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February 14, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-14

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Latest IDeadlie iii the State

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VOL. LVHI, No. 90




Ann ArborAllSlicked Up





H i

Ann Arbor slid into its second
day of dangerous ice this morn-
ing, and the snow and low tem-
peratures expected this after-
noon and evening promise a slick
and treacherous week-end.
Emergency Edison crews were
kept busy throughout the night
repairing fallen wires, and as
roads became more and more
slippery, city police, fire and
maintenance crews battled to keep
roads clear and vital services op-
The iceman who cameth to the
city yesterday morning did such a
thorough job that even Friday
the 13th's proverbial black cat
couldn't keep his feet.
Bruised Pride
Although no student sustained
any more serious injuries than
bruised pride, several townsfolk
Marshall Calls
Western Bloc
ri "
Great Hope'
DES MOINES, Feb. 13-Q)-
Sa foyreecrttStataoitao RRFG
Secretary of State Marshall to-
night described the formation of
a western European union as "our
great hope."
A "stable and healthy western
r 'Europe," Marshall said, would
make Soviet leaders "much more
irclined" to reach a settlement
of problems that now divide Rus-
sia and the West.
In a speech prepared for the
National Farm Institute, Marshall
unreservedly endorsed the West-
ern European union proposals of
British Foreign Secretary Ernest
Warns of Soviet Control
And he declared that "half-
hearted and inadequate" U.S. aid
to Europe would have the "tragic"
result of letting Western Europe,
the Middle East" and the entire
Mediterranean area pass into the
control of "The Soviet Uniocn
and their Communist allies."
To "meet the situation grudg-
;4ngly, ' the Secretary declared,
would be the same as doing noth-
ing-and doing it "at great ex-
pense ,
Marshall recalled saying when
he returned from the latest Lon-
don conference of Foreign Minis-
ters that "there must be a de-
cided change in the situatioii be-
fore we would have a basis for
cided change in the situation be-
a genuine settlement with the So-
viet Union."
Peace Treaty
"I meant," he said, "that if a
stable and healthy Western Eu-
Tope can be realized, the Soviet
leaders, being supreme realists,
would be much more inclined to
reach a settlement on the terms
of a peace treaty."
Republicans To
Hold Primary
Aspirants Vie for
County, City Jobs
The Republican primary elec-
tion to be held Monday in Ann
Arbor has developed into a race
for two county supervisor posi-
tions, and one city alterman.
The primary will be entirely a
Republican affair since the Dem-
ocratic party, which has a full
slate to run in the April elections,
does not have an conflict among
its candidates for the positions.
In the third ward, the primary
for the post of supervisor will be
fought between Harvey A. Ward

and Fred J. Williams.
In the sixth ward, Wilmoth
Barker and Ruth M. Dana are
running for supervisor's nomina-
tion on the April ballot while By-
ron 0. Hughes and Arthur D.
k Moore are-running for Alderman.
Voting machines will be used
in the Monday election and the
results will appear in Tuesday's
ISA Presents
Foreign students gave an im-
promptu program at their own
reception at Rackham last night,,
when the weather kept the pros-
pective speakers away.
Several Hawaiians put on a
dance. A group of Chinese pre-

were treated at hospitals for
broken ankles and wrists sus-
tained on the slippery walks.
Only one Willow Run bus man-
aged to get to campus before 10:00
a.m., and it was towed by a
wrecker as a precautionary meas-
ure. Other students struggled to
Willow Run students who
missed classes because of the
transportation situation will be
excused for absences yesterday
morning, University officials
class by land and sea, some even
taking the train from Ypsilanti.
Many made the perilous trip to
class only to find that their pro-
fessors had given bolts. Morning
attendance was estimated unof-

ficially at 75 per cent of normal.
One student who already had a
broken leg in a walking cast took
one look and went back to bed
for the day.
Hazardous Conditions
Continuing rains kept driving
conditions hazardous in and
around the city, but there were
few accidents, police said, be-
cause of slow and careful driving.
Bus service was completely dis-
rupted until 9:30 a.m. and few
out-city busses left throughout
the day.
Elsewhere in the state, the As-
sociated Press reports that the
storm grounded planes, closed
schools and snarled traffic. The
Automobile Club advised that all
roads were icy and dangerous, and
storm warnings were posted for
Lake Michigan.



Students Strong for Campus
Radio Station, Survey Shows

The proposal now before the
Student Affairs Committee for a
student-operated radio station re-
ceived strong campus support yes-
A Daily survey revealed that an
overwhelming number of students
favor the station because they feel
that it would offer listener-de-
signed programs as well as prac-
tical experience for the broadcast-
ers. Many interested students
even suggested program idea.
Typical statements follow:
"With a student broadcasting
Court Order
Won't Hit TU,
Lawyer Says
The University will not be af-
fected by the recent court order
setting a hearing to determine if
the City of Ann Arbor should
cease providing service to outside
agencies, city attorney William M.
Laird said yesterday.
The order, requiring the city to
appear in court in April in De-
troit, was requested by lawyer
William Lucking: It is part of a
suit in which Lucking alleges that
city taxpayers support more than
their share of public services.
An attempt to contact Lucking
in Detroit revealed that he had
left town and would not return
until April.
City attorney Laird doubted
that anything would come of the
hearing. He said that the court
would not attempt to impose law
on non-judicial matters. "The
question of the extension of serv-
ices and boundaries is a matter for
the voters of Ann Arbor," he said.
This court order is another
phase of Lucking's campaign to
ease what he considers to be the
burden of the taxpayers of Ann
Arbor. In the past, he has insti-
tuted several suits claiming that
the city should not subsidize the
University with services. He was
instrumental in getting the Uni-
versity to contribute the sum it
now pays the city for use of serv-
MYDA Request
Debated by AVC
The American Veterans Com-
mittee, after a heated controversy
concerning MYDA's recent request
for support in its fight for recog-
nition as a campus organization,
has referred the matter to a spe-
cial committee.
The committee has been estab-
lished for the purpose of drafting
a statement outlining AVC's stand
on the MYDA question. This
statement is to be presented to
the membership of AVC at their
meeting next Tuesday, for a vote.

station, we could listen to what we
want to hear," Fran Doty, '50, de-
clared, deploring the surplus of
"housewife programs" on the air.
"It would be exceptionally fine if
the University could finance the
station, so that there need be no
"A station that broadcasts the
stuff you want to hear sounds like
a good idea," Betsy Crawford, '50,
Putting his stamp of approval
on the proposed wired station,
Bob Dean, '49, declared, "It would
be fine practical experience for
anyone who wants to get into
speech work or radio."
Connie Grylls, '50, echoed Dean,
saying, "It's a marvelous way to
get experience."
"I'm 100% for it," Bill Tramel,
'50, said. He added, "If there's to
be a station for students, then the
students should have control over
the kind of entertainment they
"If the station will offer some
music I can study by and no com-
mercials, I think it's a fine idea,"
Herbert Smith, '49E, declared.
Ray Ashare, '49, also voiced ap-
proval, saying that such a station
"would offer opportunity for a free
and more liberal exchange of stu-
dent ideas and opinions."
One lone dissenter, a lit school
senior, who refused permission to
use his name, said, "I don't think
students gre capable of enough
discrimination 'to select their own
Dr. E. W. Sink
Faces Charg(e
Oculists Accused of
Receiving Rebates
Dr. Emory W. Sink, Health
Service oculist, wasone of 2,750
eye doctors charged with accept-
ing rebates from optical firms in
a petition filed by government at-
torneys in the Chicago Federal
The petition asks that the doc-
tors be named as defendants in
antitrust suits filed in June, 1946,
which accused several large op-
tical firms of making rebates to
oculists who send patients to
them for glasses.
Dr. Sink had no comment to
make on the charge when con-
tacted by a Daily reporter.
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, direc-
tor of Health Service said the
charge could concern only Dr.
Sink's private practice, not glasses
purchased by students as a result
of Health Service examination. He
added that glasses are purchased
for students through Health Serv-
ice and there is no possibility of a
Other local oculists named in
the petition are Dr. Harold F.
Falls and Dr. F. B. Fralick.

Just Short of
World Mark
Mile, Two Mile
Records Are Set
The record books took a beating
last night as five AAU Yost Field
House marks were broken and one
tied in the Michigan AAU Relays.
University of Michigan cinder-
men were responsible for three of
the five new records set before a
delighted crowd of 3,000.
Charlie Fonville, who was
billed as the meet's top attrac-
tion lived up to expectations as
he came within one half inch of
equaling his own world's in-
door shot put mark with a tr?--
mendous heave of 56 feet 6
His toss was a full three feet
better than the existing Field
House record.
In both University relay
events Wolverine quartets per-
formed brilliantly in breaking
the existing marks and record-
ing the best tines yet turned in
anywhere in the country.
The mile relay team, composed
of Val Johnson, Joe Hayden,
George Shepherd and Herb Bar-
ten ran away from its only com-
Michigan's hockey team won
its eighth straight game of the
season last night as it defeated
Minnesota, 6-2, to win its thirdt
straight mythical Conference
championship. For complete de-
tails, see- story on Page Three.
petitor Michigan State to win by
50 yards in 3:19.1, six-tenths of
a second under the old standard.
The Michigan two mile quar-
tet of Joc Shae, Bob Thonason,
George Vetter and Barten did
even better topping the old
mark by five an eight-tenths
seconds, running in 7:47.7, Bar-
ten's anchor leg of 1:53.5 was
phenominal and is in itself un-
der the existing Field House and
Big Nine marks.
Pole vaulter Bob Richards rep-
resenting the Illinois Athletic
Club soared 14 feet 1 inches,
3%/ inches better than the existing
Richard's performance will not
be considered official, however,
because he is not a college athlete
having graduated from the Uni-
versity of Illinois last year.
Michigan State's Fred John-
son completed the quintet of
record smashes with a leap 24
feet 8 inches to break the ex-
Perkins Suggests
OVA Transfer
Operation of the Veterans' Re-
adjustment Center by University
Hospital in cooperation with the
State Department of Mental
Health was suggested yesterday
by budget director John A. Per-
kins in conjunction with his rec-
ommendation that the State Of-
fice of Veterans Affairs be abol-

Perkins declared the OVA has
performed some worthwhile and
necessary functions during the
past year but said existing state
agencies could now take over and
carry on its work, according to
an Associated Press report.

s ADA Favors
4 r vPlan, Attacks
Calls NYA 'Insincer(
, 4 'Communist-Inspire


in community meeting house to
newsmen of broken faith in Am
Chinese Reds
Admit Capture,
Of Americans
-The Chinese Communists ac-
knowledged today that they had
captured five U.S. Marines, who
disappeared Christmas Day north
of Tsingtao, and that one had
died of wounds.
This confirmed a report by the
Chinese government commandant
at Tsigtao shortly afterathe
Americanis vanished. U.S. Naval
authorities last Monday said they
still had no news of the men.
The five enlisted men were on
a hunting trip in a jeep when
they strayed into territory then
occupied by the Communists.
The Communists radio, how-
ever, charged that they were par-
ticipating in the civil war on the
government side.
The broadcast, heard in San
Francisco by the Associated Press,
said the Communists had "lodged
a strong protest with the Amer-
ican Navy in China, demanding
that it apologize and guarantee
no recurrence of such actions;
otherwise the American troops
and United States Government
will bear full responsibility for the
consequences resulting from such
The broadcast promised that
"if the American Naval authori-
ties accept these justified de-
mands, the Peoples Liberation
Army will treat the captured
American Marines with clemency
in accordance with the spirit of
friendship between the Chinese
and American peoples."
world News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
BERLIN, Feb. 13-Russia or-
dered a Soviet model of the Brit-
ish-American economic adminis-
tration set up in Eastern Germany
The action was a further step in
the partition of Germany between
east and west.
* * *
OMAHA, Feb. 13 - Senator
Taft (Rep., Ohio) tonight
claimed the title of "true liber-
al," a term he said New ealers
have no right to 'appropriate."
Taft attacked as non-liberal
President Truman's proposals
for price-wage and rationing
control, compulsory health in-
surance and Universal military
NEWTON, Miss., Feb. 13-Four
persons were killed, more than a
score injured and at least five



ITH IN U.S.-Arabs of the Middle Palestine village of Taiba gather
greet visiting American and British correspondents. They told the
rerica and of their determination to fight partition "to the death."
F'alling Market PricesPushr,
Commodities Costs Down

CHICAGO, Feb. 13-(AP)-Still
falling market prices pushed most
major cost of living commodities
lower today, but the headlong
plunge of prices tended to level
off in some lines.
Butter spearheaded the day's
dip parade, breaking as much as
61/z cents a pound in the whole-
sale markets and selling lower in
retail stores in several cities.
More grocery stores clipped
meat prices during the day. Rye,
soybeans, and some corn contracts
for future delivery crashed the
Register 320
For Rushing
Rushing registration closed with
more than 320 men signed up for
the spring program, IFC reported
yesterday. ..
The rushing program itself is
scheduled to begin tomorrow with
an open house at the 25 frater-
nities which plan to rush this se-
Fraternities which will be
holding the open house and were
not listed in yesterday's Daily are:
Delta Chi, Delta Upsilon, Phi
Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Klappa,
Theta Delta and Chi and Theta
The other fraternities with
plans for the open house are:
Acacia, Alpha Sigma Phi, Chi
Psi, Lambda Chi Alpha, Kappa
Sigma, Pi Lambda Phi, Psi Up-
silon, Theta Psi, Zeta Beta Tau
and Zeta Psi.
The list concludes with Sigma
Alpha Mu, Phi Sigma Delta, Tri-
angle, Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa
Nu, Theta Chi, Sigma Phi, Phi
Kappa Sigma and Delta Chi.
The rushing program will con-
clude April 3.

daily permissible limits on North
American exchanges.
Market in Turmoil
A series of buying .and selling
waves kept the grain market in
a turmoil, with prices skittering.
At the end, however, all prices
were coming down.
Although many commodities
made their strongest showing of
the week, the most that could be
said for the recovery effort was
that it tended to check the pre-
cipitate slump. In no. lines were
there indications of a full-scale
comeback drive.
Wheat prices closed both high-
er -and lower in Chicago. Both
May and July corn were down the
eight cents a bushel limit at the
market close. Oats moved higher.
New Corn Slump
The new slump in corn prices
brought the decline in May corn
to 731/% cents a bushel since the
Jan. 16 peak. May wheat, which
fell five cents, was 74%2 cents un-
der the Jan. 16 peak.
The New York Stock Exchange
made little important headway
in its post-holiday session.
Civil Rights Group
Aims To lie Told
The aims and purposes of the
newly-organized Michigan Com-
mittee for Civil Rights will be
described by Rev. John H. Burt,
of the Episcopal Student Founda-
tion, at the Student Religious As-
sociation Saturday Lunch at 12:15
p.m. today.
Organized at Lansing last
month, the new committee has as
its honorary chairman, Arch-
bishop Francis J. Haas, of Grand
Rapids, who served on President
Truman's Committee - on Civil
Rights. Rev. Burt, who attended
the organizational meeting, will
discuss the committee in its role
of rousing and uniting people of
the state to work for the realiza-
tion of civil liberties.

A split among student foes
Universal Military Training de
veloped yesterday when ADA
campus chapter branded as "in
sincere" and "Communist-in
spired," the National Youth As
sembly, sponsor of a Fight UM'
The cleavage came while mor
than a dozen University student
completed plans to join the group
anti-conscription lobby in Wash-
ington tomorrow.
Bernard Goodman, chairma
of ADA, urged all the lobbyists
to continue on to Washington
and to keep fighting Universal
Military Training. But he
warned "Disaffilate with the
National Youth Assembly or the
fight will be lost;"
ADA has been fighting UMT a
a member of the National Counc
Against Conscription, a leadin
coordinating group , Goodma
pointed out. The National Yout
Assembly has been denounced :
the Council as a "Communi
front" and has been denied i'
(Yesterday's Daily erred in list
ing ADA as one of the groups tha
will be represented at the lobby
ADA's attack on the Washing
ton lobby brought on a storm c
rebuttals fromn the national meet
ing's local sponsors. And late la;
night it appeared that few if am
members of the delegation woul
heed Goodman's suggestion to bo
the National Youth Assembly.
The Assembly, Goodman sail
was founded by a "small group c
youth leaders in New York, mo.
of them from Communist fror
groups. The national board c
ADA, and our local chapter flnt
it impossible to work with Con
munists on this issue particular
"1. The Communists refuse tc
take any action internationally
on disarmament which is agains
tha policy of the Soviet Union
"2. Many of their leaders
particularly AVD, were out'
spoken supporters of JMT a
short while ago. When the Com
munist line changed, the:
switched their views but the:
may switch back again just a
"Universal Military Traini3
will fall of its own weight, in tl
election year," according to Bc
Greene, of ADA's executive boar
"It will fall, that is, unless the a
Live opposition can be linked
communists. If sincere foes
conscription go along with ti
Communist-led NYA, they mi
See ADA, Page 4
Day of Prayer
Wil Be Held

Local Casanovas Jam Shops
For Bits of Paper and Lace

Elliot Favors Federal Aid to Colleges

Local shopkeepers will close
their door today with a sigh
of relief and a quiet prayer of
thanks that a late Easter grants
them a good two months to re-
cover from the week-long stream
of Valentine seekers.
At last report, mobs of students,
apparently conscience-stricken at
the last minute, were still storm-

sarcastic poem. Perhaps finals are
not yet forgotten.
To the delighted amazement of
one shopkeeper, the tidy sum of
five dollars was required to meet
the needs of a few Leap Year-
conscious coeds.
The frantic purchasing evi-
denced this week is a modern ver-
sion of Valentine's Day rituals
dating back to ancient Rome. On
Feb. 15 during the festival "Luper-

Fuller To Address
World Prayer Groi
A student worship service fe
turing a talk by Russell Full
'48, former national president
the Disciples Student Fellowsh
will open local observance of t
Student World Day of Prayer a
p.m. tomorrow.
The service, to take place in t
First Baptist Church, will ma
the participation of all Int4
Guild member groups on cam
in an event to be observed by c
lege groups throughout the wor
Some of the flavor of the intf
national student scene will be z
produced by Fuller, who will spe
about brotherhood and worship
the light of the recent World CC

Federal aid for higher education
is desirable and probably inevita-
ble, Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, State
Superintendent of Public Instruc-

next few years will be in junior
community colleges," Dr. Elliott
He added that "high school
graduates need some sort of

He declared that some kind of
scholarship system for the capa-
ble youth from lower-income
groups is needed.
"Such a system would not be a

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