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March 21, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-21

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46F A61F
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Latest Deadline in the State



Wolverines Capture

National Hockey


Senators Still
On UMT Plan
Poll Shows More
Sup>orl for Draft
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 20 -
-A majority of Senators remain
to be convinced that Congress
should write into law President
r Truman's proposals for universal
military training and revival of
Sthe draft.
This was shown today by an As-
sociated Press poll of 91 of the 9s
Senators. Five were not reached.
The survey disclosed that some
form of selective service has rela-
tively a better chance of Senate
passage than UMT. The training
proposal got more support-but
more opposition - among those
willing to give their views publicly.
Michigan's Senators were not
recorded in the poll.
The results:
UMT-32 favorable, 12 opposed.
47 undecided or noncommittal.
Draft-31 favorable, 3 opposed.
57 undecided or noncommittal.
Twenty Republicans and 11
Democrats were willing to say
publicly that they favor some
kind of draft law, if it is found to
be necessary. Two Republicans.
and one Democrat announced
their opposition.
On UMT the Democrats willing
to come out in the open in support
outnumbered the Republicans 17
to 15. Seven Republicans and five
Democrats said publicly they are
This did not represent the full
strength, however, of those willing
to back the President's proposals.
Four Democratic Senators who in-
sisted on being listed publicly as
undecided told reporters they will
vote for both.
Among the Senators who were
unwilling to go on record on one
or both of the issues, most said
they want to hear more about the
need for increasing the military
forces than they learned from
President Truman's address to
Congress last week or from the
testimony of Secretary of State
Marshall and Secretary of Defense
Marshall Sees
D(Wi J I 5
Role i Eiu rope
LOS ANGELES, March 20-A)
-Secretary of State Marshall told
a university audience today that
"the decisive factor for good in
the present circumstances of Eu-
rope will be the action of the
United States."
"In the worldwide struggle now
taking place," he said in a charter
day address at the University of
California's Los Angeles campus,
"the United States cannot stand
aloof and see the other free na-
tions destroyed one by one."
And he warned: "Every day of
delay increases not only the risks
'of failure but also the probable
total cost of achieving our objec-
"Unquestionably, the initial ad-
vantage lies with the dictators,"
Secretary Marshall said. "A small
group of men make decisions af-
fecting the lives of millions, and
these decisions are put into effect
by a network extending through-

out Europe.
"The controlled press carries on
a calculated campaign of propa-
ganda and misrepresentation, the
people are over-awed, and active
opposition is terrorized or de-
Experience has shown that the
democracies, "once aroused to
concerted action, possess the ma-
terial and spiritual strength to
overcome the initial advantage of
the dictator," he added.
Qutad Smoker
West Quad men will greet more
than 250 University faculty guests
at a Faculty Smoker at 7:30 p.m.

Attitudes on Reds
Daily Roundup Reporters this week discovered that a strong
proportion of students polled believed Communism is a menace to the
United States.
As the question of Russian Communism hit the front pages this
week in Truman's "get tough" speech before Congress, Roundup
Reporters questioned a random sample of 172 University students
for attitudes on this question.
Sixty-nine per cent of the students polled felt that Com-
munism was a menace to the U.S. Twenty-three per cent see no
menace in Communism while eight per cent were undecided.
As war fears were intensified after Truman's talk Roundup
Reporters discovered that 61 per cent of University students felt that
the present trend of U.S.-Soviet relations will lead to war. However
only 23 per cent of students'believing war is inevitable would use the
atom bomb before attack.
Twenty-three per cent of those polled believe present U.S.-
Russian relations will not lead to war while 16 per cent are undecided.
On the home front 59 per cent of the students polled believe
Communism advocates the overthrow of the American system
of government. Twenty-five per cent do not believe Communists
want to overthrow the U.S. government and 16 per cent are
However only 30 per cent believe the Communist party should..
. be outlawed in the United States. Sixty-seven per cent of the
tudents polled would not outlaw the Party in America. On this
luestion virtually all students questioned had definite opinions with
only three per cent undecided.
Although a large proportion of University students questioned
oy Roundup Reporters felt that Communism constitutes a menace
to America they were unsure of the best methods to combat it.
Only 31 per cent feel that the Marshall Plan will check Commu-
nism in Europe while 44 per cent of the students feel that the Marshall
Plan will not halt Russian Communism. Here the largest proportion
were undecided with 25 per cent having no opinion on the effectiveness

:f ERP.
Here's a recapitulation of the figures.
1. Is Communism a menace to
the U.S.? ................ Yes 69%
2. Will present U.S.-Russian
relations.lead to war?......Yes 61%
3. If question No. 2 is answered
yes, should the U.S. use the Atom
Bomb before attack9......Yes 23%
4. Does Communism advocate the
overthrow of the U.S.
government?.............. Yes 59%
5. Should the Communist Party
be outlawed in the U.S.? . .Yes 30%
6. Will the Marshall Plan Check
Communist expansion in
Europe?........... ......Yes 31%

No 23% Undecided 8%
No 23% Undecided 16%
No 67% Undecided 110(
No 25% Undecided 16%
No 67% Undecided 3%
No 44% Undecided 25%

West Acts To
Give Trieste
Back toItaly
Russia is Silent,
Italians Rejoice
By The Associated Press
The Western Powers proposed
yesterday that the Free Territory
of Trieste, created by the Italian
peace treaty last Sept. 15, be re-
turned to Italy.
Italians rejoiced at the an-
nouncement, first made by French
foreign minister Georges Bidault
in a speech at Turin, Italy. The
450-square-mile territory at the
head of the Adriatic and its port
city, Trieste, had been taken from
Italy and now is occupied by sol-
diers of the U. S., Britain and Yu-
No Russian Comment Yet
This newest Western move io
win anti-Communist votes in
Italy's national elections April 18
brought no immediate comment
from Russia or from the Yugoslav
government in Belgrade.
But in Washington Yugoslav
ambassador Sava N. Kosanovic
said he was "deeply shocked." He
added the action was certain to
create an atmosphere of tension.
In Rome, shouts of "Viva Tri-
este Italiana" echoed in the streets
as the word spread, and the aver-
age Italian asked, "What will Rus-
sia and the Communists say now?"
In Trieste itself, where the Yu-
goslavs occupy one zone and the
British and Americans another,
the news was expected to arouse
pro-Italian demonstrations today.
Yugoslav Zone in Doubt
One Allied military official in
Trieste expressed belief that Ru-
sia might agree to the return of.
the northern zone to Italy, but he
expressed doubt that Russia and
Yugoslavia would agree to the re-
turn of the zone occupied by Yugo-
slav troops. He said the latter zone
largely is inhabited by Slovenes
and already has become part of
the Yugoslav economy.
Inability of Russia and the
Western Powers - the United
States, Britain and France - to
agree upon a governor for the
free territory of about 330,000 peo-
ple has prevented the establish-
menit of a Trieste government It
was to hav'n been under the super-
vision of the United Nations Se-
curity Comil.6
Rising Floods
I mperil Cities
In Michigan
By Tihe Associated Press
Murky floodwaters rose toward
record crests in Michigan today,
endangering thousands of fam-
ilies and wreaking damage that
may mount into the millions.
As the waters crept around sev-
eral major cities, the weather bu-
reau predicted that more rain will
fall Sunday, reaching thunder-
storm proportions in scattered
Quick deluges of thunderstorms
could mean the difference be-
tween stable or uncontrolled flood
situations at Saginaw, Flint, Mt.
Clemens, Battle Creek, Midland,
Grand Rapids, Lansing, Owosso
and scores of satellite towns and
These were the late develop-

At Saginaw-a 21-foot crest is
explcted Sunday night on the
Saginaw River, a two-foot rise
from the present level. This would
equal the crest of 1942, and any
rise above it would break a 19-
year-old record.
Store basements were already
under water. Early Saturday
morning a house boat broke loose
and its top was sheared off by a
downtown bridge.
At Flint-the Flint River, bi-
secting the city, was 80 inches
above normal early Saturday but
had dropped three inches by noon.
One hundred families have been
evacuated from the Courtdale,
Rnahilp Rninvcori nrivp and

The United States' reversal of
policy on the partition of Pales-
tine was yesterday termed an
"about-face from the most feas-
ible compromise" by' Rabbi Her-
schel Lymon, director of Hillel
Foundation, and "only a prelim-
inary step" by the campus Arab
In response to an invitation
fn Thp il th thi Arnbh


Dartmouth Falls
To Third Period
Fireworks, 8-4
Wally Gacek Notches 'Hat Trick';
McMi lanS cores Tying Marker
(Special to The Daily)
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, March 20-Michigan reigns
tonight as National Collegiate hockey champions.
Flashing a powerful attack, the Wolverines netted four goals in
the third period to cut down a strong Dartmouth sextet, 8-4,.and wrap
up the first NCAA championship.
Wally Gacek was again the hero of the evening as he worked
the 'hat trick' and added three assists for a six point total.
It was Gacek who set up what proved to be the winning
goal, feeding a pass to Wally Grant, who fired a 15-footer into
the Big Green goal at 1:30 of 9 4 * *

THREE G'S - THREE GOALS - Michigan's speedy second line,
Wally Grant, Wally Gacek, and Ted Greer, exploded for three
goals in the final period of the NCAA hockey final against
Dartmouth, last night, to spark the four goal Wolverine rally
that racked up a National title for the Wolverines.
U.S. Pul~iePolicy Reversal
Hit by Camnpus Arabs, Jw

and Rabbi Lymon issued a

(Next Week-Student Presidential Choices)
College Conference Stresses
Stand Against Communism

"American Foreign Policy--
Right or Wrong?" was the ques-
tion before 148 delegates from 40
colleges who wound up a two-day
international relations conference
here yesterday with a series of 10
round-table meetings.
Emphasizing the world-wide
American stand against Commu-
nism, the round tables pictured
Western Europe and Western
Germany as being almost com-
pletely dependent on the United
States for economic support. Hope
for self-help in these countries
was said to center around a recov-
ery in German steel production,
on which the industries of all
neighboring nations depend.
The major obstacle to German
recovery, it was pointed out, is
the opposition of the French, who
fear that a revived Germany will
once again pose a war threat for
The Marshall Plan discussion
group particularly stressed the
importance of the ERP in build-
ing up European purchasing

power so that European-American
trade, on which the Amera xn
economy partly depends, will not
It was also noted that this
country should directly interfere
in the internal affairs of ERP
recipient nations in administer-
ing our aid.
Agreeing on America's right to
administer ERP aid, the Greece-
Turkey round table attacked the
"graft" of the "extremely dicta-
torial" Greek government cur-
rently supported by the United
States, and suggested that the
people should be given more free-
The group particularly assailed
"the diverting of American aid to
Greece into private profit."
The round table group on Japan
and Korea emphasized that the
chance for the survival of democ-
racy in \Japan after American
withdrawal depends on the de-
gree to which democracy, which
has been accepted by decree by
the masses, can be spread into all

Expect Jews
To 1Proclaim
Hebhre w Statc
JERUSALEM, March 20-- /IP
Jewish leaders are expected to
proclaim at once a Hebrew state in
Palestine following abandonment
of the partition plan by the United
States, informants said tonight.
Jewish fighting forces made it
clear they would try to hold the
boundaries of such a state by force
of arms, The Arabs were confused
as to whether they would keep on
But bitter fighting continued in
the Holy Land despite the moves
at Lake Success. In at least a
dozen places Jewish and Arab
warriors clashed as Christians
prepared for tomorrow's Palm
Sunday worship. Two unidentified
planes were reported involved in
one action
In Beirut, Lebanon, Emil
Ghoury of the Palestine Arab
Higher Executive said Arab forces
in Palestine would "stand by" and
LOS ANGELES, March 20-
(/P)-Secretary of State Mar-
shall said tonight that the Unit-
ed States proposal for a tempo-
rary United Nations trusteeship
for Palestine "is the one sug-
gestion thus far presented which
appears to offer any basis for
action by the United Nations to
meet the existing situation in
await the ultimate result of the
change in American policy.
However, Fawzi Bey Al Kaukji,
commander of the Arab People's
Army, threatened to launch a ma-
jor field operation against the
Jews in the next few days.

detailed statements on the United
States' request for a United Na-
tions Trusteeship of Palestine, in-
stead of a partition of that coun-
"We regard the trusteeship
America proposes as a mere re-
turn to the old imperialistic meth-
ods which we thought were com-
ing to an end," the Arab club de-
clared, adding that the Arabs do
and will defend their rights
against all forms of foreign dom-
ination be it that of the Zionists
or of any foreign power."
Rabbi Lymon said "the legiti-
mate aspirations of the Jewish
people of Palestine and of Europe
for statehood is neither to be
denied or gainsaid by commercial
or imperial or political interests
of the Great Powers,"
The Arab Club declared it "ex-
pects the United States to stop
giving any more official moral
support to the Zionists against
the interests of a small peace-
loving nation, namely the people
of .Palestine.",
"This action demonstrates a
grievous unconcern on the part of
the present Administration for
personal integrity in the conduct
of foreign relations," Rabbi Ly-
mon said. "By its shaky, uncer-
tain, indecisive and unmoral ac-
tion, the Administration has not
solved a problem: it has com-
pounded one," he added.
"In our opinion," the Arab Club
declared, "the only solution for
the Palestine problem is the es-
tablishment of a fully indepen-
dent democracy ruled by a repre-
sentative government regardless
of religious differences."
Stasseii Hits
U.S. Reversal
ST. PAUL, Minn., March 20-~
(IP)-Harold Stassen tonight called
United States moves to give up
Palestine partition a disgraceful
countermarch in our foreign policy
in the Palestine situation.
In a speech prepared for deliv-
ery at the Republican state con-
vention, Stassen said that "a con-
fused change is proposed to the
Security Council for the amazing
reason that lawless Arab resist-
ance to the United Nations deci-
sion persists. What an invitation
to international anarchy that
turns out to be."

the final stanza.
Gordie McMillan added an-
other goal at 6:15 with a forty
foot shot. Gacek added his third
goal of the evening five seconds
later, netting a 35 foot shot on
passes from Grant and Ted Greer.
Greer wound up the evening's
scoring as well as his Michigan
career by sinking a rebound at
15:14 with the assist going to
The Wolyerines played an-
other superb game, with Jack
McDonald standing out in the
Michigan goal, especially in the
third period, when he held
Dartmouth scoreless.
Connie Hill and Grant were
Prof. Brumm
Will Address
Prof, John L. Brumm, former
chairman of the journalism de-
partment, has been added to the
roster of speakers at Wednesday's
all-campus meeting on reported
violations of ascademic freedom in
Prof. Brumm, who is chairman
of the Michigan Committee for
Academic Freedom, will speak on
the alleged clamps placed on
teachers and students following
the Czech coup. The meeting will
be held at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday in
Rackham Lecture Hall,
The premise of the meeting is
that "Academic Freedom in
Czechoslovakia Is Our Problem."
Initiated by SLID, the meeting
has won the backing of many
campus organizations, including
AVC, UWF, ADA, and the Stu-
dent Legislature.
Non-support for the meeting
has come, though, from MYDA
and IRA. MYDA has claimed that
"violations of academic freedom
have occurred in the columns of
the American press-and not in
Czechoslovakia." And IRA has
contended that evidence is lacking
on the violations of academic
freedom in Czechoslovakia.
Alfred Shapiro, chairman of
SLID, will preside at the meeting.
"Gentlemen's Agreement" was
named best motion picture of
1947, and Ronald Colman and
Loretta Young received best ac-
tor and actress awards from
the Motion Picture Academy at
1:15 (EST) this morning, ac-
cording to an Associated Press
Colman was awarded an Oscar
for his work in "A Double Life,"
while Miss Young earned the
honor for her role in "The
Farmer's Daughter."

Cagers Regain
Form, Whip
Lions, 664
Elliott Paces Offense,
Defense Baffles Fe
(Special to The Daily)
NEW YORK, March 20-Show-
ing no sign of the jitters that
plagued them aginst Holy Cross,
Michigan regained some of its lost
prestige in National Basketball
circles by trouncing Columbia to
win the consolation bracket of the
NCAA tournament at Madison
Square Garden tonight.
Mack Suprunowicz was the li
man in the Wolverine attack
again as he pumped in 14 points
in proving himself one of the
bette' players of the turney. Un-
like the Holy Cross game, his
teammates gave him all kinds of
support as Pete Elliott got 15, Don
McIntosh got 14 and Bob Har-
rison got 10.
Columbia made a game of it for
better than a half, but "Supey
busted it wide open midway in
the last half with three baskets
in a 2% minute period that broke
the Lion's back.
"Supey" Breaks Ljoose
With the scoe 6-30 Michigan,
Suprunowiez intercepted a pass
and dribbled half the floor to
score. 15 seconds later, Pete Elliott
intercepted one, passed to Mack
on a fast break and Michigan led
The kid from Schenectady then
broke up another play, dribbled
half the floor and put the game
on ice.
Elliott Starts Scoring
Elliott, relieved of his usual du-
ties of guarding the opposition's
big gun, took up the scoring load
when Suprunowicz left the game,
and poured in five buckets and
five field goals to take Maize and
Blue scoring honors.
It was Elliott too, who stole the
ball time and again from sur-
prised Lion players and who set
See WIN, Page 7
NYC's Train
Eight trains on the regular New
York Central Railroad Ann Arbor
schedule will be combined into
four runs because of the present
coal strike, NYC ticket officials
announced yesterday.
All schedule changes will remain
in effect until further notice, they
The morning "Wolverine" west-
bound to Chicago, formerly leav-
ing at 7:55 a.m. and the 8:46 a.m.,
will combine and leave at the later
Train 308, east from Chicago to
Detroit, and the advance 7:09
p.m. "Wolverine," will be com-
bined with train 8; the afternoon
"Wolverine," to leave at 7:26 p.m.
Train 315 ,nd ' the wethnnn

SWorld News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
SOMERSET, Pa., March 20-A single-engine, former Navy Vultee
plane crashed on a fog-shrouded Pennsylvania mountain top today,
killing eight persons, including a year-old baby girl,
The bodies were so badly torn and mangled by the crash which
drove an eight-foot hole into the mountain that the victims were not
all counted until nine hours afterward.
* * * *

Campus ElectionsTo Be Reorganized

HELSINKI, March 20 - A
Finnish delegation left by train
tonight for Moscow and nego-
tiations on a Finnish-Soviet

CHICAGO, March 20-Dazed
survivors salvaged their posses-
sions today from the wreckage
of destructive tornadoes and
wznifhat hit nine state from

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Tlis is the sec-

in the total reorganization of elec-I

nates organizational drives for the

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