SATURD1AY. FERUTARY 28. 1949 - u
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Post-Hollywood Trial
ROBERT KENNY, lawyer for the 10 Holly-i
wood writers sounded a warning here at
Michigan last week which has already be-
come fulfilled in the news. He stated that
unless we become aware of the violation
of our rights involved in the contempt
,irials, the day would soon come when the
Council could call in the City Hall elevator
boy and question him on his views.
What Kenny maintained is that the prec-
edent being set will permit any governing
body in the nation to investigate our private
lives for the sake, not of legislation-since
the House could have taken no action in
this case, and intended to take no action,
even had the writers loudly aclaimed their
Communist party affiliations, but for their
own "information." 11
Already Kenny's prediction has born fruit.
The State of California has instituted the
Tennyson Committee which proposes to fur-
ther the reconstruction of the Hollywood
mind begun by J. Parnell Thomas. What it
amounts to is that one state will be able
to control the thinking of the entire movie
public if it so desires. Due to the accidental
location of Los Angeles in California, we can
expect to have our morals ruled, our ideol-
ogies directed, and perhaps, our personal
lives supervised, by the mighty legislature
of California.
The leaders in the writing and dramatic
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
fields are organizing into a Committee to
defend their civil liberties. We dare sug-
gest that the intellectuals of the thought
field of college life do the same. All the
group is insisting is that before charges
are made, the Un-American Activities
Committee be made to point to what it
considers definitely subversive.
To the amazement of movie-goers it
should be noted that one film HAS been
pointed cut by the Committee-but its
"subversiveness" skipped the attention of
this writer. It is "Body and Soul." The sub-
versiveness probably refers either to the
horribly un-American thought that a Negro
fighter might get a wrong deal from a fight
promoter (Strangely, promoters have been
known to handle other races this way) or to
the suggestion made by one character (John
Garfield plays aJewish fighter) that Gar-
field must present a good front because the
rest of the country judges entire races by
the actions of the few in the limelight.
This racial point is ridiculous of course.
The writers of the play could not have
known that one group, our Southern
Senators, wouldn't think of judging the
colored race by the actions of Booker T.
Washington, George Washington Carver,
or Joe LouIs in the national spotlight.
There may be a great deal of thought in
the comment made by the wife of one of the
defendants in the trial. At a meeting with
lawyers to decide procedures to be followed,
she said, (as quoted by columnist Leonard
Lyon) "And if we lose the case, I suggest we
buy a boat, name it the Mayflower, and sail
it back to England."
-Don McNeil.
Magazine Distortion
A LARGE NATIONAL magazine has re-
cently instituted a series of articles on
Republican presidential aspirants. If the
first article in the series, one on Senator
Robert Taft of Ohio, can be considered
representative of the forthcoming articles,
this magazine can be held responsible for a
grave miscarriage of its duty to the Ameri-
can reading public.
While the magazine cautions that each
article is a "case" for the specific candidate,
the editors have certainly allowed their
writers the most favorable conditions pos-
sible for the prosecution of their respective
cases. The editors, by not providing for a
repudiation of these partisan viewpoints, or
at least requiring that their writers present
fair and unbiased studies of their subjects,
have reduced this series to a meaningless
set of panegyrics.
Not only, however, has the magazine failed
Evasion Policy
Nashville, Tennessee, one of the only
schools in the south where Negroes can
receive professional training in medicine
and dentistry is going to close down.
Already financially in the red, the school
plans only one more year of service. Negro
stdents who are half-way through their
schooling will be forced to either give up
ideas of protslonal careers, or go back
to their home states and demand admittance
to state schools.
Southerners have their own ideas of what
to do when a Negro demands the right to
the same educational opportunities accord-
ed the white population. They have already
tried one course of action in the Texas and
Oklahoma cases, which were problems of
a single student.
But closing down the Mehary school will
mean that 65 per cent of its present en-
rollment would be returning to home states
at the same time and probably demanding
admittance to "white" state schools.
So at a recent conference of southern
governors, a .compact for an Interstate
Board of Control for southern regional
schools to serve both Negroes and whites
was drawn up. The proposal has been sent
to Congress with a request for immediate
Congressional sanction.
This isn't an answer to the question of
equal rights; it is just a carryover of seg-
regation policy in a new form. But the
southern statesmen are smart. They see
the impending problem, and have come up
with a bill which doesn't solve the issue,
but circles it.
-Roma Lipsky.
A Little Episode
THE GRIM developments in Czechoslo-
vakia were plainly foreshadowed, as
long ago as last October, by a tense little
episode between President Benes and the
Communist stooge in the Czech Socialist
party, Dr. Fierlinger.
The slippery Fierlinger had just made
his major effort to deliver the Czech so-
cialists, bound hand and foot, into Com-
munist keeping. He then tried to see Benes.
He was refused admittance, but brushed
past the nervous secretaries and guards into
the presence of the ailing old man. A violent
scene ensued.
Benes told Fierlinger, in plain terms, that
to provide the critical perspective neces-
sary for the formulation of any opinion, but
it is also guilty of allowing at least the in-
itial writer to espouse a series of dubious
and misleading statements. Thus the reader,
who accepts this article as what it pre-
sumes to be-an attempt "to assist (its)
readers in arriving at carefully considered
judgments"-not only will be hampered by
the absence of divergent interpretations of
the candidate's character, but may be de-
ceived by the extravagant eulogy.
For example, mention is made of the
fact that Robert Taft at one time advo-
cated American membership in the League
of Nations, and has sponsored bills favor-
ing feteral aid in education, health and
housing. The author then goes on to call
Taft both an internatioanalist and a "true
American liberal."
What if this author had known that
someone would, next week, point out to the
same readers some other facts? That it was
this same liberal internationalist who voted
against Lend Lease, the revision of the
Neutrality Act, and the destroyer transfer;
who sought to block American participation
in the world bank and the international
stabilization fund; who ledithe opposition
to Bretton Woods, made his maiden speech
in the Senate against T.V.A. and even now
seems bent on rendering ineffective the
Marshall Plan. Then perhaps this author
would have been a bit more conservative
with his adjectives.
Again, the author raises Taft above the
common thinker by virtue of his mental ca-
pacity and the fact that while "the thought
of the average man is choked by prejudices,
ambitions, needs . . . once Bob Taft tackles
a problem, no emotion of any kind colors
his mind." Aside from the obvious fact that
it is impossible for any human mind to be
absolutely void of all prejudice, is there
not something to be said for the claim that
while Taft's mental processes may not be
colored either by the various hues of dog-
matic intractibility or radicalism, they ma
just as certainly be stained by the dull grey
of conservatism?
To be sure, a man given free reign to
write a "case" for his favorite candidats
would naturally present him in as favor-
able a light as possible. But even a light
colored by a filter and directed by a skill-
ful operator, penetrates to the corners.
--Dave Thomas.
fUMAN ENLDEAVOR is founded on two
contradictory beliefs.
No. 1: We believe that one event infall-
ibly will cause another event. The logical
extension of this belief is a complete deter-
minism. But, if we believe this way, why
do we continually give purpose to our ac-
Belief No. 2 gives the answer: It is be-
cause we also believe that there is a
higher end attainable. Reconcile these two
outlooks as you will, they remain fundamen-
They must go together. Belief No. 2 is
the individual's salvation from the spiritual
death imminent in belief No. 1. What does
it matter that the world is determined?
Freedom lies in sticking to your goal. But
it is a phony salvation unless the group
the individual is part of possesses belief in
a goal. Group in this sense has long since
come to mean the world.
Here lies the tragedy. The bulk of the in-
Palestine Reversal
THERE IS AN unbecoming cleverness in
the American position on Palestine. How
many midnights did the lamps burn, in how
many officials' studies, to produce the dis-
mal rationalization that the United Nations
has the right to keep the peace in Palestine,
but not the right to enforce partition? It is
not that the United States is against parti-
tion; heavens, no; it is just that it con-
siders the world's hands to be tied by the
United Nations Charter. Oh, that Charter!
Only, one has the feeling that the Admin-
istration has reached out its hands to be
For who asked the Administration to do
this lawyer's job for the other side? Why
didn't it let some Arab legalist think up
this point, if it is a point? The clear implica-
tion is that the Administration has reversed
itself on partition. For it is a reversal to slip
suddenly from the role of advocate into the
role of prim, cool, constitutional scholar,
unemotionally assaying a set of legalisms.
The change in tone is a change in policy.
As for the legal point itself, that the
Security Council has the right to keep the
peace in Palestine, but not to enforce par-
tition, that is not law, either. It is only a
set of words spoken by the American dele-
gate; it is only an interpretation of the
Charter. But charters and constitutions are
subject to interpretations of many sorts;'
the history of our own country is a history
of conflicting interpretations of the Con-
stitution, many of them so deeply at vari-
ance that it has sometimes been hard to
believe they stemmed from the same doc-
As for the American position that the Se-
curity Council would be doing something
kind of dirty and illegal if it tried to enforce
a "political settlement" instead of merely
enforcing the peace, one searches for kind
words in which to break the news to the
Administration that there aren't any settle-
ments except political ones.
Where does the Administration hope to
keep the peace after it has enforced it, in
a bottle, drenched in formaldehyde? So
long as men must live in Palestine, and
work, and trade the fruits of their work,
they will need rules, and the rules must
be the product of a political settlement.
Or is Palestine to becoie the world's
first anarchist state, a state without a
government, when the British pull out
in May?
One hopes that maybe the Adminis-
tration doesn't mean it, that maybe it feel
partition will come along naturally, as the
best solution, once an international police
force arrives on the scene, even if only to
"keep peace." Perhaps the Administration
hopes to get at partition indirectly in this
way, without complicating our relations with
the Arabs. But there is a familiar note in the
new stand we have taken, which makes
hope ill.
It is the note of weakness, of weakness put
on like a cloak, assumed like a mask; weak-
ness eagerly sought and happily found.
We'd like to do more, but we can't; it
isn't legal-isn't that the way the West
talked when Ethiopia was in trouble, and
Spain, and during Munich? Have we not
seen hands wrung in the same manner be-
fore? And now, after a world war, are
we again to see an assumed legalism stand
in the way of correcting a moral outrage
and clearing up a focus for conflict? Are
the strong playing weak again, while wrong
triumphs? Isn't this where we came in?
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
Dated By.Laws
IT'S ABOUT TIME that someone seized
a large blue pencil and started to work
on the University's antiquated and incon-
sistent by-laws.
I say antiquated because they were out of
date before the University was conceived,
and I say inconsistent because in substance
they are diametrically opposed to the demo-
cratic principles which the University claims
to hold.
I quote from a recent speech of Provost
James P. Adams, entitled, oddly enough,
"Turn on the Light": "Although we may
disagree with the views held by any per-
son or party, we must necessarily, in line
with our principles of free speech, let
that man be heard."
And yet, the University sees fit to bar
all speeches in support of "any political
party or faction." Is the University of Mich-
igan to remain a first aid station for pro-
longed infantilism, or is it going to realize
that by repealing these inconceived by-
laws it will take a step forward in advanc-
ing the political consciousness that is so
badly needed in this country?
To the powers that be, I say . . . . "Let's
Turn on That Light."
-Dick Arnesen.
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angeli Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVIII, No. 102
Campus Parking Areas:
Following is a list of RE-
STRICTED campus parking areas
which are to be used ONLY by
those persons who have been is-
used, and who properly display,
campus PARKING permits. It is
to be noted that a student driving
permit is not a parking permit.
Persons using restricted parking
areas illegally are liable for fines.
1. Thayer S. at Hill Audito-
2. Catherine St. West of Univ.
3. S. W. Corner of East Wash-
ington and Ingalls
4.gLaw School at Monroe and
5. East Medical Building Lot
6. Between Chemistry and Nat-
ural Science Buildings
7. Behind University Hall
8. West Engineering Lot
9. West Engineering Annex Lot
10. Storehouse Area on Forest
11. Convalescent Hospital Area
12. Rear of Dental and Health
Service Buildings
13. Lot between wings of Univ.
14. Lane Hall Area
15. Clements Library
16. Harris Hall
17. Public Health Area
18. Lot north of Hill Aud. on
Thayer St.
19. Grassy areas or lawn exten-
The campus parking areas list-
ed below are UNRESTRICTED
and may be used by student driv-
ers without securing parking per-
mits. In using these areas how-
ever, it should be pointed out that
improper parking which hinders
other cars in entering or leaving
the area is considered illegal park-
ing and will result in a fine. Cars
are not to be center parked in
ANY parking area for this usually
results in the blocking of en-
trances or exitsbcausing driving
hazards. Persons who do park
their cars in the center of lots will
be fined for illegal parking.
1. East of Univ. Hospital
2. S.E. Corner of Thayer and E.
Washington Sts.
3. Church St. East Engineering
4. East Hall on Church St.
5. Catherine St. North of
Vaughn Residence Hall
6. West Quad. Area at Thomp-
son and Jefferson Sts.
7. Michigan Union Area
8. College St. between East Med.
and East Hall
9. General Service Building
10. Lot behind Univ. Museum
adjacent to Forest Ave.
11. Business Administration
building area
Handbills, signs and printed
matter not inconsistent with good
taste may be posted on the bulletin
boards in campus buildings, but
not elsewhere.
The Committee on Student Af-
fairs will hold its next meeting on
Tues., March 2, 3 p.m. Petitions to
be presented for consideration at
this meeting must besubmitted to
the Office of Student Affairs, Rm.
2, University Hall, not later than
12 noon on Mon., March 1.
Application blanks for the gen-
eral undergraduate scholarships
for the school year 1948-49 are
now available in Rm. 206, Univer-
sity Hall. All applications must be
returned to this office by March
Summer Employment in For-
estry: All students in the School
of Forestry and Conservation who
desire summer employment in the
western regions of the U. S. For-
est Service must submit applica-
tions immediately. Forms are
available in Rm. 2048. Natural"
Science Bldg.
Emergency ("Victory") Gardens:
Members of the faculty and other
employees of the University who
desire space for a vegetable garden
at the, Botanical Garden this
spring should send a written re-
quest to Mr. O. E. Roszel, Store-
house Section of the Plant Depart-
ment. Requests must be made by
the end of March, and must be ac-
companied by one dollar as a con-
tribution toward the expense of
plowing the land. When the gar-
den plots are ready for use, it will
be announced in this bulletin and
the gardeners may learn their
plot numbers by phoning Mr. Ros-
Each plot will be assigned with
the understanding that it will be
used to full capacity for raising
vegetables, will be kept free from
weeds, and that waste matter will
be cleared away in the fall.
Water may oe used on the gar-
dens if carried from the faucp s in
cans or pails, but the use of hose is
prohibited. No tools will be fur-
nished by the University.
Particular care must be taken
that no property of the Botanical
Garden be molested. Dogs are not
allowed in the garden.
Department of Naval Architec-
ture and Marine Engineering: Mr.
W. W. Payne from U. S. Public
Health Service will speak on Prin-
ciples of Vessel Sanitation, Mon.,
March 1, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 445, W.
Engineering' Bldg. All Engineering
students are invited.
Academic Notices
Spanish 222 from now on will
meet in Rm. 2019, Angell Hall on
Wednesdays, 7 to 9 p.m.
The University Musical Society
will present Georges Enesco, Rou-
i_,anian violinist, assisted by San-
ford Schlussel at the piano, in the
ninth concert in the Choral Union
Series, Tues., March 2, 8:30 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium. Program: Sonata
in A major, Vivaldi; Sonata in G
minor, Tartini; Sonata in A minor,
Enesco; Bach's Preludium e' fuga
in G minor; Ravel's Kaddisch and
Perpetuum Mobile; and the Sara-
sate Zigeunerweisen.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower.
Faculty Recital: Charles Vogan,
Instructor in organ in the School
of Music, will present the second
in a series of Sunday afternoon
programs at 4:15 February 29, Hill
Auditorium. His recital, consist-
ing of organ music of the Nine-
teenth Century, will be open to
the general public.
Events Today
Scimitar Club is being re-acti-
vated. All ex-members are re-
quested to contact Pete Wong,
Secretary, 505 Eberwhite, phone
2-3351, on or before Sat., Feb. 28.
United World Federalists Pub-,
licity Committee: 2 p.m., Rm. 308,
Michigan Union.
Cornedbeef Corner, B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation: 10:30 to 12
midnight. All students invited.
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Film, entitled "Beyond Our Own."
9:15 p.m., Guild House.
Coming Events
Films pon Geography and Travel:
Kellogg Auditorium, 4:15 p.m.,
Tues., March 2: "TOMORROW'S
LAND" (color); auspices of Audio-
Visual Education Center.
Fencing Instuction is being of-
fered in the three weapons, foil,
epee, and saber at the IM Bldg.
New instruction groups are being
formed Mon., and Tues., March 1
and 2, 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. Classes
are open to all students.
The Ballet Club and Modern
Dance Club have openings for
dance participation in a program
scheduled in May. Anyone wishing
to apply, please call 3-1511, ex-
tension 391.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet
for winter sports, 2:30 p.m., Sun.,
Feb. 29, northwest entrance,.Rack-
ham. Bldg. Sign up at Rackham'
check desk before noon Saturday.
All graduate students welcome.
United World Federalists are
urged to attend the Leland Stowe
lecture Sunday evening, 8 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium. Subject: An An-
alysis of World Government.
La Sociedad Hispanica: Group
conversational meeting, Mon.,
March 1, 3 p.m., International
Russian Circle: Mon., 8 p.m.,
International Center.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remindourtreaders that theviews
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
. f*
Ticket Beef
To the Editor:
of students who thronged Un-
iversity Hall to obtain preferential
basketball tickets, Friday, would,
I believe, agree with me that the
Student Legislature has certainly
not found the most efficient way
of distributing these tickets. Many
students stood in line for two
hours only to have Dean Walters
stop the distribution before they
could get their hands on the two
precious ducats which they were
allowed. The few hundred stu-
dents who received their ticket
quota after standing in line for
hours have the consolation of at
least having the privilege of get-
ting into Yost Field House next
Monday to see our fine basketball
team take on Iowa. The rest of
us will have to line up Saturday
morning for a few more hours if
we want another try at getting
these highly valued tickets.
To find out who is responsible
for this situation, I suggest we
look into the activities of the
Student Legislature. This suppos-
edly representative group of stu-
dents has been experimenting
with ticket distributing systems
for years. (I seem to remember
waiting several hours one morn-
ing last fall to receive a football
season ticket for a seat in the
end zone.) You would think by
now they could think of a fair
and simple system of ticket dis-
An article in Friday's Daily
brought out some shady dealings
which occurred before the dis-
tribution of the preferential bas-
ketball tickets for the Ohio State
game. The Student Legislature
and the Wolverine Club certainly
have some "dirty linen" to wash
as a result of that venture into
administrative work.
I wonder if the present mem-
bers of the Student Legislature
who are shirking their duties in
running campus activities and the
members who are obtaining graft
in the form of tickets for them-
selves and their fraternity broth-
ers will be reelected to their pres-
ent position on the Legislature
when the next election is run off.
I for one will remember these in-
cidences at that time and will vote
for honest and capable persons
instead of these perpetrators of
-James A. Storrie.
*~ * *
Daily Support
To the Editor:
ONE GETS JUST a little pained
listening to a group of "do-
nothings" on this campus whose
main form of recreation seems to
be writing letters to The Daily or
yakking away over a glass of beer
about the so-called "political
view" and "one-sided emphasis" of
this newspaper. This practice rep-
resents a peculiar form of frus-
Mr. Dilley, in his letter of Feb-
ruary 27, joins a group of people
who want something but don't
quite have the ambition to get it.
They sit around planning how to
''purge the Reds from The Daily"
(and whatever became of that,
anyway?) and they are out to halt
the "dissemination of leftist prop-
aganda" but they won't work for
what they want. They are loud
talkers. And they are naive.
These boys don't realize that
theie are two kinds of people who
think "news" is objective-those
who pay to have it written and
those who write it. Mr. Dilley is
satisfied with the private daily
newspapers because the news is
paid for. He doesn't like The Daily
because those with his viewpoint
are not writing the "news." You
rarely find his friends in the try-
out classes with the "Reds" and
the "leftists," ready to start the
long grind which will place them
in a position to give out with the
"news" as they see it. Mr. Dilley
would rather suppress than work
-suppression is the quick and
easier way.
As to rthe "news" itself, whol
makes it on this campus? Not the
fraternities and the dance com-
mittees. Not the League and the
Union. It is those who real-
ize the importance and desirabil-
ity of participating in the political
phase of our society. Who is going
to give a party this weekend just
isn't very crucial these days, Mr.
He takes particular exception to
The Daily of February 25. Ie ob-
jects to the story on the approval
of the Young Democrats by the
Student Affairs Committee -
which awakened the Young Re-
publicans to the fact that there
is going to be an election this
year. He objects to the story of
ADA's petition to President Ruth-
ven asking for the reinstatement
of MYDA on campus-the biggest
issue on campus last year and one
which is far from dead. Finally, he
objects to the report of a lecture.
on the third party given by a Uni-
versity political science professor
-would Mr. Dilley rather have a
statement on this issue from the
ticket chairman of J-Hop? All in
one day, lie cries. That's the way
things are, Mr. Dilley. What would
he have played up?
Since you can't buy a publicly
owned newspaper, you have to
work on it. University ownership
doesn't guarantee objectivity, it
just guarantees that those will be
heard who sincerely want to be
heard. The Daily is one of the
finest college newspapers in the
country because there are a group
of students who work to make it
that way. Expressing abviewpoint
is work too, Mr. Dilley, but I can't
force you to do that. I can only
tell him to put up or shut up.
-Archie Parsons,
Former Daily Sports Editor.
* * *
Pans Reviewer
To the Editor:
SINCE COMING to Michigan
several years ago, I have read
with amazement and pain the
music and movie reviews appear-
ing in The Daily; amazed that
the editors have so consistently
been able to substitute one artistic
illiterate for another with the
greatest facility, and with no in-
dication that the supply is run-
ning low, and pained by music
criticism that watches its com-
plete insensitivity to music with
an absolute ignorance of the sub-
ject. Miss Stern's reviewrof the
concert played by the Detroit
Symphony is a case in point. How
anyone who has the least preten-
sion to good taste in music could
have described that evening as
anything less than an inexcusable
imposition upon an audience is "
beyond me. It should have been
dismissed with a curt note that
any rumors that the Detroit Sym-
phony is better this year than last
are denied categorically. If I have
ever heard a worse performance
of the Beethoven Eighth, I can't
recall it offhand, aId the rest of
the concert was so utterly bad
that it became a fascinating di-
version to try to anticipate each
new . . . of melody, of content, of
execution perpetrated by both
men and conductor. Certainly it
is the duty of the critic, especially
in The Daily, where he needn't
fear offending the delicate sensi-
bilities of the board of directdrs
of the orchestra, to point out that
no so-called major orchestra has
the right to perform so poorly so
consistently in public, and sug-
gest that the orchestra either get
itself a new conductor or that
the men get themselves jobs in
beer gardens or, anywhere else
where they can keep their self-
respect as musicians and earn an
honest living, Don't feel too badly,
Miss Stern, that the Bach wasn't
played-it was probably the best
number on the program. .
-Joseph Cochin.
Fifty-Eighth Year
Letters to the Editor ...
... '
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell .......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy...............City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes...........Associate Editor
Joan Katz ........... Associate Editor
Fred Schott.........Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor
Bob Lent.......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick.......General ManaW
Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager
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