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April 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…MOVE AHEAD Bee Pa 4 .II, It 43t ~~IAi CLOUDY ANT) WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 133 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS luthven Condemns Charges Against Law Group, AVC Statement That Groups Are 'Red' Controlled Is 'Ridiculous,' He Says President Alexander G. Ruthven lashed out yesterday at charges made that the AVC and the Lawyers"Guild on campus are controlled by Communists. b President...…

April 14, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…HEADLINE HUNTING S"e Pale 4 Lw A *a114iil COOL," ci-OIIDY Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII No. 132 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Regents Uphold Ban' ** on Politica ka Primary l1 Speakers Stassen Leads in Nebras I Dewey's Bid Yet To Come From Cities Taft Lags Far Behind Leaders OMAHA, April 14-Wednes- day-(R)--Harold E. Stassen piled up a widening margin of farm area votes in Nebraska P...…

April 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…FREEDOM RPOAD ?t See Page 4 IY . Daii4 t LOUD YO SI 6(11 tIts Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 131 ANN ARBOR, MIChIGAN, TUESDA APRIL 13 1948 LewisHasakeilaces I'1CE FIVE CENTS arg es 'elo in o'- arsaCrislerNixes l~eu Lure ofG C----- -- Stays at 'M' Says Communists ngineered Revolt Gunfire, Riots Renewed in Capital; Colombia Severs Russian Relations BOGOTA, April 12-(P)-Secretary of State Marshall blamed in- ternational...…

April 02, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…GETTING Bev rage Lw & 6 UIIA1 CLOUDY, COLDER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 130 Senate Votes 300 Millions School Aid Proposes Grants To Poorer States WASHINGTON, April 1-(P)- The Senate passed and sent tc the House tonight legislation tc authorize $300,000,000 of Federa aid to the nation's grade and higi schools each year. The bill is aimed at more nearly equalizing the amounts spent fo: education throughout the country I...…

April 01, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…S AN.SL II INTERLUDE See Page A , ie i l 411 tily PARTLY CLOUDY, LITTLE WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVI, No. 129 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Crisler ** House I RumoredReady To Leave Campus * * * * * * asses Foreign Recovery Rl//'U' Athletic Director ..aJEVW/ VI Includes Military Assistance; For Greece, Turkey, China Motion That UN Handle Problem Defeated; Spain, Western German...…

March 31, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…'ERA OF HUMANITY.. See Page 4 Yl r e 4ftL 6F4J1 Dai41PI RAIN, POSSIBLY CHANGING TO SNOW Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. May Call Younger Vets To Reserves Hearst Cites Tip By Sec. Royall Veterans with less than 19 months service may soon be tapped for service in the National Guard according to a dispatch in the Hearst newspapers. The dispatch was writ...…

March 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…STUDENT APATHY CLUB Y ICFA6 AbF t CLOUDY, WARME R Latest Deadline in the State ^ t VOL.mLVIII, No. 127 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS 0 PRICE FIVE CENTS r House Sends ERP Toward Final Stages Substitute Relief Plan Defeated WASHINGTON, March 29-(P) -The $6,205,000,000 Foreign Aid Bill hurdled its first House ob- stacle today and headed toward scheduled passage Wednesday. Opponents were beaten in an ...…

March 28, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

….;. , ..... r n Lj 1Mwl ,iaii4 COLD SNOWFLURRIES Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 126 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wolverines Annex NCAA Swimming SJewish A irplanes Bomb Arabs Marks First Aerial Attack In Holy Land r'I Pre-Easter Battle Near Bethlehem JERUSALEM, March 27-(P)- Four Jewish planes bombed a con- centration of Arabs today in a pre- Easter pitched battle which en- veloped a...…

March 27, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

… TIE TIME Y 1r A6 Dat~i4 CLOUDY, SHIOWE RS Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 125 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Lewis Denies Testimony in Coal Inquiry Board May Use Subpoena Power WASHINGTON, March 26-(/)M -John L. Lewis turned down an invitation to testify today before President Truman's coal strike in- quiry board, and the board gave him until Monday to decide whether he will appear voluntar-...…

March 25, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…JUNIOR GIRLS') PLAY see pat Y ICF41 43-ALii4p FAIR AND WNA iRM E[Ud 1 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVII, No. 123 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS ., ~... S.> .......... House Sends Tax Cut Bill To President Expect Truman Veto on Measure WASHINGTON, March 24-(IP) -The House sent President Tru- man a $4,800,000,000 tax reduction bill today, pounding home its ap- proval by a 289 to 67 roll call vot...…

March 24, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…EVOLUTION THEORY BACKFIRES \:Y t C tgaYi 4)uii4 FAIR AND WRM ER Latest Deadline in the State .. . VOL. LVIII, No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1948 PRICE FIVE __ - - __ ..;.~ CampusRally Will Discuss Czech Plight Will Uroe Global Academic Rights The blueprint for a proposed international bill of academic rights will make its bow today at a campus-wide rally to deal with reported clamps on teachers and students tha...…

March 23, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…CHALLENGE TO MYDA See PaE it1i x DUIIM MAN THlE BOATS Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS I I Blood Flows In Holy Land As 140 Die Report Fighting iTo Be WorstLYet By The Associated Press JERUSALEM, March 22 -The bloodiest 24 hours of fighting in Palestine's current reign of vio- lence tonight left 140 dead, in- cluding four British soldiers and a British consta...…

March 21, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…U.S. PALESTINE DECISION See Page 4 Y 46F A61F 411 r gtt t t pn Datii4 EARLY APRIL Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCh 21, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wolverines Capture National Hockey Title Senators Still Unconvinced On UMT Plan Poll Shows More Sup>orl for Draft By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 20 - -A majority of Senators remain to be convinced that Congress should write into la...…

March 20, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…LEAPING TOO SOON See Page 4 41t z!ta Da i4 VERN' WET' FOR SPI'N(; Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVII, Np. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIlGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1948- PRICE FIVE CENTS House Group Okays Global Aid Program Greece, Turkey, China Included By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, M'arch 19 - A $6,205,000,000 global foreign aid bill was approved late today by the House Foreign Affairs r Committee. The bill includes: $5,300,000,000 for...…

March 19, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…WHAT PRICE DEMOCRACX i Li A6F A6F ,Ak= j6q :43 a t t '19 THAT GROUNDHOG Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 119 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Holy Prompt Draft Vote Pressed By Services leaders Suuori Passage of UMT By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 18 - Leaders of America's Army, Navy and Air Forces urged the Senate Armed Forces Committee today to vote promptly for a temporary peacetime ...…

March 18, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…TRUMAN'S SPEECH See page 4 Y A61P A6F 4tttr t an Dai WEAR YOUR G.I. SHOES 0 / Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 118 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1948 E -i PRICE FIVE CENTS Truman Refuses Henry Wallace's President Says Russia Threatens The Very Existence of Democracy By The Associated Press NEW YORK, March 17-President Truman said last night that he did not want, and would not accept any political support from "...…

March 17, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…NEW SUPER MAN Se e 4 KrF41 4& .dA6=Aw :43 a t tly GREY DAY FOR THE IRISH Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Truman in Council .Y71 . . .O With Chief Officials On MilitaryAffairs Congress Defers Tax Cut Debates, f Awaits President's Address Today, By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 16-President Truman conferred with his top advisers-military, diplomatic...…

March 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…MUYDA)-CZECI t STAND See Page 2 it L Zr lia" Dai4i L OUDY, COLDER POSSIBLE RAIN Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 116 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1948 PRICE FIVE ( I ._ C Ruthven Favors Fami iaritwith Communist Ideas rells Educators' Radio Roundtable Ignorance Causes Wrong Thinking By HAROLD JACKSON President Alexander G. Ruthven told a radio audience Sunday that he hopes that Communism is being taught o...…

March 14, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…MI'1SSI4NG SOM EING, see rageZ Y -.9 KrIA Dali 4; HOTTEST TEAM, WARMIERWEATHER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 115 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1948 !Senate Gives OK to RP Bill in Late PRICE FIVE CENTS ession M'Mlermen Cop Big Nin Third Major Crown Falls To ichigan Wolverines Take Three Seconds By MURRAY GRANT IOWA CITY, Ia., March 13- Iowa and Ohio State set the rec- ords here in the 38th Western Conference ...…

March 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…IT'S NOT INEVITABLE see Page 2 i w- ilT r 4Kr 'aiiM NOT SPRING, BUT WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVHI, No. 114 ANN ARBOR, MICIIIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 198 PRICE FIVE CENTS Czechoslovak t' Protest Rally p Planned Here Campus Groups Split Over Action By BEN ZWERLING Resentment of the reported clamps on academic freedom in Czechoslovakia crystallized here yesterday as an all-campus pro- test demonstration was being whipped i...…

March 12, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…BARBERSHOP BOYCOTT See Page 4 IC 4ahii4 OW COLD CAN ONE 'TOWN GET? Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 113 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1948 PRICE FINE CENTS 'Editors'-Now or Never! Synchronize your watches-The Daily's "If I Were Editor" con- test deadline is 6 p.m. today. You think The Daily could give the professionals a clue or two. Or you think it stinks on ice. In either j case, stop chewing your roommate's ear o...…

March 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…RATIONALIZATIONS Se rage 4 - 4It Ar I t A WEAR EAR MUFFS Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 112 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fear 30 Dead in Fiery Chicago Air Crash Six Delegates Give Dewey Full Support Wins Primary in New Hampshire By The Associated Press CONCORD, N.H., March 10- Governor Thomas E. Dewey was assured tonight of six of New Hampshire's eight delegates to the Republic...…

March 10, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…OL' SWIMMING HOLE See Page 4 Y ItFAQ Duahi4 -MARCH LION STILL ROARING Latest Deadline in the State A VOL. LVIII, No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Dewey Men Lead Field In Primary MacArthur Camp Plans Big Boom E A By The Associated Press CONCORD, N.H., March 9 - Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York held a six-to-two-lead at midnight tonight for New Hampshire's eight seats at the Re- publican Nation...…

March 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…MAKING ft WORTHWHILE See Page 41 t ...a Y itP4) Daill NOTHING NEW Latest Deadline in hw State VOL. LVIII, No. 110 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Finns Agree ToNegotiate Military Pact Russia May Get Answer Today By The Associated Press HELSINKI, Finland, March 8- Finland decided today to begin negotiations for a friendship and military pact with Russia - a step which may bind this north- en nation to the ...…

March 07, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…DASCOLA- 'NOT GUILTY' See Page 4 t{ ow 41P 40r .A, A-- ITIPW 4 t tr4 n~t SLEET, NOW Lae It Deadlinte in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 109 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Police Upset Club Scheme For Drinking No Action Taken, Against Students Police broke up a scheme Friday evening, which had permitted students' to drink in the rooms of the Smith Catering Company. Capt. Albert Heusel of the Ann Arbor police depar...…

March 06, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…VITAL ELECTION DATE Sec Page 4 It Daiii CLOUDY Laitest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 108 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Barber Trial Verdict May Come Today Student, Faculty Testimony Heard By AL BLUMROSEN A verdict is expected today in the trial of barber Dominic Das- cola for allegedly violating the Diggs anti-discrimination act. The trial was held yesterday in the packed chambers of Judge Jay H. ...…

March 05, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…SPEECHES ON CAMPUS See Page 4 Y Alit uii4 DGING ZERO Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 107 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1948^ PRICE FIVE CENTS Regents To Review Movie, Play, To Spark Lively Week-End By-Law Prohibiting PoliticalSpeeches Student Affairs Group Requgests Further Clarification of Regulation The-fate of political speakers on the University campus hangs in the balance today as the Board of Regents stu...…

March 04, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…WHITHER STEEL PRICES? See Page I ALw p ttly DULL CLOUDS Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 106 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH, 4, 1948 PRICE FMIVE CE$ FBI Has No Evidence of Condon Guilt Fellow Seientists Rush to Defense By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 3 - Atomic scientists rushed to the defense of Dr. Edward U. Con- don today, and it was disclosed that an FBI report said there was no evidence Condon was di...…

March 03, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…DISTORTION AND VENOM See Page 4 Yl r e LwFAO ~!laitV MORE F THE AML Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 105 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1948 PRICE FIVE QENTS 1 Hazing Rules Submitted to raternities Report Provides For IFC Control By JIM WIMSATT Important progress toward stu- dent self-government will be made if the Interfraternity Council ac- cepts its present recommendations for the controlling of pledge haz- i...…

March 02, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…UNFAIR DECISION .S e Pare ~4 Y LwF4b aii4l S NOW, StET Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 104 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1948 PRICE FIVE VENT * * * * * * * * * * * * C Scientist Called Security Menace Crowd of 9,000 Atom Expert Charged with Spy Activities Condon Accused By House Group By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 1- A House Unamerican Activities Sub- committee declared ,today that Dr. Edward ...…

February 29, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…A REAL MEAL TICKET See Page 4 LjYl r e Si 4r aiA1 WINTER AGAIN Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'M' Cagers Edge OSU 40-36, Cinch itle Tie *7* * * * * * * * * * * 4' BiIV ERP Passes To Senators r For Approval Committee OK's. Recovery Plan WASHINGTON, Feb. 28-(AP)- The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today formally recom- mended approval of a $5,...…

February 28, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…POST HOLLYWOOD TRIAL Y WIFA6 Da itli CANCEL THAT I'ICNI t JLa test Ieadlinme in the Saote VOL. LVIII, No. 102 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1948 PRICE FIVE CEN~TS Report Stalin Asks Finnish Defense Pact News Is Greeted With Pessimism By The Associated Press HELSINKI, Finland, Feb. 27- Sources close to the Government s said today Marshal Stalin has asked Finland to join the chain of Soviet defense pacts stretching across ...…

February 26, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…POOR SEAWAY OPPOSITION See Pace 4 C qr- i r it 4 rn Daii4 DRIZZLING CLOUDS Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 100 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS City Has Too Little Space for Expansion Local Builders Say Increase in 'U' Enrollment Cited As Factor in 'Critical Shortage' Ann Arbor has grown too big for its breeches. With enrillmmnt in the University more than twice its pre-war figure, includn...…

February 26, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…FINAL MADDY VICTORY See Page 4 flit 6 D~aii4 MUCH MOISTURE Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 101 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBLUARY 27, 1948IF C PRICE FIVE CENTS Ticket Foul Up Forces Change In Distribution By ART HIGBEE and FRED SCHOTT Five thousand student preferential basketball tickets for tomor- row's Ohio State game underwent a strange odyssey around campus Wednesday-and consequently a few of them failed to show up a...…

February 25, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…Exclusive: G. B. Shaw Gives Lowdown on Waflace By NATALIE BAGROW Dlaily Special Writer Copyright Feb. 24, 1948 by The Michigan Daily George Bernard Shaw, who is never at a loss for an opinion about anything, has somcthing to say about Henry A. Wallace and American liberals, too. Looking at American politics from a British and Fabian view, Shaw asserts that Wallace must educate the liberals, "whose princi- rles are flatly opposed to his (Wall...…

February 24, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…PALESTIlNE R ALLY See Page 4 Y Sw11 A ~Iai4* DAY NOA ROBINS AN Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Parties Move Ahead in'48 Drives Here Campus G.O.P. Group Forming By BEN ZWERLING The campus edition of the 1948 election campaign gathered mo- mentum yesterday as the Young ' Democrats chapter made its bid for University sanction, while the Wallace Progressives p...…

February 22, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…NvO cHofCE AT ALL See Page 4 Y ILw igzrn 1 ~tai4 POLAR WEATHER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVII, No. 97 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEB,UARY 22, 1948 MICE FIVE CENTS Steel Makers Face Price ,Boost Probe Congress Seeks Cause of Raise By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 21-Top steel makers will be asked to ex- plain there $5 a ton price boost next Thursday before the Joint YEconomic Committee of Congress. Chairman Taft (R-Ohio...…

February 21, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…THE PEOPLES CHOICE see fare 4 Y L4 D~at FAIR, V(WAMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No 96 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Solid South Against Civil Rights Plans Opening Tussle Set for Monday By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 20-Re- tellious ,Dixie Democrats mar- ;,halled forces today for a fight 'to the finish" against the ad- ministration's civil rights program. Congressional delegates...…

February 20, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…t G.I. RAISEa -NO HANDO IT See Page 4 Y LwO ~aii4 T'WAS A SHORT SPRING Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVI, No. 95 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1948 PI~l( I IV+ CENT$ Packers Vote Strike, Seek Raise in Pay Walkout Would Affect 100,000 By The Associated Press t CHICAGO, Feb. 19-A strike of more than 100,000 workers at meat packing plants in 26 states wasI voted today by the CIO Unitedt Packinghouse Workers of Amer- ica. T...…

February 19, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…UMT aFIGHT See Page 4 cv: r Lw 43UU Dutii4 RAIN, SNOW r v Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 94 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Legislature Names Dutcher President Other Cabinet Members Chosen Include Miller and Klausner David D. Dut'her, BAd, was elected president of the Student Leg- islature last night at the first meeting of the spring term. Dutcher, who is serving his second semester on ...…

February 18, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…HELP FOR EVERYONE See Page 4 CILr Lw6 ~UIIII MIGHT AS WELL BE SPRING Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 83 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Senate Group OkaysAltered ERP Finance Proposal Eases Way for Tax Cut By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 17-A sur- prise move to alter Marshall Plan bookkeeping and ease the way for a big tax cut was approved today by the Senate Foreign Relations Commi...…

February 17, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…BOOK BEEF EXPOSED See Page 4 Y tr t x ~Iaii4 CLOUDY SNOW FLURRIES Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 92 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS -M 1'' Cage Squad Committee Votes Captures Conference Lead Tops Hoosier To Extend Rent Controls C- Vets Residence Applications Taken Today Overseas Service Important Factor Applications for residence in University Terrace Apartments and the Veteran...…

February 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…THE HOPE DIVIDED See Page 4 LiY 4 [Ar4an ~UIIA INVIGORATING Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 91 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENZ I Lobby Off To Fight UMT, Shuns A DA Bid To Bolt NYA Sponsors Refuted By BEN ZWERLING Little dissension among student members of the Fight UMT lobby was evident yesterday as more than a dozen students left for Washington, despite warnings that the national sponsors o...…

February 14, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… wr t n A6F gilb, A, lqpmp"q ki jD IRWI, M r t Latest IDeadlie iii the State . .... ... ... ... . ....... .. . ....... ...... ....... ......... ..... ..... VOL. LVHI, No. 90 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEB. 14, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS r Ann ArborAllSlicked Up Leaders of Anti-UMT Drive H i Ann Arbor slid into its second day of dangerous ice this morn- ing, and the snow and low tem- peratures expected this after- noon and evening ...…

February 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…ORIENTATION PICTURES See Page 8 4tjt iga Yt D1ai4 MUSH MUSH Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 89 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Student Play Center Being Bu ilt at Camp Will Serve as War Memorial Plans for the establishment of a huge Student War Memorial Recreation Center were revealed yesterday with the announcement that the first phase in the pro- gram is under way. The Center, which will be...…

February 12, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…ONLYf See Pages Li L Lwdiigan i2atily Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVI, No. 88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1948 P'RICE FIVE CENTS I I ,A ** ** ** I C Kurray, ;10 Leaders Indicted 4- d Federal Grand Jury Claims Taft-Hartley Labor-Law Violation Union Head Calls Congressional Action Threat to Freedom of Press By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 11-Philip Murray and the CIO heads were charged by the go...…

February 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…9aily Staffs Issue Call for Student TODAY THE DAILY issues its bi-annual call for all students interested in writ- ing for the news, women's or sports staff of the paper. The welcome mat will be out at the Student Publications Building at 4 p.m. this afternoon when the first tryout meet- ing of the Spring Semester gets under- way. No previous publications experience is necessary and any eligible student who has attained the rank of secon...…

February 10, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…HOLD ON T6 URI HA .Se~agQ T, w Y LwFA6 *at4k C CONTINI Latest Deadline in the State v VOU LVIII, No. 26 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1948 PRICE Fn Enrollment Takes irst Post- War Plum 1 Russians Accuse Policy Paved Way for War, _° °° ___ A Ilies - Daily To Hold Meetings For New Writers / Drop of t At 192 Kremlin Says Charges U.S., France, Britain Helped Hitler By The Associated Press MOSCOW, Feb. 9 - ...…

February 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…]DIMEj aDAILY EXTRA Latest Delivery in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 86 Monday, February 9, 1948 Price: One Dime or One Dollar ** * ** ** Picture Story on Pages 4-5 -Aerial Photo by Lmanian - --- Join the March of Dimes Help Ann Arbor Fight Polio …

February 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… DIME ' 4~J-HOP DAILY ~ f 4 4 ~ ~ 4 RI4jEXTRA Latest Delivery in the State VOL. LVII I, No. 86 Monday, February 9, 1948 Price: One Dime or One Dollar Picture Story on Pag es 4-5 l r k -Aerial Photo by Lara Join the March. fDie Help Ann Arbor Fight Polio …

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