TODAY THE DAILY issues its bi-annual
call for all students interested in writ-
ing for the news, women's or sports staff
of the paper.
The welcome mat will be out at the
Student Publications Building at 4 p.m.
this afternoon when the first tryout meet-
ing of the Spring Semester gets under-
way. No previous publications experience
is necessary and any eligible student who
has attained the rank of second semester
freshman may apply for work on The
Daily staff.
Down through its 58 year-old history
The Daily has counted on the bi-annual
influx of new blood for its existence. In
two or three years some of the students
who attend this first tryout meeting will
be holding down the Senior Editors' posi-
tions on the paper.
In the past, positions on The Daily have
served as a springboard into the Fourth
Estate for many former staffers. We now
number among our alumni some of the top
newsmen and editors throughout the na-
Here on the campus The Daily counts
on tryouts for its future newsgathering
staff and editorial writers. Immediately
upon joining the tryout staff students
are urged to write editorials. Since every
student is eligible to write for The Daily,
a large and representative number of try-
outs is hoped for to make The Daily a
truly student newspaper reflecting every
On the news side, prospective staff
members are put through a step by step
training program under the supervision
of Senior Editors. During the first semes-
ter tryouts are asked to work once a week
on the news desk, writing headlines and
reading proof.
The following two semesters staff mem-
bers are assigned regular "beats" as news-
gathering sources for stories. The next
step comes 4with night editorship or as-
sistant-paid positions. From the crew
of night editors six Senior Editors are
chosen to oversee all phases of the paper.
In addition to the regular jobs on The
Daily's staff specialized positions are also
open this semester. Press photographers,
movie, drama and music critics, column-
ists and political ca
currently. Students in
sitions should subm
work to the editors.
Long recognized as
legiate newspapers i
Daily can also boast
physical plants as we
institution, the paper
lion dollar plant an
international news ga
Associated Press.
The Daily has recei
from various collegia
the American Newsip
preferred rating to or
For practical news
well as a worthwh
attend today's tryout
in the Student Public
At 4 p.m. tomorro
will hold its first try
dents interested in l
fide of the publicatio
rtoonists are needed come of $75,000 is expected this semester
terested in these po- with a circulation ,of about 7,600. Over
it samples of their 60,000 column inches of advertising are
run during the two-semester school year.
one of the top col- Advancement on the business staff is
n the country, The about the same as on the editorial staff.
of one of the best Tryouts are assigned such duties as solic-
ell. A self-supporting iting ads, proof-reading, learning adver-
occupies a half-mil-
Ld is served by the tising techniques and helping with office
thering forces of the work in various departments.
At the end of the sophomore year on
ved numerous awards the staff outstanding applicants are ap-
te press groups and pointed to the junior staff and serve as
aper Guild gives a
ar former staffers.
9paper experience as
ile campus activity,
t meeting at 4 p.m.
ations Building.
w the business staff
out meeting for stu-
earning the business
>ns field.
paid managers of various departments.
The general manager, business manager
and advertising managers are picked from
the junior staff at the end of each semes-
ter by the Board in Control.
Although most of the work of putting
out The Daily is done by students, its
supervision rests with the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications. The Board
is composed of six faculty members and
two alumni appointed for three-year
terms, and three students elected by the
campus for one-year terms.
WELCOMES WRITERS-The welcome mat will be out at the Student Publications Building this
afternoon at 4 when a meeting will be held for all students interested in writing for the Michigan
Advertising, circulation and finances
handled by the business staff-one of
largest businesses in Ann Arbor. Gross
... rw.
Sec Page 4
Lw A 4~
74E aii4
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LVIII, No. 87
U' F uel Plant
Kep Normal
Coal Reserves
Weather Brings Peak
In Fuel Consuinptioi
Despite the renewed onslaught
of cold weather and record fuel
- consumption, the University has
been able to maintain its normal
fuel reserve of approximately 20,-
000 tons, according to Walter L.
Bilbick, University pu r chasing
The cold spell plus the increased
number of buildings to be heated
brought the January consumption
to 8,068 tons of coal at the Uni-
vesty heating plant. This figure
compares with 7,236 for the same
month in 1947, Bulbick reported.
Supplles Sampling
A sampling of local coal, fuel
oil and natural gas suppliers also
'failed to reveal the presence of
any immediate shortages in these
fuels in the Ann Arbor area.
"Our customers are pretty well
supplied, although the fuel is not
of the quality that people ordinar-
ily want," a local coal dealer said.
Regular customers of a fuel oil
company were reported to be re-
ceiving adequate supplies. In
some cases, however, reduced con-
sumption was necessary.
R esrves Sufficient
Local natural gas reserves were
also reported as being sufficient
to meet demands and no shortage
was predicted, "unless our pipe-
line breaks.,,
Meanwhile, a temporary moder-
ation in the weather picture is
looked for today and tomorrow
with a return to colder conditions
over the weekend, according to E.
B. Williams, superintendent of the
U. S. Weather Bureau station in
No thaw is expected in the im-
mediate future, but temperatures
should range into the higher 20's
by Thursday, Williams said. An-
other cold air mass, forming in
the far northwest, is due to reach
Ann Arbor by Sunday.
Gandhi Rites
Will Be Held
The ashes of Mohandas Gandhi
will be scattered over the Ganges
River in India today, while 90
Indian students lead Ann Arbor
cultural and religious organiza-
tions in a solemn tribute to the
dead leader.
The services, to be conducted
by Leela Manibahi Desar, pres-
ldent. of the Hindustan Students'
Association, will be held at 4 p.m.
today in Rackham Amphitheatre.
The period of mourning will
be observed all over the nation
from 3 to 5 p.m., with President
Truman attending in Washing-
ton. At the same time all India
will pay final homage to its great-
est leader.
Tial of Campus
Ex-Ambassador Lane Hits Kremlin 'Expose,'
Galls for Stand Against Russian Advance
The United States should take
a firm stand, backed with military
force, against any further ad-
vances in Europe by the Soviet
government, Arthur Bliss Lane,
former United States Ambassador
to Poland, said last night.
Lane, the last speaker in this
year's Oratorical Association se-
ries, based his opinion on "the
proved treachery aid unreliabil-
ity of the Russian government."
Unless this country shows its
willingness to stop Russia, he said,
war would be very probable when
further Soviet expansion reaches
American shores.
TJalks of Peace
"Talk of being firm with Russia
is talk of peace and not war," he
"The Russians use every method
they can to destroy nationalism
and democracy in the countries
which the Red Army occupies,"
Lane said.
The Soviet Government, by"
withdrawing the support of the
Red Army,' was responsible for the
failure of General Boar's revolt in
Warsaw in August, 1945, Lane
charged. He said that many Amer-
ican airmen were killed while fly-
ing supplies to Warsaw because
the Russians refused to allow the
use of bases in their territories for
American fighter planes.
Bombers Forced
Bombers were forced to drop
supplies in Warsaw without escort
and the losses suffered were
great," he said. "Soviet troops de-
stroyed the identification of
American aviators so that- the
Poles would not know that United
States was aiding them.",
The Germans crushed the un-
derground .and discredited the
government-in-exile in London,
Lane said, thus making it easier
for the Red-backed Lublin gov-
ernment to take control of Poland.
No SL Meeting
The meeting of the Student
Legislature scheduled for today
will be postponed until Feb. 18,
Harvey Weisberg, Legislature
president, announced yester-
"Reds will be Reds . . .
This was the sentiment expressed by former United States Am-
bassadoi, to Poland Arthur Bliss Lane in an interview yesterday after-
Lane was commenting on Monday's "expose" by the Kremlin
concerning the "golden rain of American dollars" which "helped
the Germans establish . . an economic basis for German aggression."
Lane said the move exemplified the "very Red herring" technique
-"an attempt by the Russians to
obscure the trail" by accusing
U .S. Officials their critics of the very things of
which they are guilty themselves.
SuOn the other hand, Lane con-
Stud Russi "l tinued, it was a wise move on the
part of the United States to re-
lease captured German docu-
' ments demonstrating the extent
of ovie, promotion of the Nazi's
By The Associai Press ,wa. "Actually," lie said, "Stalin
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 - lts- helped Hitler start the war. It
sia's angry cry of "liar" pretty well russia hadn't cooperated in the
convinced American officials to- dussian'tooeadi"t
day hatther pblictio ofthedivision of Poland."
day that their publication of thie Reiterating his belief that an
German secret papers on Nazi- informed citizenry is the best
Soviet relations had dealt the guarantee of a sound foreign pol-
Kremlin a powerful propaganda icy, Lane declared that "you never
punch. lose anything by telling the whole
The Russian comeback, hurled truth."
by the Moscow radio last night, The Russo-German relations in
will be studied here for many days. the pre-war years are an ex-
But the first authoritative reac- treinely "touchy" subject in the
tion was that it wasn't much of a puppet countries today, Lane said.
counterblow. It was "lights out" in one Polish
Three Weeks Ago thldtire when a British film docu-
It was three weeks ago that the ienting the recent war became a
United States let go with- a 362- little too factual for the Russians
page record of official Nazi doc - -earhe said.
These related that Hitler and 1iFC T Open
Stalin conspired to carve up Po-
land, divide the Baltic States.*
dominate the Balkans and try to R sh
lay a basis for smashing British
and French influence throughout I
Europa, Asiaand Africs ,
Answer Analyzed
The Russian answer as analyzed All men interested in pledging
here makes two main charges: a fraternity this semester must
1. That the U. S. distorted the sign 'p with the Interfraternity
record "to heap lies on the Soviet Council between 3 p.m. and 5
Union." p.m. today, tomorrow or Friday at
the IFC office on the third floor
2. That the U. S., by aiding of the Union, it was decided at a
German recovery after World War meeting of the IFC house presi-
I, and Britain and France, dents 'last night.
through appeasement; paved the The presidents also voted to ex-
way for Hitler. tend the rushing period this se-
The American answer to point mester from two to seven weeks, to
>ne is to go right on plugging over begin this Sunday with an open
the international radio broadcast house, and to end April 3.
'Voice of America" the original Since all houses will not be
Nazi documents as published. rushing this semester, the men
who sign up will be given a list of
the houses which will be holding
the Sunday open house.
Men who registered for rushing
Left last semester must re-register with
'1 Ar lclesLeft the IFC if they wish to rush this
Spring. However they will not be
st- d" required to pay the customary
registration fee.
Preference lists will not be used'
this Spring, leaving a fraternity
asionally ushes fdy ppes free to pledge a man at any time
nd me' gloves, but theyarely during the rushing period.
fid the gloves in pairs, which ___________
seems to indicate that they were
ost but not forgotten.ry )eadline Set
Evidence of an exception to this -
rule is a slightly soiled man's for Bridge Contest
blue work-shirt found last week The deadline for registration in
Students Will
Rate Faculty
In New Plan
Evaluation Groups
To Coordinate Data
$udents will get a chance to
rate their Literary College pro-
fessors this semester as part of
the plan adopted for evaluation
of faculty services.
Evaluation Committees are be-
ing set up in each depaitment of
the school to coordinate student
opinion and to make final apprai-
sal of each indvidualls work,
Dean Hayward T. Keniston, of
the literary college, explained yes-
The Departmental Evaluating
Committees will rate faculty serv-
ices on the basis of four points:
teaching, research and related ac-
tivity, administrative and com-
mittee work, and public or extra-
mural services.
Forms for Rating
Forms' for student rating will
be distributed towards the end of
this semester by Dean Keniston's
Office and tabulated for the use
of the Evaluating Committee of
the department involved. The
committees will consider student
opinion as part of their rating on
teaching effectiveness.
Both committee meember vtsit-
ing classes and students will judge
teaching on such points as com-
mand and presentation of subject
matter, tolerance and significant
contribution to general education.
Fair grading, evenness of assign-
ments, and the ability of the pro-
fessor to arouse interest and stim-
ulate thinking, as well as to inte-
grate the materials of the course,
will also be considered.
Submission to Dean
Evaluation summaries pre-
pared by the Committees will be
submitted to the Dean's Office.
The appraisals will be kept for
the confidential use of the person
evaluated, the Provost of the Uni-
versity, the Dean and Executive
Committee of the College and the
department chairman, concerned.
ADA To Hear
SlossonT alk
Marshall Plan To Be
Discussed at Union
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department will discuss,
"Will the Marshall Plan Lead to
Peace?" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Rm.
319-325, Union.
His talk will be sponsored by the
campus chapter of Americans for
Democratic Action.
The Marshall #Plan, as con-
densed by The Washington Post,
can be stated in simple outline:
1. Europe must have help from
the United States over the next
three years or it will break down
HAM TAKES A CRACK AT THE HCL-Wallace McPhail butcher
in Boston's historic Faneuil Hall market, grins as he changes
the per-pound price of an 18-pound ham from 69c to 59c as meat
prices tumbled in the Boston area. McPhail holds up three fingers
to indicate to a customer that they 'may buy three pounds of
ham for what they would have had to pay under the old price.
Student . Chel To Join Cty
In Observing Ash Wednesday
<. Y
Market Slump Continues
*X'* ~Break Worse
zs..Than Declines
Of Last Week
Lack of Confidence
Blamed By Analysts
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Feb. 10-Commodi-
ties and stocks hit the toboggan
again today. The slump was worse
than any day last week. It
knocked more props out from un-
der the high cost of living.
The new break in commodities
boosted chances for greater retail
price cuts on some foods. Flour,
bread, lard and some meats al-
ready are cheaper in some of the
nation's stores than a week ago.
All grains and lard deliveries
crashed the daily permissible
limits at all United States mar-
kets. New York stocks sank to a
new average low since May. New
York cotton suffered the sharpest
break in 16 months, with the May
and March and July deliveries
down the permissible limit of $10 a
Meat Prices Sag
Wholesale meat prices sagged
as much as $4 a hundred pounds
in Chicago, but hog prices held
fairly steady at levels reached in
yesterday's severe slump. Re-
ceipts were considerably lighter
The Associated Press wholesale
price index of 35 basic commodi-
ties dropped 3.01 points, the
sharpest decline in 10 months.
The slump rolled the price level
of these commodities back to that
of Sept. 2, 1947. The index today
was 188.64, compared with a peak
>f 208.14 set Jan. 9. The index
ases 1926 prices as 100.
The Dow Jones commodity fu-
tures index decline of 6.10 was the
;harpest daily drop since the com-
>ilation was started in October,
Flour Prices ilt
One Minneapolis miller again
,ut home use flour 10 cents a hun-
dred pounds and bakery flour 25
,ents. Since last Tuesday, home
use flour has declined from $7.90
to $7.20 a hundredweight and bak-
ery flour from $7.15 to $6.40.
The new grain price collapse
more than wiped out gains scored
yesterday, in that today's limit de-
cline applied to all deliveries.
Grain market analysts, who had
expected prices to stabilize some-
where near yesterday's levels, said
the new slump was caused by lack
of confidence in the price level.
Hospital Site
Gets Approval
President Truman yesterday
authorized the immediate pur-
Student chapels will join with
local churches in special servicesl
today to commemorate 'Ash Wed-
nesday, opening day of the 40-day
Lenten season of penitence and
On campus the University Lu-
theran Chapel will begin a series
of Lenten vespers to be held at
7:30 p.m. every Wednesday during
Willow Village residents may at-
tend a special service ,t 8 p.m.
at the Village Church !ellowship
located in the Community Center.
A program of sacred music is
planned and Holy Communion will
be administered.
Other Services
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
will open- the Lenten -season with
Holy Communion and a peniten-
tial office at 7 :15 a.m. Other serv-
ices will be held at 10 a.m. and 4
p.m. A choral litany in procession
and a sermon by Rev. Henry Lewis
at 8 p.m. will close the day's ob-
St. Thomas Catholic Church
will hold three morning masses, an
afternoon piogram and an eve-
ning Rosary service today. St.
Mary's Catholic Chapel plans two
mon and a Holy Communion serv-
ice at 7:30 p.m.
Evening services are also
planned for the Bethel A. M. E.
Church and St. Paul's Evangelical
Lutheran Church at 7:30 p.m. and
the First Methodist Church at 8
The Second Baptist Church and
the Bethlehem Evangelical
Reformed Church will make
cial observance of the day at
regular mid-week services,
and 7.30 p.m., respectively.
Price Assails
UM T's Value
at 8
Women Lead ii
For Theatre Li
A Daily survey of the four local
theatres shows that women lead
all other forms of humankind in'
losing articles at the cinema.
Any enterprising theatre man-
ager could solve his feminine
Christmas gift problem by rum-
Quotes Authorities
"University military training is
no defense against the atomic
bomb," Wynn Price, student
speaker, told members of Young
Progressive Citizens of Michigan
at a meeting yesterday.
Price pointed out the ineffect-
iveness of a large standing army
in the event of an atomic attack.
Charging that the only impor-
tant groups who seem to endorse