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February 18, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-18

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Latest Deadline in the State



Senate Group
ERP Finance
Proposal Eases
Way for Tax Cut
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17-A sur-
prise move to alter Marshall Plan
bookkeeping and ease the way for
a big tax cut was approved today
by the Senate Foreign Relations
The proposal involves a change
in President Truman's plans for
financing the program of Euro-
pean recovery.
Under the Truman plans, the
r bulk of the huge expense would
be paid, not out of this fiscal
year's budget, but out of the
budgets for the following fiscal
Mr. Truman wants to use the
estimated treasury surplus of,$7,-
482,610,000 for this fiscal year to
reduce the national debt.
Under the senators' plan, which
was proposed by Senator Millikin
(R-Colo.), $3,000,000,000 of the
initial cost of the Marshall Plan
would come out of this year's
treasury surplus. This would re-
duce government spending for the
next fiscal year, starting July 1,
1948, ahd would leave more leeway
for tax cutting.
It also would cut into this
year's book surplus, and hence
into the amount which could be
used this year to reduce the na-
* tional -debt.
The proposal gave a sudden
spurt to G.O.P. tax reduction plans
-as was intended.
Senator Millikin, chairman - of
the Senate Finance Committee,
announced that the Senate will
take up the tax cut right after de-
bate on the Marshall Plan. That
debate begins March 1.
The House recently voted for a
$5,600,000,000 reduction in income
Millikin's proposal was included
in the final draft of the Marshall
Plan bill which the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee approved 13
to 0.
History Is Key
To Purpose of
Man -mr Heller
The key to the discovery of
man's puropose can be found in
So spoke Rabbi James Heller
last night in the first of a series
of three lectures on "The Inter-
pretation of History" sponsored
by the Student Religious Associa-
Dr. Heller described history as
the field of knowledge in which
Divine will is most eminently dis-
played. A study of history, he
said, reveals that man's ultimate
purpose is the establishment of
the "Kingdom of God on Earth."
Repudiates Marx
Further interpreting the Juda-
istic view of history, Dr. Heller
declared that his faith repudiates
two common beliefs: first, that
there is no purpose evident in
historical events; and, second,
that man's history can be read as
a series of periods of cause and
effect-as, for example, Karl

Marx assumed in the formation
of his economic laws.
Man, lost and bewildered, in-
stinctively looks for his answers
not only in the world of the pres-
ent, but also searches for "ver-
tical" revelation through history,
Dr. Heller said. The concept of
the past as a continuous revela-
tion, rather than a string of un-
related generations of men, stems
from the ancient Hebrew pro-
phets, he said.
Conscious of History
"Few religions," Dr. Heller con-
tinued, "Have been as conscious
of history as has the Religion of
Israel," this consciousness being
one of its greatest contributions
to man's search for his purpose.
Dr. Heller viewed the accumula-
tion of recorded history as con-
stantly strengthening man's reli-
See HISTORY, Page 6
Hour for Showing
'Henry V' Chan ed

Convicts Caught by Lone
Chelsea Village Marshall
Three escaped convicts-two of them sentenced to life imprison-
ment for murder-forced the Chelsea village marshall to take the
chance of his life yesterday.
"What to do with the trio" after they had jumped off a freight
train and he held them at gun-point in the back seat of his police
car at 1 a.m., was the question facing Frank L. Reed, the Chelsea
Alone, Reed held only a feather in the balance of power and
could not get them to the village jail.

"'Put your handcuffs on us,
Complaints on
Dance Housing
Soph Prom Is Still
Restricted Affair--Rea
Complaints by the Soph Prom
Committee, that they were given a
"run-around" in their attempts to
make the dance "bigger and bet-
ter than ever," were answered yes-
terday by University officials.
Walter B. Rea, associate dean of
students, explaining the problems
encountered when "class" dances
expand beyond their size, said that
although he realized the Union
was too small to accommodate all
sophomores who would want to
attend the dance, he felt that the
Soph Prom had not reached the
stage where a much larger dance
could be considered an assured
Expanded Dances
He cited other annual affairs-
such as the Slide Rule Ball-
which had started out as strictly
class affairs, but had "developed"
into class sponsored, all campus
Earl N. Riskey, in charge of the
IM building, told The Daily that
he had not been approached in re-
gard to the Soph Prom, but added
that no weekend openings are
available at the building.
Hold Planning Conference
Both Dean Rea and Riskey
agreed that more dates could be
made available at the IM Building
if all groups planning large dances
could get together well in ad-
vance and plan a schedule of
"This spring, we'll try to remedy
the last minute bickering encoun-
tered in finding places to hold the
big dances," Dean Rea stated. "A
conference of all the people plan-
ning the events will be held, and
locations will be apportioned, so
there won't be the same trouble
next year."
AVC To Back
HYDA Pettion
The campus chapter of AVC
voted last night to send a letter
to, President Ruthven requesting
favorable action by the Univer-
sity administration on the ap-
plication of MYDA for rerecogni-
tion as a student group.
The action was taken after a
decision had been made to urge
recognition by the University of
strictly political student groups
to help bring the issues of the
coming national election before
the student body.
Plans were also made, to send
Bess Hayes and Jack Elliott to
Washington to take part in the
National Veterans' Housing Con-
ference to lobby for the passage
of the Taft - Ellender - Wagner
Housing Bill.

Chief,' one with a striped shirt
said to me, hoping I'd lay my gun
down," Reed related.
"'March us off single-file,
Chief,'" another jeered, according
to Reed, who would not give them
a chance to scatter in all direc-
tions and escape.
"One lone motorist drove by. I
stopped the car and tapped on a
window with the barrel of my
gun. I asked her to get the other
town marshall but 15 minutes
passed and no aid came."
Were They Armed?
"Give us a call if you see them,"
state troopers had said earlier-
"they may be armed with knives."
Whether they really were armed,
Reed didn't know until those wild
moments ended and all three were
lodged in the Chelsea jail.
"OK, I'll take a chance on you,
men," Reed said after 20 paralyz-
ing minutes had crawled past
with no help in sight. With that,
he climbed into the driver's seat
and- sitting sideways with gun
in hand-started the motor.
Desperate Drive
"The three said nothing as I
slowly crept out onto the roadaand
down the street at five miles per
hour toward the police station,"
Reed explained. "If they even
moved, I was ready to jump out
and shoot, if necessary."
"Fear? Never had a chance to
think about it. Out of a blue
sky, they were there-I had them
-and I didn't know what to do
with them," Reed related after he
had met his deputy on the road,
lodged the men in the jail and
had gotten a few hours sleep.
"But I wouldn't want to do it
over again," he concluded, wiping
a thoughtful brow, and remem-
bering the nine-inch dagger,
made from a hack-saw blade, that
one of them had carried.
Vet's Wife
On Probation
The eighteen year old wife of a
University war veteran student
was placed on probation for three
years, after being found guilty of
cashing $237 worth of bad checks
to help her husband through
Loss of her job and unwilling-
ness to worry her husband about
it, prompted her to pass checks
under an assumed name.
"I had trouble 'getting a job
anywhere because I'm so small,
and I've only had one year of col-
lege, and that was in English. It
didn't help much when I had to
start working so that my husband
could go to school," she explained.
"I thought of everything, any-
way I could get some money, and
when the idea came to me to cash
checks, I did it right away without
thinking about it anymore."
"My husband's in engine school,
and he can't afford the time away
from his studies to work nights.
We've had to dig into our bank
savings right along. The G.I. check
doesn't go very far. I guess I didn't
think about the consequences, I
was so desperate to get some
money," she said.

Sees Delayed
Price Action
Bay Congress
I obey f'orecasts
Let-Alone Policy
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17-Con-
gress today turned the price prob-
lem over to a law it never enacted
-the law of supply and demand.
That was the practical effect of
a prediction by Senator Tobey
(R., N.H.) that action on wage-
price and rationing legislation will
be delayed indefinitely by the
market break.
"I think the peak of the high
price range has passed. I think
the edge is off the price problem,"
Tobey told a reporter.
Wait and See
Tobey said his Senate Banking
Committee probably will wait and
see what happens before acting on
anti-inflation measures.
The committee wound up month-
long hearings on various control
bills Feb. 5, the day after the mar-
kets went into a decline. No vote
yet has been taken and Tobey's
statement indicated a lengthy
ProbabI Rent Control
If at the end of the waiting and
watching period the old economic
law of supply and demand 'does
not stabilize prices, they indicat-
ed, Congress may be asked to con-
sider steps to curb the cost of liv-
As one exception to the waiting
policy, fast action was in prospect
for rent controls which expire Feb.
Senator Taft (R., Ohio) told re-
porters Congress should act quick-
ly on a long term extension. He
said the Senate proably will go to
I work on a new rent bill Friday.

OFF TO WASHINGTON-Two of Michigan's 38 delegates to the Naiional Youth Association anti-
UMT conference held in Washington, D.C., tag a protest sign up on the side of their bus before
embarking. They were among twd thousand students who gathered at the capitol, lobbied their
congressmen, listened attentively to political speakers, and heard Paul Robeson sing and recite.

Michigan Anti-UMT Delegates
Hear Robeson, Kenny Speak

Hike Heralds
Ann Arbor had its first hint
yesterday in seven weeks that
perpetual winter is not a normal
feature of the local climate
A warm sun and a mild south-
west wind combined to put tem-
peratures up in the forties and
cover the city with a two-inch
sea of slush, water and melting
A few hardy students, hailing
the coming. spring appeared on
the sloppy campus with coats
open and without gloves
The US Weather Bureau in
Ypsilanti came through with a
welcome prediction that the
pleasant, slightly unseasonable
weather would continue sunny
for at least the next five days,
with temperatures averaging five
to eight degrees above normal for
this time of year
Meanwhile, city engineers be-
gan the job of mending Ann Ar-
bor streets that accompanies the
annual thaw. Frost gets under-
neath the cracked surface, and
during the thaw the surface is
kicked out, they explained
While townspeople and students
plod through the mushy streets,
police officials declare there is a
city ordinance requiring house-
keepers to clean their walks. A
complaint must be filed, however,
before residents are forced to re-
move the snow, they pointed out.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17- The
Commerce Department tonight
halted the issuance of all export li-
censes for gasoline and fuel oil for
48 hours.
Bef ore Friday a new cut in ex-
port quotas probably will be an-
nounced, a department spokesman
said, to save oil for chilly Ameri-
can homes.
HYERES, France, Feb. 17
-The French coast guard said
tonight one officer and seven
men from the U. S. Aircraft car-
rier Midway were missing after
a naval launch capsized about
midnight last night.
TTvhoats oeratin in the

(Special to The Daily)
WASHINGTON (Delayed)-2,-
000 delegates to the National
Youth Assembly Anti-UMT con-
ference, 38 of them from Michi-
gan, heard Paul Robeson, well
known singer, and Robert Kenny,
national chairman of PCA, give
the keynote speeches here Sunday
and Monday.
Among the 38 delegates from
Michigan were students from
Hillsdale, Michigan State, and the
University. A second group was
present from Detroit.
Greeted with thunderous ap-
Need A-Bomb
For Defense,
Asserts War Threat
DelaysIndustry Use
Full-scale utilization of atomic
energy in industrial plants must
be deferred until the danger of an
atomic war is past, Dean R. A.
Sawyer of the Graduate School
said last night.
Until the United Nations has
effected agreement among the
nations to outlaw atomic bombs,
the United States has no choice
but to continue to stockpile
atomic bombs for "the national
defense," he said.
Dean Sawyer spoke before Sig-
ma Rho Tau, engineering speech
fraternity, on "The Application of
Atomic Energy."
Still Face Problems
Even if the Atomic Energy
Committee were able to devote its
full resources of $500,000,000 a
year to peacetime uses, the prob-
lem of efficiently convertiig the
energy in a pound of uranium
into usable heat still has not been
solved, he pointed out.
Inherent in the problem of us-
ing atomic energy industrially is
the lack of raw material, uranium,
he added. If coal burning units in
America were to be supplanted by
uranium, the known uranium
stocks available to the U.S. would
be depleted in 100 years.
Need Stockpiles
Coal resources, on the other
hand, if used at the current rate,
will last 4,000 years.
Underlining the necessity for
maintaining atomic bomb stock-
piles, Dean Sawyer explained that
a bomb dropped in the Detroit
River basin would set up a radio-
active spray which would blanket
the city through a two-mile radius
and kill anyone who got it into
his lungs.
Asked whether an atomic bomb
by itself is more dangerous than
a TNT bomb, he said: "I've sat
on both of them, and really could
not tell the difference."
Legislature Will Meet
The Student Legislature will
hold its first meeting of the
new semester at 7:30 p.n. to-
day in the Grand Rapids Room
of the League, Harvey Weis-
berg, president, announced

plause, Robeson spoke briefly to
the assembly and dramatized the
"Freedom Train" and excerpts
from Shakespeare's Othello.
'Operation Goosestep'
"War and foreign policy," he
charged, "are being used to divert
people from their own tribula-
Kenny termed UMT an "Opera-
tion Goosestep" and declared
"American military authorities are
just getting our minds ready for
World War III."
Other speakers included Rev.
John Darr, Congregationalist min-
ister; Brig. Gen. Herbert C. Hold-
ridge; Democratic presidential
candidate; Russell Nixon, of the
CIO; and Robert Nemiroff, AYD.
State Lobbyist
Meeting on the Capitol Building
steps Monday morning, delegates
broke up into state lobby groups to
see their respective Congressmen.
Michigan delegates approached
Senators Vandenberg and Fergu-
son, Congressmen Dingell, Coffin.
Crawford, and Sadowski, the
White House, and the War De-
Arthur Vandenberg, Jr., speak-
ing for the senator, said, "The
senator has stated no opinion on
UMT and is concentrating on -for-
eign relations. He considers there
See UMT, Page 6
Engine Council
Calls Meeting
Ont Activities
The University's engineering
student leaders will meet tonight
at a full-scale student congress,
called by the Engineering Coun-
cil, for the purpose of coordinating
the activities of the 21 student or-
ganizations in the Engineering
Ev Ellin, president of the Engi-
neering Council and chairman of
the congress, expressed the hope
that "the congress will approve a
program designed to stimulate
student interest in extra-curricu-
lar activities in the Engineering
"This program will be pat-
terned after a plan presented by
the Council this fall and will hinge
upon the unanimous support of
the engineering student societies,"
Ellin said.
The Council's activities program
was initiated with the distribu-
tion of over 2,600 class member-
ship and activities cards to the en-
gineering student body early last
Ellin announced that "the
Council stands ready to distribute
funds collected from the sale of
these cards to the various engi-
neering student organizations to
aid them in financing a series of
projects and affairs to be offered
free of charge to the engineering
student body."
The congress will convene at
5:30 p.m. at the Union with a
smoker followed by a banquet in
the faculty dining room. In addi-
tion to the proposed activities pro-
gram, other matters of general in-
terest to the engineering student
body will follow the banquet.

Organize '48
Drives Here
Will Boost November
Election Candidates
Two campus political groups
moved forward yesterday in their
plans to support candidates for
public office in the November elec-
The Wallace Progressives, es-
tablished late last year to publi-
cize the statements and policies of
Henry Wallace, announced that it
will soon reconstitute itself and
actively support Wallace's candi-
dacy for President.
Draft Constitution
Meanwhile, Tom Walsh, organi-
zer of the students' branch of the
Young Democrats, reported that a
draft constitution for his group is
now being prepared. The consti-
tution, to serve as the forerunner
of a formal bid for University rec-
ognition, will be presented before
an organizational meeting at 7
p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
Max Dean, chairman of the
Wallace Progressives, said that his
group is also planning to get offi-
cial University recognition. Action
toward that end, he said will come
after Saturday's meeting to estab-
lish a Michigan organization for
Lansing Meeting
(The Saturday meeting to be
held in Lansing will set wheels in
motion for placing Wallace's name
on the Michigan ballot in Novem-
ber. Dean announced that all sup-
porters of Wallace would bewel-
comed at the meeting. He urged
them to phone Mrs. Willard Park-
er at 5135 to arrange transporta-
The Young Democrats, who will
support President Truman's re-
election, will set up committes to
handle programs, publicity and fi-
nance, at tomorrow's meeting.
Labor Party
Nominee Wins
By The Associated Press
Lea Isa cson, American Labor
Party nominee backed by Henry
A. Wallace, won a smashing vic-
tory last night in a Congressional
election in New York's Bronx.
The race was billed in advance
as a test of strength for Wallace,
Commenting on Izaacson's vic-
tory, Mrs. Rhea Kish, Executive
Secretary of the Washtenaw
County Organizing Committee,
Wallace for President, said, "The
victory of Mr. Izaacson, who ran
on the the Wallace Party program,
indicates that when the issues are
clearly presented, the people will
reject the policies of both old par-
ties, in favor of a new party based
on peace, prosperity and prog-
third party candidate for Pres-
ident. °
Isacson ran almost two to one
ahead of Martin Propper, Demo-
crat, in the 24th New York dis-
trict long regarded as a Demo-
cratic stronghold.
Dean Alfange, liberal, and Jo-
seph De Nigris, Republican,
trailed far behind.

Edge Out Cal
With 4-2 Win
McMillan Leads
Scoring Attack
With the pace of playing four
games in five nights plainly vis-
ible. Michigan's hockey squad de-
feated a game California sextet
4-2 last night before 800 fans in
the Coliseum.
The Wolverines looked slower
than they had on previous occa-
sions and the passing was not up
to their usual standard as they
were limited to tb goals in the
first period and one in each of the
final stanzas.
Gordie McMillan provided the
offensive punch and Connie
Hill was outstanding on de-
fense. McMillan tallied one goal
and added an assist for high
point honors.
Michigan Coach Vic Heyliger
presented a juggled lineup that
had Wally Gacek teamed with
Ted Greer and Wally Grant. Sam
Stedman, who worked the hat
trick the previous night, was
moved up to first line with Mc-
Millan and Al Penfrew.
The Wolverines drew first blood
in the slow-moving contest when
McMillan grabbed the puck in
a scramble and slid it past Bear
goalie Ian Watson at 4:50 of the
initial period.
California came right back to
tie it up less than two minutes
later as Larry Colison took a
pass from Pat Finnegan and
beat Michigan nettender Jack
McDonald from about 10 feet
Grant put Michigan back in
the lead at 11:06 of the first pe-
riod as he fired the puck into
the net on a rebound.
Shortly after Grant's tally, Cal-
ifornia's Finnegan had a brea-
away with a clear path to the
See HOCKEY, Page 3
Grand Rapids
Job Openings
Told at Parley
Grand Rapids is small enough to
be friendly yet large enough to
provide splendid opportunities for
college graduates in almost all
fields, a group of Grand Rapids
business leaders agreed here yes-
Speaking at the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, under the auspices of
the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational In-
formation, these Grand Rapids
business men all expressed a will-
ingness to help University gradu-
ates find suitable jobs in that city.
The future and stability of
Grand Rapids manufacturing and
business, including the famed fur-
niture industry was outlined and
the diversity of products produced
in the city was cited. Speaking on
this phase of activity were N. J.
Harkness, president of the Grand
Rapids Chamber of Commerce and
R. H. Bennett, president of a fur-
niture company.
Speakers Anthony Stormzand,
H. W. Lightner and Col. L. C.
Doerr, in discussing industry,
business and professions, said that
there are opportunities in every
field in Grand Rapids for those
who set a goal for themselves and

are willing to work to achieve that
F. L. Dumond, curator of the
Grand Rapids Public Museum,
presenting the cultural aspects of
Grand Rapids, told of their pro-
gressive public library, which in-
cludes a collection of foreign lan-
guage records, their modern pub-
lic museum without outside dis-
olay windows and the numerous
civic activities of Grand Rapids.
Lawyer's Guild
Will Hear Kenn
Robert Kenny, president of the
National Lawyers Guild, will
;peak on "The Bill of Rights To-
day" at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union Ballroom, under the spon-
sorship of the student chapter of
the guild.
Former attorney - general of
California, Kenney is also former
co-chairman of the national Pro-
gressive Citizens of America. He
1-a invitari ac.a im~~ ah

Ferstenberg Backs Federal
Grants to Medical Schools

Dean Albert C. Furstenberg of
the Medical School, today ap-
proved federal aid to medical
schools in the form of "scholar-
ships, allocatioans to strengthen
and increase faculties, and money
to enlarge present facilities."
However, he strongly opposed
the construction of new medical
schools, holding that the present
c n I-,-4 n m- -

stenberg said, "would result in
the lowering of teaching stand-
ards and, as a consequence, low-
ered medical standards in gen-
Dean Furstenberg saw no dan-
ger of the adoption of socialized
medicine in the United States in
the event of federal subsidiza-
"There is no evidence at this

Painless Course Intiates for Old Age


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