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February 25, 1948 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-25

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Exclusive: G. B. Shaw Gives Lowdown on


Dlaily Special Writer
Copyright Feb. 24, 1948 by The Michigan Daily
George Bernard Shaw, who is never at a loss for an opinion about
anything, has somcthing to say about Henry A. Wallace and American
liberals, too.
Looking at American politics from a British and Fabian view,
Shaw asserts that Wallace must educate the liberals, "whose princi-
rles are flatly opposed to his (Wallace's) ."
His views were set forth in a personal letter to an Ann Arbor
couple recen' ij. The Daily was given exclusive rights to publication of
the letter upn reEipt of Shaw's cabled permission to "give my an-
swers all possible publicity."
High po vts in Shaw's letter are his comments that "no country is
ready for a progressi' e party," that "all Presidents call themselves
progressive," and that Wallace cannot restore amicable relations be-
tween Russia and the United States "unless Russia will let him, Con-
gress or no Congress."
Asserting that "it is American votes that Mr. Wallace must win,"
Shaw points out, 'Mr. Wallace, who is out to get a move on, need not
stop to consicer which Party wins if his new Party is defeated."
The let,- wa written by Shaw in response to a list of questions
submitted to him by William Chase, a collector of Shaw and member
of the Washtenaw County Wallace for President Committee. Chase,
who lives at 1332 Vaughn St. with his wife and two small children, ex-
plained that he wrote the letter because "Shaw has always been active
in progressive movemerts in England," adding, "I felt that he would be
interested in our latest progressive movement."
That hunch w-is made good by Shaw, who typed out his detailed
answers on bright green paper, correcting numerous typographical er-


1ors by hand in black ink. The thick brown envelope in which he en-
closed his letter was addressed in his own well-known handwriting
and postmarked, Welwyn, England, 9:30 a.m., Jan. 21.
A photostatic opy of Shaw's letter will be sent to Wallace, Chase
said, adding, "I doubt whether this is an entirely precise representa-
tion of Wallace's vews, but there are perhaps ideals expressed by Shaw
with which Wallace would agree."
Chase noted that Shaw's interest in political problems was insti-
gated by an Ameri an, Henry George, who delivered a lecture in Eng-
land which Shaw heard in 1881. Since then, Shaw has been an active
Fabian Socialist "of the non-catastrophic type."
Chase's collection of Shaw, which began three years ago with an
anniversary present from his wife, Helen, consists of over 200 indi-
vidual pieces, including both American and English first editions, origi-
nal manusc icpts, photographs, paintings and standard biographical
works. Des ribing his collection as more than a hobby, Chase said.
"It is a study cf Shavian Fabianism, combining both literary and so-
cial interest." Chase began corresponding with Shaw last August.
The text of Shaw's letter follows:
Question: Is America ready for a progressive party?
Answer: No country is ready for a progressive party. Each citizen
hates to be v verned at all, though he wants to be protected against
his fellow citiAx'ns. America is a geographical term, not a personal one.
It takes all sorts to make a world, on both sides of the Atlantic as else-
where. Ask me a sensible question.
Question: How can American Liberals accomplish the most to
assure Mr. Wallace's election?
Answer: By giving up their obsolete Cobdenism, their exploded
laisser-faire, and their anarchistic denunciations of what they call
Totalitarianism. A law that is not totalitarian is no law at all.


Question: What is the practical value of a progressive presi"'
dent when the Coz1 ress is predominantly conservative?
Answer: All Presidents call themselves progressive. But as a Re-
publican Congress can steal a horse when a Democratic one dare not
look over the hedge, and neither of them will go very far unless and
until circumstances drive them, Mr. Wallace, who is out to get a move
on, need not stop to consider which Party wins if his new Party is de-
Question: Can Mr. Wallace, with a Liberal cabinet, educate a
conservative Congress?
Answer: If he is elected he will have no time to educate anybody.
The government of the U. S. A. is a whole time job. Meanwhile it is
the liberals he must educate. Their principles are flatly opposed to his.
The issues are not now between Liberalism and Conservatism but be-
tween Cobdcnism and Tory Democracy, the latter meaning Socialism
annexed by the Capitalists as Plutocratic Socialism (alias Fascism)
for the sake of its immense industrial economy and boundless possi-
bilities, for their cwn profit. Mr. Wallace's tertium quid is Socialism
for everybody s benefit (alias Fabianism) which is non-catastrophic,
and recognizes both the broad basis of Communism without which
civilization is impossible (roads, bridges, public water and light sup-
plies, police, courts of justice, currencies, parliaments, armies and
fleets, etc., etc.) and private enterprize in its proper sphere of experi-
mental production.
Question: Can Mr. Wallace, without full support of Congress,
restore amicable relations between Jiussia and the United States?
Answer: Not unless Russia will let him, Congress or no Congress.

-Courtesy Ann Arbor News
... not a prophet

... no time to educate


See Page 0


Lr t gan



Latest Deadline in the State


Senate Votes
Extension of
Rent Controls
Ceilings Continued
Another 14 Months
By The Associated Press
Senate tonight passed by voice
vote and sent, to the House a bill
continuing rent control in some-
what altered form for 14 months.
Another bill is on its way
through Congress extending the
present law to the end of March.
Without it rent ceilings would
end next Sunday.
The House passed this tempo-
rary measure today. The Senate
is expected to adopt it later in
the week.
The Senate's 14-month bill will
go on a shelf in the House until
next month.
Under the Senate measure:
1. Rent increases up to 15 per
cent would be permitted where
tenants and landlrds agreed on a
lease through 1949a
2. Controls genorailly wo u l d
continue through April 30, 1949.
Tenants who agreed to a 15 per
cent increase last year under the
present law could not be charged
3. Tenants who accepted a rent
increase under the existing law in
exchange for a lease through 1948
would have their present rents
"frozen" from Jan. 1 through
April 30, 1949. Then rent control
would end for all tenants who
signed leases under the expiring
4. Tenants who have not al-
ready signed a voluntary increase
-or would not under the pro-
posed 14-month law-could "sit
r' tight." Generally speaking their
rents could not be raised before
April 30, 1949.
5. However, the Federal rent
administrator would be required
to permit higher rents where a
landlord proves he is losing
money. The administrator would
decide how much to increase.
6. Controls would end on non-
housekeeping rooms in private
Song Group
Sponsors Fest
Students with a taste for the
tang of folk music will be served
uip a melodic banquet tonight.
There'll be a fine old-fashioned
sing-ding at 327 S. Division-be-
tween Williams and Liberty-at
People's Songs, Inc. ,-responsi-
h1A fnr n "two ntenannv's" helr





a C ,__ _. w


Plan Series of Concentration
Talks To Assist Sophomores
Sophomores suddenly awakening to the fact that "you have to
concentrate in something" may find welcome assistance in the Con-
centration Discussion Series to be held next month.
The series, a continuation and enlargement of the program
initiated last year, will consist of a group of departmental meetings
designed to help the student choose his field. The meetings will
cover the nature and scope of the subject, the place of the subject
in a liberal education and its vocational implications.
Modifications of last year's series provide for added time
to be devoted to student ques-

tion periods, and for the dis-
tribution of brief mimeographed
informative material to supple-
nxent the discussions.
The series will start March 3
with meetings on Classical Lan-
guages, Modern European Lan-
guages and Geology and Mineral-
ogy scheduled. Later in the first
week Fine Arts and Music, Zoo-
logy and Botany and Economics
meetings will be held.
Subsequent discussions will
be held on English, chem-
istry, political science, psychol-
ogy, sociology, . anthropology'
and geography, history, philos-
ophy and the degree program in
religion and ethics, journalism,
area language studies, including
far eastern, Russian and Latin
American studies, astronomy,
physics, speech and mathema-
Sophomores are particularly
urged to attend the meetings,
Charles H. Peake, assistant dean
of the literary college, and chair-
man of the concentration discus-
sion program has announced.
Freshmen will also be most wel-
come, he added.
Specific dates and places of
the meetings will appear in sub-
sequent issues of The Daily.
SWorld News
At aGlance
By The Associated Piess
PRAGUE, Feb. 24-Former Pre-
mier Zdenek Fierlinger returned
to power tonight as leader of the
Social Democratic Party, giving
Premier Klement Gottwald the
force he needed for a march to
complete communist control of
The Social Democratic Party
holds the balance of power in
Southern Democratic leaders to-
day carried their revolt against
President Truman's leadership
to the point of opposing his
nomination for a full term in
the White House.
"[..he %"nnin. nn C. tYmmmfpp

IFC To Draft
Pledge Hazing
Rule To Accord With
Drafting of a rule to restrict
pledge hazing in fraternities on
campus was assigned to a com-
mitttee of three house presidents'
at the IFC house presidents meet-
ing last night in the Union.
The rule is being drawn up in
line with a National Interfrater-
nity Council ruling that there
should be no physical punishment
in fraternities, according to Jim
McCobb, secretary-treasurer of
Left to Local IFC
The National Council expresslyl
designated the deans of the col-
leges as enforcing authority, Mc-
Cobb said, but Dean of Students
Erich A. Walter has left it up to
the local IFC to take care of this
A resolution was passed to ask
Dean Walter to speak to the fra-
ternity presidents on the pledge
hazing at their meeting next week.
Dean Walter had offered to speak
to the group on the subject.
Hazing in fraternities was
brought into the limelight recent-
ly by the complaint of a UCLA
man to Los Angeles police that he
had been required as a fraternity
pledge to bring a freshly killed
dog to the house during Hell
The complainant said he had
depledged because of the incident.
However, the fraternity, while ad-
mitting to police that they had
had a young cocker spaniel around
the house, claimed that the spaniel
ran away.
It was also decided at the IFC
meeting to hold a belated rushing
period, from April 12 to April 23,
which will give those fraternities
which are at present on social pro-
bation a chance to rush this se-
Registration pictures will not
be available this week as prev-
iously announced in The Daily,
but students who have not had
their pictures taken should do
so by the end of the week.

... Cooley lecturer
" k
EnCo rceent
Of Laws Lax
Lawmakers do not expect


. . will speak here
* * * -
Famed Editor
Will .discuss.
Fifth Freedom
Grove Patter;on, globe-travel-
ling editor of the Toledo Blade,
will address a University audience
on "The Fifth Freedom," at 8
p.m. today, in Rackham Amphi-
The lecture will deal with the
newspaper's relationship to inter-
national problems.
Patterson has covered many of
the recent significant news events
on the International scene, in-
cluding the United Nations Or-
ganizing Conference in San Fran-
cisco, 1945.
General MacArthur issued Pat-
terson a special invitation for an
extensive tour of China, Japan,
Korea, and the Far East, in 1946.
Previous to the war, Patterson
reported much of the European
preliminaries. He was at the Gen-
eva Disarmament Conference, the
Coronation of King George in
London, and reported Italy under
Mussolini, making several visits to
the Balkans and Soviet Russia.
Editor of the Blade since 1926,1
Patterson worked on several na-
tionally-known newspapers prev-
ious to that, including the Cleve-
land Plain-Dealer, and the Toledo
At 3 p.m., Patterson will ad-
dress Journalism students on the
"Social Responsibilities of the
American Newspaper," in Rm. E,
Haven Hall.

U.S. Proposes
Big Five Aid
For Palestine
IZFA To Hold Rally
The United States recommend-
ed to the Security Council yester-
day that the Big Five powers com-
bine in an attemppt to secure a
swift peace in Palestine, accord-
ing to Associated Press reports.
The Associated Press said that
Warren Austin, chief U.S. dele-
gate had requested the establish-
ment of a special committee com-
posed of big five members to con-
sult with Arabs, Jews and Brit-
ish on a settlement.
Surprise Move
Columbian representative, Dr.
Alfonso Lopez, in a surprise move,
requested a special session of the
UN Assembly to face the Pales-
tine crisis.
Locally, IZFA members pre-
pared for a rally, which will be
held at 3:15 p.m. today in the
League, on the problem of Pales-
tine, and prepared to circulate
petitions asking President Tru-
man to rescind the arms embargo
to the Middle East.
At Hillel Foundation, Dr. Max
Weinreb, of Palestine, told a large
crowd of students that the Hag-
anah would probably take over
policing of Palestine when the
British withdrew.
Embargo Removal
"If the Jewish forces were able
to get proper arms, equal to those
that the Arabs are using, they will
be able to secure Palestine and
enforce the UN decision," he said.
Stressing the need for the re-
moval of the arms embargo, Dr.
Weinreb said that the Arabs had
all the guns that they could use.
The fear that the Arabs will
stop the flow of oil to the U.S.
was termed groundless by Dr.
Weinreb. "The only other pur-
chaser of Arabian oil would be
Russia and the ruling Arabs fear
the idea of Communism among
the exploited peasants more than
they fear any Jewish state," he
Talk of Communism in the pro-
posed Jewish state was also dis-
credited by Dr. Weinreb. "The
Jews in Palestine are intensely
nationalistic," he said, "and would
not tolerate a philosophy favor-
ing control by another nation."

-per cent enforcement of any law,
Prof. Burke Shartel, this year's
Cooley Lecturer in Law, said yes-
terday afternoon.
"We have murderers in spite of
everything we can do," he de-
clared, and there's always a dis-
crepancy between the law on the
books and law in action.
We want standards, Prof. Shar-
tel continued, but we mustn't ex-
pect perfection. Referring to
standards as laws, or a checklist
on which individuals base their
actions and officials judge these
actions, he said that all laws fol-
low the established habit pattern
of the majority.
Today's Thomas M. Cooley Lec-
ture, "Creation of Standards," the
third in a series of five, will be
delivered by Prof. Shartel at 4:15
p.m. in Rm. 150, Hutchins Hall.

Status of Partisan
Speakers in Doubt
Permission Granted for Zionist
Rally, Slide Rule Ball,'Play Day'
The Young Democrats Club was speedily approved by the Student
Affairs Comm'ttee at a regular meeting yesterday, ending more than
a decade-long drought of officially sanctioned political activity on the
University campus.
But no :Boner had the group received official sanction than it
struck a snag. Student Affairs Committee Chairman Dean Erich A.
Walter pointed out that University by-laws state "Speeches in support
of particular candidates of any political party or faction shall not
be peritted.

be permitted."
This has been interpreted to
mean that the Young Democrat1
or proposed Republican and
Wallace groups could not invite
guest speakers-.to appear in
University buildings. Strict in-
terpretation of this rule might
also prohibit student speakers
from appearing in support of
However the Student Affairs
committee, seeking to solve this
problem, has appointed a special,
four-man sub-committee to study
the question. The sub-committee,
composed of two students and two
faculty members, will report to
the full body at a special meeting
slated for next Tuesday.
If a recommendation for relaxa-
tion of the "speakers ban" is
turned in by the sub-committee
and okayed by the full committee,
the recommendation will probably
be transmitted to the Regents for
consideration at their regular
meeting a week from Friday.
Speedy approval of the Young
Democrats Club is expected to
pave the way for rfavorable ac-
tion on requests by a Republican
and Wallace group.
At its regular meeting the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee also:
1. Approved both Slide Rule
Ball April 16 and Assembly Ball
See SAC, Page 2
.Discuss Third
There is no short cut to lib-
eralism through a third party,
according to Prof. Samuel Elders-
veld of the political science de-
Speaking at a YPCM meeting
last night, he said, "We must be
politically and economically real-
istic" about the possibility of suc-
cess for such a movement. The
main factors blocking the third
party are the Electoral College,
the single member districts for
Congressional elections, and the
lack of class conscious politics in

Campus ADA
Requests End
The local chapter of Americans
for Democratic Action, added its
voice last night to a growing clam-
or for the re-recognition of MYDA
on the campus.
A letter sent to President Ruth-
ven by Bernard Goodman, ADA
chairman, declared, "a public in-
stitution in a democracy cannot
hinder any thought from reach-
ing the open market of ideas, and
still remain consistent to the phi-
losophy of the government under
which it was established."
ADA recognizes that MYDA is
"motivated by a political philos-
ophy contrary to that of the vast
majority of Americans, including
all members of ADA," Goodman
But, he added, "our adversions
to this philosophy are over-
whelmed by our respect for demo-
cratic rights . . . Democracy has
prevailed over totalitarian philos-
ophies because it has passed the
test of truth." To deny it this
test before the most highly edu-
cated sector of our society, is to
doubt democracy, Goodman said.
Local Housin
Subject of Talk
George Sandenburgh, Ann Ar-
bor city engineer, will discuss the
local housing situation with rep-
resentatives of veterans groups at
7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 220 of the
BessdHayes and Jack Elliott,
AVC delegates to the National
Veterans' Housing Conference in
Washington, will supply the meet-
ing with factual information on
th rrat._N .. da-a.unpr i

Hungary Allowed Free Churches, Schools-Dr. Kiss

"Hungarv is completelv free

Prof. Kiss has long been associ-
t e . . . . . .

tions, he replied, "Hungary has
npvr hqarlfrPP P alonsln"

Another textbook on anatomy is
..car hs. arks . r .- ro:.. - no- re +1

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