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February 14, 1948 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-14

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Dictatorial Policy

THE RECENT NEWS filtering back from
Japan of a change in General Mac-
Arthur's policy towards press and radio
correspondents offers abundant evidence
that the Russians have no monopoly on
the "iron curtain."
The current controversy arises from an
order issued approximately two weeks ago
by ^MacArthur's press officers stating that
any correspondent leaving Japan to cover
another assignment would lose the right
to return to Japan, and his family would
lose its living quarters there.
The policy was first -applied to a British
correspondent, Hugh Hessell Tiltman, and
shortly after to William Costello, of CBS,
and Alpheus Jessup, of the McGraw-Hill
newspapers. By strange coincidence, all
three had written recent articles criticizing
the 'MacArthur occupation policies.
For a general in the army of a sup-
posedly democratic nation which prides it-
self on freedom of the press, and a man
who is widely discussed as a possible pres-'
idential candidate, this is indeed a strange
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

attitude--an attitude which may have great
importance in the public's appraisal of
MacArthur, the man.
So far, reports on the American occupa-
tion policy in Japan have been generally
favorable, and the general concensus of
public opinion likely considers MacArthur
as having done a good job.
'But any effective Dublic opinion must
be based on reliable information. If Mac-
Arthur's current pressure policies on press
and radio correspondents is continued,
it will have the effect of deliberately mis-
leading public opinion as to just how
successful MacArthur has been in the big
job of bringing the Japanese around to
an American point of view politically.
Is this the man whom many are serious-
ly considering for the most important office
in the land-a man who deliberately tries
to conceal his errors rather than admit
them and make the necessary changes in
Of course, this may be an extreme view,
for it is possible that MacArthur's public
relations officers acted without his knowl-
edge; if so, he should act promptly and
effectively to rid his administration of such
petty tyrants. It is only by such action
that he can rid'himself of the stigma, and
eventual fate, of all such dictators.
--Russell B. Clanahan.

CIO Indictment

Unio- Money
THE REPUBLICANS have never gained
much advantage from union political
spending. The Republicans wrote the Taft-
Hartley Act in which they put a clause
which bans union.political spending.
The Democrats, who wrote the Wagner
Act, 'don't like the Taft law. Attorney Gen-
eral Tom Clark is a Democrat. His boss is
President Truman who vetoed the Taft law.
A suit, which :Attorney-General Clark will
prosecute, has been -brought against Phil,
Murray and the CIO leaders, chargi
them with intentionally violating the Taft-
Hartley ban on political spending by en-
dorsing a political candidate in a union-
financed publication.
Senator Taft, seeing his law in possible
conflict with the Bill of Rights, says that
the political spending ban "probably re-
quires clarification."
Attorney General Clark, dead serious, says
that he is going to enforce the law "as
It is politically opportune for the Demo-
crats, and probably not accidental, that
this prosecution is the first big one to
test the political spending ban of the Taft
Act. When statutes and the Constitution
come into conflict, as in this case they :may
be in conflict, the Constitution wins.
Phil Murray welcomes the indictment, he
says, and doesn't deny the "intentional"
part of the indictment. His case looks
pretty good, especially considering that the
New Deal Supreme Court is the final au-
And if Murray wins, one of Mr. Truman's
arch-rivals, Senator Taft, will have taken
another political buffet and at the some
time union money can once more come to
the aid of the Democrats.
--Jim Wimsatt.

Expected Fight
E LONG-AWAITED indictment of
Philip Murray and the CIO by the gov-
ernment has come about' at last and the
Taft-Hartley law faces one of many legal
onslaughts to come.
Murray, by printing an endorsement of
a Democratic candidate for Congress in the
CIO"News, a publication financed by union
funds, purposely violated that part of the
Taft-Hartley law which forbids unions and
corporations from making expenditures in
connection with 'political elections.
This action was taken, according to Mur-
ray, not out of "defiance or bitterness" but
to force a test case to determine the val-
idity of the "political spending clause of
the controversial labor law.
The apparent eagerness of labor leaders
to legally challenge this and other phases
of the Taft-Hartley law contrasts sharply
with the views of Sen. Taft, co-author of
the law, who said that there is a possibility
that the government made a mistake in
the indictment" and even conceded that
some provisions of his law "ultimately"
might require clarification.
Can it be that Sen. Taft now realizes that
his law is not only an infringement of the
freedom of the union press but of the large
segment of the press owned by corpora-
Has he suddenly grasped the fact that any
corporation - owned newspaper can be
dragged into court for expressing opinion
about political candidates?
If so, he has attempted to hide his
dismay at his discovery by re-iterating
that flowery phrase that the Taft-Hartley
law is the workingman's "bill of rights."
Let Sen. Taft take time out from his
vigorous campaigning to review an earlier
and more famous "Bill of Rights," the first
article of which states, "Congress shall make
no law abridging freedom of speech or of
the press."
-Leon Jaroff.

grain price collapse this week is that
the whole episode is kind of shameful, both
the rise and the fall. There is nothing in
the entire affair in which anybody can take
real pride. It's sort of a disgusting story'
first the sinful, unnecessary rise, crowding
food prices up and bringing trouble into
many lives, and then the swift descent,
forcing the financial news out on page one
again, in the ominous way in which scream-
ing birds come calling before a storm.
It was a disgraceful little chapter in our
annals. And now, of course, the recrim-
inations are beginning. A Republican, Rep-
resentative August H. Andresen of Minne-
sota, says the Administration caused "the
bottom to fall out" of the markets by ceas-
ing to buy wheat. Clinton P. Anderson,
Secretary of Agriculture, reports that the
G.O.P. Congressman's charges "can serve
only further to upset the market."
And Mr. Andresen is probably talking
loosely. But then one recalls that the Ad-
ministration's Mr. Anderson was an early
enthusiast for ending rationing, in the
very first days of the peace-and that that
played its part in what happened later.
It is characteristic, somehow, though
sad, that the wretched little tale of what
has happened to us during the last three
years should end in this little tableau of
accusing men pointing fingers at each
There will be a flooding wave of this kind
of blame-passing, and you had better save
your winter galoshes for walking safely
through it. Some of the recrimination will
come from another source, of course, the
public; already I see letters in the papers
blaming "the politicians," in general terms
for having let our economy heave like an
untamed bronco. But, as mentioned above,
there is nothing in the whole story in
which anbody can take pride, even the
FOR IF THE PUBLIC had wanted price
control continued, it could have had it.
If the public wants its Senators and Rep-
resentatives to stand on their heads for a
half hour each morning, it can have that,
too; there are sone who will oblige at once,
and others who can be persuaded in a few
days. But the public did not exert pressure
for price control. It was a public which
had enough money in its fist for a steak,
and wanted the steak; a public which had
forgotten everything it had learned in thir-
teen years of dealing with public crisis.
There was that strange outbreak of
meat hunger inthe fall of '46, when we
talked meat, dreamt about meat, read
about meat, spent our days mentally
licking the bare meat hooks in the abat-
toirs, until finally we went to the polls
and voted for meat.
Many other elements went into the com-
bined grand total of error. There were those
who played on an hysterical fear of Com-
munism, and deftly extended it to' include
almost any moderate action that govern-
ment might take to protect the economy
and the people. There was a rise of arro-
gance, born of a few extra dollars in the
common pocket, and kind of failure of hu-
mility, of respect, for the bits of knowl-
edge that progressive economists and stu-
dents of government have been able to ac-
cumulate regarding the sound conduct of
public affairs during emergency.
These are some of the things we might
think about during the carnival of noise
of the next few weeks, when our ears are
going to be assailed by so many swirling
shouts of "It was your fault!" and "Ah,
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate)

Yes or No
THAT THE GRAIN and stock markets
had started a downward trend, possibly
heralding a breathing spell for the infla-
tion-ridden consumer, was hailed by the
average person as the best news of 1948.
But the promise of investigation into the
sudden drop of prices would seem to indi-
cate that somebody doesn't want even a
semblance of normality to return to our
dollar value. Secretary of Agriculture An-
derson blames the Republican Committee,
and the Republican Committee blames the
Democrats for the break. But why? Don't
they want relief.
Let's get the books straight and everyone
on record as to just where he stands on
the question. In an election year we prob-
ably can't get a definite yes or no from
anybody. But what we've been hearing is
no answer, and the struggle to keep prices
up to their unhealthy peaks, as mirrored in
these calls for investigations tells the rest.
We've -finally found an occurrence' that
can't be blamed on the Communists, AYD
or Henry Wallace. Our politicians will have
to take it on the chin or speak up for the
principles they have been mouthing for the
past year.
--Don McNeil.

....emis g a mg
"Zey are still losing weight. A month ago zere wasn't roam in
Aze bed for little Jacques."

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
SATURDAY, FEB. 14, 1948
VOL. LVIII, No. 90
University Senate: Special meet-
ing, Mon., Feb. 16, 4:15 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre, Agenda;
Approval of minutes for Dec. 8,
1947; Resolution prepared by Prof.
I. L. Sharfman relative to faculty
retirement; Revised report on
"Senate Council" by the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs; and Report on the Uni-
versity Calendar by the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Students who are residents of
Willow Village who could not at-
tend classes on the morning of
February 13, because the ice storm
delayed the Willow Village buses,
should be excused from classes for
that morning.
Frank E. Robbins
Assistant to the President
Users of the D.O.B.-Because of
inordinate length of the Daily Oi-
ficial Bulletin the Editor is obliged
striving to prevent the for-
mation of a supranational se-
curity system is no reason why
the rest of the world should not
work to create one. It has been
pointed out that the Russians
have a way of resisting with all
their arts what they do not wish
to have happen; but once it hap-
pens they can be flexible and ac-
commodate themselves to it. So it
would be well for the United
States and other powers not to
permit the Russians to veto an
attempt to create supranational
security. They can proceed with
some hope that once the Rus-
sians see theytcannot prevent
such a regime they may join it.
So. farthe United States has
shown no interest in preserving
the security of the Soviet Union.
It has been interested in its own
security, which is characteristic
of the competition which marks
the conflict for power between
sovereign states. But one cannot
know in advance what would be
the effect on Russian fears if the
American people forced their
leaders to pursue a policy of sub-
stituting law for the present an-
archy of international relations.
In a world of law, Russian secur-
ity would be equal to our own, and
for the American people to es-
pouse this wholeheartedly-some -
thing that should be possible un-
der the workings of democracy-
might work a kind of miracle in
Russian thinking. . . . Not until a
genuine, convincing offer is made
to the Soviet Union, backed by
an aroused American public, will
one be .entiteld to say what the
Russian response would be.
-Albert Einstein in the
Atlantic Monthly.


made by the Navy Department.
Area occupation and service med-
als will not be issued at this time.
Delivery of medals will be made
to applicants only upon personal
presentation of suitable evidence
of eligibility.

to warn users of the Bulletin that
no notice will be printed more
than twice and, furthermore, that
the Editor expects to use his own
judgment in reducing unreason-
ably long notices to reasonable
F. E. Robbins
Assistant to the President
Graduate scholarships and fel-
lowships: The final date.for filing'
applications and renewals is
Mon.. Feb. 16, 4 p.m., Graduate
School offices, Rackham Bldg.
Student Book Exchange, Rm.
306, Michigan Union will be open
Feb. 16, 17, and 18, 1-5 p.m., to
hand back all books not sold.
Books not picked up on the above
dates will be sold to local book
stores or given to charity. No
books will be held for original
owners. Checks for books sold last'
semester may be obtained from
Mrs. Reynolds, Rm. 2, University
Students, College of Literature,
ScOnce and the Arts: Courses may
not be elected for credit after the
end of the second week. Friday,
Feb. 20, is the last day on which
new elections may be approved.
The willingness of an instructor
to admit a student later will not
affect the operation of this rule.
Graduate Students who expect
graduate credit for courses nor-
mnally carrying undergraduate
credit must make application dur-
ing the first two weeks of the se-
mester on the standard form ob-
tainable in the Graduate School
offices. Courses not appearing in
the current Announcement of the
Graduate School do not carry
graduate credit.
Students, College of L.S.A.: Ap-
plications for scholarships for the
first and second semesters, 1948-
49, are now available in RM. 1220,
Angell Hall. All applications must
be returned to that office by
March 1. Applicants must have
had at least two semesters of resi-
dence in this College.
Women students planning to at-
tend summer school may apply
for housing in the Office of the
Dean of Women. The following
residences will be open: Stockwell
Hall, University House, League
Houses, Sorority Houses (for non-
members as well as members), and
Cooperative Houses. The type of
residence desired should be speci-
fied at the time the application is
Women students interested in
rooming or boarding during the
summer semester in student-oper-
ated co-operatives may apply now
by contacting Jean King, 2-4914,
Inter-Cooperative Council, Muriel
Lester House, 1102 Oakland.
American Defense and World War
II Victory Medals:
The Professor of' Naval Science,
North Hall Campus, has been des-
ignated as the distributor of the
American Defense and World War
II Victory Medals to inactive and
discharged Navy and Marine
Corps personnel within an area of
tventy-five 'miles from Ann ' Ar-
bor. Posthumous awards will be


Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, 201
Mason Hall
Mr. John Fox, President of the
Punahou School, Honolulu, Ha-
waii, will be at this office Feb. 16,
to interview teachers for the fol-
lowing positions: speech-dramat-
ics: band: girls physical educa-
tion: Spanish; homemaking; art:
and elementary principal. For ap-
pointments, call 3-1511 Ext. 489,
or call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion. 201 Mason Hall.
Socony-Vacuum Oil Company
will interview chemists, physicists,
and chemical engineers here Feb.
18 and 19. Graduate chemists and
physicists are preferred for work
in their research laboratories.
Aetna Casualty and Surety In-
surance Company will have a rep-
resentative here on Feb. 19, to in-
terview men for salaried sales po-
State of New York Civil Service
Announcements have been re-
ceived in this office for profes-
"Ze ae sil loin wegh. mothagozee wsnt romin sional and technical assistant,
specialties Administration Bac-
teriology, Chemistry, Economics,
Education, Engineering, Journal-
ism, Law, Library Science, Recre-
ation, Social Service, and Statis-
tics. Closing date for filing ap-
plications, Feb. 16. Students in-
terested may obtain complete in-
formation and application mate-
rial at our office.
French Lecture: Mr. Daniel
Augsburger, Romance Language
Department, will give a lecture en-
titled . "France et Suisse - Et6
1947," 4:10 p.m., Feb. 17, Rm. D,
Alumni Memorial Hall; auspices
of Le Cercle Francais.
Academic Notices
BacteriologySeminar: Feb. 19,
4 p.m., Rm. 1562. E. Medical Bldg.
Mr. Raphael Cordova Marquez
will speak on the subject, "Toxin
Production by C. diphtheriae in
Deep Broth Cultures." All inter-
ested are invited.
Golliwogs: Organizational meet-
ing, Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 318,
W. Engineering Bldg.
Mathematics 246 - Hydrody-
namics will meet Sat., Feb. 14, 11
a.m., and Tues., Feb. 17, 1 p.m. in
Rm. 312, W. Engineering Building
at which time more appropriate
hours will be considered.
English 160: My class which
meets MWF at 9 a.m. will be held
in Mm.'1035, Angell Hall.
H. T. Price
Political Science 131, The Legis-
lative Process will meet in Rm.
2231, Angell Hall, Mon., Feb. 16,
and regularly thereafter.
Political Science 342: Meet in
Rm. 216, Haven Hall, beginning
Feb. 16.
Graduate Students: Beginning
with the current semester, sections
for graduate students only have
been arranged in French 12 and
German 12. By action of the Exec-
utive Board of the Graduate
School students who complete
either of these courses, or more
advanced special reading courses
in French or German, wtih a
grade of B or better, will be re-
corded as having met the language
requirement for the doctorate in
the respective language. Ad.
vanced special reading courses at
present are: German 35, 36, 55,
56, 59, and 60. This ruling is not
Students may continue to satis-
fy the language requirement for
the doctorate by passing the ex-

aminations set by the Examiner in
Foreign Languages for the Doctor-
ate, Dr. Hirsch Hootkins. Ques-
tions concerning the language re-
quirements should be referred to
Dr. Hootkins, 3028 Rackham
Faculty Recital: Andrew White,
Baritone, will be heard in a pro-
gram, 8:30 p.m., Feb. 18, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. A member
of the faculty of the School of
Music, Mr. White will sing compo-
sitions by Leveridge, Marcello,
Schumann, Schubert, Hugo Wolf,
Erich Wolff, Pessard, Debussy,
Hahn, and Massenet, and will con-
clude his recital with a group of
American folk songs and ballads.
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Ann Hubbell,
Pianist, will be heard in a pro-
gram at 8:30 p.m., Feb. 16, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of
John Kollen, Miss Hubbell will

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Every letter to
the Editor must be signed, in good
taste and shouldrbe 300 words ortless
in length. Letters will be shortened,
printed or omitted at the discreIon
of the editorial director. contribu-
tions express the views of the Wrltr
Hockey Tickets
To the Editor:
SUGGEST that the sale of
hockey tickets be limited to
perhaps two to a customer. It
seems to be heaping insult upon
injury to be too late to get a
ticket at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday
afternoon, and then learn that
some customers in the morning
had brought as many as 17 tickets
apiece. I wanted to see the Min-
nesota games enough to go to the
ticket office and try to buy tick-
ets; others apparently weren't
that interested, but they'll see the
games because someone else got
them tickets.
Also, the general public should
be admitted to such traditional
games as those with Minnesota
only if students don't fill the coli-
seum. Whose team is it anyway?
Oh well, I'll bet that whoever
sees the games in my place won't
cheer as much as I would have.
-H. . Fagga.
play compositions by Bach, Beeth-
oven, Debussy and Hindemith.
The recital is presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music,
and will be open to the public.
Events Today
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Fireside, 7:30 p.m., Guild House,
438 Maynard St.
Coming Events
Rackham Galleries. Exhibition:
work of members of the faulty of
the College of Architecture and
Design, opening Monday, Feb. 16
through Feb. 28.
Research Club: 8 p.m., Feb. 18,
Rackham Amphitheatre. Papers:
Dean-emeritus H. M. Bates, "The
Nuremberg Trials." Prof. L. B.
Kellum, "War-time Exploration in
Southwestern Alaska."
The Dowager Marchioness of
Reading, London, England, will be
presented by the Alumnoe Council
at a luncheon in the League, 12:15
p.m., Feb. 16, Michigan League
Ballroom. Lady Reading, Chair-
man of the Women's Voluntary
Services during and after the war
and chairman of the recently or-
ganized Women's Home Industries,
Inc., will speak on the subject
"Patterns for World Peace." Tick-
ets may be obtained at the Alum-
nae Council office in the League.
American Society for Public Ad-
ministration. Meeting. Feb. 16,
4:15 p.m., Rm. 216, Haven Hall.
Kappa Nu fraternity: Open
house for rushing, Sun., 1-5 p.M.,
Rm. 308, Michigan Union.
Russian Circle: Mon., 8 p.m.,
International Center.
Latin American Society: Feb. 15,
4 p.m., Michigan Union. Election
of officers for Spring semester.






Tuition Explanation

A GOOD DEAL of resentment has been
aroused by the University's recent hike
in non-resident tuition, and no wonder: the
raise hits outstate students in the' pocket,
which is right where it hurts.
Most students agree that a boost in fees
was necessary because of increased Uni-
versity costs, but a lot of them say that
the boost should have been proportionately
distributed between instate and outsate stu-
dents. Some people's feelings might have
lbeen a little less hurt if resident fees had
been raised by only a token amount-say
five dollars.
But 'there's another way of looking at
*' Sliding Home
Diligent Student
AMONG THE memorable events of the
1948J-Hop is the saga of the cagey
Cook coed who was determined to take
advantage of the late permission given for
the dance.
Said coed went to a movie that evening,
saying on her sign-out slip that she was
going to the Library.
To the mystification of the night chap-
eron, she put down 4 a.m. as the hour of
her "expected return."
Sure Answer

it. University operating expenses this year
are approximately 30 million dollars. To
cover this, the University gets a certain
amount of income from residence hall fees,
private grants, income from investments
and so forth.
In addition, the University this year col-
lected roughly $4;500,000 from students in
tuition fees. That's a lot of money, but
only half as much as the state appropriated
for operating expenses alone, plus a $3200,-
000 appropriation for the University's build-
ing program.
In other words, the state seems to be
doing its part, which may be the reason
that resident fees were not raised. In any
case, the University still offers an edu-
cation on a par with those of the big
private institutions, and offers it for one
or two hundred dollars less.
-Arthur Higbee.
HE GOVERNMENT of the United States
is a big business, bigger than any in-
dustry, and its requirements in brains and
competence is as great as those of any in-
dividual enterprise. It becomes increasingly
apparent that government can no longer de-
pend upon patriotism to bring such brains
to Washington at reduced rates, and it is
foolish and dangerous to entrust its affairs
to mediocre men.
Congress needs to face the issue squarely,
begin soon to alter its views on federal
salaries and to make the best quality of
talent and competence available to the gov-
-St. Louis Star Times.
UT IF ANY portion of the sum is turned
over to the Nanking government we can

Fifty-Eighth Year


Edited angl managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell .......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy...............City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor
Joan Katz............ Associate Editor
Fred Schott......... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate sports Editor
Joyce 3ohnson ........ Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick ......General Manager
Jean Swendemen Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23.24-1
Hember of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled tn the ius for re-nublication



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