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December 07, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-07

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H Fine Fall and Winter H
E Suitings, Goli Suits, E
Fancy Vestings.
A We Carry the Largest A
1 Stock I
In the City. L
W s

Patia Bills and Attempts to Get
tIhins. Started for Next Year.
The athletic board held a very inter-
esting and prolonged meeting last even-
ing. The business of the past football
season was almost all finished and prep-
arations made for the next season. At
tines the discussion grew unusually
warm, all the members being interested
in the debate.
The first report read was upon the
Pennsylvania game. But a partial re-
port could be given. It follows:
Expenses of trip, $1,180.70.
Twenty-six men were taken on the
trip, with the exception of J. K. Knight,
all were connected with the team. These
averages about $43 per man. As vet
we have received no money from Penn-
sylvania. At the time of the game there
was some confusion in regard to the
tickets. It could not be arranged be-
fore Michigan left so Pennsylvania
promised to send our share later. They
have not yet done so and Director Baird
believes that in the rush of the football
season it has slipped their minds. The
amount when it arrives will increase our
treasury between $i,ooo and $a,ooo.
The detailed report of the Chicago
game follows:
Cash received (sale of tickets)$15,1285o
Twenty per cent to Chicago
Ball Park...............2,949.65

tion of paying part of his, hospital ex-
By oversight or otherwise Teetzel was
not taken to Chicago with the team.
The board feeling that this was an in-
justice voted to refund him the amount
of his ticket. He was injured by a
sprained ankle while trying for the
team early in the season. Even after
that he came out and played in several
of the important games until he was,

A Paper on Food Poisons bt; Prof.
Prof. Victor C. Vaughan contributed
a long article to the November. number
of the Popular Science Monthly on the
subject of Food Poisons. A brief re-
sumeĀ° of the article is here. given:
Cases of food poisoning have become
numerous in the last twenty years. Two
general reasons are given. The first is
that many foods ordinarily harmless may
become powerful, poisons. The second

We make a specialty of
Chocolates as a side line.
We sell lots of them and

our stock is always fresh.
Kuhn's always in stock.,
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OL DeFoseal weces wehe
peen lyinR i astock tor the
RE IB Eboys, and now are ready with
R ELIAB fl E #ine 4f Ce.-
PIta - A EKE'atOtAL.TY.,
R. E. OL..Y & CO
o b-y
13 OF



Additional receipts .........330.00
Mutual receipts ........ ...$12,5o8.85
Mutual expenses ....... ... 1,735.81
Amount to be divided ........$10,773.04
Each ...... .........$ 5,386.52
Michigan's expenses (trip) .... 685.oo
Michigan's profits...... ....$ 4,701.52
The attendance at the game was 12,-

finally disabled by another injury to is the present extensive use of preserved
the same ankle. Had it not been for this foods.
he would undoubtedly have made the Food poisoning usually results in one
team. of six ways.
The questioh of "112" sweaters was z.-Poisonous fungi in grains.
next taken up. Last year and in previ- a.-Poison in flesh of animals which
ous years there has been more or less have not been affected by it. As strych-
criticism .n regard to the amount of this nine in the flesh of hogs. For hogs may
honor. Always have there been one or eat considerable strychnine without'in-
more who claimed that they were dis- jury to themselves.
criminated against. This year every- 3-Certain animals generate poison
body's merits will be considered fully. during certain periods of physiological
A certain rule will bQ made which will acitivity (viz.) fish during their spawn-
cover all men who deserve sweaters. A ing period.
commoittee of five was appointed from 4.-Both animal and vegetable foods
the athletic board by the president. It nay become infected with and carry
consists -of Steckle, Cook, McLean, Von- specific germs.
Nieda, and McGinnis. This committee -Animals may be infected with
will confer wvitti else coachses and ti- specifics disease and transfer it to the
agers and- -then report to the athletic human beig as tuberculosis and an-
board who will make the final decision. thax
Utder his arrangement with 6.- There may be germs in the food
large board of judges there can be no which by growth generate poison before
claim of partiality and it is certain that or after eating. This causes by far
while every man who deserves an "M" sthe most common, where certain germs
sweater will receive it; no one who do. cau'.e chemical action which produces
not so deserve, will receive one. ' P ison.
The board refused to give an exprcs Some of tle more common food arti'-
sion of sentiment in regard to the coach- . causig poisoing are given. Mussel
es for next year. Most of the members prisoning is quite frequent In many
desired longer time for the consideration cases these tiusscls are caught in filthy
of the subject. Though at present-there water. Fish poisoning is often found in
is a great amount of knocking against other countries than the United States
"graduate coaching," the board does not from eating certain fish and at certain
intend to be so much influenced by pub- times of the year. Russia, Japan, the
lin sentiment as to abolish this system est Indies and oter countries have
until they see their way clear to estab- their poisonous fish. Most of the cases
uinl theychseetterwayscleartwestfound in the United States are due to
lisking a mitch better sysen. It was
decided to appoint a committee of three decomposition of the fish.
Meat poisoning is most frequent when
to losok up 'the best eastern aisd estern teeatinsal was infectetd with some di-
coaches. It consists of Brown, Wood teseiastwasie t
and Lancashire. This committee will sease as tuberculosis.
confer with the stsident body and with .Certain bacteria often dsveloi in
Mr. Baird. He will conduct the corres- milk. Infants in summer suffer most
from this form of poisoning, but tuilk
pondetsce with such men as the com-
mittee and he decide to negotiate with. may be so strongly affected as to sir-
mitte an be ecid to egotate it.custy' harni any one. Precauttions it
After the committee has investigated the terilizar on e t eantis c
field thoroughly, found out what good steriliaion must be taken inmthis ase.
men can be secured and considered what So-called cheese-poisoning may have
are the faults, if any of the present sys-the same effect as milk poisons but has
.,ar e tifany ofteserseT hy-others also. Out of sixty specimens of
report may or may not be adopted butAmerican cheese exained by the i
it will at least presentt valuable infor- vestigator not one was found' free from
mation which will influence the board's bacteria of some sort. He thinks im-
.m.tion wproved processes in this branch of man-
decision. uaer sl eraeteeis c
Will, the late tackle, Baker, was here ufacture will decrease the evils. Ice
to play on the alumni game, some mis- creams, cream puffs, etc., have the same
creant stole his "M'" sweater. The board poisons as cheese.
oai.The cases. of poisoning from canned
decided to replace it. foods arise both from decomposition and
Freshman Spread. poisonous ad. terations. Most food
adulterations are pecuniary and are not
The invitations for the 'annual Fresh- polseonous. Decomposition of canned
men Spread, given by the girls of the foods often sets in because of lack of
Sophomore Class to all the freshmen, skill and care in the processes.
have been issued. It is to be held in '
the Barbour Gymnasium next Saturday Teachers.
evening, at 8 o'clock, ansd after the re- Att m i o cg.
- Atthe meeting of Michigan State
ception, dancing will be the order, and Teachers' Association it Lansing, Dec.
refreshments will be served. Although 26, 27 and 28, President Angell will'
the date this year is somewhat late, ow- speak on "The Relation of the College

AI. NvI5

We will furnish any Kodak,
vew frot the factory, at Yi
actory prices. Ask us about
Calkins', Pharmacy

Dr. Spi"ley presented a small bill for
materials used it attendance on the foot-
ball players. The bill fors his services
which was considerable, he gave as a
subscription to the athletic association.
The board extend him a note of thanks
fior is generosity.
The two coaches were eac paid $385
the balance due on their salaries for Ihis
year." -Fetbert's salary was $8oo and
Henninger's was $700. The only other
large bill allowed was $991.74 to Shee-
han for supplies. Numerous other bills
were paid, in All amounting to nearly
$3,ooo. Besides this the association is
is debt to the extent of a 'note for $9oo
and an overdrawn bank account of
$1961.6. These three amounts deducted
from the profits of the Pennsylvania
and Chicago games will show how much
there is in the treasury to start the base-
ball and track season. It will probably
be about $2,100.
The attendance at the Interscholastic
game Thanksgiving day between Pon-
tiac and Plainwell -hiigh schools .vas
about 1,200. Most of these however
came in on free tickets received in the
tuorning at the opera house. The re-
ceipts at the gate amounted to $38.75.
The expense to the association was $93._
Manager Verdier was instructed to
lock up the case of Mr. Wood who was
iii tde hospital last .year... There is some

Philosophy of
HI istory*.
An Introduction to the
Study of
By ArE Ii. Lono, antho of " Citien
eip and Savaton," and "Dynamic
12 Mo. 254 Pages. $1.00.


ing to the failure of the Sophomore
vice-President, who has charge of mat-
ters, to return, the affair promises to be
no less delightful, and a large attendance

to the University." Prof. B. A. Hins-
dale is to read a paper on 'Where Our

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