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March 19, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-19

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:43 a t t


Latest Deadline in the State



Prompt Draft
Vote Pressed
By Services
leaders Suuori
Passage of UMT
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 18 -
Leaders of America's Army, Navy
and Air Forces urged the Senate
Armed Forces Committee today to
vote promptly for a temporary
peacetime draft.
They backed President Tru-
man's call for both a temporary
draft and Universal Military
Training as a means of meeting
the world march of Communism.
There seemed to be enough
votes in the committee to ap-
prove military training. There
was less certainty about the
draft, strongly endorsed by Sec-
retary of Defense Forrestal to-
Prospects in the House were
even darker for both, measures.
Forrestal outlined as a "target":
1. Immediate boosting of ceil-
ings on Army, Navy and Air
Forces manpower-by more than
350,000 men.
* 2. Expansion, of the air forces,
as urged by some congressmen, but
maintenance of a balance between
the three powers.
3. Stockpiling of strategic ma-
terials and scientific research, plus
industrial mobilization planning.
He said this work already has
4. Adequate air bases.
And, he said, the draft is the
only way to get the needed man-
power quickly.
Secretary of Army Royall and
Secretary of Navy Sullivan also
testified today. They agreed with
The secretaries testified:
If Russian forces decide to move
into Germany or other parts of
Europe, our forces there could
not stop them.
* * *
Draft Board
Good as New,
Mayor Claims
Closely following President Tru-
man's request for temporary selec-
tive service legislation, Mayor Wil-
liam E. Brown Jr., wartime draft
board head, told a Daily reporter
there would be no great problem in
getting the old boards into opera-
The mayor said that Ann Arbor
has a supply of trained personnel
who were not available in the early
days of the war draft. Unless com-
plete re-registration were attempt-
ed under new boards, the old
boards, could begin operating at
any time with only a few hitches
at the outset, he said.
Quoting a statement by Col.
Arnold of the state selective serv-
ice headquarters, Prof. Harold M.
Dorr of the political scienc de-
partment and former draft board
member said boards could begin
to function within twenty-four
hours of authorization.
Meanwhile the local office of

the U. S. Army Recruiting Service
reported a sharp increase in the
number of enlistments and the de-
mand for information.
Until Saturday, enlistments had
averaged four a day for March.
From Monday through yesterday,
six recruits were taken while five
additional enlistments were pend-






9 16-
-^ "


r4 ,
-Designed by Lamb.
THE EMPEROR'S CREST-The above design has been proposed
by campus "MacArthur for Emperor" supporters and is soon to be
incorporated on matchbook covers. Artist Lamb has super-
imposed the crest against a typical MacArthur background-
the dugout. Periscope (upper left) has double meaning: escape
by sea. The "stuffed shirt" theme is represented in the lower part
of the crest. But note shirt is not visible; it is completely covered
with ribbons. Corncob pipe, hat and "I Shall Return" banners
complete the shield.
Bold Donors Build Big Bank
Balances with Blood Money

Strike Forces
Cut-Down n
Train Service
Ask Arbitration
In MeatDispute
March 18-While shut-downs in
the nation's coal mines brought a
government order cutting passen-
ger train service about eleven per
cent, striking CIO meat handlers
proposed that a presidential fact-
finding board arbitrate their wage
The meat packers rejected the
Wholesale meats soared in
both wholesale and retail mar-
kets for the fourth straight day
as the nationwide strike of 100,-
000 CIO packinghouse workers
went into its third day.
Ralph Helstein, union president,
made the arbitration proposal at
the first hearing of the fact-find-
ing board.
"The union is sufficiently con-
fident of the validity of its posi-
tion to submit the issue for such a
determination," he said in a state-
ment to the board.
The union also proposed arbi-
tration before its members left
their jobs at midnight Monday.
In its first proposal, the union
asked that the meat packers pay
immediately the 9 cents an hour
wage boost the companies had
offered. The arbitration would
have applied to the difference
between that and the 29 cents
the union had demanded. The
companies rejected this plan.
In other moves on the coal
1. The government banned for-
eign shipments of soft coal. These
have been running smaller than
2. Steel companies began clos-
ing their blast furnaces, which are
run on coal.
John L. Lewis again was the
central figure in the now familiar
picture of springtime mine clod-
ings. His United Mine Workers to
the number of 350,000 stayed home
from work in support of union
pension demands.
The Office or Defense Transpor-
tation ordered a 25 per cent reduc-
tion of coal-burning passenger
train service. Since about 45 per
cent of passenger trains are coal-
burners, this figures out at about
11 per cent of those in total serv-
,' * *
ite No Lack
Of Food, Fuel
Locale Unaffected
By National Strikes
Direct effects of the national
coal and meat strikes have not yet
been felt locally, according to city
fuel and food dealers.
Although deliveries were halted
early this week and coal supplies
are low, one dealer reported that
he was not expecting an acute
situation "unless the weather
changes for the worse." He did
not know of any local industries
that were facing shutdowns be-
cause of lack of coal.
The U.S. Weather Bureau in
Ypsilanti predicts continued warm

weather for the remainder of the
The local meat situation is even
brighter since most Ann Arbor
dealers are supplied by AFL pack-
ers who are not on strike.
The University residence halls
have several days' meat supply on
hand with reserves stored in De-
troit. Declining consumption and
a large reserve stock also leave the
University free from any imme-
diate fuel shortages.

Crusader Offense
Shines As Cousy

Scores 23


(right), of the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace will
speak on "The Teacher and World Peace" at the conference of
International Relations Clubs this weekend in Ann Arbor. The
other featured speaker, Dr. Clyde Eagleton, professor of inter-
national law at New York University will speak on "The United
States and the United Nations and the USSR."
* * * *
international Relations Clubs
To Debate .Political Problems'

Don't laugh when you heatr
someone say that University life
is costing him blood as well as
sweat and tears-it's probably
Prices being what they are, the
$17.50 a pint offered by the Uni-
versity Hospital Blood Bank is at-
tracting increasing numbers of
students who find selling blood a
simple way to pad a deflated bill-
Don Davis, who was questioned
after giving his second pint,
summed up the general attitude
of the blood peddlers. "I'm not
trying to help humanity. This has
been a rough month and I'm
Other comments range from
"now I can gat this week," to this
should last for two dates. One stu-
dent reported having almost fin-
ished paying for his new "tails"
with blood money.
Giving blood is painless accord-
ing to Davies. "Takes about 15
minutes and all you have to do is
lie there." The only tale of woe
came from one student who re-
ported that it took 10 minutes to
find his vein the first time. "No
muscles," he explained .
Blood peddling is a sociable bus-
iness too. Cookies and coffee or,
milk (white and chocolate) are
served as an added attraction.
"Sometimes I think students come
in chiefly for a free lunch," Mrs.
McCulloch, secretary of the Blood
Bank remarked.
Cote, See ger
New Leaders
Of Democrats
Leaders who will guide the
Young Democrats of the Univer-
sity through the presidential race
were elected at the club's meet-
ing last night.
Chairman of the group is Jo-
seph Cote, of Detroit, who will
be assisted by Andee Seeger, vice-
chairman, also of Detroit. Other
officers are: Bob Hills, recording
secretary; Harry Albrecht, corre-
.2v'.ri~i 110 pJ'Va+ 0v-T Ai ('rdhpn,

Getting on the donors list is a
simple process, involving regis-
tration of name and blood type.
The only catch is the eternal age
requirement, 21 years, or 18 with
parents' written consent.
After registration donors con-
tact the bank when they wish to
give blood.
.World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 18-Re-
publican senators opened their
drive today for a $4,800,000,000 tax
cut with the argument that
relief would spur production and
thereby underwrite Amer ica's
safety in a troubled world.
18-The "big inch" pipeline
blew up south of here tonight
and escaping natural gas burned
for more than two hours with a
glare which lighted up the sky
at least 30 miles away.
WASHINGTON, March 18 -
President Truman today chose
Joseph J. O'Connell, Jr., former
general counsel for the treasury,
to be a member of the Civil Aero-
nautics Board.
Three Soviet-backed "interna-
tionalebrigade" divisions were
reported in official dispatches
today to be poised in the Bal-
kans for a threatened attack
across the bord~er into Greece.
ROME, March 18-Premier Al-
cide De Gasperi said tonight Rus-
sia and four other cominform
countries had founded "a special
secret committee" to "synchronize
the conduct of communists in Italy
and France."

The state of the world and all
its political problems will be thor-
oughly thrashed out when a con-
ference of over 40 International
Relation Clubs meet in Ann Ar-
bor this weekend.
Sponsored by the local group,
the conference will focus atten-
Pled ge Classes
Given Award
At IFC Dinner
Theta Delts, ZBT's
Tie for Top Honor
With the accent on scholarship,
the IFC Initiation Banquet was
held last night in the Michigan
Union Ball Room.
Theta Delta Chi and Zeta Beta
Tau shared co-honors with a
pledge-scholarship record of 2.76
in the first awarding of the Sigma
Chi Foundation Scholarship
Award. Thurlow Coon, '03, donor
of the trophy, was unable to at-
tend the dinner.
Commenting on the over-all
pledge scholarship average of 2.38,
Erich A. Walter, dean of students,
said that next year the fraterni-
ties should aim at an average of
at least 2.5 and that the cup-
winner should post a record of
Ranging from a low of 2.04 to
the winning average of 2.76, the
fraternities ranked as follows:
Theta Delta Chi and Zeta Beta
Tau, Acacia, Sigma Chi, Phi
Sigma Delta, Phi Delta Theta,
Sigma Nu, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma
Phi Epsilon and Chi Psi, Theta
Xi, Phi Gamma Delta, Alpha
Sigma Phi and Sigma Phi.
The list continues with Sigma
Alpha Mu, Theta Chi, Delta Up-
silon, Delta Kappa Epsilon and
Chi Phi and Kappa Sigma and
Beta Theta Pi, Zeta Psi, Phi Sig-
ma Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha
Tau Omega, Alpha Delta Phi and
Lambda Chi Alpha, Trigon, Psi
Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Delta Tau Delta, and Phi Kappa
Hot Platters to Hold
Sunday Jam Session
The Michigan Hot Records So-
ciety will hold a "jam session"
Sunday at 8 p.m. in the League
Campus musicians-hot, cold,
be-bop or otherwise-are invited
to bring their instruments and
beat their brains out.
Admission is free. Those in-
tending to participate are urged
to show up at 7:45 p.m. to sign
up in the different swing combin-

tion on the general question
"United States Foreign Policy-
Right or Wrong?"
Round table discussions will be
organized tomorrow under this
topic, dealing with aspects of the
problem such as "Japan-Is De-
mocracy Possible," "The Soviet
Viewpoint," and "Can America
Pay the Costs?"
Dr. Wilson To Speak
One of the featured speakers of
the conference is Dr. Howard E.
Wilson, education leader associ-
ated with the Carnegie Foundation
for International Peace, who will
talk on "The Teacher and World
Peace" at 2:30 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
After their opening afternoon
sessions, conference delegates will
gather at 8 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall to hear a pub-
lic address on "The United Statesi,
and United Nations, and the
USSR" by Dr. Clyde Eagleton,
professor of international law at
New York University.
Teachers Meet
The talk, open to the public, is
a joint meeting of the conference,
the Washtenaw County Teachers
Association, and the School Edu-
cation convocation.
The conference will also in-
clude a banquet at the Union to-
night, and an informal dance fol-
lowing Dr. Eagleton's speech.
Date Club Will
Open as Usual
The "It's a Date" club which
was investigated by police two
weeks ago for allegedly violating a
city ordinance on drinking, will be
"open as usual Friday and Satur-
day night," Jack Trustman, BAd,
president of the club, told The
Daily yesterday.
Trustman said that there would
be dancing as usual, that accord-
ing to law, his organization was a
private club. "A sign saying that
members and guests must be 21,
or they will drink at their own risk
will be displayed," Trustman said.
The trial of June Smith, owner
of the restaurant which the club
rented to hold its dances, on a
charge of permitting the consump-
tion of liquor on the premises
without a license has been post-
poned until next week while an-
other case is being tried, City At-
torney William M. Laird said yes-
Laird said that he had no ob-
jection to the club as such as long
as it did not involve minors. "If
minors are there and if they are
consuming liquor, we will clamp
down," he said.
Trustman said that no drinking
was allowed last weekend because
of Smith's impending trial.

'Cross' Controls Both Backboards
Vaunted Wolverine Defense Fails
By The Associated Press
New York, March 18 - Holy Cross' defending champions
eliminated Michigan, 63 to 45, and Kentucky breezed past Columbia,
76 to 53, tonight to gain the final round in the NCAA Eastern Basket-
ball playoffs.
Bob Cousy, skinny, six foot one inch forward for Holy
Cross, gave a great exhibition of basketball ledgerdemain, scoring
23 points with a variety of shots, close and long, and contribut-
ing brilliant passes that fooled the hitherto tight Michigan
Mack Suprunowicz, star Michigan sophomore, led the Wolverines
with 14 points gained by seven goals.
For a time it looked like a real ball game. After ten minutes
of the first period Michigan led
21 to 16. Then Holy Cross started
coming and by half time the Cru- IRA Refuses
saders were out in front 34 to 27.
At the start of the second
half Michigan appeared to To Sanction
fall apart. Nearly five minutes
of the period elapsed before
Bob Harrison managed to sink
a basket and it took another
four minutes for Michiga to
add another, this one by Don
McIntosh. On Rights Violations
In the meantime Cousy and
George Gaftan were ringing them Members of IRA voted last night
in with deadly accuracy and with not to support next Wednesday's
the period half over Holy Cross all-campus meeting on violations
led 52 to 38. From then on in of academic freedom in Czechoslo-
the Crusaders coasted. vakia.
Cousy and Kaftan seemingly The organization's official state-
couldn't miss no matter from ent said:
where they shot. Cousy made nine "The Inter-Racial Association
and Kaftan seven out of 12- has voted not to support the Czech
ad afte a seenaout ofr12-protest rally because of conflictii1g
far above basketball average, statements of what actually oc-
MiEhigan s great guard, Pete curred, and because no definite
Elliott, set out to curb sCousy picture could be obtained. The In-
but the Holy Cross star slipped ter-Racial Association would have
S been among the first to protest any
proven infringement of academic
Early T Lk es' freedom wherever it occurred."
A majority of members voted
pe not to back the meeting after a
To 8 S own prolonged discussion. It was


By Art Cinema
Along with the current trend to-
wards fads from the past, the Art
Cinema League and the YPCM
are presenting a complete program
of early "talkies" at 7 and 9:30
p.m. today and tomorrow at Kel-
logg Auditorium.
The main feature will be the
Academy Award winning film for
1930, "All Quiet on the Western
Front." "All Quiet" is the true
story of World War I reported by
a German soldier in a compellingly
simple style.
The producers of this film pio-
neered in motion picture photog-
raphy with the camera moving
freely along the trenches. Spa-
cious scenes of action are accom-
panied only by sounds - the
screech of shells and the din of
warfare. Louis Wolheim and Lew
Ayres star in this epic film, as
poignant now as when it was first
A strangely revealing study of
the Irish playwright, George Ber-
nard Shaw, will show some of the
first efforts to interview eminent
public figures made by the Movie-
tone Newsreel.
The light touch will be supplied
by "Steamboat Willie," the first
Mickey Mouse to be shown pub-
U'Goal Lags
In Fund Drive
The 1948 Red Cross Drive has
passed the half-way point, but
the University goal is lagging be-
hind, according to official re-
Both the Faculty and Hospital
quotas are approximately 40 per
cent achieved. Faculty collections
towards their goal of $5,250 total
$1,937.25 to date, while the Hos-
pital has collected $691.97 towards

pointed out that information from
Czechoslovakia was insufficient to
warrant such a meeting now. Clip-
pings from the New York Times,
The Detroit Free Press and the
Daily Worker were read during
thie discussion to illustrate the
conflicting evidence being report-
ed from Czechoslovakia.
The IRA meeting continued
with a completion of plans for a
rally to be held next Thursday in
support of the defendants in the
Ingram trial. The Ingrams, a Ne-
gro woman and her two teen-
aged sons, were sentenced to
death by an all white jury several
months ago.
A campaign to raise funds for
their defense in wn appeal of the
case April 22 will include a col-
lection of money the day of the
rally and a distribution of leaflets
explaining the facts of the case.
It was announced at last night's
meeting that SRA, in addition to
the organization already an-
nounced, has pledged to support
the campaign.
Wallace Raps
President for
Creating Crisis
NEW YORK, March 18-(MP--
Henry A. Wallace declared tonight
that President Truman yesterday
expanded the Truman Doctrine
"to a point where it threatens
the life of every human being in
the world."
"Why have we reached this
crisis in world affairs?" he de-
manded in a prepared radio talk
replying to Mr. Truman's two St.
Patrick's Day speeches.
Single Reason?
"Is there a single reason why we
cannot make a peace to end the
cold wvar?

Michigan Daily
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One-half of a double room for
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Visiting Author Shurtleff Is Man of Many Enterprises

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