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March 30, 1948 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL.mLVIII, No. 127






House Sends
ERP Toward
Final Stages
Substitute Relief
Plan Defeated
WASHINGTON, March 29-(P)
-The $6,205,000,000 Foreign Aid
Bill hurdled its first House ob-
stacle today and headed toward
scheduled passage Wednesday.
Opponents were beaten in an
y attempt to throw out the whole
bill and pass a substitute provid-
ing for a private system of relief
for Communist-resisting foreign
Offered by Rep. Ralph Gwinn
(Rep., N.Y.) and defeated by a
standing vote of 103 to 60, the
substitute was the first amend-
ment offered as the House
launched -three final days of de-
World Corporation
It would have set, up a world
relief corporation operated by pri-
vate organizations, with a $500,-
000,000 cash contribution from the
United States as a starter. For
military aid to foreign nations, it
would have authorized an appro-
priation of $1,000,000,000.
The vote came after Rep. Ran-
kin (Dem., Miss.) asserted that
"if every man in this House voted
his honest convictions," the entire
foreign aid program would be
Rankin said the nation could
spend its money more wisely on
air force expansion and atom
bomb production than by "pour-
ing it into the rat holes of Eu-
Clear Vote
The vote on the Gwinn Amend-
ment made it clear that the for-
eign Affairs Committee, author of
* the omnibus aid measure, was in
complete control in the House and
would drive through, probably
Wednesday, a bill substantially
identical to the one the Committee
wrote more than a week ago.
The Committee agreed at a
morning session to back an
amendment to tighten controls
over exports to Russia. The
amendment, to be offered prob-
ably tomorrow, would give the
proposed foreign aid administra-
tor power to block exports to
Russia or Soviet satellites if he
believes they are not in the inter-
est of this country.
MCAF Rejects
Czech Protest
Favors Return of
MYDA to Campus
The local chapter of the Michi-
gan Committee for Academic
Freedom voted 8-6 last night to
withhold approval of last Wednes-
day's student rally protesting al-
leged abridgements of Academic
freedom in Czechoslovakia.
Acting on a subsequent motion,
the group decided to refer the
Czech incident to the State execu-
tive committee of MCAF for ac-
Meanwhile, MCAF went on rec-
ord as unanimously favoring the
return of MYDA to campus and
requested that the Regents allow
political speakers to appear under
the auspieces of campus organi-
Condemning the alleged use of

hearsay evidence in denying
MYDA recognition, MCAF passed
a resolution to request specific
reasons for the group's ban.
Participating in the meeting
were representatives of UWF,
Student Iegislature, the Ralph
Neafus Club and Hillel Founda-
Tinef Fined for
David Harris, 23, self-confessed
burglar of the Sigma Alpha Mu
fraternity house, was given a $250
fine and placed on five years pro-
bation yesterday by Circuit Court
" Judge James R. Breakey, Jr.
Harris, who lives at 1013 Cath-
erine, admitted using three taxi-
cabs in the robbery which took
place on March 10. He forced his
way into the fraternity and took a
cashbox containing $861.

Baruch Says Draft, UMT
Should Back U.S. Stand
WASHINGTON, March 29-(AP)-Bernard M. Baruch said today,
this country should decide just what it is going to do in world affairs
and back up its stand with the draft, Universal Military Training and
"a total plan for industrial and economic mobilization."
The financier's views were seconded by Charles E. Wilson, presi-
dent of General Electric, who said the nation must mobilize both men
and industries to meet "the crisis of this hour."
Baruch and Wilson testified separately before the Senate Armed
Services Committee. Wilson, former vice-chairman of the war produc-
tion board, endorsed both the draft and UMT. But the youth-training

Sigler Inspects 'U' Maternity Hospital,
Brands Facilities 'Disgraceful to State '

Court Subp-oena
O*T * * *





* * *

** *
Two Women
Enliven Senate
UMT Session
--The Senate Armed Services
Committee got the "woman's
viewpoint" on Universal Military
Training today-a belligerent yes
and a violent no.
Author Pearl Buck vigorously
opposed military training f or
America's youth-and was accused
of telling a "lie" by Mrs. Leslie
Wright of the General Federation
of Women's Clubs.
This bit of feminine flurry en-
livened the committee's hearing
after weighty testimony from Ber-
nard Baruch and Charles E. Wil-
son, former vice chairman of the
War Production Board.
Mrs. Buck read a statement
"At eighteen the boy needs the
influence of good homes, good
women, good girls, more than at
any other time of his life. . . Under

4program can wait, he said, until:
1-We have "an Army, Navy
and Air Force fully staffed with
thoroughly trained personnel."
Nothing else, Wilson said, "could
be adequate at this stage of world
2-We back up our expanded'
armed forces by mobilization of
industry, stockpiling of critical
materials, and scientific research.
The white-haired Baruch, ad-
viser to several presidents, called
for "standby" laws-to be used
if needed-to mobilize America's
factories and to bring back wage
and price controls.
We must mobilize for peace now,
he said, or we will be forced to
mobilize for war later.
Wilson said the "dramatic and
drastic" turn of world events has
"all but demolished our hopes for
an early return to the normalcy
of peace."'
He said the national security re-
sources board should be given vir-
tual wartime powers to control the
American economy if defense
spending rises to $20,000,000,000
a year.
The present military budget
for 1949 is $11,000,000,000 Pres-
ident Truman is preparing to
ask Congress for another $4,-
000,000,000 or so.
In a dig, which he later under-
lined, at present American for-
eign policy, Baruch said:
"The greatest single necessity in
the world today is for America to
make up its mind where it stands,
so that the other free peoples on
earth will know where to rally.

Miner Chief
To Account for
Strike Attitude
Labor Leader Given
Summons in Home
WASHINTON, March 29-(0)
- A Federal Marshal tonight
served a summons on John L.
Lewis commanding him to appear
in court and explain why he should
not give a Presidential Board the
miners' side of the pension dis-
The summons called for Lewis or
his lawyers to appear in Federal
District Court at 11 a.m. tomor-
row morning.
The court order was finally
handed to Lewis after the miners'
chief had scorned a subpoena from
the inquiry board set up by Presi-
dent Truman.
The board has been delving into
the issues involved in the two
weeks old soft coal strike.
Dramatic Game
A dramatic game between the
representative of the U. S. Mar-
shal's office and Lewis late today
sent photographers and reporters
from the UMW headquarters to a
midtown hotel and then to the
Lewis residence in Alexandria.
The writ finally was served un-
der flickering hall light in Lewis'
colonial home.
In issuing the summons for
Lewis the court acted at the Gov-
ernment's request after he had
paid no attention to the board's
Order Explained
H. Graham Morison, Assistant
Attorney General who obtained
the court order, said:
"If the court should hold the
subpoena was wrong, that ends the
"However, if the court holds that

permanent military
... he will be exposed
type of woman, and
often see his officers,
teachers, consorting
"It will be taken
that he will need


to the worst
he will too
who are his
with these
for granted

against venereal disease, because
it will be taken for granted that he
will consort with promiscuous

Freshman Class Outsmarts
Predecessors, Grades Show

The present freshman class in
the University is setting a higher
scholarship record than' any pre-
war freshman class, Prof. Arthur
Van Duren, chairman of academic
counselors, declared yesterday.
Prof. Van Duren based this view
on the 4500 five week grade cards
his office has just finished mailing
to freshmen. "Not more than 25%
of these cards had unsatisfactory
grades, while in pre-war years 33%
was not unusual," he said.
Prof. Van Duren declared that
the present freshman class is the
first really civilian class since the
war, containing less than 2% vet-
Glee Club Will
Smg Tonight
The University Women's Glee
Club,in cooperation with the ma-
jor dance classes of the physical
education department, will give a
concert at 8 p.m. today in Hill
The program will consist mainly
of light and semi-classical music,
including such songs as "Great
Day" by Youmans, "Only a Rose"
by Friml, "Clap Your Hands" by
Gershwin and "On a Streetcar" by
Additional selections chosen by
the Glee Club are "Flower of
Jesse" edited by Bell, "Festival,"
by Haubiel; and "Cloths of Heav-
en" by Dunhill.
The dance classes, under the di-
rection of Juana de Laban and
Newton Loken, will perform a
square dance. The Glee Club and
dance classes together will give
the "Shvanda Polka" by Wein-

Lewis should appear before the
erans, as compared with 90% vet- fact-finding board, it will then or-
eran ratio in the 1945-46 freshman der his appearance before that
class, board."
More Stable The board issued the subpoena
"Copettio wth tudntsoffor Lewis to testify under the
Competition with students of Taft-Hartley Act. This law pro-
their own age, maturity and back- vides that contempt of a board's
ground has made this year's fresh- subpoena, if the subpoena is
men more stable and productive backed by a court order, is punish-
than were the freshmen in classes able by fines up to $5,000 or a year
immediately following the war," he in jail, or both.
- Prof. Van Duren believes that
the regularity of hours enforced on Festival Ticket
women students is responsible for
the slight edge in grades the fresh- Tr
men women consistently boast
over the men.
Commenting on the relative
merits of large and small high Concert-goers will get their first
schools, Prof. Van Duren declared chance at individual May Festival
there is no necessary correlation tickets Thursday, when approx-
between the size of preparatory imately 900 tickets for each of
school and college achievement. six concerts will go on sale at of-
Varied Preparation fices of the University Musical
Emphasizing that five week Society in Burton Tower.
grades are not official grades, but Tickets are being placed on sale
only indications of a freshman's before spring vacation this year
progress, Prof. Van Duren urged to give students a better chance
any freshman with one or more at them, Charles A. Sink, Music
failing gra 'es to make an appoint- Society director, pointed out. He
ment immediately in Rm. 108 Ma- added, however, that no special
son Hall to see his academic coun- preference will be shown for stu-
selar. dents in the ticket distribution.
Most of the 900 seats remain-
Radio Club Plans ing after season-ticket sales are
completed Wednesday will be lo-
Gatherin Today cated in the upper balcony, with
e.in only a few scattered seats remain-
A planning session of the new ing on the main floor and first
student Wired Radio Association balcony, Sink said. Top balcony
will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in seats are priced at $1.80, includ-
Rm. 325 of the Union. ing tax, with the last two rows,
Projects for the rest of the se- on a level, going at $1.50.
mester will be outlined at the Past seasons have shown that
meeting. Auditions for acting and students prefer the high-altitude
announcing will be held April 12, location both for its low prices
Dean Barnard, '49, organizer of and for listening quality, Sink do-
the group, has announced. clared.

subpoenaed in the gloaming
Funeral Rites
For Dr. May
To Be Today
Funeral services will be conduct-
ed at 3 p.m. today at the Muehlig
CRapel for Dr. George A. May,
professor of physical education,
and wellrknown campus figure who
died Sunday at University Hospi-
Familiar to Michigan freshmen
for the past four decades as direc-
tor of the compulsory gymnasium
classes, Dr. May was a graduate
MD who abandoned a medical ca-
reer to teach athletics at Michi-
gan. An excellentrathlete in his
own right, he served as trainer
and medical examiner for the
University football team during
World War I.
Dr. May put his own teachings
to practice by personally main-
taining throughout his life a daily
program of physical exercises.
Born in Philadelphia, July 8,
1872, his prowess in competitive
sports in athletic clubs won him
an offer to instruct at Yale in
He combined his teaching with
study in pre-med and in 1901 ob-
tained his MD at Yale Medical
School. It was also in that year
that Michigan offered him an ap-
pointment to teach gymnastics,
which Dr. May accepted and
therefore gave up a career in medi-
The body will lie in state at the
chapel until 1 p.m. Tuesday. Burial
will be in Forest Hill Cemetery.
Wallace Group
Hears She pard
Professor Discusses
U.S. Foreign Policy
The United States foreign policy
seems to be to find out what the
Russians want and then go the
other way in the opinion of Prof.
John Shepard, of the psychology
Prof. Shepard spoke last night
before approximately 60 students
attending the foreign policy meet-
ing of the student group of the
Washtenaw County Wallace for
President Committee. The meet-
ing was also addressed by Irving
Richter, former official of UAW-
Prof. Shepard said further: "No
one can tell whether the Russians
would cooperate if given the
chance, but they have never had
the opportunity."
Richter said that the foreign
policy of the U.S. today is actually
a "Vandenberg policy," and that
Senator Vandenberg is a subscrib-
er to the "Hamiltonian philoso-
phy." He added that Henry Wal-
lace has laid out a compromise
program for peace with Russia,
and that he is the only American
poitical leader to do so.

Court Agrees
To Consider
Labor Cases
WASHINGTON, March 29-(P)
-The Supreme Court agreed to-
day to rule on two of the hottest
labor issues of the times:
1. The Taft-Hartley Act's ban
on political expenditures by un-
ions. A District Court has held the
ban is unconstitutional.
2. State laws against the closed
With presidential nominating
conventions coming in June and
July and the voting in November,
the time the court takes to make
up its mind on Nov. 1 can become
nearly as important in immediate
effect as the final ruling.
No Special Speed
The court took no emergency
steps toward speed. It set argu-
ment for April 26.
The appeal was carried up by
the government after Judge Ben
Moore in U. S. District Court here
held the Taft-Hartley section vio-
lates the constitutional guaran-
tees of free speech, press and as-
In that finding, Judge Moore
threw out charges that the CIO
and its President Philip Murray
violated the law by printing an
article in the CIO news endorsing
Edward Garmatz of Baltimore as
Democratic candidate for Congress
last July. In a deliberate test of
the Taft-Hartley ban, 1,000 extra
copies of the union paper were dis-
tributed in Baltimore just before
the election,which Garmatz won.
Government Appeal
In appealing to the high court,
the Government contended Con-
gress has the right to "surround
the entire election process with
such rules and regulations as it
deems necessary to secure free and
honest elections."
Russian Atom
Plant Blocked
Issue To Be Decided
By UN Committee
LAKE SUCCESS, March 29-(P)
-A majority of the United Na-
tions atomic conferees lined up to-
day behind a move to toss out
Russia's atomic control proposals.
The move was started by Brit-
tain, France, China and Canada
in the 11-nation working commit-
tee of the United Nations Atomic
EnergyhCommission. They were
quickly joined by the United
States, Argentina, Colombia and
Britain and the United States
demanded an immediate vote, but
they dropped their request when
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Andrei A. Gromyko asked for
more time.
The committee will decide the
issue Monday. With eight of the
11 delegates already on record as
favoring the four-power proposal,
its approval appeared assured.
Seven votes are needed for ap-
The U.S. plan, submitted June
14, 1946, by Bernard M. Baruch,
calls for a tight system of inter-
national control to be put into
effect by stages.

... "hospital a disgrace"
Aide Says Ike
Will Not Run
For Any Party
WASHINGTON, March 29-(0P)
-The Army's press chief said to-
night that Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower "under no conceivable. cir-
cumstances" will consent to be
drafted as the Democratic candi-
date for President.
The statement was made by
Maj. Gen. Floyd L. Parks.
Parks said Eisenhower, who is
now writing his memoirs, is unaf-
fected by the efforts of anti-Tru-
man Democrats to ,secure him as
their candidate.
"T'he"General means his 'no pol-
itics announcement of some weeks
ago to apply to all parties and
groups of voters," Parks said in a
statement issued through the De-
partment of the Army.
"What he said about wanting
to have nothing to do with poli-
tics applies to the Democrats as
well as the Republicans," Parks
"He has not changed one iota
in his position and I do not be-
lieve he will do so."
To lend emphasis to Eisen-
hower's renewed disavowal of po-
litical ambitions, Parks authorized
the use of his name in connection
with the statement. Heretofore he
has been identified only as a
"spokesman" 'for the former Chief
of Staff.
Eisenhower has been working on
his book at his quarters in Fort
Myer, Va., 'across the Potomac
River from Washington.
* * * '
ADA To Boost
ADA will meet to boom General
Dwight D. Eisenhower's nomina-
tion as the Democratic presidential
candidate at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union.
Bill Leuchtenburg, National Ex-
ecutive Secretary of the SDA (stu-
dent branch of ADA) and Steve
Muller, National Field Secretary,
are coming from Washington to
address the group.
Seymour Zucker, local ADA
spokesman, declared that the 200
chapters of the Student Branch
are already on record for Eisen-
hower's candidacy and that the
national organization has called a
special national conference for
April 19 to draft a candidate for
the nomination.

Special Probe
Finds Building
'One of Worst'
Will Ask Legislature
To Seek New Solution
Gov. Kim Sigler called the Uni-
versity's maternity hospital "a dis-
graceful adjunct to the State of
Michigan" yesterday and said he
would "talk to members of the
Legislature and see if we can't find
some way to build . new hospital."
After a solid hour of inspecting
the 50-year-old maternity hospital
from attic to stoker, the Governor
said he wants some of the State
legislators to "come down and see
it for themselves."
Asked how it stacks up with oth-
er State hospitals he's inspected,
Gov. Sigler replied "it's one of the
Not Much Good
He said the hospital is "definite-
ly a fire hazard," and that if the
outmoded tubular fire escape ever
had o be used "they would prob-
ably do more harm than the fire
The hospital is up to snuff in
sanitation, but Gov. Sigler re-
marked that he didn't see "how in
the world it's kept that way."
The "complete inadeguacy of
the facilities," he said, "is obvious
even to a layman."
Accompanied on his inspectimn
tour by President Alexander 0.
Ruthven and Prof. Norman F.
Miller of the Medical School, Gov.
It wasn't exactly planned that
way, but an eight-pound baby
was born during Governor Sig-
ler's tour of the University Ma-
ternity Hospital today.
The parents, Burwell and
Elzabeth Ryder, of Detroit, had
already decided to name the bay
Mark, They agreed,' however,
that his nickname would be
Sigler was shown blueprints of the
new maternity hospital.
One of the questions now before
the special session of the Legisla-
ture is whether or not $1,700,000
to complete tie new hosptai
should be included in the appro-
priation requested by the Univer-
sity for construction purposes.
Work Halted
Work on the new 90-bed hospi-
tal-which would be twie the size
of the old one-was halted at the
foundation stage a year ago by re-
quest of the Legislature's finance
Committee members said they
believed than the State faced a fi-
nancial deficit for 1947-48 and
that there wouldn't be enough
funds to carry construction for-
Facilities of the present hospi-
tal are so inadequate that the Uni-
versity's Medical School is not ap-
See SIGLER, Page 4
NSA Petitions
Four Tour Due
O~~r U
Students hoping to join a NSA
tour of England, France and the
Netherlands this summer must
mail their applications in today or
tomorrow to beat the April 1 dead-
The tour, to cost each student
$550, will start June 18 at Mon-
treal and end Sept. 15, at either
Montreal or New York.

Cities included on the itinerary
are Rotterdam, Paris, Tours, Caen,
Grenoble,' Brussels, Amsterdam
and -Londgn.
One hundred students will be
chosen by the national office from
college campuses throughout the
nation. Petitions can be obtained
from Tom Walsh, chairm-An of the
Student Legislature NSA commit-
tee, whose phone is 5989, and are

Serious Books Capture Student Interest

CHICAGO, March 29-(iP)-The nation's railroads today accepted
the recommendation of President Truman's fact-finding board that
engineers, firemen and switchmen be given a 15% cents an hour pay
* * * *
LONDON, March 29-(AP)-The official Soviet news agency
Tass denied tonight that unidentified submarines sighted off the
coast of the United States were Russian.
* * ': *

Joe and Jane College may paint
dinosaur footprints on the Diag-
nn. T M -17..t cnnrif'.x7 -'., 'm. nff

History" are currently outselling
novels and detective stories in
Ann Arbor. There is also a brisk

She also points to the relatively
large sales records of the younger
novelists as proof of the town's'

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