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March 14, 1948 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-14

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Latest Deadline in the State

!Senate Gives OK to RP Bill in Late


M'Mlermen Cop Big Nin

Third Major
Crown Falls
To ichigan
Wolverines Take
Three Seconds
IOWA CITY, Ia., March 13-
Iowa and Ohio State set the rec-
ords here in the 38th Western
Conference championships, but it
was the game and steady crew
of Wolverine swimmers that had
it when it counterl as they recap-
tured the coveted title by ekeing
out a 62-59 victory over defend-
ing champs Ohio State.
Taking only three first places
in the 1,500 meter free style, the
150 yard backstroke and the 300
yard medley relay, the men of
Mann were two deep in every
event. It might have been Gil
Evans two thirds in the diving
or Matt Mann's outstanding work
in the middle distances or any
one of a number of stellar per-
formances, but primarily it was
a team victory, so characteristic
of Michigan sports.
In, all, 17 records were
smashed, as each existing con-
ference record went by the
boards. Mann set a new ree-
ord in the 1,500 meters, while
all other tittists broke the old
marks. Five National Intercol-
legiate marks were shattered
as those in the 250, 220, and 400
yard relays went along with the
medley relay and breast-stroke
To complete matters the Big
Nine tanksters smashed four
American amateur records for the
long course, as standards in the
100 yard free style, breaststroke,
medley and free style relays were
erased from the books.
Iowa won the 440 yard free style
relay, but Michigan won the
championship as they took third
behind Ohio State. That was all
they needed as the 5 point lead
they held was increased by two
points. Michigan's quartet . of
Tittle, Kogen, Holiday and Wein-
berg swam for that third slot as
the amazing Iowa group of Duane
Draves, Ken Marsh, Erv Straub
and Ris really turned on the heat
for a clocking of 3:33.4, to finish
the string of broken records.
Purdue was fourth and Wis-
consin fifth, but the major
point was that Michigan has re-
gained the crown it lost two
years ago and now points to-
ward the NCAA crown in two
t weeks,
Ohio State's power came to the
fore in the high board diving as
the Buckeyes qualified four men
for the finals:. Miller Anderson,
Bruce Harlan, Hobic Billingsley
and Jack Calhoun. Gil Evans was
Michigan's lone finalist, but the
rugged towhead copped a valuable
third place behind Anderson and
Inii ate Weldks
Out on Jailers
Sheriff John L. Osborn sounded
a general alarm yesterday for the
recapture of John H. Cribley, 20
years old, who "just walked out of
the Washtenaw County Jail."
The prisoner was released to the
custody of the Washtenaw County
Court House janitor yesterday
morning to work during the day-
but through a misunderstanding,
30 minutes before the janitors

s arrival. Apparently he decided not
to spend the day as assistant to
the janitor and quietly slipped out
of the Sheriff's offices, according
to Osborn.
Cribley was arrested on a simple
larceny charge in Miltan and sen-
tenced to serve 30 days in the
county jail by Ypsilanti Justice of
the Peace Mark J. Rust, on Feb.

Impressions of Palestine Revealed

Impressions of deserts, moun-
tains, friendly and unfriendly
Arabs, British stalling, and a
memory of the "tremendous spirit'
of the Palestinian Jews" were
brought back to Ann Arbor re-
cently when Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Ingber returned from an eleven
weeks stay in the Holy Land.
The Ingbers vividly remember
the 24 hour celebration in Tel
Aviv after the UN approved par-
tition. The next day, all Jewish
men between 17 and 25 were called
into the Jewish Agency's military
force, the Hagana. "There were
no draft dodgers in Palestine,"
Ingber said.
The Arabs who live within Pal-
estine, the "inside Arabs" were
friendly to the Jews before par-
tition. Ingber said that all the
trouble came from the "outside
Arabs," those living across the
borders of Palestine.
Ingber, who traveled consider-
ably in the strife-torn country,
told of picking up a Palestinian
Arab between Tel Aviv and Haifa1

who said that he was grateful to
the Jews for giving him a chance
for an education. Ingber remem-
bered seeing thousands of Arabs
sleeping on the ground in the
open, "It was the kind of life
they were used to," he said.
On this same trip, which Ing-
ber took in an armored car, an
open bus followed them by twenty
minutes. It was ambushed by the
Arabs, Ingber said, and twenty
people were killed.
On Christmas, 1947, in Haifa.
Ingber tried to get his baggage'
from the port. As he got off the
bus, he saw guns firing all around
him and realized that he was in
the midst of a battle. A 'passing
British armored car picked him
up when the soldiers found that
he was an American and took him
to the port. He saw British mo-
bile forces leaving for the scene
of the fight. It was over vhen
they arrived.
"The British could have had
peace in Palestine if they had!
wanted it," Ingber said.

Mrs. Ingber said that the Brit-
ish soldiers were very cautious
about going around in cities.
The British usually minimize
the number killed in the day to
day fighting, Ingber said, "The
H1agana operates a secret radio
which tells the truth to the pe-
The Ingbers believed that t h e
British will stay in Palestine e Ger
the May 15 deadline. "If they
leave, the "outside" Arabs will
invade the country and the fight
: ill go on."
The most vivid memory brouht
back by the couple was that of
the spirit of the Palestinian Jews.
The people who make up the Ha-
gana are mostly local residents,
although ablebodied refugees join,
Ingber said. Hagana members told
him that they could have been
happy in Palestine without more
refugees, but that they will fight
Ingber said that the Hagna
was a tremendous organization,

'U' dentist Claims Previous
Discovery of Uranus Satellite

University astronomer Lyle Lan-
gdon yesterday called the new
Uranus satellite, discovered four
days ago, "small fish," which he
located by mathematic formulae
eight years ago, and asserted that
more still important satellites of
Venus and' Mars exist, waiting to
be discovered.
Langdon has tried for the past
eight years to convince astrono-
mers of the existence of Uranus,
Venus and Mars satellites. "These
astronomers can't find the satel-
lites simply because they don't
look for them," Langdon declared.
Knows Satellite Diameter
"To prove that my predictions
are accurate, I can tell Kuyler,
who discovered the Uranus satel-
lite, just what its diameter is-
400 miles. I can further disclose
the distance and weight of the un-
discovered Venus and Mars satel-
lites," Langdon asserted.
Langdon, whose astronomical as-
sertions have been pooh-pooed by
publishers, says that he is glad
Psyeholo oists
Argrue Claims
By' Bariisters
Caustic criticism by Detroit
judges of the accuracy of the Re-
corder's Court Psychiatric Clinic
met with strong argument from
University psychologists.
One of the judges claimed that
hie himself would probably be la-
beled unstable if he were studied
by the clinic. He claimed that the
reports "all say that the patient
is unreliable, immature, unsteady
or unstable, and suffering from
emotional conflicts."
Because of this, the judge, John
J. Maher, tore up the report, say-
ing it was "no help" in deciding
the case.
In defense of the psychiatric
clinic, University psychology Prof.
Louis Granich said that the fre-
quent reports of "unstable" on the
criminals might easily be true.
"The majority of criminals are
not mentally ill, but everyone has
some trouble or unhappiness
which might result in his coming
before the court," Granich said.
"The clinic's job is to look for
these minor personality difficul-
ties, in an attempt to explain his
E. L. Walker, psychology in-
structor, agreed with Prof. Gran-
ich, adding that "most cases that
.nnn h~fnrPa n.4, ,rls anra imnp1'nhla

someone finally saw the Uranusl
satellite, so that his first predic-
tions will be proved, and his later
ones respected and investigated.
More Research, Not Credit
"I'm not trying to take credit
for the discovering of the Uranus
satellite at this point," Langdon
World News
At aGlance
By The Associated Press
ANCHORAGE, Alaska, March
13-A search plane reported today
that it had sighted a smashed
Shanghai-to-St. Paul airliner,
which vanished last night with 30
persons aboard, on an Alaska
JERiUSALEM!', Matrcl A
series of violent explosions
roked Jerusalem tonight and
heavy fighting was reported in
the Jaffa-Tel Aviv area.
WASHINGTON, March 13--1')
--Secretary of Agriculture Ander-
son decided today to run for the
Senate and President Truman
thereby lost a political asset from
his Cabinet.
WASHINGTON, March 13 -
Four members of the Southern
Governors Conference recom-
mended today that the south
"fight to the last ditch" to prevent
the renomination of President

Criticism paid off to five
Daily readers, whose prize-win-
ning "If I Were Editor" con-
tributions netted them a radio
and $25 in prizes.
First prize, which included
the radio and $5, went to the
wife of a graduate student,
Mrs. Rupert G, Otto, of 1443
University Terrace. Her letter,
with the other prize criticisms,
appears on page 2.
Four other prizes, of $5 each,
go to Humphrey A. Olsen, 530
Hill, George R. Zuckerman,
100£3 Milroe; Stanley G. Har-
ris, 17 Veteran's Housing Pro-
ject; Keith McKean, 1320 Wile
Court, Willow Run. Prizes will
be awarded at 4 p.m. tomorrow
at the Student Publications
The five letters represent a
fair sample of what were re-
ceived, and were chosen as the
most constructive and readable
of those letters.
't' End Thi ' Week
The final week of departmental
concentration talks will open to-
morrow with a discussion by Prof.
B. W. Wheeler of history and so-
cial studies as fields of concen.-
0rution and as preparaUon for
The history meeting will be
held at 4:15 p.m., Rm. 231, A.H.
Other meetings to be held this
week include philosophy and the
degree program in religion and
ethics, 4:15 'j.n. tomorrow. Rm.

Food Critics
odOutline Plans
Officals Are till
Silett on issue
The attack on the University's
"food situation" gained momen-
tum yesterday with the appoint-
nient of a West Quadrangle food
committee to work in cooperation
with the East Quad group.
Simultaneously, representatives
from all eight East Quad houses
met for the first time to launch a
concerted drive to improve eating
conditions there.
It was also learned that a simi-
lar organization has been pro-
posed for Mosher-Jordan dormi-
The Daily was enable to deter-
mine University reaction to these
developments as officials main-
tained silence on the situation.
Committee Members
Appointments to the new men's
food committee were made by Eu-
gene F. Lamb, president of the
West Quad Council. Retracting his
statement in Friday's Daily on the
"improved" West Quad food con-
ditions, Lamb said, "I have since
found out that there is a great
feeling against the food here."
Committee members appointed
by Lamb were Ken Daly, of Allen-
Rumsey House. Chairman; Wil-
liam Krauss, Wenley House; Ed
Irion, Lloyd House; and Duane
Neuchterlein, Williams House.
The East Quad meeting resulted
in the establishment of a new
eight-man committee, consisting
of one representative from each
house and headed by Jerry Ryan,
of Tyler House. Formerly, only
four East Quad houses were repre-
Complaints Drawn i>p
An outline cf all complaints
against the food situation was
drawn up and scheduled for sub-
mission in a report Monday to
Mts. Eleauor H. Korstad, East
Quad dietician. The report will
also include petitions signi by
i'csients of the eight houses and
i list of suggestions for improve-
mnen t.
Mosheir-Jordan plans are still in
the formative stage but initial ac-
tion is expected early this week.
Meanwhile, West Quad resent-
ments against services there cen-
tered around methods of food
preparation and the "inefficiency"
in the dormitory kitchen.
Tcmporary Improvement
"It is true that the food in West
Quad did improve for a short time
but it has since become apparent
that it was not a permanent
change," Lyman H. Legters, Jr.,
of Wenley House, said. And he
added: "It was merely a tactical
move designed to quiet student

The local rent control system is
just a "smokescreen," according
to Washtenaw County rent con-
trol officials,
Local boards have accomplished
nothing for all the time they have
spent, under the present rent con-
trol law," Wilson White, chair-
man of the Washtenaw County
Rent Control Board, commented
yesterday on Congressional plans
to revamp the old law.
"At present there is no author-
ity delegated to local boards. All
we do is make recommendations
which are subject to the inter-
pretation of higher authorities not
on the local scene," White said.
House Amendment
An amendment written into the
new rent control law approved by
the senate, by the House Bank-
ing Committee, would give local
boards power to decontrol rents
entirely in their areas or to order
increases, thle Associated Press
reports. The main purpose of the
new law is to extend modified
controls to March 31, 1949.
Chairman White said he ex-
pects the law will be passed and
hoped that it would provide means
for rent control enforcement on
the local level, where an "on-'he-
scene" review can be made'
"Hole in Control"
Rep. Monroney (Dem., Okla.)
commented that the House-pro-
posed amendment would "knock
an awful hole in effective rent
He will attempt to restore a
Senate provision that requires the
local boards to recommend rent
increases or complete decontrol
but leaves it up to the Federal
Housing Administrator to decide
whether they have "substantiat-

ed" their cases, the Associated
Press said.
White commented that "sub-
stantiation" has not been done in
the extent Congress originally in-
tended. He explained that the
Federal Housing Expediter had
been recently taken to task for
deciding that "substantiation"
had been made in 300 hundred
cases asking for maintenance of
present controls and reversing his
position when local boards asked
changes in the status quo.
.Local Groups
To Plan Czech
A full program for mobilizing
campus sentiment against abride-
ments of academic freedom in
Czechoslovakia will be drawn up
tomorrow when individual stu-
dents and delegates of campus or-
ganizations gather at 4:15 p.m. in
the Union far a planning confer-
The local Council for Academic
Freedom, the IFC and the Inter-
Guild were yesterday added to the
roster of groups that will partici-
pate. And late last night, it ap-
peared that a muster taken at the
meeting will find most of the Uni-
versity's political and semi-politi-
cal clubs on hand.
Loud Condemnation
Some groups on campus were
loud in their condemnation of the
Czech coup, and gave full sanction
to the plans for a protest rally.
But participation in the meeting
did not commit a group to support
any stand taken, some leaders
were quick to point out.
Harry Blackwell, chairman of
the United World Federalists, de-
clared that his organization would
back the meeting to the hilt.
"The battle for academic free-
dom is world wide," he said. "It
takes precedence over any particu-
lar program of any particular
IRA Await: Information
Thi RA's Executive Board,
however, has oted to table a defi-
nite stand on the Czech coup until
more information is available. But
a delegate will be on hand and will
report back to the memebership
on Thursday.
And the local NSA chapter.
agreed that more information
should be presented before a defi-
nite commitment is made.
The chapter wrote its parent
body urging it to suspend cancel-

(right), a veteran of Pacific action and a student at Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology speaks to students at a rally
in Boston, Mass., organized by a newly-formed group, Veterans
Against MacArthur, in opposition to the General's nomination
for the Presidency. The rally was held in front of one of the
buildings of Boston University, where the group claims active
members, as well as at Harvard.
Chairman Says Local Rent
BoardsAccomplish Nothing

Five Billions
In Aid Given

F'inal Vote Ends
1 Hour Debate
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 13 -- A
history-making $5,300,000,000 Eu-
ropean aid program won approval
by the United States Senate to-
The vote was announced at 69
to 17.
The action which sent the
measure to the House came at a
dramatic night session after more
than 11 hours of debate.
Advocates of the program de-
Glared it offers the best chance of
saving 16 Western European na-
tions from Communism and eco-
nomic collapse.
Opponents attacked the meas-
ure as a costly outlay which
might undermine the American
economy and permit Russia to
shove its iron curtain to the
shores of the Atlantic.
With galleries packed to capac-
ity, a score of Senators took the
floor to praise or condemn the 52-
month program for helping
friendly nations help themselves.
The vote marked the first ap-
proval by either house of the plan
outlined by Secretary of State
Marshall in a Harvard commence-
ment speech last June 5.
The .measure, which author-
izes funds for the first year's
operation from April 1, faces
new assaults in the House. Pas-
sage there Is expected, but
strong efforts may be made to
reduce the dollar outlay and to
add other foreign aid funds to
the bill.
The actual appropriation bills
are yet to come.
The authorization measure left
the Senate without substantial
change from the form in which it
was introduced by Chairman Ven-
denberg (Rep., Mich.) of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee,
and Senator Connally (Dem.,
Tex.) the ranking Democratic
member of that committee.
Time after time Vandenberg
took the floor to call for the re-
jaction of amendments which
would have effected major
changes in the bill. On each oc-
casion he mustered sufficient
votes from both sides of the
aisle to win handily.
The bill faced its biggest test
Friday night when Senator Taft
(Rep., Ohio) offered an amend-
ment to reduce the 12-month au-
thorization to $4,000,000,000. It
was defeated 56 to 31.
Vandenberg steered the bill over
two more formidable hurdles Sat-
Czech Envoy
To UN Fre
-The Prague government today
fired Dr. Jan Papanek as Czech-
oslovak delegate to the United Na-
tions, but Papanek defied the
Communist-dominated regime he
has bitterly attacked.
Ending a three-day official si-
lence, the Prague authorities sent
through their Washington office
to the UN a curt telegram saying
Papanek had ceased to be the
permanent delegate on the Czech-
oslovak Republic on March 10.
That was the day on which
Papanek attacked the Communist
government in Prague, accused

Russia of aiding the Communists
to gain control, and demanded
that the UN Security Council in-
vestigate the coup.
Papanek acted without inform-
ing Prague what he planned to
As soon as the UN received the
dismissal notice, Papanek told this
repor'ter by telephone that ".I am
going on in my position." He said
he would bow only to a written
recall signed personally by Pres-
ident Benes.

321, A.H. complaints."

Survey Reporters Strive on as Reader Contradicts

Reading *a*bits
This week The Daily's Roundup Reporters have taken a survey
of University student's reading habits.
We are happy to report that The Michigan Daily topped the list
with a whopping 85 per cent of the students contacted reporting that
they read The Daily regularly. Next in order came Time Magazi c
with 65 per cent and Life Maga' inc with 62 per cent.
This week the Roundup Reporters varied their survey technique
which came under fire from critics doubting the validity of the first
two polls on UMT and presidential choices. Reading tastes were
polled by selecting two names from specified pages of the Student'
Directory and contacting the person by phone. A total of 756 students
were contacted.
After The Daily, Time and Life, the Detroit newspapers came in
for the biggest share of readers. Forty one per cent of the students
contacted read the Detroit Free Press while the News netted 20 per
cent of those contacted and the Times garnered 11 per cent. News-
nonr r~ n a .0hin n, w n- n . inrhfnr. h A- nnn .Arhnr,. Nnu,' ran

V;Mrf 1441Results
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Last week's Daily poll on l'MT seems to have aroused
a storm of controversy. Daily Night Editor slipped up in one respect and
lit misleading headline get by, for which she has been censured. Reader
Warren, a law school junior, disbelieves Daily poll results and has sent along
his own icdings which differ from our survey.)
(I aily Volun1tary contribu tor)
$omcwhat irked at arecent headline in 1hew Daily stating that
the student body was opposed to universal military training, and
feeling that The Daily poll didn't give a true cross-section of campus
opinion, I conducted my own poll Friday.
Stationed in front of the Union and the main library, 1 inter-
viewed 363 students on the following questions:
(1) Are you a student at the University of Michigan?
(2) Are you over or under 20 years of age?
(3) Do you favor a system of universal military training in the
United States?
The results of my poll differed considerably from those of The
Daily noll

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