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February 28, 1948 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-28

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Report Stalin
Asks Finnish
Defense Pact
News Is Greeted
With Pessimism
By The Associated Press
HELSINKI, Finland, Feb. 27-
Sources close to the Government
s said today Marshal Stalin has
asked Finland to join the chain
of Soviet defense pacts stretching
across Europe.
The news brought pessimism to
many Finns who said they feared
their parliamentary freedoms
might be extinguished before long.
After losing two wars with Russia
in less than 10 years, Finland's
mood was one of resigned tran-
Defense Treaty
Informants said Stalin sent a
diplomatic note to President Juho
Paasikivi on Monday-just when
the engineering of a new Com-
munist-controlled government
was nearing its conclusion in
Prague-pressing for conclusion
in the nearest future of a defense
treaty similar to that with all
Russia's other immediate western
Various sources said the pro-
posed pact would be very much
like that concluded by Moscow
with Czechoslovakia in 1943. This
was a 20-year treaty of friendship
and mutual defense against Ger-
many or any other power uniting
itself with Germany directly or
indirectly in war.
Differs from Alliances
The proposed pact therefore
would be somewhat different from
the simple alliances negotiated by
Moscow with Romania, Hungary
and other western neighbors.
Soviet Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov, in signing a treaty with
Hungary on Feb. 19, said a bar-
rier against "imperial states" now
existed in "pacts of friendship
and mutual assistance with all
states on (Russia's) western fron-
tier from the Black Sea to the
Tax for Co-ops
Discussed by
3 ~U'Professors
Not all cooperatives are really
cooperative, two University pro-
fessors agreed yesterday in dis-
cussing the question of taxation
Sof cooperatives.
Speaking in the first of a series
sponsored by the Inter-Coopera-
tive Council, Prof. Z. 0. Dickinson
of the economics department de-
fended the present partially tax-
exempt status of co-ops. Prof. E.
H. Gault of the business admin-
istration school supported the
drive to tax co-op profits.
Prof. Dickinson noted that co-
ops differed both from private
business and from state-con-
trolled socialism in that members
join voluntarily into a buying or
selling group.
As long as there is a close con-
nection with therlocal consumer,
when "there are grass roots
among the brass hats," co-ops
have a great advantage over the
independent business enterprise,
Prof. Dickinson said.
But Prof. Gault noted a tend-
ency for certain groups, especially
L producer and distributor co-ops,
to take on some of the aspects

of private business. When they are
competing on the same basis as
the capitalistic corporation, they
ought to be taxed in the same
way, he said.
At the present time, co-ops are
often tax-exempt when compet-
ing private businesses are taxed
so highly as to make competition
with the co-ops impossible, Prof.
Gault remarked.


Returning War Crimes1
Judge Supports ERP
Fresh from the war crimes trials in Germany, Judge George J.
Burke of Ann Arbor y!,sterday urged full support of the Marshall Plan.
The judge wa-'ned, though. that present handling of the Marshall
Plan will result in ito becoming a "political football" rendering it in-
effectual als lea, Ing Europe vulnerable to the threat from the East.
League of N:Aions
He cited tne League of Nations as an example of a "noble idea"
which fell victim to partisan politics and resulted in a world unable
'to protect itself against aggression."
Judge Burke Gi,, (d in Ann Arbor by plane yesterday after serv-
-ing eight months on a war crimes
ttribunal in the Palace of Justice'
in Nurenberg. The tribunal re-
cently convicted eight German
of generals for war crimes committed
; during the German occupation of
Cornr unists southeast Europe.
The judge would not comment
on the controversy between the
Reluctant President chief U. S. prosecutor and one of
Continues in Office the presiding judges except to say
_________ inthat the opinion was 123 pages
long, agreed to unanimously and
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia, Feb. therefore "speaks for itself."
27--(I)-President Eduard Benes Dissenting Vote
formally installed the new cabinet The dissenting Juror, Judge
with its top-heavy Communist Charles F. Wennerstrum of Iowa,
membership at a frigid ceremony had termed the trials "vindictive"
today. and that 95% of the people at the
New patterns of government Palace of Justice were interested
began to take shape soon after. in prosecution."
Benes told the cabinet, "then
decision to accept you was dif- Brig.-Gen. Telford Taylor, chief
ficult personally for me." But he prosecutor, called Judge Wenner-
did not resign. Earlier it had been strum's attack subversive."
reported he might quit, rather Speaking on the Marshall Plan,
than swear in the cabinet which Judge Burke saw in it a "chance to
he was said to have declared allow Germany to become a piv-
"could have only evil results." otal democracy in Western Eu-
Benes thus remained as Chief rope."
of State, a symbol of democracy Rebuild Europe
for his countrymen. "With the revival of France,
The Communist-controlled- ra- England and Italy and the fulfill-
dio, only source for reports of the ment of our present proposed
meeting with the cabinet, said plans to rebuild Germany, West-
Benes expressed the wish "that ern Europe can be a potent factor
your way will be successful and for peace," he said.
happy," and that Premier Kle- "However, if the Marshall Plan
ment Gottwald promised the new i, an Ge' is
government "will be constitu- loved to fall under the aegis of
tional, democratic and parliamen- Russia. it will be engulfed by a to-
tary." Rtaiti lstatengulf'edthan a -
The first prosecution of a for- tialitarian state worse than na
mer government official was an- tional socialism.
nounced. The state prosecutor - of Judge Burke justified the un:s-
Slovakia preferred charges of ual legal precedents set at Nuren-
"crimes against the security of berg-holding the military and the
the state" against Dr. Josef Let- ! industrialists accountable for ag-

Win Tighdt
Gives 'M' Tie
In CageTitle
Ohio State Setr To
Test Wolver-nes
This is the pay-off weekend for
Michigan's title-bound basketball
One full game ahead of Iowa,
the pace-setting Wolverines can
clinch a share of their first Con-
ference crown in almost two dec-
ades by sweeping past red-hot
Ohio State in a crucial test here
today at 7:30 p.m. before an ex-
pected overflow crowd of 9,000.
Meanwhile, second-place Iowa
plays host to Minnesota in a
tune-up for Monday's show-
down battle at Yost Field House.
If the Wolverines triumph and
if the Gophers can upset the fa-
vored Hawkeyes, Michigan will
gain a clear championship for the
second time in 42 years of Confer-
ence basketball history.
Although the rangy Buckeyes
bring a mediocre 5-6 league record
to Our Town, they are currently

Cage Ticket
Sale Faces
Follows Fiasco
Of Distribution
The seething basketball ticket
controversy began to settle down
yesterday as leaders of the cam-
pus organizations involved cleared
the- air somewhat and began
drafting plans for a new distribu-
tion set-up.
Canpus leaders met during the
afternoon and agreed that the
Wolverine Club, which executes
plans drawn up by the Varsity
Committee of the Student Legis-
lature, could not be blamed for
the ticket fiasco.
They also pointed out that the
Office of Student Affairs, where
yesterday's near-riot took place,
has no connection with tle stu-
dent-run distribution system.
Dave Dutcher, newly-elected
president of the Student Legis-
lature will begin work on a
better system, and welcomed
student suggestions for next
year. Such suggestions should
be mailed to the Student Legis-
lature, Rm. 308, Michigan Un-
ion, Dutcher said.
Meanwhile, Chuck Lewis, chair-
man of the Legislature's Varsity
Committee, accepted personal re-

M ichigan . .. . .. . ... ..8 '
Iowa . .. . ... . .. ... . ..7 3
Ohio State at Michigan.
Minnesota at Iowa.
Iowa at Michigan.


trich, Slovak Democrat.

See RETURNING, Page 4 1

one of the hottest clubs in the cir-
cuit. sporting a four-game victory
string. Their other win was a 70-
66 thumping of Michigan at Col-
Recalling that Ohio State set-
back, Coach Ozzie Cowles says
the Buckeyes possess good
shooting ability, move along ex-
ceptionally fast for their height,
and work well on rebounds.
Forward Dick Schnittker, third
top scorer in the Conference. is the
Buckeyes' chief offensive gun.
However, he was limited to 10
points in the Michigan tussle as
Pete Elliott turned ii a ;teller de-
fensive job for the Wolverines.
The visitors rank second -in Big
Nine offense. averaging 56.4 points
pi game. Michigan is third with
Ohio State's height is well dis-
tribu-d. Schnittker stands at
6-4, and the other starting for-
ward, Bob Donham, only hold-
over from last year's squad,
reaches 6-3. Gene Brown (6-2)
and Bob Burkholder (5-10) hold
down the guard posts.
Only at center do the Wolver-
ines hold an edge. Bill Roberts,
Michigan's six-foot-seven pivot
man who has recovered from a
stomach ailment early this week,
stretches two inches higher than
Neil Johnston.
Along with Roberts, other
starters include Capt. Bob Har-
Oculists Face
Court Action
Three University oculists
charged with receiving rebates will
be required either to show cause
why they should not be bound by
and judgment in an anti-trust
suit against two large optical
firms or to contest the suits indi-
The Chicago Federal Court or-
der involves Dr. Harold F. Falls
and Dr. F. B. Fralick, of Univer-
sity Hospital and Dr. Emory W.
Sink, Health Service oculist. They
were named in a list of 2,700 doc-
tors whom the government alleges
receive rebates of up to 50 per cent
on glasses sold to patients.
World News[
IAt a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 - The
House Appropriations Committee
trimmed 14 per cent from a part
of President Truman's budget to-
day and turned this section over
to the House for debate next week.
Czech crisis is evidence that a
"get tough" policy only pro-
vokes a "get tougher" policy,
Henry A. Wailace said here to-

~' 1Puck teis
Trip .)Colorado
Skaters, 34I
Slli Wrf)l*NV OI erines.
Two goals by Michigan in the
last 10 minutes licked Colorado
College, 3-1, last night in the first
of a two-game series.
The Wolveri"es outskated, out-
shot, and generally outplayed the
Tigers from the opening whistle,
and only a brilliant job in the net
by Tiger goalie, Ray Ikola, kept
Michigan from making a rout of
the contest.
For the Wolverines, the work of
the three defensemen, Connie Hill,
Ross Smith, and Dick Starrak,
stood out as the boys from Colo-
rado Springs were limited to a to-
tal of 10 shots on goal for the
Gordie McMillan, first line cen-
ter, was admitted to Health Serv-
ice last night after suffering a
leg injury in the third period. Dr.
Robert H. Grekin treated Mc-
Millan but could give no assur-
ance that the high-scoring lines-
man would be able to play in to-
night's game.
The course of the contest was
set in the first period in which
Michigan outshot the Tigers 13-2,
but the only devrts in the statistics
were a trio of penalties.
The second stanza began as the
previous one had ended, with both
squads aggressive and rough, but
the officials began to call the plays
more closely with the result that
six men at one time or another
took a breathing spell in the pen-
alty box.
Bruce Stewart, Colorado left-
wing, with Hill off the ice for trip-
ping, took a rebound from the
stick of Chris Ray, Tiger right
wing, and broke the scoring fam-
ine at 4:05.
Stewart, Smith, and Bill Tutten,
Colorado defenseman, took turns
sitting out a couple minutes in
the box, but with both teams at
full strength, Ted Greer took a
See HOCKEY, Page 3

Daily Special Writer
Students were queuing up again
this morning -this time in the
gray dawn down at Ferry Field-
for another attempt at those elu-
sive Iowa preference tickets.
A near-riot broke up the busi-
ness yesterday when lines that ex-
Campus Red
Cross Drive
With a goal of $10,250, the Uni-
versity will officially open its 1948
Red Cross Fund Drive Monday.
The University quota is divided
into $5,250 from the faculty,
$3,500 from the students and
$1,500 from the University Hos-
pital. Prof. Dwight C. Long, gen-
eral chairman of the University
campaign, announced that D. Eu-
gene Sibery will head the Hos-
pital drive.
The faculty and administration
contributions will be solicited by
departments and groups. Mater-
ials for the drive are already in
the hands of the various groups
and department representatives.
In following with the ruling on
campus solicitations made by the
Committee on Student Affairs,
which was to reduce the number
of direct student appeals, the Red
Cross will solicit in University
housing units, sororities and fra-
ternities by letter or written no-
Russian Film
Tickets are still available for
the Art Cinema League's presen-
tation of "The Great Glinka" at
8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Boris Chirkov plays the title role
in this autobiography of the fa-
mous Russian composer.

tended to University Hall's third
floor dissolved under the pressure
of over 5,000 ticket-hungry indi-
Nothing that the Deans or the
Ann Arbor police could do would
make order prevail, so after twen-
ty minutes of confusion the ticket
booth was closed and the an-
nouncement made that no ducats
would be forthcoming until the
next morning.
First Arrival
Yesterday morning's distribu-
tion, handled by the Wolverine
Club and the Student Legislature,
was scheduled to get under way at
9 a.m., but the first ambitious fan
arrived before the booth at 7.
By the time Don Greenfield,
Wolverine Club president, got
there at 8, 2,000 students were on
hand to welcome him, but "they
were peaceful."
Drastic Change
Within one hour the scene had
suffered a drastic change.
As the mob mounted by the
hundreds the one University cop
available became a mere member
of the crowd and the authorities
put in a hurry-up call for aid from
the Ann Arbor constabulary.
Two policemen arrived at 9-
and immediately the tickets began
to flow. This condition maintained
for five minutes.
At that point classes began to
change, and chaos resulted. In the
words of Greenfield, "The lines
exploded. When they saw the new-
comers hurrying down the hall
they thought the people were
rushing the cage. So they rushed
too, and in a second there was a
solid jam in front of the booth."
Police Smothered
The police were smothered. They
tried to push the crowd back but
the mob surged over them and be-
gan yelling for tickets, and they
gave up.
By 9:10 there was no semblance
of a line.
A hurried conference was held
See STUDENTS, Page 4

-Ann Arbor News Photo.
THE BIG STAMPEDE-A small part of the thousands of students who jammed University Hall
yesterday in the rush for Iowa tickets. Only 150 of the 5,000 tickets were distributed. University
officials have asked police to help keep order in the scramble which started anew at Ferry Field
this morning.

* * * *
Students Line Up for Tickets
Again, UndauntedbyRioters

Preferential basketball tickets
for Monday's Iowa game--a
limit of two to each applicant
with two ID cards-will be dis-
tributed beginning at 7:15 this
morning at the old ticket of-
fices flanking the Ferry Field
gate. One line should form
down Hoover Street and the
other down State St., Wolverine
Club officers said.
sponsibility for carelessness in
handling tickets which may have
led to Wednesday night's ticket
And Jay Carp, who had been
given two definitely bootleg tickets
at a Sigma Alpha Mu rushing
party Wednesday night, handed
them over to Dutcher, who turned
them in to the Office of Student
Affairs. Carp said he could not
recall who had given him the
Hank Meyer, president of the
Inter-Friaternity Council, told
The Daily that the IFC "will
investigate the fraternity or fra-
ternities involved in the mis-
handling of tickets, and will
prosecute those found guilty."
Acts of this kind-the handing
out of illegal tickets to rushees
-are in direct violation of the
Inter-Fraternity code and will xrot
be condoned," Meyer said.
The full text of the statement
by Chuck Lewis follows:
"As chairman of the Varsity
Committee of the Student Legis-
lature, I was in charge of han-
dling the Ohio State tickets at
one time, and I feel that I per-
sonally must take any responsibil-
ity for carelessness leading to
leakage of tickets prior to distri-
bution time.
"Such carelessness will be im-
possible in future under the new
system whereby tickets will be
taken directly from University
ticket manager Don Weir's office
to the Office of Student Affairs,
where they will remain until ready
for distribution."
Truman Signs
Rent Lid Bill

TICKETS MEAN MEALS-for starving European children like
this Norwegian refugee shown receiving famine relief. Proceeds
from journalist Leland Stowe's lecture at Hill Auditorium tomor-
row will swell the famine fund and provide solid meals for
Europe's forgotten youth.
Leland Stowe To Speak at Hill
For Aid of Europe's Children

Measure Extends
Control Until April


IF -

Mo thly 'U' Payroll Tops $1,500,000

KEY WEST, Fla., Feb. 27-(P)-
President Truman signed tonight
a stop-gap bill continuing rent
control until April 1.
Mr. Truman signed the measure
at his temporary White House
quarters at the submarine base
here at 6 p.m. (CST).
The rent control law renewed
by President Truman's signature
permits landlords and tenants to
enter into "voluntary" agree-
ments for rent increases up to 15
per cent, on leases extending un-
til Jan. 1, 1949.
The law also set up local rent
control boards which recommend
to housing expediter Tighe Woods
whether rent adjustments are
warranted in a snecific tr e

YOU aren't getting 7:45
YOUR Daily is not on
your porch
YOUR Daily delivery serv-

In response to a United Nation
appeal to save the younger gener-
ation of Europe who are hoveringI
on the brink of starvation, Leland
Stowe, noted journalist and au-
thority on world affairs will ap-

with one supplementary meal a
day. Four million of the estimated
230 million staigving children were
provided with such a meal in 1947,
drive officials calculate.
Covered World Events
Stowe will speak under the

K ->-

Yesterday the University paid
out more than one and one-half
million dollars to its 7,700 em-1
No, the state wasn't feeling

offices pass the most of $18,000,-
000 annual payroll of the Univer-
sity. The plant department has its
own payroll bureau which com-
putes hours, later turning this re-
port over to the central office.

requested the central office to
send their checks to local banks
where they are deposited to ac-
counts of the employes.
When asked whether the vari-
ous payroll offices work much

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