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March 18, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-18

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Truman Refuses
Henry Wallace's
President Says Russia Threatens
The Very Existence of Democracy
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, March 17-President Truman said last night that
he did not want, and would not accept any political support from
"Henry Wallace and his Communists," at a dinner before the Friendly
Sons of St. Patrick.
(Wallace was reported to have wired the radio networks, asking
for equal facilities to answer Truman's "personal and political
(Wallace, after breaking away from the Democratic fold to
seek the presidency on a third party ticket, has said he would
* * * return under certain conditions.
A These included the dropping of
European Aid President Truman's foreign pol-

Mixed Campus Emotions
Greet Truman's Speech

Vets 'Probably' To Be Exempt
From New Draft: Congressman;

Truman's "get tough" talk was
greeted with mixed emotions on
the University campus yesterday.
A Daily spot check of students
and faculty members revealed
strong support for the Chief Ex-
ecutive's call to build armed
strength against the "ruthless
aggression of Soviet communism."
An attitude of resignation greet-
ed Daily reporters who questioned
25 students who would be most di-
rectly affected by the President's
call for Draft revival and UMT.
All of military age, the students
supported Truman's stand by a
four to one margin, some reluct-
antly as the only course left open
to the U. S.
(According to Robert Waldrop,
director University Veterans' Serv-
ice Bureau, more than half the
student veterans here are in re-
serve status subject to recall by the
president. University statisticians
said 3,896 non-veteran men stu-
dents are enrolled in the Univer-
sity. They would be affected if
Truman's revived Draft law is ap-
Student Comment
Student comments on the presi-
dential message ranged from "I'm
all for it" to "we have failed to ap-
preciate the Russian point of
view." Those favoring the talk
opined that critical world condi-
tions had literally forced Truman
into the "get tough" stand.
Faculty reaction to the address
also varied with some Professors
contacted hoping for a stronger
speech and others decrying it as
an "unfortunate contribution to
fright through propaganda."
Twenty-four year old student-
veteran Dan Frank gave a definite

"yes" to the President's request
declaring less talk and more ac-
tion was needed now.
"I'm from Missouri and favored
Truman until I heard the speech
today," said D. L. Michael, 18, non-
veteran freshman. "He has over-
simplified the Russian problem,"
declared" Michael, who favors the
Draft as a temporary measure but
wouldn't like a long-range UMT
Political Scientists
Prof. James Meisel, political sci-
ence dept., expected a stronger
stand by Truman and declared the
U.S. has been living in a dream
world for the last two years and is
only now realizing America must
have power. "Our position in the
eyes of Western Europe will be
weakened if Congress does not fol-
low up the speech," Meisel said.
Dr. Samuel Eldersveld, political
science dept., criticized the vague-
ness of the speech and called it a
"contribution to fright."
Political scientist, Prof. Harold
Dorr, who served on the local draft
board during the war, said Tru-
man feels a Draft law is necessary
to fill out the Armed Services im-
mediately while UMT machinery
is being set in motion..
Leo Scullna married grad stu-
dent who holds a reserve commis-
sion said the condition of the
world calls for nothing less than
Truman's program.
Engineering school student-vet-
eran Dick Slocum said Russia is a
menace and lauded Truman for
"putting his foot down and not
letting himself be pushed around."
Gaylord Baker, 22,, sophomore
veteran is not convinced of the ne-
cessity for Selective Service and
declared "Truman didn't say any-
thing I did not know already."

UNBegins. Czech

Coup Probe

Approved by
WASHINGTON, March 17-(R)
-Responding to President Tru-
man's plea for speed, the House
Foreign Affairs Committee gave
sudden approval today to a $5,-
300,000,000 European Aid Pro-
It is the same amount approved
by the Senate for 12 months of
aid to non-communist nations. It
gave an immediate lift to hopes of
leaders that the House can clear
the bill by April 1-in two weeks.
Action came within five hours
after the President had gone be-
fore Congress with an appeal for
"prompt passage of the program."
It also came amid new warnings
of Communist danger in Italy
where crucial elections will be held
April 18.
After a closed door committee
session, Chairman Eaton (Rep.,
N.J.) told reporters that decisions
were held up on other foreign aid
proposals. The administration has
asked $275,000,000 in military aid
for Greece and Turkey, and $570,-
000,000 economic aid for China.
These are part of the same bill.
Thus the committee had yet to ap-
prove the measure as a whole.
But the administration's appeal
was for speed on the Marshall
Plan to buck up 16 Western Euro-
pean nations to ward off Com-
President Truman pointed today
to what he termed the "great ur-
gency." He recalled the Red ad-
vances in Europe and said that
Communist minority is making "a
determined and aggressive effort"
to rule Italy.
* ~* *
Nation Needs
Armed Might
-This country must have military
strength to back up its diplomacy,
Secretary of State Marshall said
Without military strength, lie
told the Senate Armed Services
Committee, diplomatic action in
the present state of the world can
lead only to appeasement.
Marshall asked the committee
for universal military training and
a temporary draft law. And, he
said, a reconsideration of our air
program also is necessary.
The committee opened hearings
on universal training and draft
legislation within two hours after
President Truman had appeared
in person before Congress to urge
the two proposals,
Senator Gurney (eRp., S.D.),
the chairman, said the committee
wants "a total estimate not only
of world conditions, but our mili-
tary position generally."
"It is clear that the clouds of
war are starting to gather," Gur-
ney remarled. "But, while we are
hoping that the storm will not
overtake us, common prudence
dictates that we also "batten down
the hatches' of our defense sys-
hipeachienl Of
Regents Rejected
A request for the impeachment
i .C 4 .. T]..... 4-.. -4 u1. rTT ., ,, .

Truman reiterated his state-
ments to the Congress yesterday.
Before Congress, the President
called this country "the principal
protector of the free world" today
and called for full military
strength, backed by a new draft
law, to give force to his declara-
Mr. Truman said "the very ex-
istence of democracy" is threat-
ened by Communist expansion.
The time has come, he said, to
"join our strength with the
strength of other free men the
world over" to stop it.
Accused Russia
With scorn and indignation in
his voice, the President accused
"one nation"-Russia-of trying
to sabotage the peace and of seek-
ing to spread totalitarian rule over
the still-free democracies of
Western Europe.
These countries, the President
said, we must support with our
full strength - "military, eco-
nomic and moral."
He said the situation in Europe
is "critical." And he warned that
the U.S., in the coming year, may
have to take risks "greater than
any this country has been called
upon to assume."
But he declared:
-"We must be prepared to pay
the price of peace or assuredly we
shall pay the price of war."
Truman Doctrine
The President's grim, far-reach-
ing extension of his "Truman
See TRUMAN, Page 6

'MacArthur for Emperor'
Club Flourishes on Campus

The "MacArthur for Emperor"
club mushroomed on campus yes-
terday almost as quickly as the re-
appearance of a draft board.
Given initial impetus by sev-
eral students and a faculty mem-
ber Tuesday, the "no meetings,
no dues" organization has spon-
taneously grown to a membership
* * * '
Invades East.
Wades Ashore
BOSTON, March 17-( ')-Bos-
ton was "invaded' in a inock cere=
The "invasion" was carried out
by members of Veterans Against
MacArthur from Boston Univer -
sity, Harvard and Massachusetts
Institute of Technology on the
shores of the ice-filled Charles
"MacArt ur," impersonated by
William Burke of B.U., waded
ashore from a rowboat smokinga
corn cob pipe and waving a greet-
ing with a swagger stick. He was
dressed in a GI uniform and wear-
ing a garrison cap decorated by
cut out silver stars.
As he landed, the "General" was
met by an "army censor" ready
with his typewriter, a "Marine,"
four Geisha "girls" carrying Jap
flags, and a "Japanese surf boy"
clad only in a pair of tights and a
large straw hat.
Three co-chairmen, represent-
ing each of the schools, said:
"Our rally today directly pro-
tests MacArthur's censorship and
demonstrates that Dug-Out Doug
shall not land on the East Coast."
They said they represent veter-
ans of their schools as well as
those of 14 other Eastern colleges
who have "banded together to pre-
vent his nomination."
The trio added they have 15,000
signatures "to blast the lie that
Dashing Doug is the Veterans'

estimated well up in the hun-
Sample comments from vets in-
dicated a tremendous enthusiasm
for the "draft MacArthur" drive:
Henry Schmer, '50, "MacAr-
thur as Emperor is safer than
MacArthur as President. He
should stay at the sacred shrine
in Tokyo. During the war some
members of my outfit (32nd Div.),
decided that if MacArthur were
to become President, they'd emi-
grate to Canada."
Al Miller, '50: " . . . some peo-
ple around the school realize that
the MacArthur for President
movement reveals fascistic tend-
encies in the U.S."
There was, however, one dis-
senting voice :
S, F. Jackson, '50. "MacAr-
thur?-I'm still plugging him for
A check of Daily files showed
that "MacArthur for Emperor"
isn't the first club of its kind to
lhit campus. Back in March, 1937,
a "Roosevelt for King" group,
formed by Carl A. Viehe, '39,
panned FUR upon the occasion of
his attempts to "pack" the Su-
preme Court.
Part of the official proclama-
tion said "whereas Franklin has
proved to be a man of the Cen-
tury, the greatest Statesman, Hu-
manist, Economist, Politician and
Magician this fair land has ever
had, Be It Resolved That :
"Franklin D. Roosevelt become
Franklin I, by the Grace of God
and the Democratic Organization
. . . King of the U.S., the Virgin
Islands, the Panama Canal, De-
fender of the Budget and Emperor
of Wake Island."
rjl~~j ostoned
The trial of June Smith, local
restauranteur, on charges of vio-
lating a city ordinance forbidding
the consumption of liquor on res-
taurant premises without a license
has been postponed indefinitely,
the Ann Arbor Municipal Court
announced yesterday.

council Votes
Down Soviet
Gromyko Knocks
Truman's Speech
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, March 17--
The Security Council beat
down bitter Soviet objections to-
day and began probing into the
Communist coup in Czechoslo-
The vote to take up the case
was 9 to 2. Seven affirmative votes
were needed.
Only Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister, and his
Soviet Ukrainian Colleague Vass-
ly A. Tarasenko, voted no.
The United Nations thus began
a full airing of Chilean charges
against Russia a few hours after
President Truman told Congress
in Washington that Russia is try-
ing to dominate all of Europe.
Gromyko Speaks
Just before the Council con-
vened Gromyko told reporters he
considered President Truman's
speech to be "propaganda mainly
for internal consumption."
Mr. Truman's address plainly
overshadowed the tense develop-
ments here. The largest crowd to
attend a Council meeting in
months applauded three separate
times as delegates answered Gro-
myko and Tarasendo.
The complaint against Russia
was brought before the Council by
Hernan Santa Cruz, Chilean dele-
gate and Vice President of the
UN Economic and Social Council,
on the personal and direct arders
of the president of Chile.
"Pure Slander"
Gromyko lost no time telling
the Council that the complaint
was "pure slander." Gromyko
charged that "influential external
circles" were acting through "pup-
pets" and "lackeys" to bring the
Czechoslovak case here.
Santa Cruz, Warren R. Austin
of the United States, D. Alfonso
Lopez of Colombia and Dr T. F.
Tsiang, of China, teamed up in
a sharp rebuke to Gromyko for
using what they called aggressive
e e
Hold Czech
Protest Rally
Next Week
An all-campus rally to deal
with abridgements of academic
freedom in Czechoslovakia will be
held at 4:15 p.n Wednesday, in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Four speakers will treat four
aspects of the problem under the
general heading, "Academic Free-
dom in Czechoslovakia Is Our
The principal speakers will be:
Prof. Preston Slosson of the
history department who will talk
on the violations of academic
freedom in the United States as
it applies to the world situation;
Dr. James H. Meisel of the po-
litical science department, who
will discuss the world trend and
the events leading up to the vio-
lations of Czech academic free-
Rev. Edward H. Redman of the
Unitarian Church who will dis-
cuss the spirit of the Czech people,
their background and traditions,
Robert Miller, a Czech student
until a short time ago, who will
offer some impressions of student

life in his Central European

A forced gaiety ineffectually
cloaked war talk in campus con-
versation yesterday.
On the diagonal men greeted
one another with cries of "hi-
sarge," and "do you think you can
still get into the old uniform."
Discharged enlisted men razzed
less fortunate fellows who held re-
serve commissions, and asked
them if they had bags packed.
Joining Up?
Both the University NRGTC and
ROTC offices reported unprece-
dented activity as scores of stu-
dents jammed the offices for in-
formation on enlistments, com-
missions, and requests for active
(Our reporter, one-time ser-
geant, got caught up in the war
hysteria and accidently "sirred"
the ROTC Lt. Col. on the end of
the wire five times.)
In dining halls army songs re-
placed, fraternity and school songs
amid much banter-
Strained Seriousnaessi
But underneath the banter was
a strained seriousness. Unfounded
rumors of a 24-hour call for re-
servists swept housing units like
wildfire. Over in the Union dining
hall students looked up as radio
commentators delivered opinions
on the President's message to Con-
gress. It seemed as if every other
word was war. Measures short of
Get in the Swin with Mr.
Finn, a new radio program intend-
ed to draw attention to the need
for a new women's swimming pool,
will begin over station WPAG to-
day at 5:45.
Clues to "Mr. Finn's" identity
will be given i a similar manner
to the "Miss Hush" and "Walk-
ing Man" contests. Prizes donated
by local merchants, including a set
of golf woods and a pen and pen-
cil set, will be awarded the win-
ners. Write your answer to Broad-
casting Service, Angell Hall to-
gether with a statement on the ur-
gent need for a women's swimming

U to a Million
May Be Called
Selective Service Bill
Not Yet in Congress
By The Associated Press
Congress passes a new draft law,
800,000 to 1,000,000 men may be
called to the colors, but veterans
of World War II probably will be
exempt, Chairman Andrews (Rep.,
N.Y.) of the House Armed Serv-
ices Committee predicted today,
He emphasized that he was not
speaking for his committee, which
has not yet received any draft
legislation from the armed forces.
But he made plain that he him-
self was in accord with President
Truman's plea for a draft and
universal military training.
Fresh Manpower
If a selective service law is
passed this month, Andrews said
at a news conference, it could
begin pulling fresh man power into
the military forces by July 1. He
estimated that the men might be

war, preparation for war, does
Russia want war?"
Men gathered for earnest talk
in small groups. Underneath the
arugments ran an undertone of
How had this thing crept up on
us and mushroomed overnight?
Western Nata.i
Pact Concluded
50 Year Agreement
Endorsed By'iruman
BRUOSELS, March 17-(IP)-
Five European.Nations, today en-
tered into a 50-year partnership to
defend their democratic way of
life against any aggressor, with
arms if necessary. President Tru-
man swiftly endorsed it.
Against a background of rapid
Communist expansion in the East,
Britain, France, Belgium, The
Netherlands and Luxembourg
bound themselves in a military,
political andeconomic treaty
which laid the cornerstone for an
even wider European Union,
Mr. Truman told the American
Congress he was confident the
United States would, by appropri-
ate means, extend them the sup-
Dort the situation requires. He
"I am sure that the determina-
tion of the free countries of Eu-
rope to protect themselves will be
matched by an equal determina-
tion on our part to help them do
The pact created a "Consulta-
tive Council" to consider any sit-
uation which may constitute a
threat to the peace anywhere in
the world. Four of the signers-
Britain, France, The Netherlands
and Belgium-are the world's
greatest colonial powers.

THINGS TO COME-Many University men are wondering today
whether the above scene might not be repeated ere long. Hauled
out of The Daily's files, the above picture shows Army recruit
getting outfitted in G.I. clothing, during World War II.
War'Talk Is Main Sub ject
For Campus Conversation

SALEM, Ore., March 17-(P)
-The nation could begin draft-
ing men into the armed forces
within 45 to 60 days after Con-
gress passes a new Selective
Service Law, Maj. Gen. Lewis
B. Shershey, National Selective
Service Director, said here to-
He said he did not know what
kind of a draft law President
Truman requested In his ad-
dress to Congress today, but
said he presumed the President
meant drafting of enough men
in the 18 - 20 - year - old age
bracket to make up the defi-
ciency in voluntary enlistments.
required to serve at least 18
months, and would be picked from
the 20 to 26 age group.
Andrews said his committee will
not discuss the draft proposal for-
mally until it has specific recom-
mendations from Secretary of De-
fense Forrestal, and in no event
until next Tuesday, its next meet-
ing day.
He expressed belief the Presi-
dent's call for the draft came as a
surprise to his military leaders.
"I have been told that the Pres-
ident's speech was his own idea
and that he wrote it himself," An-
drews said.
Below Strength
If Congress should decide to
See DRAFT, Page 6
Endorses U'
M"YDA Stand
Support for the present Univer-
sity administration stand on
MYDA was given by the Student
Legislature last night when it ap-
proved by a 32 to 5 vote a resolu-
tion recommending conditional re-
instatement of the organization.
MYDA's recognition as an ap-
proved student group should de-
pend on either its disaffiliation
with the national AYD or an open
declaration of its existence as a
communist organization, the res-
olution states.
These alternatives were offered
MYDA by the University before it
was banned from campus, accord-
ing to a report made by the Legis-
lature Campus Action Committee.
Answers Request
The action came in response to
a request by MYDA that the Leg-
islature pass a resolution urging
the group's reinstatement.
The Legislature also voted to
participate in the meeting Wed-
nesday protesting the alleged vio-
lation of academic freedom in
Czechoslovakia if it is approved by
the Student Affairs Committee.
Plans f or nnncnvinp two nn hti

conducts here today
* ~* *
Orchestra Will
Play Tont it
The Cincinnati Symphony Or -
chestra will appear at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium, led by
Thor Johnson, former Choral Un-
ion director and now permanent
conductor of the orchestra.
The program will include: Viv-
aldi's Concerto Grosso in D minor,
Brahms' Fourth Symphony;
"Suite Provencale" by Milhaud;
"White Peacock" by Griffes; and
"Pines of Rome" by Respighi.
The concert is last in the cur-
rent Choral Union Series. Tickets
will be on sale at offices of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Tower.
Thor Johnson, permanent con-
duector of the Cincinnati Sym-
phony, is well-known to local au-
diences as conductor for May Fes-
tivals and the University Choral



National News
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, March 17 - A
fact-finding board created under
the Taft-Harley act tackled the
meat strike today. Meanwhile
meat prices soared in the whole-
sale markets for the third day in
a row.
* * *

/Daily Reporter Soaks Up Local Color at St. Pat Party


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