the negative by A. H. Tittd wha m-
Burns looked after the ends of the line Keena (c), M. White, Sweeley. Goals a forceful speech in which ite estab-
through nearly the entire game, Brock- tram touchdowns, Keena (3), Sweeey. lished several strong points. In re-
field giving Gill a spell when the game Time of halves-30 and 20 minutes. At- buttal each speaker had five minutes
was nearly over. All three men played tendance-400. for answering the arguments of his
good ball though Gill perhaps did the ~~-- opponents. During these rebuttal
best work of the lot. His lack of weight Bulletin Board Seroice. speeches, Mr. Carmody caused consid-
has done much all season to keep a Otta Hans expressed his bulletto erable of a sensation by rushing
,and n dnown. Street act-d as field board to Chicago last week and will across the platform with an armful of
captain a s his wont to oand put Te leave on Tuesday for te city to erect books and flinging them on the table
himsa gcaie te harera ch- t'he sane on the football grounds. A in front of his opponents with the the-
fe trizes h a canrie the bll ren ,ar new feature twill e added to the bol- elaration, that there were his author-
Stehed rae thndenc0t it aut tr ictin service in the way of a huge dial itis.
the ineod)tather than d,,in it but I esembling the face of a clock._ By Not the least interesting speech of
spite of this he made several good mneans at a moving hand the speetar the evening was that made by Gov.
gains. The quarter-back Trick, attempt- willba informed of the exact time play: Pingree while the votes of the ludges
ad with McLean, was fizzled and a wendlremaingto he played in ,i.. nere being counted. He gave a little
few ofdThedinsidenhistory atpTheeattempt o
few yards lose registered the nly time half. This u-ill be erected and operated I te inside history of the attempt on
it as tried. . (he- r I+ the- ty ofDetroitto li r-
Mrceansomewhatd:isappotintedthein connecian nith the bullet board,cha it etcarlines.
cr md by tiongm histlongstntdhe and be unique in that it will be the first - .
at a y merehO yardsST wagst prelty ck time in the history of wester- football H esat tve gaould have wasonout but
at a mru f0 yards. It all ret thefiv hat such service has heet given. The for the supreme court. They are in an
though Hatook the bal on te !ice age tofstage coaches and not of street
yard line fro the kic-k-off and a.rrrid lim . b artad frt It was a great mitake when
it hak to the middle mask, hugging e it kwe fell down on gttinug the car sys-
the ade line for abut half tte distance A Neto Badge. I n." We ad access to the books of
and refusing to be crowded out. He the railway and found that the actuam
had seeral other gains to his credit An attr ative Michigan badge cviii e cost iftrasport tisn was but two


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