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April 15, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-15

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Latest Deadline in the State



luthven Condemns
Charges Against
Law Group, AVC
Statement That Groups Are 'Red'
Controlled Is 'Ridiculous,' He Says
President Alexander G. Ruthven lashed out yesterday at charges
made that the AVC and the Lawyers"Guild on campus are controlled
by Communists.
b President Ruthven's statement came as a reply to testimony given
by Joseph Kornfeder, a former Communist organizer, to the State
Senate committee investigating subversive activities. According to a
Detroit paper, Kornfeder told the committee that these organizations
as well as the Jewish Congress are "Red dominated."
Commenting on Kornfeder's remarks President Ruthven said, "In
- my opinion, the statement is ridic-

Stassen Gains
Big Victory
In Nebraska
Trailed by Dewey,
Taft, Vandenberg
OMAHA, April 14 - (A') - A
roaring tide of Nebraska Republi-
can vot'es carried Harold E. Stas-
sen today into the field of top-
notch contenders for the GOP
presidential nomination.
His smashing victory in yester-
day's presidential primary here
delivered to the former Minnesota
governor 13 of the state's 15 votes
on the first nominating ballot at
In a sweep that promised him
a final margin of more than 15,-
00 over Gov. Thomas E. Dewey
of New York, Stassen climbed to
the top of the popularity stand-
ings in this heavily-Republican
midwestern area.
Stassen collected about 43 per
cent of a GOP ballot total expect-
ed to top 200,000 when all of the
state's precincts are counted.
Dewey, apparently in line for
support of one convention dele
gate, got 34 per cent. Senator
Robert A. Taft was a bad third
rumner with 10 per cent.
The count, from 1868 of the
state's 2,024 precincts stood:
Stassen 74,925, Dewey 59,135,
Taft 19,348, Senator Arthur Van-
denberg 8,340, Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur 6,269, Gov. Earl Warren of
California 1,675, House Speaker
Joseph Martin 843.
With this victory wrapped up,
Stassen turns tomorrow to cam-
paigning in Ohio. There he is
seeking to take away from Taft
some of that state's 53 delegates
in a May 4 primary.
At Minneapolis he promised to
carry on the work of "developing
a vigorous, forward-looking and
humanitarian Republican party."
He thanked Dewey and Taft for
their "clean, constructive" cam-
paign in Nebraska.
Dewey, absorbing his second po-
litical beating from the Minneso-
tan in a week, indicated at Al-
bany he will continue the fight in
a head-on battle with Stassen in
the May 21 Oregon Republican
SL Office-Seekers
To Submit Photos
Candidates in the forthcoming
Student Legislature election
should submit, pictures for the
Candidate Display to Rm. 2, Uni-
versity Hall before April 23, Dick
Burton, Legislature elections com-
mittee chairman has announced.
Pictures, which should be stand-
ard application photo size (two
and one-half by three and one-
half inches), will be displayed on
a bulletin board on the diagonal
before the election to let students
"know who they're voting for,"
Burton said.
i . r

Representatives of the organi-
zations named branded Kornfed-
er's testimony as false.
'Outright Lie'
David Babson, AVC chairman,
declared that the charges are an
"outright lie." Both the chairman
and vice-chairman of this organi-
zation are members of the Young
Democrats, he said.
There are no Communists on
the executive committee and only
two ifi the entire organization,
Babson declared. He also ex-
pressed doubt that any Commu-
nist had ever held office in the
Pointing out that he had never
seen Kornfeder at an AVC meet-
ing,. Babson labelled Kornfeder's
sources of information as "ques-
Must Be Non-Partisan
Any veterans' organization
must be non-partisan to be rec-
ognized by the Veterans Adminis-
tration, he said. But political af-
filiation in a non-partisan organi-
zation is a matter of personal con-
cern, he added.
Jerry McCroskey, chairman of
the Lawyers Guild echoed Bab-
son's denunciation of the testi-
mony. He said, "The assertion that
the Lawyers Guild is dominated
by Communists is completely un-
When contacted about the Jew-
ish Congress, the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs said that no organi-
zation by that name is known to
exist on campus.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
ATHENS, April 14 - An en-
tire company of the gendarmerie
-the Greek military police-re-
belled in Sparta last night and
killed their commander and 25 or
26 imprisoned Communists.
Thursday, April 15-Twenty-
nine persons were reported
killed today when the Pan
American World Airways Con-
stellation "Empress of the
Skies" crashed and burned
while attempting to land at
Shannon airport.
S* * *
SACRAMENTO, Calif., April 14
-Admiral Chester W. Nimitz was
appointed today by Governor
Warren to the Board of Regents
of the University of California.
WAS"NGTON, April 14-
Gen Omar N. Bradley said to-
day that if Universal Military
Training is shelved, the Nation
should raise a standing army
totalling 1,500,000 men and
costing billions of dollars.
* * *
WAS.HINGTON, April 14-New
and tighter checks on Commu-
nists were voted by the House
Commit tte onUn-American Ac-
tivities today.
Rep. Mundt (Rep. S.D.) an-
nounced adoption of an amend-
mentto his bill designed to curb
Red activities in the United

Daily Plans
Straw Vote
SL To Manage
Students and faculty members
will have a chance to register their
presidential preferences in a Daily
sponsored straw vote to be held
April 25.
The pseudo-election will be!
managed by the Student Legisla-
ture and will be held with the reg-
ular Legislature elections, that
body decided at its meeting last
Blank ballots will be provided
for the presidential vote, allow-
ing each voted to write in his
choice. Student and faculty
ballots will be different colors in
order that comparisons may be
Following a pattern marked out
by the University of Wisconsin
newspaper, The Daily Cardinal.
The Daily is sponsoring the vote
to get a good cross section of stu-
dent and faculty opinion on the
presidential race.
Harvey Weisberg, f ormer
Legislature president and Chair-
man of the Regional National
Student Association, spoke to
the Legislature on the NSA deci-
sion to suspend negotiations
with the International Union of
Students, made by the Executive
Council last week.
He explained that the decision
was based on the lack of IUS ac-
tion on the violations of academic
freedom made by the new Czecho-
slovakiai government, indicatin'g
a basic political aspect of the or-
ganization, and added that NSA
would send delegates to western
European countries to work out
details in the NSA international
The Legislature backed the
decision, but voted to urge NSA
to send observers to the east-
ern European countries to see
if some basis for cooperation
could be reached.
For the second consecutive
meeting, the Legislature con-
cluded business, operating with a
bare quorum, and passed a resolu-
tion that NSA delegates be select-
ed by the cabinet on a petition
basis, with appointees subject to
approval by the body as a whole.
Members absent from the meet-
ing were Anderson, Baldwin, Bal-I
lou, Bovee, Gripman, Levy, JoeI
Miller, Silva, Spada and Gringle.


State Senate
To Act Today
On Measure
Grant of $9,750,000
Is Less Than Asked
(Special to The Daily)
LANSING, April 15-University
appropriations bills have passed
one legislative hurcile in Lansing
but face another today in the
State Senate.
Yesterday the House approved
a $9,750,000 appropriation for
University operating expenses.,
The Senate is expected to act on
the measure today. The $9,750,000
amount is about three quarters of'
a million dollars less than the
University requested, but the leg-
islative slash follows similar econ-
omy cuts in all appropriations
measures during this session.
Vital to Program
Bills containing amounts vital
to the University's multi-million
dollar construction program are
still in the Senate Finance Com-
mittee. The Committee has okayed
amounts necessary to complete
the General Service Building, the
Business Administration Building,
Engineering and Chemistry addi-
It also appears that work will
be resumed on the new maternity
hospital with $500,000 dollars ear-
marked by the Senate group for
this unit. Work stopped on the'
hospital at the request of the Leg-
islature more than a year ago
when building costs skyrocketed.
Personal Inspection
After a personal inspection of
existing inadequate maternity
hospital facilities here last month
Gov. Sigler urged legislators to
restore funds for the new unit.
The half million dollars ear-
marked for the hospital is about
one third of the amount needed
to complete the structure.
It is expected that the con-
struction program fund bills will
be reported out of committee to-
day and sent to the Senate where
speedy approval is seen.

. .

Passes 'U'

* *

Appropriations Bills
N: Union Offers

* *


Students Hit Academic Backwardness'


Students on the Diag seemed
largely agreed with campus po-
litical leaders yesterday after a
roundup of opinion revealed gen-
eral disapproval of the Regents'
ban on open partisan political
meetings at the University.
But this condemnnation of
the ban did not match the
unanimity found among heads
of political groups which was
reported here yesterday.

While the majority contacted
by Daily reporters falt that the
Regents' action displayed
"academic backwardness" and
that the ban would put clamps
on education, some thought the
restriction necessary to avoid
"unbridled campaigning" on
A high official in University

administration circles defended
the ban on the grounds that the
University cannot sanction in-
discriminate politicking here. He
said, too, that the full permission
granted to political speakers at
closed meetings would stimulate
new interest in the various or-
ganizations, and would increase

Lewis Silent on Court Contempt Charge

* *

Student Meetii
Changes in Un
Important constitutional
changes affecting administrative
and financial policies of the Un-
ion will be voted upon in an open
meeting of all Union members
Monday, April 26, Gene Sikorov-
sky, Union president, announced
The proposed changes would in-
crease student control over the
determination of prices and the
election of officers, Sikorovsky
Tom Walsh, vice-president rep-
resenting the literary college, in-
troduced the proposals in a re-
cent meeting of the Board of Di-
rectors, but they were rejected.
Since then more than 200 stu-

ng To Consider
ion Constitution

Dog Bites Kill Four-Year-Old;
Physicians Watch Helplessly

Two Killed in
Rail Disaster
In Oklahoma
KREMLIN, Okla., April 14-(1?)
-A speeding Rock Island stream-
liner plunged from the tracks here
today killing at least two persons
and injuring 42 more as it
crashed into freight cars on a side
The passenger train, the Texas
Rocket, was struck by a dump
truck as it sped southward at
nearly "eighty miles an hour. The
three coaches of the train were
derailed by the impact, careened
down the right-of-way, smashed
into the freight train and caught
(Dr. Joseph E. Maddy of the
University Music School, en route
to judge a music festival at Enid,
Okla., was unhurt when he was
thrown to the floor.)
(Maddy was riding with Ray-
mond Dvorak of the University of
Wisconsin music faculty. Dvorak
was among the critically injured.)
As the train-a deisel locomo-
tive, baggage car and three
coaches roared into town it was
hit at a crossing by a dump truck
filled with dirt.
Research Zeal
Cites Present Need
For Mork in Field

dents have signed a petition ask-
ing for a vote on the changes. This
is necessary before a meeting can
be held, Sikorovsky said.
"There must be at least 400
members present at the meeting
before the changes can be voted
upon," he explained. "Three quar-
ters of those voting must approve
the modifications before they can
go into effect," he said.
One amendment would make
the senior student vice-president
a member of the Finance Commit-
tee. This would give students
three of eight positions on the
Second Proposal
The second proposal, if ap-
proved, would place the two sen-
ior student vice-presidents on the
Appointments Committee, thus re-
sulting in a four to three student
majority in this body.
The last of the proposed
changes would reduce the number
of faculty and alumni members of
the Selections Committee, which
appoints the President and Secre-
tary, to two and increase the stu-
dent members of this body to four.
Awaited Opportunity
Said Sikorovsky: "This is the
long awaited opportunity for stu-
dents to have a greater say in the
running of the Union. Whether
members approve or disapprove of
the amendments, I think it is of
utmost importance that they at-
tend the meeting and vote."
Other proposed changes in rep-
resentation and voting procedure
have been authorized for consid-
eration by the Union Board of Di-

Tr'ieste Parley
Denial Claimed
Disturbing CP
ROME, April 14-(Al)-Rightist
newspapers said today that Italy's
Communists had been thrown
into consternation by Moscow's
turndown of the western powers'
proposal to hold a conference on
United States diplomatic ob-
servers said they believed the So-
viet Union's refusal to talk about
the American-British-French pro-
posal to return the free state to
Italy signified Moscow had aban-
doned hopes of Communist vic-
tory in the Italian elections of
April 18.
Communists, however, were as
vigorous in the pre-election ac-
tivities as ever.
The interior ministry announced
tonight that the Communist-
dominated Chamber of Labor at
Mantua, an industrial town in
northern Italy, had proclaimed
an immediate general strike
throughout Mantova province.
Expert Advice
Available for
Undecided underclassmen may
take their program troubles to a
band of student "experts" from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. today, Rm. 1025
Factual information concerning
the content of courses in the ma-
jor literary college fields will be
given by the student advisors,
unperclassmen with at least a "B"
average in their concentrate.
Settle Programs
Sponsored by the Student Leg-
islature, the Course-content Ad-
visory program was initiated dur-
ing registration week this semes-
ter. Today's session is designed
for freshmen and sophomores
who want to settle their programs
now, but advisory sessions, ex-
panded to cover as many schools
and colleges as possible, will be
held during registration agair
next fall.
The program has been praised
by University officials as a step
forward in student managemeni
of their own affairs, and a good
example of "students helping stu-
Department Included
Departments represented today,
include chemistry, economics,
English, geography, geology, Ger-
man, Greek, history, journalism,
mathematics, philosophy, physics:
political science, psychology, ro-
mance lang uages, sociology
speech, teachers certificate pro-
gram and zoology.

No Answer to
Heavy Sentence May
Be ImposedToday
WASHINGTON, April 14-(-
John L. Lewis, glowering and
silent, refused today to defend
himself against a contempt of
court charge that lays him open
to a possible heavy fine or even
a prison term.
Lewis may learn his fate to-
morrow after the Government
winds up its effort to prove him
and the union guilty. The mine
chief called no defense wit-
nesses. His lawyers declined
even to enter a formal argu-
The charge: That Lewis and
the union disregarded an April
3 court order directing an imme-
diate end to the coal miners'
walkout which cut deep into the
nation's industrial output.
Lewis told the miners to stop
their "voluntary" work stoppage
Monday-after he reached an
eleventh hour agreement in an
old age pension dispute.
The government charges that
he didn't act soon enough.
About half of the 400,000 min-
ers still were away from their
jobs today-waiting to see what
happened to their chief.
Through his battery of lawyers,
the bush-browed Lewis entered
his and the union's plea shortly
after 10 a.m. (EST). "Not guilty,"
it said.
Then he sat, impassive and oc-
casionally chomping on a pepper-
mint drop, while the government
called witness after witness in
effort to show:
1.-That Lewis really ordered
the walkout, although he insists
he didn't.
2.-That the walkout was-in
the words of the Taft-Hartley Act
-a strike endangering national
health and' safety.
3.--That Lewis and the UMW
were guilty of contempt for not
4calling it off immediately when
a Federal Court told them to.
Bogota Unrest
Remains Acute

University physicians could only
stand helplessly by as Pasteur
treatments failed and the "over-
whelming infection" of hydro-
phobia killed four-year-old Carol
Mannor, at noon yesterday in
University Hospital.
Twenty Days
Carol, who was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mannor,
3473 LaSalle Dr., East Ann Ar-
bor, died 20 days after being
mauled by a rabid dog and re-
ceiving seven facial gashes. She
had been playing in her backyard
with five-year-old William Kline,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kline,
Truce Plan Told
NEW YQORK, April 14-a)-
The United Nations tonight an-
nounced terms of a truce plan de-
signed to end fighting and blood-
shed in Palestine.
One section would bar all per-
sons of military age-either Arabs
or Jews-from entering the Holy
Security Council delegates were
reported in virtual agreement on
most of the provisions of the plan
which will go to a council vote to-
morrow at Lake Success.

3135 Washtenaw St., East Ann
Playmate William received face
and hand scratches and respond-
ed to Pasteur treatments given
two hours after the stray dog at-
But little Carol soon showed
symptoms of hydrophobia and
was rushed to the hospital. Physi-
cians admitted they were unable
to check the disease's agony.
Police shot the proven-rabid
dog, but Carol had to die too. She
was the first to die from dog bite
in Michigan since April, 1943.
No Dog Quarantine
"An unfortunate incident," Dr.
Otto K. Engelke, M.D., director
of the Washtenaw County Health
Department, commented. But "no
countywide quarantine of dogs
will be requested of the State de-
partment of agriculture unless the
situation changes. The county has
had only three cases reported
since September-a low score."
The County Board of Super-
visors announced Tuesday that a
law requiring vaccination of all
dogs before issuance of dog li-
censes would be forthcoming the
next time the county is quar-

Wagging Dog
Woos Judge
PITTSBURGH, April 14--(P)-
Brownie, a medium-sized part
German Shepherd dog doesn't
know it, but his court-room be-
havior saved his life.
A jury convicted Brownie's
owner of keeping a ferocious dog,
a charge preferred by a man who
claimed "Brownie" bit him.
Normally such a verdict means
a death sentence for the dog in-
volved. But Judge J. Frank Graf
wanted to see the dog.
When Brownie was brought
into the courtroom, he shuffled
towards attorneys to have his
head petted. Then he looked up
at the judge. That was enough-
Judge Graf sentenced Brownie's
owner to a year's probation and
allowed the dog to go home.


Crisis End Thwarted
By Delay in Burial
BOGOTA, Colombia, April 14-
(I)-The government's attempt to.
end the national crisis arising
from last week's bloody revolt was
thwarted today by the delayed
burial of an assassinated political
The plan to give a state funeral
to Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, whose
slaying set off the futile insur-
rection, was held in abeyance
when his widow refused to permit
this burial until President Mari-
ano Ospina Perez resigns.
Gaitan was the leader of Colom-
bia's liberal party. Ospina is a
The development occurred as
the 21-nation Pan-American
Conference formally resumed its
work for the first time since the
uprising disrupted the meeting
Unrest still persisted in the
capital. Soldiers and sailors in
large numbers guarded Gogota,
patrolling the streets in tanks,
trucks and automobiles.
Oscar Wilde Play
To Be Presented
Oscar Wilde's masterpiece of
artificial comedy, "The Import-
ance of Being Earnest," will be
presented by the speech depart-
ment at 8 p.m.,-#April 21-24, in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The plot of this drawing room
comedy centers on the social
world of the late nineteenth cen-
With tongue in cheek, Wilde
tells the story of the man-about-

That's what you can expect
when you run a classified ad-
because they are read. Here are
some "result-stories."
1935 Chevrolet Tudor Std. $175.
Clean, good mechanical condi-
LADIES Bicycle - Genuine im-
neortedEnglinsh Rleigh with

'Exodus' Survivor Asks Jewish Relief

Enthusiasm and fire are es-
sential for the success of the med-
ical research worker, Dr. Reuben
L. Kahn, chief of the serology lab-
oratory at the University Hospital
and world famous for his research
in the fields of serology and im-
munology, emphasized yesterday
at the meeting of thePre-Med-
ical Society at the Union.
"With these qualities," Dr.
Kahn continued, "an every-day
person can go much further in
this field than the more clever
person who lacks these qualities."
Many students who f ail to enter
medical school for any reason
need not give up their devotion to
medicine completely, he pointed
out; they can turn to medical re-
search, for which there is great
need at the present time.
More funds than ever before

Popular Mailman Dies After
Years of Faithful Service

A blond, neatly dressed Ameri-
can Jew spoke biting words about
Anglo-American foreign policy
yesterday while painting the direl


"people that have spent 14 years
in concentration camps." The
campus quota is $7,500 and that
of Ann Arbor, $55,000.
At the same time, Aronoff

the refugees in their quest for a
The Exodus was a small ferry-
boat plying the east coast of the
United States before its spectacu-
lar mission began. Its top ca-

One of the best known and
liked guys around campus is
dead. He was Milton R. Aken, the
jovial mailman who kidded his
way from one address to the other
during the last eight years on his
route near Washtenaw Ave.
Only once do any of the stu-
dents who know him remember

last war. He was 46 at the time
of his death.
During his eighteen years
around town, he knew, according
to his friends, everyone on the
route by his first name. He was
always invited to fraternity par-
ties and weddings and at Christ-
mas time he received presents
from all the houses along his

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