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March 05, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-05

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Latest Deadline in the State




To Review

Movie, Play, To Spark Lively Week-End

By-Law Prohibiting
Student Affairs Group Requgests
Further Clarification of Regulation
The-fate of political speakers on the University campus hangs in
the balance today as the Board of Regents studies a request to modify
existing by-laws barring political speeches on University property.
A request to clarify and possibly liberalize the "speaker ban" has
been submitted to the regents by the Student Affairs Committee. The
request was drawn up after two weeks of research by the SAC and the
University Lecture Committee.
Confused by apparent contradiction between the by-law specifi-
cally barring political speeches and an interpretation made in 1926
slightly relaxing the by-law, the SAC commiittee has asked for a new

Harriman Denies
Thomas Request
For Condon File
Un-American Affairs Committee
Announces Plan for 'Showdown'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 4 - The Commerce Department re-
fused tonight to tulrn over its loyalty check papers on Dr. Edward
U. Condon and the House Un-American Activities Committee an-
nounced plans for a public "showdown."
Dr. Condon is the head of the National Bureau of Standards. He
had been described by an Un-American Activities Subcommittee Mon-
day as an official who "knowingly or unknowingly" mingled with
alleged Russian spies.
Secretary of Commerce Harriman wrote the House group tonight
that he would not accede to its demand for the files of a department
board which cleared Dr. Condon?-

Students Win
Early Release
From Faculty
Spring Vacation To
Start Friday, April 2
A Victory cry rang across cam-
pus yesterday after a polite DOB
announcement that "Spring Re-
ceds would begin on Friday April
2" proclaimed the student body
winner of a seven year battle with
the faculty over Saturday classes
before vacations.
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant
to the President, declared that the
action means the University has
permantly returned to its pre-war
vacation policy.
The decision was voted by the
University Senate, faculty gov-
erning body, after professors ad-
mitted that an increasing number
of students were skipping classes
on Saturdays before vacation. "I
think the Senate showed a very
realistic attitude," Dr. Robbins
Official extension of the class
week to Saturday noon was orig-
inally voted because of the in-
creased wartime activity and the
addition of more Saturday classes.
The decision to return to the old
system was taken during a gen-
eral Senate revision of the Uni-
versity calendar.
According to Dr. Robbins, the
possibility of extending the
Thanksgiving vacation to include
Friday and Saturday was not dis-
cussed during the schedule revi-
Debate Effects
Of Third Party
'Boon to Reaction' vs.
'Protest Vote' Argued
Four partisans on both sides of
the Third Party issue hit a snag
last night on the question of
Henry Wallace's future effect on
the nation's policies.
Speaking at an ADA-sponsored
forum, Tom Walsh, chairman of
the Young Democrats and Prof.
Joseph Kallenbach of the political
science department agreed that
"the four years that Wallaceites
plan to sacrifice to reaction will
be disastrous to the country and
the world."
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the
Mathematics department and
Morton Rosenthal, a member of
the local Wallace for President
Committee argued that there are
no longer any basic differences
in the major parties. A strong
protest vote on the part of liberals
would illustrate the people's "re-
sentment of this one-party sys-
tem, and help to correct it," they

Asks Clarification
A resolution asking for the
clarification was transmitted to
the Regents early this week. Al-
though the request is not included
in the regular agenda for today's
meeting it is expected that the Re-
gents will study the proposal.
Student political groups; includ-
ing a Republican, Democrat and
Wallace club; have urged that the
by-law be relaxed. If the by-law
were changed the groups would
probably be allotted an equal
quota of outside speakers to ap-
pear at the University during the
coming campaign months.
LSU Students
Dunk Stripper,
Wreck Piano
BATON ROUGE, La., March 4
- (P) - "Storm," the strip tease
artist, was giving University stu-
dents here a free education in
bare facts today only to be tossed
in a lake for her enterprise.
The dancer from'New Orleans,
real name Stacie Lawrence,
emerged from the knee-deep water
clad only in a bra and black and
white striped panties to comment
"boys will be boys."
Miss Lawrence had brought her
night club band up from New Or-
leans to the campus of Louisiana
State University to give students
a show.
While the band played she let
down her hair, took off her glass-
es, discarded a blouse and skirt.
That was as far as she got.
A group of muscular young men
charged out of the group and car-
ried her off to the lake where she
was dunked.
The band's piano was pulled
from the truck and smashed. Stu-
dents took pieces of it for souv-
enirs. The truck was last seen be-
ing pushed around the campus by
a group of gleeful, singing, youths.
One wheel later was found on the
second tier of the football stadium.
The last issue of "Pell Mell;"
campus publication was banned by
the school becausenit featured Miss
Lawrence and her New Orleans
night club performance.
State Game Seats
Will Be Plen tifunl
Plenty of seats will probably be
available for students not holding
preferential tickets to the Michi-
gan State basketball game Satur-
day, Bob Ballou, chairman of the
SL Varsity Committee has an-
Only 3,000 preferential .tickets
were distributed yesterday, Bal-
lou explained, emphasizing that
the remaining 2,000 ducats will not
be distributed at all. Students
without tickets may enter the field
house at 7:15 p.m. on presentation
of their ID cards.

TORMENTED-Alf Kellin and Mai Zetterling are tortured by
a sadistic teacher in "Torment," to be shown at 8:30 p.m. today
and tomorrow at Hill Auditorium.
Psychologists See Torment';
Label Picture Excellent Study'

face a crisis in "They Knew What They Wanted," opening at
8 p.m. tonight, Pattengill Auditorium, Ann Arbor High School.
Sidney Howard's Prize Play
To Be Presented By Students

University psychologists saw a
sneak preview of the new film
"Torment" yesterday and rated it
an "excellent psychological study."
Other comments on the picture,
which is scheduled to be presented
at 8:30 p.m. today and tomorrow
at Hill Auditorium, called it "very
well done" and an "excellent
treatment of a psychological mo-
Judged By Experts
Invited to the preview were
members of the psychology and
sociology departments, who could
offer expert opinion on the film's
theme, which deals with a psycho-
pathic high school teacher and
his effects on the life of one of his
Also scheduled for showing to-
night is a short psychological doc-
umentary "What's on Your
Tickets for "Torment" are on
sale from 2 p.m. at Hill Auditori-
um box office.
Receives French Award
Awarded the Grand Prix at the
Cannes Film Festival last year,
"Torment" received top reviews
when shown in New York last
'Quick Justice'
Retrial Denied
Michigan Convicts
Returned to Prison
Circuit Court Judge James R.
Breakey, Jr., denied two motions;
for 'Quick Justice' retrials and
adjourned a third case until fur-
ther testimony can be obtained,
Frederick J. Laginess, sentenced
to life imprisonment in 1931 in
connection with the hammer-slay-
ing of a filling-station attendant,
and Randolph Buchanan, who was
convicted of forgery in 1943 and
sentenced to 10 to 14 years, were
returned to Southern Michigan
A motion for the retrial of Ray-
mond J. Nowicki, sentenced to
14-15 years in prison on a break-
ing and entering charge was laid
aside until a statement concern-
ing the prisoner's charge of an al-
leged offer of probation for a
"guilty" plea, credited to the Pros-
ecuting Attorney in 1941, could be
investigated and an affidavit ob-
tained from the officer.

fall. The New Yorker called it
"A superb film," and Time Mag-
azine noted that it is "powerfully
directed and brilliantly played."
As a result of their perform-
ances in."Torment," leading man
Alf Kellin was given a contract
by David 0. Selznick and Mai Zet-
terling, the featured giro was
signed by J. Arthur Rank.

With a successful three-day run
at Willow Village behind them, the
Student Players will present Sid-
ney Howard's Pulitzer Prize play
"They Knew What They Wanted,"
at 8:00 p.m. today and tomorrow
in Pattengill Auditorium, Ann Ar-
bor High School.
When the curtain rises on Cali-
fornia's lush Napa Valley near San

If I Were Editor
Editor" contest enters its third
day letters have started to roll
into the Student Publications
WITH THE GOAL of a $5 prize
for the best five letters and a
burning desire to tell the editor
how to run The Daily, readers
have taken pen in hand to make
their wishes known. One reader
wants "more news as such and less
political hokum as spewed forth
by pressure groups." He also sug-
gests more pictures of campus do-
ings and less canned national
news mats.
the Editor cut down to 200 words as well as cut down DOB notices.
He would continue to let members of the staff write signed editorials
since college dailies change staffs frequently and cannot adopt a
continuing policy. One "editor" wants us to cut down advertising
and print more non-Michigan sports events. Still another wants us
to toss out the Mauldin cartoons and Barnaby and use Blondy or
Terry and the Pirates.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? Enter the "If I Were Editor" contest
and tell us what you would do if you ran The Daily. Put your sug-
gestions in a letter under 250 words in length and mail it to "If I Were
Editor," Michigan Daily, before March 12. All entries will be judged
by The Daily Senior Editors and the five $5 prize winning letters will
be printed in the March 14 issue.
Cindermen Eye Big Nine Title.
After Tie with Michigan State
<* . i -

Francisco, an earthy comedy-
drama will unfold; a study of the.
frustrations and desires of an im-
migrant winegrower, his mail-
order wife, and handsome hired
A. Michael Cetta plays the lead-
ing role of emotional, broken-
legged, broken-Englished Tony
Patucci. Cetta brings to the Stu-
dent Players a wide theatrical
background, including a lead in
"Midsummer Night's Dream," by
the Colony House Players of New
The play's female lead is taken
by Jane Bevan. As Amy, the se-
curity-seeking waitress succumbs
to Tony's persuasive love letters,
his grape ranch, and his hired
man. .
Joe, the worryless, primitive
helper who doesn't know what he
wants until he sees the boss's wife,
is played by Ben Dziengielewski, a
newcomer to the Student Players.
Supporting are Hank Villas as
mail carrier R.F.D., Father McKee
is played by Jack Hess, Robert
Johnson is the doctor, and Dave
Vance plays the Mexican lacky,
U' Radio Menw
Support Fight
On FCC Ban
Two University radio authorities
yesterday supported the national
networks' current fight against the
Federal Communication Commis-
sion's ban on editorializing via the
Garnet R. Garrison, radio pro-
duction lecturer, declared, "Sta-
tions should be allowed to have
editorial policies, just as newspa-
pers have," T. C. Battin, also a
radio lecturer in the speech de-
partment, agreed that radio
should be given editorial freedom.
In Washington hearings this
week, the major networks and
many stations are attacking FCC's
1941 "Mayflower Decision" which
forbids stations to push political or
controversial points of views.
Both men warned, however, that
the FCC would be needed to in-
sure that stations give air time to
both parties in any campaign or
Garrison suggested that stations
be permitted to air their own ideas
at special periods, after informing
listeners what they were going to
hear. Stations, however, should
not be allowed to abuse their edi-
torial rights by broadcasting
slanted news, or using other sub-
tler propaganda devices, he said.
"The airwaves should be kept
free," Battin declared.;"But at the
same time they shouldn't be mis-
used to spread one-sided propa-

in a loyalty check.
Harriman did say that in view
of the public interest in the mat-
he "I believe that it would be
desirable to have the case reviewed
by the Loyalty Review Board of
the Civil Service Commission."
He said he intends to ask for
such a review and to s'end the
board the "relevant papers."
Chairman J. Parnell Thomas
(Rep., N.J.) said the House Com-
mittee "now will hold public hear-
ings on this case."
Public Hearings
He said that "I am resolved
to have a showdown."
"Secretary Harriman," he said,;
"hasn't got the courage to pro-
duce the records at this time. But
he will produce them' before we
are through."
Harriman told the Committee
he "concurred" in the finding of
his department's 3-man Loyalty
Board February 24 that "no rea-
sonable grounds exist for believing
that Dr. Condon is disloyal to
the Government of the United
Bull etin
Morris William Davis, 19, 215
Prescott House, suffered a frac-
tured left leg and other injuries
last night when the bioycle he
was riding was struck by a car
driven by another student, Mark
The accident occurred at For-
est and North University Ave-
nue. Saka, who lives at 605 E.
Huron, told police the bicycle
had no light and he did not see
Davis, now in University
Health Service, said lhe did not
hold Saka responsible for the
IRA Proposes
Mass Meeting
Funds To Be Raised
For Murder Defense
The Inter-Racial Association
will hold a mass rally in three
weeks to raise money to help a
Negro woman and her two sons
who have been sentenced to die
by a Georgia court.
IRA voted last night to hold
an "Aid the Ingrahms" rally on
campus to publicize the facts of
the case and to assist the family.
Mrs. Ingrahm is a widowed
mother of twelve children. She
was ordered off the land of a
white farmer, who then attacked
her. Two of her sons, ages 13 and
15, came to her rescue, and in the
ensuing fight the farmer was
Mrs. Ingrahm and her two sons
were then brought to trial, and
sentenced to be executed. The
case is now being appealed on the
grounds that the farmer was killed
in self defense.
IRA plans to raise funds to be
sent to the NAACP to enable them
to provide for the family and to
secure the best legal aid possible
when the case is appealed to the
Georgia Supreme Court. The date
set for the appeal is May 6.

'U' Research
Center Joined
By MIT Unit
Famed Members
Will Hold Classes
Annexation of the famed Group
Dynamics Research Center of the
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology was announced yesterday
by the University's Survey Re-
search Center.
This MIT subsidiary, which will
transfer here en masse July 1,
concentrates on investigation into
human group behavior to develop
insight into management of hu-
man problems.
Dr. Dorwin Cartwright, head of
the Group Dynamic Center, Dr.
Ronald Lippitt, Dr. John R. P.
French, Jr., and Dr. Leon Fes-
tinger, staff members, will teach
social science classes in the Uni-
versity in addition to their work
with the Research Center.
Established at MIT in 1945 by
the late Kurt Lewin, the center
has made its findings available to
many organizations concerned
with group problems, substantially
aiding the increase of human pro-
The new unit is also intended as
a training place for graduate stu-
dents in industrial relations, pub-
lic health, government and other
group work.
Dascola Trial
Starts Today
The trial of Dominic Dascola,
local barber charged with viol-
tion of the Diggs anti-discrimina-
tion act will begin at 10 a.m. today
in the Ann Arbor Municipal Court.
A jury has been selected for the
trial, in which William Grier,
'48M, alleges that Dascola had re-
fused to serve him because of his
race. The trial has been post-
poned several times previously.
The test case is an outgrowth of
"Operation Haircut" which in-
cluded the picketing last semester
of several barbershops which were
charged by IRA with refusing to
serve Negroes.
Norris Domangue, chairman of
the Student Legislature subcon-
mittee on discrimination, has re-
quested that every campus organi-
zation send at least one member to
the trial for observation purposes.
Palmer To Give
Opening Speech
Prof. W. B. Palmer will open
the concentration meeting of the
economics department to be held
at 4:15 p.m. today, Rm. 231, A.
Prof. Palmer will speak on eco-
nomics as a field of concentra-
. Concentration in economics for
women will be discussed by Prof.
Margaret Tracy at the meeting,
with Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson
speaking on the vocational out-
look for students in economics.

Europe's Misery Dramatized
By Raggedly-clad Mannequin

Seeking their third title of the
year, Ken Doherty and the Wol-
verine track squad journey to
Champaign to fight it out with fa-
vored Illinois and Ohio State for
the Big Nine cinder crown today
and tomorrow in the Illinois Ar-
The quarter mile looms as the
key race of the two day program
with Buckeye Harry Cogswell
rated as the pre-meet favorite,
with a third place reserved for his
teammate Russ Owen, while Mich-
igan's Val Johnson and George
Shepherd are expected to finish
second and fourth respectively.
The Maize and Blue cinder-men
look like a cinch to pick up at
least three other blue ribbons.
Charlie Fonville, the phenomi-
nal shot-putter, appears to be a
shoo-in in this event.
Herb Barten, Michigan captain
and two-time Big Nine half-mile
champion, is expected to retain
his title without too much trouble.
And Michigan's mile relay team
of Joe lHvden. .Johnson. Shep-

show their heels to the field in the
baton-passing event. Once again
the Buckeyes are the number one
challengers, and they gave the
Maize and Blue quartet very little
trouble two weeks ago.
Barten, a truly great middle-
distance man, will also be an im-
portant factor in the mile run.
In field events, other than the
shot-put, Wolverine Ed Ulvestad
will be battling for one of the top
three spots in the pole-vault, and
Tom Dolan and Bob Harris are
expected to pick up points in the
Ex- U' Student
A former University students is
being sought by State Police today
all because he wanted his car all
dressed up, and didn't have the
money to pay for it.
Albert B. Wilson, who left school
at the close of last semester, took


___ IF __-

YOU aren't getting 7:45
YOUR Daily is not on
your porch
YOUR Doi Ivdel iverv serv-

A gripping window display this
week has caused much attention
to be drawn to Tuckaway House
located on the corner of Liberty
and Maynard.
In the window is the personifi-
cation of the misery of war-strick-

chapter is displaying the clothes
until Saturday.
Mrs. Margaret Nickerson Mar-
tin, owner of Tuckaway House,
observed that passers-by from all
walks of life stand amazed and
thoughtful before thedappealing
figure. "Even the children" are
impressed and make no flippant

Michifish Bathing Beauties To Perform


! <


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