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February 17, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-17

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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LVIII, No. 92




1'' Cage Squad
Committee Votes



Tops Hoosier

To Extend Rent Controls


Vets Residence
Taken Today
Overseas Service
Important Factor
Applications for residence in
University Terrace Apartments
and the Veterans' Emergency
Housing Project will be accepted
today through Friday at the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, Rm. 2 Un-
iversity Hall, the office has an-
Although there are no vacancies
at the present time, applications
accepted now will be considered
for future vacancies.
The Office listed the following
qualifications as necessary for ad-
mittance to either project:
1. Only married veterans of
World War II who are residents
df Michigan may apply.
2. Applicants must have com-
pleted two terms at the Univer-
sity. (Each summer session counts
as one-half term.)
2. Applicants must be Michigan
residents at the time of applica-
tion and also at the time of as-
signment to apartments.
4. Only full-time students car-
rying 12 or more hours, or teach-
er-students whose combined pro-
grams are at least 12 hours, may
5. Military record and report of
separation must be filed at the
time of application.
6. Veterans who have incurred
serious physical disability will be
considered first.
"7. Length of overseas service
will be an important determining
factor; A.S.T.P., V-12 and similar
programs will be discounted.
8. If both man and wife are vet-
erans enrolled in the University
and the husband is a Michigan
resident their combined applica-
tion will be given special consid-
9. The term of occupancy of
students admitted to either proj -
ect may in no case exceed a pe-
riod of two years.
Military Force
Requested for
The Palestine Commission called
upon the Security Council tonight
for adequate military force to pre-
vent uncontrolled bloodshed in
the Holy Land and religious war
in Jerusalem.
The five-member commission in
a unanimous special report run-
ning 4,500 words declared that
time is of the "utmost import-
ance" in carrying out the decision
of the 1947 United Nations Assem-
bly to divide Palestine into Jew-
ish and Arabic countries.
The commission, speaking
bluntly to the council, declared
that "powerful Arab interests,
both inside and outside Pales-
tine," are defying the Assembly
and are deliberately trying to alter
by force the partition plan.
It said also that certain ele-
ments of the Jewish community in
Palestine continue to commit irre-
sponsible acts of violence which
worsen the security situation.
The five members of the com-
mission agreed unanimously to
the report, on which they have
worked daily since mid-January.

Judge Rules
Bingo Illegal
DBTROIT, Feb. 16-(OP)-Bingo
is gambling and therefore illegal
in Michigan, Circuit Judge Tho-
mas E. Maher ruled today.

British Seek Foreign Student
Exchanges --- Lady Reading

England welcomes internation-
al student exchange not only on a
academic but on a friendly basis,
Lady Stella Reading told an au-
dience of students, faculty mem-
bers and the general public yes-
terday in the Rackham Building.
Lady Reading, who is in the
United States to receive the Na-f

S* * g
Select Three
Three candidates for the bi-
partisan city election in Aprill
were selected by Ann Arbor Re-
publicans in a light primary vote
In the sixth ward, the incum-
bent, Prof. A. D. Moore of the
engineering school defeated Prof.
Byron O. Hughes of the education
school by a vote of 138 to 48 in
the race for alderman.
The position of county super-
visor on the April ballot was
won by Mrs. Ruth M. Dana, wife
of Prof. S. T. Dana of the forestry
school, defeating Mrs. Wilmoth
Barker by a count of 114 to 70.
The third ward race for the su-
pervisor spoton the ballot was
won by incumbent Fred J. Wil-
liams with 76 votes over Harvey A.
Ward's 40 votes.
Republican contests were lim-
ited to the third and sixth wards.
In the others, there was no dis-
pute over the position on the bal-
lot. Totals in the sixth ward races
are unofficial but accurate as all
voting was done by machine.
No contests developed for posi-
tions on the Democratic ballot
although they will run a full
ticket in the April elections.

tional Achievement Award, select-
ed the University as one of three
campuses she would address on
her current visit in an attempt
to promote the inter-exchange of
Space Denied Students
At present, she reported, one
tenth of England's university
space has been denied her stu-
dents in order to accommodate
foreign students who would be
willing not only to undergo the
distressed system of life that the
country has been burdened by,
but to help develop "mental re-
habilitation" that England has
"Contacts made by American
soldiers in England during the
war have been tremendously im-
portant," Lady Reading stated.,
"We want to continue those con-
tacts and develop more."
Impoverished Condition
Lady Reading maintained that
the exchange of students would be
of value in the world today and
for tomorrow. General Eisenhower
had this in mind, she said, when
he gave his men six months leave
to study in England.
England's impoverished condi-
tion, as a result of war are for-
gotten by the sight of nations that
are more unfortunate, Lady Read-
ing asserted, but the country is
making the most of what it has.
Although many schools and books
were destroyed, those utilities
available are shared and radio is
taking important steps toward
more educational programs.
"Courage, vision and faith are
the essentials required to live in
peace," Lady Reading observed.
"We are not living in peace now
but in the absence of war."
Prices Bound
Upward Again
CHICAGO, Feb. 16- (03) -
Prices of many commodities today
bounded upward in one of the
strongest rallies since the slump
began almost two weeks ago at
the nation's major primary mar-
Grains, hogs and cattle, leaders
of the American menus, were up
rather sharply at the Chicago
Board of Trade and LivestockL
Market. Wholesale butter was up
as much as 3 cents a pound in.
Chicago and 21/2 cents in New
York. New York stocks also re-
vived, although volume was small.
Retail food stores continued to
feature lower meat prices because
of recent market recessions. How-
ever Agriculture Department eco-
nomists in Washington said the
meat price dips probably would
be short-lived. They said meat
animals on farms were declining
and consumer demand was ex-
pected to continue high.

Senate Group
Votes To Keep,
Modified Curbs
House Bill Proposes
By The Associated Press
Senate Banking Committee
agreed today to extend rent con-
trols for 14-months in modified
The new bill provides for higher
rents where landlords are suffer-
ing losses.
The House Banking Committee
decided to recommend an emer-
gency 30-day extension of existing
law while it works out details of a
longer run plan. The present law
expires February 29.
Follow Court Action
Both actions came within hours
of a Supreme Court decision up-
holding the constitutionality of
rent controls. It said the law was
a valid use of the war powers of
Both branches of Congress will
have to act to keep rent control
alive. The solution may be a stop-
gap extension while the more
permanent legislation makes its
way through Congress, and House
and Senate versions are adjusted.
The Senate committee bill
would continue controls through
April 30, 1949. After a series of
votes on amendments, the com-
mittee approved the final form
Present Provisions
Present law provides that land-
lords may increase rents as much
as 15 per cent if tenants agree
to such an increase in return
for a lease running through 1948.
The new bill provides that in
the cases of tenants who made
such agreements, the landlord is
barred from raising rents again
until April 30, 1949. Thus these
tenants are given an additional
four months of protection against
As for other tenants, the new
bill provides that landlords may
raise their rents 15 per cent if
the tenants agree and if a lease
is signed running through 1949.
Another section of the bill
makes it mandatory for the hous-
ing expediter to make any rent
adjustments necessary "to prevent
any person from suffering a loss
in the operation of any controlled
housing accommodation."
Urge Change
Of Dance Site
Claim Soph Prom
Is Too Big for Union
The Soph Prom Committee, af-
ter attempting unsuccessfully to
change the location of the an-
nual class dance, released a state-
ment yesterday, explaining their
predicament and presenting the
stand taken by the University.
According to Jack Waters, pub-
licity chairman, the committee
feels that the Prom should receive
more consideration. "The sopho-
more classhishthe largest, so we
feel we should get something
larger than the Union Ballroom,
since it can accommodate only
about 450 couples."
The University, he said, wants
to keep the dance at the Union
because it has always proved ade-
quate. "Dean Rae has cooperated,

but the Student Affairs Commit-
tee and Mr. Riskey, who says his
quota for dances at IM is filled,
still feel the dance should be held
at the Union. Some of the dances
already slated for IM are of
smaller size and less import than
ours," he claimed.
Waters further pointed out that
the University is afraid the dance
Swouldn't go over financially if it
were enlarged. "But we feel," he


SALESMANSHIP-The 'Ensian's enthusiastic campaign manager, Al Grossman, congratulates Au-
drey Axelrod upon purchase of the 4,500th 'Ensian. Bill Zerman, sales and promotion, writes out
the subscription.

* * * *

<. _

'Ensian Sets New Record

v i

A surprised Audrey Axelrod
made Michigan history yesterday
when she was acclaimed the 4,500
person to buy the '48 Ensian.
The pretty coed remained cool,
however, during the bedlam that
ensued as salesmen congratulated
each other resoundingly on their
all times sales record. Her first
remark was, "Anything can hap-
pen here."
The previous record of 3,300
sales was doomed to obscurity as

orders continued to pour into En-
sian headquarters. Al ,Grossman,
sales manager, contemplates many
more sales before the books close..
"Our greatest drawback is that
students don't know of our start-
ling new format. We feel sure that
if they did our sales would reach
unprecipitated proportions."
Buck Dawson, enthusiastic edi-
tor, could merely say, "My mis-
sion is completed. I can leave
Michigan at peace with my soul."

Olivier's Henry V Acclaimed

In Home Tilt
Ohio State Whips
Michigan's surging batketball
team moved into first place in the
unpredictable Big Nine race last
night by downing Indiana here,
66-54, as the previously front-run-
ning Wisconsin quintet fell to
Ohio State, 53-47, at Columbus.
Clawing toward their first un-
disputed Conference crown since
1927, the Wolverine boosted their
season record in league play to
6-2. The Badgers, defending ti-
tlists, dropped to the runner-up
slot with a 6-3 mark.
Mack Suprunowicz, the wiry
Michigan forward who paced his
mates to Saturday's impressive
victory over Purdue, was high-
man in the Wolverine attack again
last night, chalking up 21 points
on eight baskets and five free
However, it was "Supey's" run-
ning mate, Don McIntosh who
dealt the Hurryin' Hoosiers their
heaviest blows.
With Indiana leading, 41-40, at
the three-quarter mark, McIntosh
sparked Michigan's flurry of eight
straight points as he tossed in
three baskets from the pivot post.
Michigan's high-flying hockey
sextet annexed its twelfth vic-
tory of the season as it upset
California, 11-2. Sam Stedman
paved the way for the Wolver-
ines' win as he scored three
goals, one in each of the three
Gordie McMillan and Bill
Jacobson tallied twice for the
Wolverines. For complete de-
tails, see page three.

By Shakespearean Professors
1.p ____________________________________

' i

Laurence Olivier's "Henry V"
was highly recommended for all.
Shakespeare students yesterday by
Prof. H. T. Price, noted Shakes-
peare authority.
Prof. Price, in expressing his
approval of the production, es-
pecially cited Olivier's ability to
speak verse beautifully.
"Henry V," which is making
it's return engagement this Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, met
with equal approval from other
members of the English depart-
ment contacted by The Daily.
"A gorgeous and highly enter-
taining film," said Prof. Norman
E. Nelson, "and a production
which makes Shakespeare more
readily available to the public than
acting companies do."
Another member of the depart-
ment, Dr. Norris Greenhut, also
recommended the film highly.
"One of the values of Olivier's pro-
duction is that it will enable stu-
dents to visualize the Shakespear-
ean stage, which is very important
in the study of Shakespeare." He
added, "It helps one to sense the
power of blank verse lines, which
Shakespeare uses so much."
Four pieces of fire equilR-
ment were called out this morn-
ing to battle a blaze believed to
have started at 12:15 a.m. from
an overheated furnace at 713
When The Daily went to
press, the fire was not yet un-
der control, and billowing
clouds of black smoke continued
to pour out of the basement.

The film, brought back to the
Michigan campus by popular de-
mand, will be shown twice daily at
2:30 and 8:30 p.m. this Thursday,
Friday and Saturday. Choice seats
are still available for all six per-
Tickets may be obtained at the
box office of the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. today and tomorrow, and
from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thurs-
eay, Friday and Saturday.
All proceeds from the film will
go to the recently reactivated Stu-
dent Award Fund, which aids stu-
dents who are active in campus
affairs but do not benefit from
IRA To Hold
First Meeting
The Inter-Racial Association
will feature a talk by Rev. John
Miles of the Peoples Institute of
Applied Religion in Detroit dur-
ing their first meeting of the
semester at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in
the Union.
Rev. Miles will speak on "Racial
Discrimination, Past andnFuture"
placing special emphasis on cur-
rent cases of discrimination.
The meeting will begin with a
short discussion of IRA's plans
for the new semester. The group
intends to formulateits next step
in connection with "Operation
Haircut" and the coming trial of
Dominic Dascola, Ann Arbor bar-
ber charged with violating the
Diggs Anti-Discrimination Act.

Truman Asks
Aid Extension
For Greece
President Truman told Congress
today he will ask more military
help to strengthen Greece and
Turkey against Communism.
Greece in particular cannot be
saved from Communist-engi-
neered collapse until rebel forces
"subservient to foreign influences"
are wiped out, 'the President said.
He was reporting on the $300,-
000,000 program of military aid to
Greece, and the $100,000,000 for
Turkey, voted by Congress last
year to help both countries protect
their freedom.
Chairman Bridges (R-NH) of
the Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee 'said meanwhile his group is
going to want "much more infor-
mation" before it decides how
much should be spent for Euro-
pean recovery in general.
The President asked $6,800,000,-
000 for the first 15 months of the
program, which involves 16 coun-
tries and Western Germany. The
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee last week recommended $5,-
300,000,000 for the first 12 months.
Both figures have been attacked
by Senators Taft of Ohio, Wherry
of Nebraska and a few other lead-
ing Republicans as too high. Any
funds voted must first be approved
by House and Senate Appropria-
tions Committees.
Mr. Truman said the Turkish
aid program "Is proceeding in an
orderly manner."
But Greece, he told Congress, is
being subjected to "ever increas-
ing pressure by the Communist
minority" in a "determined and
ruthless" war on the country's
common people.
And this, the President said.
"is sapping the economic strength
of Greece at the same time that
the American mission for aid to
Greece is seeking to build it up.'

Capt. Bob Harrison contributed a
pair of charity tosses during that
drive that helped put the Wolver-
ines in a comfortable 48-41 lead.
After that, Indiana just couldn't
keep pace with the deceptive Wol-
verine attack, as the Maize and
Blue went on to bulge their gap to
50-42, 58-49, 59-49, 63-52, and the
final 66-54.
Fivie Point Margin
The largest lead Michigan pos-
sessed in the first half was a five-
ooint margin when the score-
board read 17-12.
Then Indiana, employing their
famed "firehourse" type of ball-
playing, started clicking, and took
a 21-20 lead on a sparkling two-
pointer by Murray Mendenhall,
reserve guard, with 60 seconds re-
maining in the half.
At this point, the 8,000 fans at
Yost Field House were treated to
an action-packed minute of fast
rind furious basketball.
Lou Watson, who bagged run-
ner-up scoring honors for the eve-
ning with 19 points, tossed in a
gift shot to give the Hoosiers a
See 'M' TOPS, Page 3
Soviets Leve
N'ew Charges

I World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16-Legislation to permit U.S. military mis-
sions-but not combat troops-to be assigned to foreign governments
was passed today by the House. It now goes to the Senate. Such
missions would advise foreign governments on organization and train-
ing of their military forces.
* * * *
- VATICAN CITY, Feb. 16-Genarro Cardinal Granito Pig-
natelli di Belmonte, 96-year-old dean of the College of Cardinals
who knew five popes, died today.
Funeral services will be held Thursday. Informed Vatican
sources said tonight Pope Pius XII will read the centuries old
absolution for the dead.
* * * , -
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16-President Truman has appealed per-
sonally to several "interested" governments to prevent the spread
of violence over the Palestine issue, the White House disclosed today.
The pleas were reported to have gone to leaders of the seven
Arab League countries which have declared opposition to the United



BALTIMORE, Feb. 16-(R)-An
energetic safe cracker broke into
a warehouse sometime last night
and went to work on a small
strong box.
He tried to get it on a dolly
and drag it out the back door.
Couldn't make it.
Then he chopped through the
back of the safe. It was empty.

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Feb. 16-The Soviet
Tnion charged tonight that the
'7nited States and Britain talked
peace terms with Germany dur-
ing World War II.
It also accused Britain and
-'ranee of seeking to start a war
-ith Russia in 1940 instead of
>hting Germany.
Russia said that Allen W. Dulles,
brother of John Foster Dulles,
r nresented the U. S. in conver-
SItions with a German spokesman
-. 1942 which touched on the
-estion of concluding peace with
The Soviet Government also ac-
.sed the Allies of failing to ful-
ll a promise of a second front in
2urope in 1942 and 1943, and
c-harged that leading Finnish cir-
cles sought to make Finland a
springboard for Hitler's attack on
These charges were contained in
he fourth- installment of a Rus-

Vedder Deplores Isolation of Convicts




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