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Latest Deadline in the State
.. .
VOL. LVIII, No. 122
__ - - __
Will Discuss
Czech Plight
Will Uroe Global
Academic Rights
The blueprint for a proposed
international bill of academic
rights will make its bow today at
a campus-wide rally to deal with
reported clamps on teachers and
students that have followed the
coup in Czechoslovakia.
Five speakers will take up five
aspects of Czech academic free-
dom during the rally to be held
at 4:15 p.m. in Rackham Lecture
Drawn up by a special sub-com-
mittee of the meeting's planning
group, the new code of liberties
will seek "to guarantee the right
to investigate and learn the truth,
regardless of political, social and
economic . . . consequences."
Will Go to UN
The proposed code will be sent
to the UN's Commission on Hu-
man Rights, a branch of UNESCO.
Framers of the motion seek to add
academic rights to the roster of
guaranteed liberties being drawn
up at Lake Success.
Speakers at the meeting will be:
Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman
of the Michigan Committee for
Academic Freedom, who will out-
line the restraints on students and
teachers in Czechoslovakia.
Violations in U.S.
Prof. Preston Slosson of the
history department, who will talk
on violations of academic freedom
in the United States and their
relation to the world situation.
Dr. James H. Meisel of the po-
litical science department, who
will discuss the world trend and
the events leading up to abridge-
ments of academic freedom in
Czech Spirit
Rev. Edwin H. Redman of the
Unitarian Church, who will dis-
cuss the spirit of the Czech peo-
ple, theirsbackground and tradi-
tions, and
Robert Miller, a Czech student
who will offer some impressions
of student life in his homeland.
Alfred Shapiro, chairman of
SLID, will officiate at the meet-
* *
Disagree on
Czech Issue
The Student Religious Associa-
tion last night added its support
to today's all-campus meeting on
abridgements of academic free-
dom in Czechoslovakia-but at the
same time, the campus chapter
of YPCM voted non-support of
the rally.
A statement issued jointly by
Keitha Harmon, president of SRA,
and Dwight Walsh, secretary, as-
sailed the reported Communist at-
tack on a student demonstration in
Prague. "The schools in Czecho-
slovakia are now being purged on
non-CP professors and students,"
they charged.
SRA called on "all students of
conscience to support the mass
protest against the present sub-
version of civil and academic lib-
erties in Czechoslovakia."
Members of YPCM, after a long,
heated argument last night, voted
non-support of the rally because
of what was termed inconclusive
evidence that academic rights had
been violated in Czechoslovakia.
It was claimed that reports of such
infringements come solely from a
biased press.
The sponsors of today's meeting
assume that the press reports are
conclusive, and thus they do not
offer sufficient opportunity for
conflicting dispatches to be pre-
sented, YPCM members agreed.
Britain Boosts
Trieste Defense
' ~ ROME, March 23--UP)-British
Military Police reinfo ced the bor-
der in Trieste Free State tonight
as a precautionary measure.
A Foreign Ministry spokesman
in Rome said Italy would reject
Yugoslavia's second offer to bar-
ter her claims to Trieste for Ital-
U.S. Move Hasn't Changed
Palestine Muddle---AItman
The United States move to shelve partition essentially has not
altered the situation in Palestine, Major Sam Altman; Zionist leader.
told an Intercollegiate Zionist group last night at Hillel Foundation.
"The Jews in Palestine have no recourse but to continue fighting.
The door has been shut. They will proclaim a Jewish state and the
strife will continue--with or without official sanction," he said.
U.S. aims to keep Russia out of the Near East and at the same
time have access to Arabian oil may then backfire," the major
continued, "because Russia may eventually charge the Arab League
------------ as constituting a security threat
Senate Approves
MilitaryAid Bil]
Hiouise Debates Broad Global Plan
Republican Leaders See Victory
WASHINGTON, March 23-(P)-The Senate shouted approv
today of a $275,000,000 military aid program to bolster Greece ar
Turkey against communism.
The voice vote came as the House began debate on a $6,205,000,0(
two-continent foreign aid bill, with a supporter and an oppopei
both labelling it a "war measure."
Greek-Turkish aid, to continue the present $400,000,000 pro-
gram, was approved after only a few hours of debate in the Senate,
which already has passed a $5,300,000,000 European Recovery Bill.
Senator Pepper (Dem., Fla.) was almost alone in opposing aid
Greece and Turkey. He said the,"-
Truman Acts
To End Coal
line Walkouts
Orders Inquiry Into
Miner Pension Fight
WASHINGTON, March 23-0)/
-President ruman set the Taft-
Hartley Labor Law in motion late
today to-try to stop the nine-day-
old coal strike.
He ordered a board of inquiry
to bring him the facts within 13
days of the miners' pension dis-
pute between John L. Lewis and
the operators.
When this is done, the govern-
ment can ask the federal court to
issue an injunction to halt the
walkout. This carries with it a
threat of contempt of court pen-
alties-jail or fines- if it is ig-
Lewis Refuses Settlement Plan
Mr. Truman acted six hours af-
ter Lewis, president of the United
Mine Workers, scorned a govern-
ment plan to settle his quarrel
with the soft coal operators.
Federal Conciliator Cyrus S.
Ching went immediately to the
White House to announce the
failure of his efforts to make
Mr. Truman set up a three-man
board. He expects to appoint the
members tomorrow. Their job
will be to tell him the situation;
not to make recommendations.
They must report April 5 or be-
Three Boards Named
It was the third board of in-
quiry Mr. Truman has named
under the act. The others are in
the meat packing strike and a
contract dispute in a laboratory
at the Oak Ridge atomic energy
Mr. Truman, in accordance
with language of the Taft-Hartley
Act, said the strike if continued,
"will imperil the national health
and safety."
Ching's settlement plan, wh'ich
Lewis spurned, called for a fact-
finding board to investigate the
dispute over payment of miners'
pensions and recommend action.
But first Lewis would have had to
send his 400,000 men back to work.
Three of his associates waved it
aside as "grotesque" and Lewis
didn't bother to sign their reply
to Ching.
Coal Cut Foreseen
The government announced an-
other cut in railroad coal use un-
less the mines reopen.
The new order would bring a
25 per cent reduction in freight
movement by coal-burning loco-
motives on the basis of locomo-
tive miles. It would apply to all
commodities but coal itself.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
President Truman tossed over-
board today administration plans
for a civilian governor over the
American occupation zone in Ger-
many. The White House an-
nounced that General Lucius D.
Clay would remain as military
* * , .
JERUSALEM, March 23-
Representatives of Palestine's
600,000 Jews announced tonight
a Provisional Jewish Govern-
ment would begin operation in
therHoly Land May 16, the day
after the British yield their
In a joint meeting of the
Jewish Agency and Jewish Na-
tional Council in Tel Aviv, the
Jews rejected any plan for a
HolyLand trusteeship, as sug-
gested by the United States to
the United Nations.
WOODLAND, Wash., March 23,
and move troops in anyhow."
Only 1,000 miles from the
precious pipelines, Russia would
be able to cut them off from
the West with little difficulty,
he added.
"Thus, shortsightedness on the
part of the State Department may
result in the things it fears most
-a Russian foothold in the Near
East," Major Altman pointed out.
He dismissed the possibility of
achieving a trusteeship setup in
Palestine, as suggested by the U.S.,
with one word--veto.
Major Altman, who saw five
years of active duty in North
Africa and the ETO, blamed the
present confusion in high places
in the U.S. on the "naive belief
that the Arabs were bluffing
when they proposed to fight
partition with force."
"U.S. support of partition was
a simple political trick aimed at
securing votes in predominantly
Jewish areas.
"The United States was hoping
for a miracle when it expected
partition to work all by itself," he
The major'agreed that in a long
war of attrition with the Arabs,
the Jews in Palestine would lose
if they were not aided.
In the event ,that Russian
troops eventually did enter Pal-
estine and no war was to re-
sult, the major explained, the
American Jew would find him-
self on the spot.
"Were he to continue to sup-
port Palestine Jewry he would be
charged as pro-Russian. On the
other hand it would be difficult
for American Jews to forsake the
Hebrew state," he said.
If Russian intervention in Pal-
estine were to result in an East-
West war, the major said he was
certain that the Palestine Jews
would fight on the side of the
"The ties between the Palestine
Jews and American Jewry would
not admit of a break in such a
crisis," he said.
SL Petitions
Are Available
To Candidatles
Students who plan to run for
positions of the Student Legisla-
ture in the all-campus elections
April 27, may obtain candidate pe-
titions after noon today at the
Office of Student Affairs, Dick
Burton, Legislature elections com-
mittee chairman has announced.
Petitions, as well as a 50 word
statement of qualifications, show-
ing seriousness of purpose, must
be returned to the office by April
2, Burton said.
Under the regular election rules
established by the Legislature last
fall prospective candidates must
obtain 150 signatures of qualified
voters on the standard forms pro-
vided. No petitions may be cir-
culated in classes, study rooms and
libraries and, in any case, may be
circulated only by the student
seeking nomination.
Each student obtaining a peti-
tion must post a five dollar bond,
to be forfeited in the event of pe-
tition or election discrepancies, or
if the candidate receives fewer
than 25 first place votes in the
Students seeking office on the
Legislature are requested to attend
at least one of the two remaining
Legislature meetings before the
election so as to further acquaint
them with the Legislature and its
functions, Burton said.
IF I WERE EDITOR-Criticism paid off to five Daily readers (above) whose prize-winning letters
netted them a radio and $25 in the "If I Were Editor" contest. Sitting in the "editor's" seat at
the night desk is Mrs. Rupert G. Otto, who won the radio donated by Music Center, Inc. Other
prize winners, from left to right, are Keith McKean, Stan Harris, George Zuckerman, and Humph-
rey Olsen. R. J. Wubbena (right background), Music Center representative, presented the radio.
SAC Okays
New Campus
Eight new campus organizations
received full approval from the
Student Affairs Committee yester-
day while qualified approval went
to one new group.
A full slate of young political
groups now exists at the Univer-
sity with the Young Republicans
and Wallace Progressive student
groups passing the committee.
Final approval of the Wallace
groups is pending on Dean Erich
Walter's okay of dues and amend-
ment provisions of their consti-
Last month a Young Democrat
Club was chartered by the com-
The way was paved for official
operation of a student-operated
wired radio station by approval of
the Wired Radio Association. The
radio group plans to set up a full
schedule of student produced
shows next semester in coopera-
tion with the University Broad-
casting Service.
Also approved by the committee
were: Chinese Institute of En-
gineers; Association of Internes
and Medical Students; The Mich-
igan Crib, pre-law student group;
Social Research Group; Sym-
phonic Swing Orchestra and the
Toledo Club.
Walk, don't
Ride, to Arb
Here is some inside, top-drawer
advice for campus men who plan
on using father's car for extra-
curricular activities during the
rest of the term.
The advent of choice Spring
weather has lured the Campus
Cops away from the warmth and
comaraderies of the Sheriff's
office, and they're on the prowl
"Spring is here . . . so leave your
cars at home, and walk to the
Arb," said two of the University's
officers to a Daily reporter last
"It was too dangerous when the
roads were packed with ice and
snow to do much prowl work,"
they explained. "But this last
week-end we had a field day," they
gleefully reported.
Long lines of sad-faced young
men in U Hall Monday morning
were convincing evidence of the
new Spring-inspired manhunt for
violators of the University's driv-
ing regulations.
Northern Leaders Join Ranks
Of Anti-Truman Democrats
WASHINGTON, March 23-(A)
-Defections from President Tru-
man's candidacy spread from
South to North today, but word
passed along the Missourian was
in the race for keeps.
First, Senator Hill of Alabama,
long an administration stalwart,
surprised his colleagues by calling
for the withdrawal of the Presi-
dent's candidacy. His colleague,
Senator Sparkman, made a similar
demand last Friday.
They don't like the President's
Coed Knitting
In Classes Hit
By Dean Lloyd
Knitting by coeds in lectures
and classes was hit yesterday by
Dean Alice C. Lloyd.
Drawing attention to the Argyle
socks hobby, Dean Lloyd said it
resulted in "inattention and dis-
She said she wished women stu-
dents "to have equal rights and
opportunities in the University
and the community." She added,
"They should themselves show
equal courtesy."
The text of Dean Lloyd's state-
ment to women students as re-
leased to The Daily follows:
"At a recent formal academic
occasion when a distinguished ed-
ucator was asked to speak, I no-
ticed one of the women students
who was sitting in a front row
knitting an Argyle sock. The sock
had her undivided attention. Last
fall when we had outstanding visi-
tors from other campuses speaking
in the Marriage Relations Series
about two-thirds of the young
women in the audience knitted.
The effect in both these cases was
that of inattention and discourt-
esy. Recently knitting has turned
up at concerts and I am told there
is a good deal of knitting in theI
"To me this is a deplorable ex-
ample of bad manners to the
speaker, musician, of professor as
well as to those who sit in the im-
mediate vicinity who would like to
give their full attention. As one
who knits and one who speaks oc-
casionally I feel I am qualified to
remonstrate. I am also one who
wishes the women students to have
equal rights and opportunities in
the University and the commu-
nity. They should themselves
show equal courtesy."
program for federal lags against
lynching, poll taxes, racial dis-
crimination in jobs and interstate
Brooklyn Districts Opposed
Second, three Brooklyn Demo-
cratic leaders in districts with
heavy Jewish populations an-
nounced their opposition to a full
term for Mr. Truman. This was
in protest against the administra-
tion's change of stand on Pales-
tine partitioning.
Third, Senator Pepper (Dem.,
Fla.), who announced his support
of the President when Henry A.
Wallace began his third party
movement, urged that unin-
structed delegations De sent to the
July national convention. (Of 40
delegates so far chosen, 18 in New
Hampshire and Alaska are pledged
to Truman).
Uninstructed Delegates
Without declaring for or against
Mr. Truman, Pepper told reporters
he believes party members should
wait until convention time to de-
cide on the top man for the ticket.
He said the decision, however,
should not be based solely on re-
action to Mr. Truman's civil rights
Rallying to the President's cause
were Senator Hatch (Dem., N.M.)
and Rep. Kirwan (Dem., Ohio),
chairman of the Democratic Con-
gressional Campaign Committee.
Hatch told a reporter Mr. Tru-
man himself had informed him
that he would "fight to the end"
without regard for the political
Lawyer Blasts
GOP Record
"It is not the third party, but
the Republicans whom we must
work to defeat in the elections this
fall," Catherine Falvey, prosecut-
ing attorney at the Nuremberg
trials, told student and local Dem-
ocrats last night at a banquet
given in her honor at the Ma-
sonic Temple.
Miss Falvey, currently touring
the state in behalf of the Demo-
cratic campaign, charged the Re-
publican-dominated 80th Congress
with "one of the greatest failures
in action of any Congress in his-
The formation of the third party
has freed the Democrats from the
stigma of Communism, which was
largely responsible for their de-
feat in the 1946 elections, Miss
Falvey said.
changes for war are "about 99 out
of 100" unless this country makes
a "final effort" toward agreement
with Russia.
The hotly debated House bill in-
cludes ERP, Greek-Turkish Aid,
military and economic help for the
Chinese government in its war
against communist forces, and
$60,000,000 for the United Nations
children's fund.
Congress' Republican leadbrs
said prospects were bright for
agreement between both Houses,
perhaps next week, on- all as-
pects of the foreign aid pro-
(In Turkey, Istanbul's civilian
defense committee, inactive since
World War II ended, was directed
to complete plans within a month
for any emergency that might
(Maj. Gen. H. L. MacBride, chief
of the U. S. military mission,
reached Istanbul by plane from
Washington. Shiploads of U. S.
military equipment are expected to
follow late this month.
(Turkish preparedness has been
stepped up since the Communist
seizure of power in Czechoslovakia.
There have been no reports, how-
ever, of outside pressure on Tur-
key itself.)
Tax Cut Bill
To Be Voted
Oni by House
WASHINGTON, March 23-(/P)
-The House got set today to pass
the $4,800,000,000 income tax
cut bill along to President Truman
The Rules Committee decreed
only one hour of debate before
the vote. The committee took that
course after some Democrats had
served notice they would block an
effort to rush the bill to President
Truman today.
Speaker Martin (Rep., Mass.)
predicted the House will approve
the Senate's version of the bill by
more than a 3-to-1 margin.
"The tax cut is certain," he said.
He added that if the President
vetoes the bill, as is widely expect-
ed, the veto will be overriden.
Chairman Leo Allen (Rep., Ill.)
told the Rules Committee:
"I hope the President is as eager
to sign this bill giving American
taxpayers $4,800,000,000 as he is to
sign the Marshall Plan to give
other nations $6,200,000,000."
There was one brief flare of die-
hard Democratic opposition to the
bill on the House floor. Rep. Mon-
roney (Dem., Okla.) shouted:
'"At this moment when democ-
racy is in great peril we are asked
to reduce taxes. Before the year
is out Congress will draft the sons
of the mothers of this country. We
had better draft the dollars now
and keep taxes where they are."
Elliott To Head
State Normal
Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, state su-
perintendent of public instruction
will replace retiring Dr. John M.
Munson as president of Michigan
State Normal College, Ypsilanti,
July 1.
After acceptingtthe appoint-
ment from the State Board of
Education, yesterday, Elliott out-
lined three main policies which
will be the basis for his new ad-
Austin Blasts
Russian Claim
Panyushkin Decries
Anti-Soviet 'Slander.
By The Associated Press
Warren Austin, chief American
UN delegate, called "fantastic" a
charge by Andrei Gromyko, Soviet
deputy foreign minister, that the
United States is attempting to
"blackmail" Italy and Czechoslo-
In an hour long speech, Gromy
ko told the Security Council that
the United States is using "prom-
ises and threats, whip and cake" in
the Italian campaign in a "policy
of rude pressure and blackmail."
Gromyko denounced all charges
in the Czechoslovak case as being
groundless. He said the Czechoslo-
vaks would not yield to "black-
mail" and "cheap propaganda"
coming from the Security Coun-
cil rostrum.
Attacks 'Fantastic' Stories
Austin attacked what he called
"these fantastic stories about the
United States." He said that it has
always been obvious that such
stories are the "propaganda of the
arbitrary rulers of the Russian
The clash came in the second
day of the Security Council debate
on charges brought by Chile that
Russia engineered the Communist
coup in Czechoslovakia.
Charges Slander Campaign
Meanwhile, in New York, Soviet
ambassador Alexander S. Pan-
yushkin charged that a "mon-
strous" slander campaign is being
waged against Russia-a nation
that "has always stood and stands
now for peace and international
In his first major speech in this
country, at a dinner of the Na-
tional Council of American-Soviet
Friendship, Panyushkin ' charged
that Winston Churchill and Amer-
ican forces of "international reac-
tion" are trying to stir up emnity
against the Soviet Union.
They will never succeed, he de-
In gralim Rally
To BeStaged z
Joining a nation-wide fight to
win a retrial for a Negro woman,
Mrs. Rose Ingrahm and her two
sons, sentenced to die for the mur-
der of a Georgia farmer, campus
groups will hold an "Ingrahm
Rally" at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the League.
Miriam Levy, rally chairman,
said that leaflets explaining the
family's case will be distributed
through the city today.
The purpose of the rally, co-
sponsored by IRA, YPCM, AVC
SRA, Unitarian Guild and the
Wallace Progressives, is to raise
funds. The money will be turned
over to NAACP to provide counsel
for a newv trial, protect witnesses
and help provide for Mrs. In-
grahm's other ten children, Miss
Levy said.
Speakers will be George W.
Crocket, former hearings commis-
sion lawyer for FEPC and Ernest
Neal, graduate student in sociol-
General Service Building Aids Angell Clock Watchers
Angell Hall "clock watchers"!
will have life made easy for them
by the stainless steel clock on the
that Betsy Barbour and Helen
Newberry coeds have the most to
gain from the new time piece. It
will enable them to stretch that
12:3 'nflnrriinn totn helast nos-
the clock is located. Inside it there
is no glamorous setting, nothing
but clock works (an IBM ma-
chine) and the machinery which
onrtes the Pelev'ators of the
But getting back to the clock,
some interesting statistics were
The overall dimensions are 11