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March 30, 1948 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-30

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........... I .. .. .. .. .. .. ... I .. . .. .. ... .. . .. ..

Keep Off the Grass
MPUS needs is a new I literally nil, the new orgaization should


student group with wide appeal.
We've been around here long enough to
watch the vast majority of the students on
campus founde'r in the alphabet soup of
campus politics. We've noticed that prob-
lems in addition to bluebooks and cafeteria
lines are frowned upon.
Now we are happy to announce that a new
club is being organized here which threatens
to eclipse all previously formed campus
groups. Called the Student Apathy Club
(SAC),,the new organization has minimum
requirements for membership and continued
We feel that the new group will achieve
peculiar success here. Certainly almost
every student is eligible to join-the im-
portant membership requirement is to in-
tensify your present activities. As these are
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
ate written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.-

have wide appeal.
Only deterrent to the plan is that many
students may be too apathetic to join. We
plan to circumvent such an eventuality by
making no effort to enlist members.
The following students are specifically ex-
cluded from the new SAC:
1. Anyone who signs or passes- petitions
of any sort.
2. Anyone who votes in any campus elec-
3. Anyone who belongs to any campus
or town organization, except the honorary
We are setting up a special committee to
handle the flood of applications for the
new SAC from the other 15,000 students on
campus. If you do not hear from us, you're
in. If we do not hear from you, you will
be considered "extra - apathetic" and
promptly enrolled. No one can lose.
With an eye to the success of similar
groups on more forward-looking campuses
(Harvard), we have decided that participa-
tion by this University is long overdue.
Join us-if you care to become involved.
-The Senior Editors.

Overweighted Tradition

TIRADITION, in its place is a fine thing,
but when it becomes more important
than the institution itself it's time some-
thing is done.
The Union has come to regard its "For
Men Only" tradition as the most important
reason for its existence and as a result
most of its services are in deplorable condi,
Only a week ago the Union administration
woke up to the fact that The Daily had a
woman reporter covering the bowling league.
She was asked to leave and not return,
(this after about eight weeks on the beat.)
The Administration explained that the
Union bowling alley and the billiard room
were both "men's clubs," places where a
man could go and not have to worry
about his language, where he could relax
and enjoy himself.
He would probably enjoy himself much
more if the Union paid as much attention,
to the condition of the equipment as to de-
fending the frontiers from a female inva-
In the billiard room there are seven ping-
pong tables, not one of which is in good con-
dition. They are all chipped and scarred.
Most of the pool tables are equally run
down. The felt has worn off the rails and
the pockets are stuffed with rags to keep

the billiard balls from falling through. And
many of the balls themselves are chipped,
while a great many of the cue sticks are
crooked or without tips.
Downstairs at the main desk, chess sets
may be checked out by anyone with a Union
card. Some of the sets have pieces missing,
so instead of getting new sets, pennies are
dropped in with the chessmen to be used in
place of the missing pawns.
In addition to this there are the many
little things that reflect the Union's lack
of consideration for the student. One ex-
ample is the Union's placing of its radios.
The baseball season will begin shortly. Many
students like to drift over to the Union to
listen to the ball games. They may listen
at one of two places, the billiard room,
where they can not sit down and hear the
radio, or the cafeteria where the rattle of
dishes makes listening difficult.
There are two rooms on the main floor.
Certainly one of them should have a radio
or at least a speaker in it. The other could
still be kept quiet for study.
.So the Union, as it is now, offers a sanc-
tuary from feminine society, some battle
scarred equipment, and of course a sixty
cent slice of roast beef.
It may not be the best Student Union
in the country, but it sure has its tradi-
-Dick Kraus.

City Editor's
"HE DAILY is frequently under fire from
certain quarters for its antagonistic
attitude toward the University Administra-
tion., Critics charge that we too often go
around with a chip on our shoulder, and
never stop to congratulate anyone for a
job well done.
Don't get us wrong, The Daily figures that
this is a mighty fine place. But it does
make us mad when University bureaucrats
lose their perspective and pass some kind
of an unworkable rule. When something
like that happens we holler about it, hoping
that it will do some good.
According to information we received last
week evidently our hollering does accom-
plish something once in a while.
A new group has been set up in co-
operation with the famed Survey Research
Center to poll student attitudes on questions
concerning them. University administrators,
realizing that some of their past actions
have backfired, are now going to utilize this
polling group before instituting new rules.
The administration is to be congratulated
for this realistic step in attempting to tap
student opinion on a rule before putting it
into effect.
S w
PEAKING of unworkable rules we hear
that the University is trying to find
some face-saving method of backing out of
last year's "liquor ban." Representatives of
the Student Conduct Committee have been
calling on campus organizations for sug-
gestions in amending the rule. Perhaps legal
drinking will return to the University of
Michigan-who knows?
'i * *
As long as we're talking about drinking
there is a problem that has been bothering
us in that regard. A couple of months ago
an alleged "private" drinking club was
formed with headquarters at Smith's Cater-
ing. A complaint brought police investiga-
tion of the "club" and a subsequent warrant
for the owner of the establishment. The case
got to court, but has not been completed as
yet. What we can't understand is how the
"club" has been allowed to operate for two
week-ends unmolested by police while the
case is pending in court.
* * *
WE HAVE ARRIVED at another solution
to high prices at the Union Tap Room.
This one might work better than our prev-
ious suggestion that students use the up-
stairs Dining Room at lunch time since
prices don't differ much from th Tap
Room. We hear that a move is underway
to bring beer into the Tap Room. If ap-
proved this move should solve all the Un-
ion's financial problems. Profits from a
Union bar could pay off the debt in a
few years and probably help build a badly
needed addition as well.
"" so
SLike a ,Loi
No Charge
THOUGHT a rarity already! A friend
reports that Truman's recent UMT-
Selective Service Speech has been neatly
clipped out of the newspapers in the files
at the General Library. It wasn't in the
Times, the Herald-Trib, the Post Dispatch,
the Plain Dealer, The Post, the Chicago
Trib and other big papers.

Looks as if you'll have to write the White
House, buddy.
' ** *

\ \'
\ ' }
4 ^!
\ I
"I canYt help it, Comrade Judge. The more decadent Proko-
fieff gets, the more he sends me.


Suipport for Fascists
To the Editor:
March 28, 1948, Page 1:
"Spain and Portugal are quietly
seeking to transform the Iberian
peninsula into a citadel against
Communism. " "Chief reliance is
being placed on the Portuguese
Legion and Spanish Falange."
"Cooperation between American
military representatives and their
Spanish 'colleagues' was to be par-
ticularly close." "Strategic mili-
tary values . . . Mediterranean
ports . . . Spanish airfields."
Do Americans know that the
Portuguese Legion and Spanish
Falange are the official Fascist
organizations? That Franco was
the selection of Herr Von Fau-
pel, disciple of Hitler and organ-
izer of the Pan-Germanic-Iberian
Institute? That General Jose Mos-
cado, "hero" of the Toledo-Alca-
zar siege, was aided by Stukaf
bombers of the Nazi Luftwaffe?
That the Falange was trained by
Mussolini's agents and that the
Spanish "Gestapo," called the Fa-
lange, was organized personally by
Himmler and his personnel?
Is this the "democracy" we pay
lip-service to? While many Amer-
icans were undisturbed by this
news, the La tin -American world,
particularly the Mexican people,
were disgusted and dismayed.
Partly because they themselves
fought 27 bloody and costly rev-
olutions against the same authori-
tarianism, absolutism, intolerance,
and militant force. And partly be-
cause they sympathized with the
Spanish Democrats who endeav-
ored in vain to establish a democ-
racy in 1936. As you'll recall,
German-Italian bombs and men
thwarted this endeavor. While'
these refugees fled Madrid, Mex-
ico was honored to receive them.


Great Good Huort

ONE CANNOT HELP but admire the great
good humor that the legislators of the
State of Mississippi are displaying in this
time of international tension. Contrary to
the distastefully sober mood in other parts
of the nation, recent news dispatches bear-


Letters to the Editor


Atthe Michigan...
CALL NORTHSIDE 777, with James
Stewart and Helen Walker.
CALL NORTHSIDE 777 sounds like the
preliminary line to the old gag, "if a
man answers, etc.," but in this case there
is a $5,000 reward for the right phone mes-
sage. Based on an actual case, it is the story
of a innocent man serving 99 year sen-
tence for the murder of a policeman during
Chicago's prohibition days. His pharwoman
mother has struggled to offer a reward for
information about the real killer, and Chi-
cago Times reporter James Stewart plays
up her sacrifice and the case for its human
interest value. Convinced at first of the
man's guilt, Stewart gradually comes to be-
lieve in him, and fights his crusade with all
of the zeal, but much less of the rhetoric
displayed in many of his earlier roles. Aside
from touching up phone and street num-
bers and the actual names, there is a gen-
uineness of people and settings that im-
parts a newsreel or March of Time quality
to the film.
Call Northside 777 is a worthwhile addi-
tion"to the growing list of semi-documen-
tary pictures, and especially recommended
to Chicagoans, who will have a heyday pick-
ing out familiar landmarks.
-Gloria Hunter.
At the State ...
THE SWORDSMAN, with Larry Parks
and Ellen Drew.
LARRY . PARKS has dropped the Jolson
drawl for a clipped Scotch accent in
this colorful drama of the 17th century. It is
a Scotch version of the Hatfields and Mc-
Coys-the brawl here is between the Clan
McArden and the Clan Glowan. From the

ing a Jackson, Miss., dateline give the im-
pression that the legislative crowd there is
having one helluva gay time running its
little commonwealth these days.
In defense of this point of view, the fol-
lowing excerpt from a United Press item of
last week is quoted: "A measure making it
a crime to play or sing the 'Missouri Waltz'
in Mississippi was introduced in the state
house of representatives yesterday."
More mirth must have been provided that
very same day when, according to another
release that appeared on the same news-
paper page, a measure was introduced re-
quiring voters to be able to "understand" as
well as read the state constitution.
Previously, however, a somber note had
been injected into the festive proceedings
when a bill requiring prospective voters to
"sustain a good moral character" had to be
killed since it might have been "dangerous
to whites as well as Negroes."
Earlier in the year these same fun-loving
souls had created, in a moment of whimsy,
a secret police-force, known as the Missis-
sippi Bureau of Investigation, which was
responsible only to Gov. Fielding L. Wright.
The force was designed to ferret out vio-
lators of a series of laws passed by the
sly legislature. The laws were meant to
curb a bus strike that waa probably inter-
fering with the comedy in the legislative
Even so, the laws managed to reflect
something of the dry humor of Mississippi's
three-ring legislative body by providing for'
a number of new penalties ranging from
five years' imprisonment for stoning buses
to capital punishment for leaving bombs
in bus terminals and elsewhere.
Perhaps these few scenes from Missis-
sippi's Opera Comique suffice to illustrate
that, while these legislators may not be the
shrewdest assembly of citizens in the coun-
try, they must be the merriest throng of
madcaps that's been around since the Key-
stone Cops disbanded.
-Kenneth Lowe.
[ Lookig Back
Fronh the pages of The Daily
Hundreds of University students staged

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all.
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00l
a.m. Saturdays).
" s
T1UESDAY, March 30, 1948
VOL. LVII, No. 1271
Faculty, College of Literature,l
Science and the Arts:
Midsemester reports are due not
later than Friday, April 2,
Report cards are being distrib-
uted to all departmental offices.t
Green cards are being provided
for freshmen and sophomores and
white cards for reporting juniors
and seniors. Reports of freshmen]
and sophomores should be sent to
108 Mason Hall; those of juniors
and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should
name those students, freshmen,
and upperclassmen, whose stand-
ing at midsemester is "D" or "E,"
not merely those who receive "D"
or "E" in so-called midsemester,
Students electing our courses,
but registered in other schools or,
colleges of the University should;
be reported to the school or col-,
lege in which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had. at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
Approved organizations:
The following organizations
should be added to the list of ap-
proved organizations for the sec-
ond semester 1948:
Association of Internes and
Medical Students, Chinese Insti-
tute of Engineers, Michigan Crib,
Pershing Rifles, Philippine-Michi-
gan Club, Quarterdeck, Social
Research Group, Symphonic
Swing Orchestra, Toledo Club,
Ullr Ski Club, Wallace Progres-
sives, Wired Radio Association,
Young Republican Club.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: All stu-
dents in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts who have
from 45 to 59 hours of academic
credit, inclusive, are required to
take a series of examinations on
April 20. These examinations are
of value to the students and to
their advisers, and in order to give
them at all it will be necessary
to excuse these students from their
classes on that day. Additional
details concerning the testing pro-
gram will be given at the April
faculty meeting.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and The Arts:
Except under extraordinary cir-
cumstances, courses dropped after'
Friday, April 2, will be recorded
with the grade of "E."
Seniors: College of L. S. & A.,
and Schiols of Education, Music,
and Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for
June graduation have been posted
on the bulletin board in Room 4
University Hall. If your name is
misspelled or the degree expected
incorrect, please notify the Count-
er Clerk. &aa

Engineering College Students:
Scholarship applications for the
coming year must be in Rm. 412,
W. Engineering, by April 3. ,
Women students in Leaguet
Houses who wish to remain in thet
same residence for next fall may
request fall contracts from the
housemothers immediately.n 1
Applicats for Combined Curric-
ula: Application for admission to a
combined curriculum must ber
made before April 20 of the final
preprofessional year. Application
forms may be obtained at 1220
Angell Hall and should be filed1
with the Secretary of the Commit-
tees at that office.
Summer Jobs: Mr. Lear, Ferry-
Morse Seed Co., will be at the
Bureau of Appointments on Tues.,
March 30, 4 p.m., to meet with
men interested in dealer contact
work for the coming summer. Men
must be at least 23 years old. Car,<
expenses' furnished; salary about
$150 per mo. For further infor-
mation call at 201 Mason Hall.
University Community Center,J
Willow Run Village. m s
Tues., March 30, 8 p.m., Wives'
Club meeting. Mr. Kenneth Cav-
anaugh, General Housing Man-i
ager at the Village, will speak(
on "Why Willow Run." Everyone;
The Community Center will be
open as usual during spring va-
University Lecture: Theodore
Roethke, American poet, reading
from his poems at 4:15 p.m., Tues.,
March 30, Rackham Amphithe-
ater; auspices of the Department
of English Language and Liter-
ature. The public is invited.
UniversitydLecture: Carl M.
Saunders, editor of the Jackson
(Mich.) Citizen Patriot, will ad-
dress students in the Department
of Journalism on "The Newspaper-
man and his Newspaper" at 3 p.m.,
Wed., March 31, Rm. E, Haven
Hall. Coffeee hour will follow. The
public is invited.
University Lecture: Prof. P. Sar-
gant Florence, Dean of the Fac-
ulty of Commerce and Social Sci-
ence, Birmingham University,
England, will speak on the subject
"Present British Con*Itions of In-
dustry and Labor" 4:15 p.m.,
Thurs., April 1, Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspieces of the De-
partment of Economics.
University Lecture: Dr. Erwin
Edman, professor of philosophy
and chairman of the Department
of Philosophy at Columbia Uni-
versity, will lecture on the sub-
pect, "The Discipline of Taste" on
Thurs., April 1, 8 p.m., Kellogg
Auditorium; auspices of the De-
partment of Fine Arts.
Academic Notices
Political Science 366: No meet-
ing March 30.
Physical - Inorganic Chemistry
Seminar: Wed., March 31, 4:07
p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Mr'

But why do we aid international
Neo-Fascism? As a bulwark
.gainst Communism? Were these
ot the aims of Fascistic
canning? And if there are com-
nercial interests at play, under
whose sleeve will we find the ace?
Has not our democratic sentiment
een usurped by something other
han democracy? Then why the
ro-Fascism, Mr. and Mrs. Amer-
ca: a Peron in Argentina, a dic-
ator Trujillo in the Dominican
'Republic," three airline hours
away! Military strategists take
--Manuel Guerra.
4tcks Polic y
To the Editor;
oUR BI-PARTISAN foreign pol-
icy is something of which
every thinking American should
be ashamed.
While Truman creates a war
hysteria with his message to Con-
gress, and Marshall and Forrestal
rave about the need to arm
against the spread of Communism,
we do a complete about face on
Palestine and Trieste-all of this
in a period of seven days.
Truman and Forrestal are at-
tempting to create the impression
that a victory at the polls in Italy
on April 18 for a combined Coi-
munist-Socialist slate is an act of
Russian aggression. Who can
doubt the insincerity'of this war-
mongering? Are Russian troops in
Italy? No. Are there Russian ships
in the Mediterranean, lying at an-
chor off the coast of Italy, with
Marines ready to debark? No.
There are American ships off the
coast of Italy, however, with thou-
sands of Marines ready to step
ashore if the Truman Administra-
tion can create enough sympathy
at home for its war program by
April 18. The question must be
asked very simply-is this Russian
or American aggression?
It is no secret that big industry
in the United States has tremen-
dous holdings in Italy, especially
in basic industries of that nation.
Is it an act of Russian aggression
if the people of Italy should vote
to run their own industry and to
settle the claims of American in-
dustrialists by arbitration? Or is
this the democratic right of peo-
ples throughout the world? -On
the other hand, is it not an act
of aggression, an undemocratic
move, for the bi-partisan Admin-
istration to threaten the Italian
people against voting for nation-
alization of heavy industry, and
for planning their economy as
they see fit?
Can any individual who calls
himself "democratic-minded sup-
port this artificially created hys-
teria as a subterfuge for American
Ernest Ellis,
Student Director,
CP of Michigan.
Fifty-Eighth Year

Bernard Brown will review "Appli-
cation of Radiocarbon to Reaction
Mechanisms," and Mr. Dennis
Turner will discuss "Measurement
of Reversible Overvoltage."
Results of the foreign language
reading tests for M. A. candidates1
have been posted in the History
Office, 119 Haven Hall. Studentsj
wishing to do so may consult their
advisors regarding the results.
May Festival Tickets: Begin-
ning, Thursday, April 1, all unsold
season tickets will be broken up
and placed on sale for individual
concerts at the following prices
(20% tax included): main floor
$3.00, first balcony $2.40 and the
top balcony $1.80 each, at the of-
fices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower.
University of Michigan Women's
Glee Club, Marguerite Hood, Con-
ductor, will be heard in its annual
spring concert at 8 o'clock tonight,
March 30, in Hill Auditorium, in-
stead of 8:30 as previously an-
nounced. The program will in-
clude semi-popular songs and fea-
ture guest performers -from the
major dance class of the Physical
Education Department.
The public is invited.
Student Recital: Joanne John-
son Baker, Pianist, will be heard
in a recital at 8:30 Wednesday
evening, March 31, Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Mrs. Baker is a pu-
pil of Joseph Brinkman, and pre-
sents the program in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music. It
will include compositions by Bach,
Schubert, Chopin, and Hindemith,
and will be open to the public.
Museums Building rotunda, Chi-
nese Porcelain-Celadon and Blue
and White Wares. Through April
Events Today
A Laboratory Bill of One-Act
Plays will be presented at 8 p.m.,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, by
speech department students who
are taking advanced courses in
theatre. Admission is free to the
public and no tickets are required.
The bill includes "The Intruder,"
by Maurice Maeterlinck; "The,
Florist Shop," by Hawkridge;
"Neighbors," by Zona Gale; and
"Corridors of the Soul," by Evre-
nov. Theatre doors open at 7:15
and close at 7:55 promptly. No
one will be seated during the run
of any of the plays.
Film: 'The V-2 Rocket in 'the
United States," 7:30 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. This
film covering operations at the
White Sands Proving Ground, is
(Continued on Page 4)









Odeur MacArthur
EVERYONE IS GOING all out for the
hero of the Pacific.
In a local drugstore a perfume display
contains a vial (at $1.65 per dram) of "Je
Reviens" which means, according to Lu-
cien, "I Will Return."
Subject to Change
of the Communist Party, makes it a
point to keep us informed of their activities.
So far we haven't got the word on their
latest publicity release which came thr'ough
headed "Ralph Nephus" Club.
The Final Word
ONE OF OUR FRIENDS reports seeing
the following words written in the
dust covering one of her classroom win-
dows. "God said 'let there be light' The
janitors said 'no.'"
MAYBE "Operation Haircut" was effective
after all . . . It seems even the barbers
aren't patronizing one another these days.
At least the other morning on our way up
State Street when we came out of our pre-8
o'clock fog long enough to glance into a
barbershop window, there was the lone bar-
ber, standing uniformed in front of a mirror,

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell .......Managig Editor
Dick Maloy .............. City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor
Joan Katz............Associate Editor
Fred Schott.........Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor
Bob Lent .--.Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................. Librarian
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick' .......General Manas."
Jeanne Swendeman.....Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. P?.tance Manager
Dick Halt.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24.1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatched credited to it o
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
;ssociated Collegiate Press







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AAr C) "r flov my Frtirv re-,t4fmthPf_ hris


I Tell me aou vour imanpnarv Fairy Godfather some


IDi yo~u hear that,. Rarnabv? The-1 1


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