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February 21, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-21

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Latest Deadline in the State



Solid South
Against Civil
Rights Plans
Opening Tussle
Set for Monday
By The Associated Press
tellious ,Dixie Democrats mar-
;,halled forces today for a fight
'to the finish" against the ad-
ministration's civil rights program.
Congressional delegates from 11
Gouthern states formally declared
,var on President Truman's anti-
lynch, anti-poll tax and anti-seg-
regation legislation.
Opening Battle Monday
The opening engagement in the
intra-party battle is set for Mon-
Sixteen representatives of the
South-five governors and 11 con-
gressmen-will then lay their an-
gry protests before national party
chairman Howard McGrath.
Monday's conference will bring
to a climax a swelling tide of re-
volt below the Potomac which was
set off by President Truman's civil
rights message to Congress Feb. 2.
Organization of the Congres-
sional group was in answer to a
plea of support from the Southern
Governors' Conference Feb. 8. At
that time the governors served a
40-day ultimatum on the national
party headquarters to abandon
the proposals.
Unanimous Resolution
Rep. Colmer of Mississippi,
chairman of the Capitol Hill
group, announced that the 50-odd
congressmen unanimously adopted
a resolution to support the south-
ern governors.
They further cautioned party
leaders against putting the pro-
tested program into the Demo-
cratic platform. Such action, they
said "would assuredly jeopardize
its success in the South where it
has been nourished and sustained
throughout its existence."
Members of the House from
these states were at the closed
door session: Georgia, Florida,
Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi,
t Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, North
Carolina, South Carolina and Vir-
Grain Prices,
Slump Again
All grain prices slumped, today
and many other commodities and
tocks drifted downward.
Two 'separate surveys showed,
meanwhile, that the steady gain
in the nation's retail sales has
temporarily slackened.
The Federal Reserve Board re-
ported that department store sales
in the week ended Feb. 14 were 3
per cent below sales in the similar
week last year. Dun & Bradstreet
reported that all retain sales in the
,l week ended Feb. 18 showed the
smallest year-to-year gain for any
period in more than four months.
Unfavorable weather over much
of the country was considered the
main reason for the less favorable
sales showing, although some
sources felt the break in commodi-
ty prices had hurt retail business
in farm areas.
Grain prices turned downward,
at times sharply, on reports of

more favorable growing weather in
the winter wheat belt and lack of
government flour buying.
In the much more violent daily
slumps earlier this month-de-
clines that led to lower retail
prices on a long list of food items
-traders listed lack of confidence
in the price level as the major

College News Convention
Opens with 'Control' Topic
Delegates to The Daily's newspaper convention lost no time yes-
terday in getting to the heart of two of a college paper's perennial
problems-how to maintain independence from administrative super-
vision and how to get more business.
The combined editorial and business staffs opened the two-day
conference with an explanation of supervisory systems at various
Although none of the twelve schools represented reported
outside, supervision to the extent of actual interference with
_-- operations, delegates said su-

Wallace Group
Leaves Today
For Lansing


Form New Party
Statewide Meeting

Local supporters of Henry Wal-
lace will join Wallace enthusiasts
throughout Michigan today at a
statewide, conference in Lansing
to organize a new party.
Approximately 100 students and
townspeople will meet at the side
entrance of Hill Auditorium at 8
a.m. today. A fleet of buses and
cars will take them on to Lansing
where wheels will be set in motion
to place the Wallace candidacy on
the Michigan ballot in November.
(Transportation will be avail-1
able for anyone wishing to attend
the conference, spokesmen de-
Tugwell Will Speak
The prospectus for the meeting
and the coming campaign will be
set by keynoter Rexford Guy Tug.
well, former governor of Puerto
Rico and onetime Undersecretary
of Agriculture. Tugwell is national
vice-chairman of the Wallace for
President committee.
The delegates, with a new confi-
dence following the surprise Con-
gressional victory of Wallace-
backed Leo Isacson in New York,
plan tot
1. Organize an independent po-
litical party in Michigan,
2. Distribute petitions to place
Henry Wallace and the new party
cn the ballot, and,
3. Map out the third party cam-
paign in the state.
'Working Conference'
Sponsors of the meeting declare
that this will be a "working con-
ference." They pointed out that
every person registering "is ex-
pected to accept an assignment of
work to take back to his local com-
Third-party backers from the
University will be led by the Wal-
lace Progressive. The students'
group, heretofore an independent
body, is planning to reconstitute
itself in line with the Third Party
to actively support the Wallace
The new partisan group will
seek University recognition as a
campus organization, Max Dean,
chairman of the Wallace Progres-
sives reported.
Wallace Refuses
To Return to Fold
NEWARK, N. J., Feb. 20-(IP)-
Henry Wallace said today that the
Democrats' return-home call was
merely "political oratory" but told
reporters he would consider such
an invitation "if the Democratic'
Party proves it's a peace party."
Tanned and smiling, the third-
party candidate arrived at New-
ark Airport this afternoon after a
speaking -tour through the South.
He said he would stump Minne-
sota late next week.

pervision existed in the form of
student boards (Illinois), stu-
dent-faculty (Alabama) or the
journalism department (Ohio
The prevailing attitude was ex-
pressed by a Daily Illini spokes-
man: "(the administration there)
feels that it is more important
that students sound off." Even to
the extent of suggesting the
school president be fired, he add-
The discussion of supervision
was enlarged upon at the eve-
ning's meeting of assembled edi-
torial staffs, in connection with
the analysis of what constitutes
the functions of a school paper.
Answering the specific question,
"should it or should it not reflect
'majority' campus opinion?" edi-
tors divided into two camps:
Wisconsin editor Glenn Mil-
ler questioned "just how far the
paper should swing editorially
from campus opinion" and felt
the publication should be care-
ful to take "university public
relations" into account.
Alabama delegate Cheri Chan-
dler thought that "the campus
should look to the paper for lead-
ership," and that editors should
push ahead in spite of a "major-
ity" campus opinion.
This view was also expressed
by Wisconsin editorial consultant
John Hunter: " . . . the editor
See CAMPUS, Page 2
Rent Control
Issue Causes
GOP Cleavaoe
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20---(/P)-
Republican senators split today
over terms of a bill to extend rent
control 14 more months.
Senator Millikin (Rep., Colo.)
criticized a section of the new bill
which would authorize penalties
of up to a year in jail and a $1,000
fine for wilful violations of the
proposed regulations.
He said he feared it might be
"used as a bludgeon" to force hon-
est landlords to "do dishonest
things to avoid the threat of a
criminal proceeding."
Senator Cain (Rep., Wash.),
floor manager for the measure,
said that such criminal actions
could be brought only with the
Attorney General's approval. Also,
he said the provision was adopted
by the Banking Committee instead
of the treble damages penalty
sought by rent officials in over-
charge cases.
Senators Ives (Rep., N.Y.)
and Baldwin (Rep., Conn.) advo-
cated three other changes in the
committee's draft.
They objected to ending rent
controls on non - housekeeping
rooms in private homes; demand-
ed that rsidential hotel apart-
ments be put back under control,
and proposed that in 1ifting rent
controls from so-called "luxuary"
apartments or houses the line be
drawn at places renting for $400
a month.
The committee proposed remov-
ing controls on all dwellings rent-
ing for $225 a month or more.

Wired Radio
Guild Is Plan
Proposals Made
By Prof. Abbot
Proposals for an all-student
"wired radio guild," to broadcast
from University station WUOM
studios now under construction,
were yesterday outlined by Prof.
Waldo Abbot, director of Broad-
casting Service, to Dean Barnard,
Barnard, who has been peti-
tioning the Student Affairs Com-
mittee for permission to start a
student wired station, voiced his
desire to cooperate with the Broad-
casting Service.
Committee in Charge
The station which Prof., Abbot
proposes would be operated by an
executive committee composed of
students and representatives of
the new University Executive
Committee on radio. Prof. Abbot
has also submitted his proposal to
the committee.
Restrictions on wired radio
would be no more than on general
broadcasting," Prof. Abbot said.
"The Broadcasting Service wel-
comes the student enthusiasm in
broadcasting and looks forward
to the cooperation of those now
interested in wired radio."
The wired station's broadcasts
from the new General Service
Building would be carried along
power lines in the University heat
tunnels to every dormitory, Prof.
Abbot declared.
"Many programs originated by
the Student Wired Radio Guild
would enliven the program sched-
ule of University station WUOM-
FM, and programs of student in-
terest over WUOM could be fed to
the wired station," he said.
System Member
The station could be a member
of the Intercollegiate Broadcasting
System, Prof. Abbot said. The
Broadcasting Service is already
affiliated with the National Assor-
ciation of Educational Broadcast-
ers, composed of stations owned
and run by universities.
Furthermore, the wired station
as well WUOM could make use of
the Broadcasting Service's record-
ings, news service, broadcasting
equipment and other facilities.
No date has been set for open-
ing of the new facilities, Prof.
Abbot said.
41 Engineers
Make All 's
In Fall Term
The names of 41 potential Tau
Beta Pi's were revealed yesterday
when the engineering college list-
ed its all-A students for the fall
Those achieving perfect records
were Kenneth Allison, Russell
Ash, John Baguley, Herbert Beck,
Howard Berger, Carl Bieser, Rol-
and Bostrom, Richard Christie,
Edwin Clark, John Cline, Ray-
mond DeCenzo, David Engibous,
John Fox, Benjamin Gebhart,
Robert Glauz, Ronald Greenslade,
Ralph Hamilton and Richard
The list continues with Eugene
Hannahs, Robert Hlavin, John
Howell, Warner Jennings, John

King, Thomas Laity, Peter Lash-
met, John Lauer, George Nebel,
Norman O'Brien, James Robinson,
Stanley Saulson and Joseph
Others were Richard Smalter,
John Smedley, Manuel Stillerman,
James Stinchcombe, Andrew Van
Noord, Richard Wagner, John
Wahr, John Whitcombe, Bernard
Wilterdink and David Wise.
Local Chapter of
NSA Will Meet
A meeing of the Michigan Re-
gion of the National Students' As-
sociation will be held from 1 to 6
p.m. tomorrow at the Union.
All students who are interested
in attending the NSA Spring Con-
ference as University delegates
should attend the meeting and
submit their names to Harvey
Weisberg, Region president.
Committee workshops on stu-
dent government clinics, public
relations and methods of combat-

TIMBER TOPPER-Ohio State's versatile Lloyd Duff, who is
the National Decathlon runner-up. will be favored to win both
hurdle events in the closely contested Buckeye-Wolverine track
meet in Yost Field House tonight.
* * * *
Wolverine racksters Oppose
Favored Ohio State Tonight

Murray Registers
'Not Guilty' Plea
In Labor Bill Test
Attorneys Ask Dismissal of Case;
Political Ban Said Unconstitutional
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20-CIO President Philip Murray pleaded
innocent to charges of illegal political spending, and opened a court
fight to kill a section of the Taft-Hartley Act.
Murray entered his plea on behalf of himself and the CIO, also
charged with violating the act's ban on political expenditures by
Then his attorneys asked Federal Judge Alexander Holtzoff to
dismiss the indictment. They argued that the ban is unconstitu-
M ay Go on Trial f P a rt
Holtzhoff said he will hear ar- e
guments on the motion March 5.
If the motion is denied, Murray Stren th
will go on trial March 22.
Whichever way Holtzoff rules,
there will be an appeal. Should C e h.C bieI
the indictment be dismissed, gov-
ernment attorneys can go direct-
ly to the Supreme Court. Under CO lmunist Order
court procedure, however, defense Precipitates Crisis
attorneys can reach the highest
court only by going through the PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia, Feb.
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. 20--(A'- Czechoslovakia's many-
Murray's formal arraignment party goverment broke down to-
required only a few minutes. day in a test of Communist power.
Posts New Bond Three out-and-out anti-Com-
Holtzoff ordered Murray to post munist parties suddenly quit the
a new bond for $1,000. The old cabinet after a tense "sit down
bond, posted in Pittsburgh, mere- strike" which left only Commu-
ly was for his appaarance here, nists sitting in the cabinet room.
the judge said. Tonight Communist broadcasts
The indictment charges the CIO proclaimed a "New Peoples' Dem-
News, a newspap financed by ocratic National Front" and said
union funds, carried an endorse- Communist Premier Klement
ment written by Murray for a Gottwald had demanded that
Democratic congressional candi- President Eduard Benes allow him
date in Maryland last July. Mur- to name replacements for the cab-
ray's attorneys, Charles J. Margi- inet members who resigned.
otti and Lee Pressman, said there Placed at Crossroads
is no dispute about this. Murray The crisis placed Czechoslo-
did just that, they told reporters. vakia at the crossroads between
Motion to Dismiss East and West.
They said in their n.iotiPn to The reignations were precipi-
dismiss the indictment that pro- tated in a deadlock, over alleged
visions of the Taft-Hartley Act Communist attempts at police rule
under which Murray was indict- of the state. The anti-Commu-
ed do this: nists have been saying they were
"Abridge the freedom of speech now strong enough to prove that
and press, as well as the right to Communists were not all-power-
peaceably assemble and to peti- ful in Czechoslovakia.
tion the government for redress of If they succeeded in proving it
grievances . . . in violation of the now they would deliver a definite
first and fifth amendments." setback to the Communist pro-

Whether Michigan's up and
coming track team will be a threat
to the Big Nine crown may be
decided tonight when the Wol-
verines hook up with Ohio State
in a dual meet at Yost Field House
beginning at 7:30 p.m.
The affair promises to be a
thriller in every sense of the
word, for the outcome may not
be decided until the final tape is
Michigan coach Ken Doherty
will be depending on two veter-
ans, Hexb Barten and Charlie
Fonville, in his bid for an upset
victory over the favored Buck-
Top of the Heap
Tlh Ohioans, who must be rat-
ed at the top of the Conference
heap, can counter with a couple
of pretty fair performers of their
own, namely, Lloyd Duff and Bill
It is a good bet that Barten,
who is the Big Nine half-mile
king and Clifford, who wears the
NCAA crown in the same event,
will match strides in both the half
and the mile.
Fonville, the Wolverine shotput
ace who broke the Field House
record by three feet last week
will be aiming at his newly set
world's record of 56 feet 6%"
Virtually Unchallenged
The Michigan ace will be vir-
tually unchallenged, with his clos-
est opponent being Ohio's Bill
Mascio whose best heave has been
50 feet.
Winter Back
In Full Force
Five Degree Low Hit
By New Cold Wave
Winter served emphatic notice
yesterday that you had best hold
on to your mittens and longjohns
-for the time being at least.
Heralded by a northwesterly
blast on Thursday, a new cold
wave invaded Ann Arbor and ap-
peared tohave every intention of
sticking around. The mercury,
skittering like recent grain mar-
ket quotations, hit a low of five
above last night.
Although the U.S. Weather Bu-
reau in Ypsilanti predicts slow-
ly rising tempera tues for today
anid tomorrow, it gives assurances
that the rise will be something
short of sensational.
Pre-springtime reconnaissances
in the Arboretum are out for
Monday and Tuesday when the
thermometer is scheduled to con-
tinue in the doldrums, although
little snow is expected.
On the brighter side, we can
look forward to rising tempera-
tures by Wednesday.
Meanwhile improved driving
conditions were reported on Ann
Arbor roads, and flying weather
wa.S described a "firly good.",

Duff, however, is the man most
likely to ste'al the show. The ver-
satile Buckeye will be the favorite
to win four events, both hurdles
and the broad jump and pole
On his shoulders will rest the
outcome of tonight's meet.
Although his hurdle superiority
will be virtually unchallenged,
the top spot in his other two
GOP Projects
Return toU.S.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20-(/P)-
A strong Republican move to
bring General Douglas MacArthur
home in the near future-before
major parties nominate their can-
didates for President-developed
in the House Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee today.
Democrats, charging "politics,"
blocked in the move temporarily.
But GOP backers of the MacAr-
thur - to - Washington movement
announced they would try again at
the earliest opportunity, perhaps
next week. And Republicans have
a majority of the votes.
The politically-charged develop-
ment stole the spotlight from Sec-
retary of State Marshall's testi-
mony in favor of strictly non-
military aid to China's anti-Com-
munist government.
Rep. Lawrence Smith (Rep.,
Wis.), members disclosed, formally
moved at a closed session that
MacArthur be invited here from
Tokyo to give advice on aid to
China and other, Far Eastern
But Rep. Jarman (Dem., Ala.),
one of those charging politics, suc-
cessfully opposed a vote, on the
ground that there was not a quor-
um. Rep. Judd (Rep., Minn.) said
the question would be raised again
"at the earliest opportunity,"
lRusliees Sign Ui
Men who wish to rush frater-
nities this semester, and have not
already signed up for rushing,
may do so from 3 to 5 p.m. Mon-
day in the Interfraternity Council
office on the third floor of the
The rushing program began last
Sunday on an "open" basis. Unde
the "open" rules a man may be
pledged at any time during the
rushing season.
Rushing will close April 3.



Hits Russian
Idea of Music
Russia's recent condemnation
of her greatest composers for "ex-
pressing anti-democratic ideolo-
gies" in some of their works was
termed absurd yesterday by Dean
Earl V. Moore, of the music
"It isn't possible to express po-
litical ideas in music," Dean
Moore declared, adding that "art
has a purpose but that is not it."
Before one can say Prokofieff's
Fifth Symphony for example, is
anti-Russian, someone must set
up a definition of the Soviet
standard for music judgment, he
"The Russians might insist that
composition be based on certain
ideas, such as folk songs. Such
patterns in sound have been ac-
cepted for generations as symbolic
of nationalistic ideas," Dean
Moore said. "But the question," he
continued, is whether the na-
tionalistic art can be good art.
Good art belongs to the world."
"Some Russian artists are sub-
sidized by the state," he pointed
out, "and wherever art is subsi-
dized there is a danger of domi-
nation by the individual or agency
which has subsidized it."
Gottlieb Gets Garg Post
Norm Gottlieb, '50. has been ap-
pointed Literary Editor of the
Gargoyle by the Board in Control,
of Student Publications.

gram to dominate the fringe of
countries around Soviet Russia.
So far Czechoslovakia has escaped
all-out Soviet domination.
Police on Special Duty
All Prague police were ordered
to special duty tonight as crowds
increased in Vaclavske Namesti,
the huge public square, and tem-
pers grew short.
The upshot may be an emer-
gency election to replace the Na-
tional Front Coalition of Gott-
wald which has ruled the coun-
try since the May 1946 elections.
In those elections the Commu-
nists emerged as the strongest
single party.
Gottwald conferred with Benes
tonight but there was no an-
nouncement from the President's
Benes had been trying in vain
for the last three days to stave
off the crisis which developed over
an order throwing out eight
Prague security police supervisors
who are not Communists.
Krueger Will
Conduct Here
A few tickets remain at each
price level for the concert of the
Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Karl
Krueger conducting, to be held at
8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill Audi-
Featuring a performance of
Beethoven's Eighth Symphony in
F major, the concert will also in-
lude the prelude to "Parsifal" by
Wagner: the Rondo from "Till
Eulenspirgel" by Richard Strauss;
excerpts from "Martyrdom of San
Sebastian" by Debussy, and the
Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1 by
Tickets for the concert are on
sale at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society in Burton
Stassen Talks Up

to pick up a little extra.
money. This ad was run in
The Daily Thursday :
"ROYAL Portable Typewriter
for sale. $50."

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, Feb. 20-A Damascus dispatch said today that 1,500
Arab warriors had launched a powerful offensive in northern Pales-
tine in an effoi t to cut the Holy Land in two.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20-The CIO today ordered Harry
Bridges to oppose Henry Wallace's bid for President or quit the
CIO staff,
The move against the West Coast labor leader is the latest in
CIO presidert Ihilip Murray's drive to line up the CIO solidly
against Wallace and in favor of t-lr Marshall Plan for European
LONDON, Feb. 20--The United States, Britain and France insist-
ed today that the price for a peace settlement with Austria must be
kept within that nation's ability to pay.

City Observes Lenten Season

The Lenten season brings some
changes to the eating habits of
Ann Arhriit: hbut hay no nonice

In general restaurants are fea-
turing fish and egg dishes for
Lent and have found them to be

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