Bev rage
Lw & 6
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LVIII, No. 130
Senate Votes
300 Millions
School Aid
Proposes Grants
To Poorer States
WASHINGTON, April 1-(P)-
The Senate passed and sent tc
the House tonight legislation tc
authorize $300,000,000 of Federa
aid to the nation's grade and higi
schools each year.
The bill is aimed at more nearly
equalizing the amounts spent fo:
education throughout the country
It would authorize grants in th4
poorer states up to about $28 P
year for each child of school age
No state would receive less thar
$5 a year for each child from 5 t
Michigan Senators
Passage was on a 58 to 22 vote
(Senators Vanderberg and Fergu-
son voted in favor of the bill.)
It came after one of the Sen-
ate's leading advocates of federal
economy, Senator Byrd (Dem.,
Va.), had, protested in vain.
"Never in our history," Byrd
shouted, "has there been a more
unpropitious time for the federal
government to enter into a long
range proposition such as is pro-
posed in the pending legislation."
The bill does not actually carry
any funds. They must be voted in
subsequent appropriations bills.
Byrd recalled that in 1943 Sena-
tor Taft (Rep., Ohio), a backer of
today's bill, opposed a similar sys-
tem of grants.
'States in Better Position'
Taft said then that states were
in a much better position to fi-
nance education than the federal
treasury. He also protested about
federal controls over local and
state schools through the grants.
"I was wrong in that state-
ment," Taft said, adding that
when he examined detailed figures
on state spending for schooling
they "changed my mind."
Taft insisted that the pending
bill carefully guards against fed-
eral control over education in the
states and communities.
Before the final vote, the Sen-
ate rejected an amendment by
Senator McMahon (Dem., Conn.)
to authorize $5,000,000 a year to
help church and private schools
meet the costs of pupil transpor-
tation, health services and non-
religious textbooks. The vote was
66 to 14.
SL Petitions
Due Today
Request Photographs
Of All Candidates
All petitions of prospective Stu-
dent Legislators must be submit-
ted to the Office of Student Af-
fairs by 4:30 p m. today, Dick
Burton, elections committee
chaiiman has announced.
Dave Dutcher. Student Legisla-
ture president, has requested that
all candidates turn in a picture of
themselves (maximum dimen-
sions, four by four inches) to the
Office of Student Affairs upon
their return from Spring vacation
Candidates' pictures and elec-
tion statements will be posted on
a bulletin board in front of the
General Library to acquaint vot-
ers with the candidates, Dutcher
At latest count, 63 students are
planning to run for the 19 posi-
tions open, Burton said, with at
least one group joining forces on
the Progressive Slate.
Pay Boost Granted
School Employes
Public school employes will re-
ceive pay increases of more than
$100 each beginning_ next Septem-
ber, the Ann Arbor Board of Ed-
ucation announced y ester(day.
After an informal meeting with
representatives of the Ann Arbor
Teachers Club. the board set niax-
imum salaries for teachers aad li-
brarians at $100 above the top pay
originally planned for the 1949-
50 school year under a three year
plan adopted a year ago.
All other school emnployes will
also receiv'e the t~ -i-x
-- ra -a- -
Lvr Uryi
Regents Define Authority
Of 'U' Radio Committee
The Board of Regents clearly defined yesterday the authority
of the newly set-up University Executive Committee on Radio to
exercise control over all University broadcasting.
President Alexander G. Ruthven announced the Regents' de-
cision to give the committee control over all programs originating
in University buildings or on University grounds. The broadcasting
policy group will also control all programs identified as being under
University auspices which are presented over any station by staff or
students of the University.
This means that programs presented by any University depart-
ments or organizations over either local stations or the University FM
station, if they are identified as2-
University programs, will have to
be cleared through the commit-
No "Outside" Control
The committee, however, would
not control programs in which
students or faculty take part on
their own, without intending to
represent the University.
The group does not seek to be
a "board of censorship," accord-
ing to Arthur L. Brandon, chair-
man of the radio committee.
"Clearing" of programs means
only that information in them
will be checked for conformance to
University policy which calls for
programs in the public, interest,
he said.
intra-Dorm Stations
Intra-dorm stations and wired-
radio will also fall under the com-
mittee's jurisdiction. Their olier-
%tors are already working in co-
operation with the committee and
the University Broadcasting Serv-
Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of
the Broadcasting Service, called
the Regents' decision a "step for-
ward." He said a centralized
broadcasting authority and a def-
inite policy are a real necessity
inasmuch as a University station
will soon be in operation.
President Ruthven, in his an-
nouncement, also disclosed objec-
tives which the radio committee
has set for the Broadcasting Serv-
ice. The committee's proposals in-
clude educational programs in the
public interest, "entertainment
consistent with the policies and
practices of an institution of
higher learning," and facilities
and programs for wired-radio
service to residence halls and
other University buildings.
The radio executive committee,
set up in February under the jur-
isdiction of Vice-President Mar-
vin L. Niehuss, includes Brandon,
Abbot, Prof. Charles L. Jamison,
Prof. Karl Litzenberg and Dean
Earl V. Moore of the music school.
UN Calls for
New Session
On Palestine
Partition Policy
To Be Reviewed
-The United Nations Security
Council called tonight a special
session of the 57-member UN As-
sembly to reconsider the Palestine
The vote for the special meet-
ing was 9 to 0. Russia and the
Soviet Ukraine abstained.
The Assembly will convene April
16 in New York City.
Calls Also for Truce
The council, by one of its rare
unanimous decisions, called also
for a Jewish-Arab truce in Pales-
Warren R. Austin, chief United
States delegate who sponsored
both moves in the council on or-
ders from the White House, de-
clared the truce was needed to
stop the "blood feud" raging
The UN Secretariat immediate-
ly swung into high-speed action
to prepare the ground work for
the second special assembly in
UN history.
Truman Decision
The United States proposed the
special session to consider a tem-
porary trusteeship after President
Truman and his Cabinet decided
partition could not be carried out
peacefully at this time.
The American change of pace
on Palestine created a sensation
here when it was announced un-
expectedly on March 19.
Mr. Truman later told his news
conference last Thursday that
trusteeship was proposed as iA
means of filling the vacuum
which will be created by Britain's
announced decision to terminate
her Palestine mandate on May 15.
Academy To
Stresses U.S.' Understanding
Of ocalsm Con*n t
Americans must learn to dis-
tinguish between Communism
ind British Socialism or resign
themselves to losing the struggle
igainst 06mmunism, Prof. Philip
3. Florence of Birmingham Uni-
versity, England, declared in a
lecture yesterday.
Prof. Florenceremphasized that
~he Labor government does not
grush the basic individual liberties
and permits criticism.
There has been a definite swing
throughout the rest of Europe as
well toward social-democratiu
parties, he said. If Americans
ump the social democrats with
,he Communists, the social-demo-
,rats will turn away from us to
,he support of Communists, he
%esult, Not Cause
Prof. Florence dismissed the
,harges made in some quarters
hat social planning is responsible
for the present economis crisis in
'ngland. He said that planning is
he result and not the cause of the
Prof. Florence cited these four
:easons for the crisis:
1. The devastation of war asso-
iated with the bombings, and the
yoncentration of industry in war
cork which made reconversion
2. The drain on the economy
'U' Foresees
Record Class
The University commencementt
:ecord will be broken again this
June, according to a tentativef
ist of graduates issued by Mrs.
.,ou Ransom, diploma clerk. 1
The list shows that 3,214 stu-c
lents will be prospects for di-i
Mlomas on June 12. This figure
,ompares with 2,966 for last June.x
Leading the list is the literary1
.ollege with 950 prospective grad-k
-ates, followed by the Graduatec
School with 700 and the engineer-E
ng with 409.1
caused by the loss of a million
workers whom it has been nec-
essary to keep in' the armed
More Imports than Exports
3. An increase of imports over
exports because of the price rise
in agricultural goods which Eng-
land must import, aggravating,
thereby, the shortage of dollars
needed to buy American capital
goods for industrial growth; and
4. The psychology of the Brit-
ish worker whose conservatism
makes him reluctant to forego his
demands for higher pay and
shorter hours.
Among its accomplishments, the
Labor government lists the aboli-
tion of extreme poverty through
full employment and family al-
lowances, an approach toward
equality of income distribution
and the achievement of social se-
curity, Prof. Florence remarked.
U' Announces
Awards of 126 fellowships and
scholarships to University grad-
uate students were announced
yesterday by Dean Ralph A. Saw-
yer, of the graduate school.
Ten $1,500 predoctoral fellow-
ships were awarded, with special
fellowships of $1,000 going to 24
graduate veterans whose studies
were interrupted by the war.
University fellowships of $600
to $950 each were also granted 42
other students, as well as 29 tui-
tion scholarships.
Winners of the $1,500 Rackham
fellowships are:, Morris Born-
stein of Detroit; Robert Hopkins
Brower of Boston; Kuangya Chu
of Hankow, China; Seymour Lew-
in of Woodside, N.Y.; Robert Neil
McLarty of Cass City; Arnold
Samuel Shapiro of Newton, Mass.;
Robert Harold Stacy of Ann Ar-
bor; Marvin Tableman of Phila-
delphia; Dorothy Twichell of
Snyder, N.Y.; and Lester Marvin
Wolfson of Grand Rapids.
Long Session
OK's Aid for
Greece, Turkey Are
Given Military Help
WASHINGTON, April 1-()-
A Senate-House conference com-
mittee approved a $6,098,000,000
global foreign relief bill late to-
Announcement of the commit-
tee's action 'by Chairman Van-
denberg (Rep., Mich.) capped a
day long session of the ten con-
ferees. They worked at unprece-
dented speed to approve aid for
Europe and China, both threat-
ened by Communist expansion.
The compromise, which is ex-
pected to be quickly approved by
both Houses tomorrow, provides
$5,300,000,000 for the first 12
months of the four and one-
fourth year European Recovery
$275,000,000 for military aid for
Greece and Turkey.
$463,000,000 for aid to China
over a 12 month period, divided
as follows: $338,000,000 for eco-
nomic aid under the general ap-
plicable provisions of the Euro-
pean Recovery Program, and
$125,000,000 for additional aid
through grants, on such terms as
the U. S. President may deter-
mine, to be used as the Chinese
government sees fit.
$60,000,000 for the International
Children's Emergency Fund of the
United Nations.
RFC Loan
The bill authorizes the Recon-
structiobipFinance Corporation to
make $1,000,000,000 available im-
mediately through a loan to start
the European Recovery Program
on its way.
Loans of $50,000,000 are au-
thorized to initiate the Greek,
Turkish, and Chinese programs.
The House had previously ap-
proved a $6,205,000,000 "package"
foreign aid bill. The reduction was
made in aid to China. The House
had authorized $570,000,000 for a
15 month period commencing
April 1 as compared to the Senate
figure of $463,000,000 for a 12
month period.
Possessors of
Dope Convicted
A jury of eight women and four
men found Henry Simpson, '47,
and his wife, Vera, 30, guilty of
illegally possessing marijuana, in
the Washtenaw County Circuit
Court, yesterday.
The Simpsons, who gave their
address as 712 N. Fourth St., Ann
Arbor, will be sentenced by Judge
James R. Breakey, Jr., April 5.
The jury asked leniency for Mrs.
The couple was arrested Feb-
ruary 13. Ann Arbor police later
discovered a pound bag of green-
ish-colored bits in their home,
which Prof. Volney H. Jones, of
the anthropology department,
compared with University speci-
mens of marijuana and green tea.
He verified police suspicions that
the bag contained dope.
Both were remanded to the
County jail in the custody of
Sheriff's officers.
U. S. Planes Fly Food to Berlin
As Russians Cut Land Routes:
the Coal Strike Inquiry Board's report from its cha
Sherman Minton. Standing behind them are the
bers of the board, Prof. George W. Taylor of the1
Pennsylvania and publisher Mark Ethridge of t
Courier Journal. White House Secretary Charles C
that Mr. Truman wouldutake theboard's reporti
Williamsburg, Va., and will not make the report publ
time after his return."
Kinsey Report Brands
College as ad Sack Sex
Com mittee
Train, Barge
Travel Halted
Autos Limited
Stop Trains To Avoid
InvitingDirect Clash
BERLIN, April 1- (M)-The
Americans began flying food into
Berlin today to thwart a Russian
squeeze aimed at forcing her war-
time Western allies out of this
former German capital.
The Russians put swiftly into
effect a calculated program of
travel and transport restrictions
to this isolated allied outpost deep
in the Soviet zone. The restric-
1-Halted all military trains be-
tween Berlin and the Western
zones, cutting off normal military
supply channels.
2-Stopped British barge traffic
to the four-power capital.
man receives Examinations of Traffic
irman, Judge 3-Instituted rigorous examina-
other mem- tions of traffic on the autobahn,
University of only highway linking the city with
he Louisville the west.
i. Ross, said 4-Turned back one rail coach
with him to occupied by civilians of several
ic till "some- nationalities.
For several hours the Russians
maintained a traffic-snarling in-
spection along the edges of their
Berlin sector.
Will Use Supply Planes
But the air was free, and Gen.
Joe Lucius U. Clay, the U.S. com-
mander, announced he would use
it to supply the 8,575 American
ualy military personnel and civilians
-__ in the city.
n "Sexual Be- He cancelled military train serv-
ianMal" sidice to Berlin which could not be
that the aver- pushed through the Soviet cordon
-old unmarried without inviting a clash, and
nt - called on airpower to win the
twas: political battle for Berlin.
ibited sexually At stake was a question of pres-
age group. tige in the cold war between East
y his environ- and West.
remarital rela- If the Russians succeeded in
and to abstain dislodging the western allies from
most part. the former German capital, their
c and easily stock would rise, and the hopes of
ed in elaborate the western supporters would sag.
cated that the
ange of sexualCrisler Keeps
in America by W
force an even- iet While
,he legal codes
ehavior in the Rumors Fly
s~ rpve l1 th f.
Hear Tu-gwell
Topics ranging from Indian al-
cove burials to blood circulation
will be discussed at this morning's
sessions of the Michigan Acad-
emy of Art, Sciences, and Letters.
Feature event on today's pro-,
gram in the academy's 52nd an-
nual conference will be an address
by Prof. Rexford G. Tugwell of
the University of Chicago on "The
Study of Planning as a Scientific
Also on agenda for today are
meetings of discussion sections
representing 17 different fields of
interest, luncheon at the Union,
and a business meeting at 4:15
p.m. in Kellogg Auditorium.
Final event scheduled for today
is an informal reception at 9:15
p.m. in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building.
The conference will conclude its
three-day session here tomorrow
with meetings by six of the dis-
cussion groups.
'U' Red Cross
Drive Still on
Although the 1948 Red Cross
Drive has officially drawn to a
close contributions to the Uni-
versity campaign are still being
accepted, according to Prof.
Dwight C. Long, chairman of the
To date, collections from the
student body total $692, 20 per
cent of their $3,500 quota.
Faculty contributions to date
total $4,011, 76 per cent of their
$5,250 quota, with approximately
30 of the original 92 groups yet to
The much - vaunted sexual
prowess of the college man is a
myth, according to the Kinsey Re-
port, Prof. E. Lowell Kelly told
the Association of Independent
men last night.
The association was organized
to coordinate the activities of in-
dependent men on campus.
Prof. Kelly, of the psychology
department, quoting
from theI
Still Needed
We still need contributions to
The Daily's new literary sup-
plement. Perhaps vacation-time
would be a good time for all
you writers to look over what-
ever you may have on hand.
The deadline for manuscripts
is April 16.dAll contributions
should be addressed to the Stu-
dents Publications Building;.
So far we have received
mainly short stories and poetry.
We'd also like to see some es-
says-not too lengthy-before
the deadline. And any feature
articles, dealing with some as-
pect of campus activity, would
also be appreciated.
Inasmuch as our magazine
will appear in May, we thought
the following poem, by, Carol
Vanderkloot, '49, would be ap-
propriate now:
Did you see, how she came?
And then sighed, running away.
But dragging a foot, as if lame.
There is her mark, do you see?
Those few drops, on the pane.
800-page report o
havior in the Hun
the survey showed
age 20 to 21-year-
male college Stude
1. The most inh
of all males in his
2. Conditioned b
ment to regard p
tions as improper
from them for the
3. Highly erotic
aroused, and engag
petting sessions.
Prof. Kelly indi
surprisingly wide r
outlets as practiced
white-males "may
tual revision of t
covering sexual b
United States."
"Kinsey statistic
95 per cent of Ame
one time or anothe
break one of the c.
controlling sex prac
Prof. Kelly said t
tial facts in Kins
tling to the layman,
-rally known in pr
^les for many years
they were compre
accurately collecte(
l e rnvoa Unau
erican males at
r in their lives
riminal statues
ctices," he said.
that the essen-
ey, while star-
had been gen-
rofessional cir-
s, but that now
ehensively and
d for the first
W Hod News
At aGlanceI
I By The Associated Press
ATLANTA, April 1-Tornadoes
thundered across the South today,
leaving one dead and 11 injured,
hundreds marooned by flash
floods, scores of camaged homes
and a trail of disrupted communi-
Southwest Georgia and north-
east Florida appeared hardest hit,
though high winds lashed at such
widely separated points as Biloxi,
Miss., Hardeeville, S.C., and Sa-
vannah, Ga.
JERUSALEM, April 1-Brit-
ish troops lobbed at least a
dozen artillery shells into the
Montefiore ghetto of Jerusalem
tonight in an effort to break up
a bloody battle between Arabs.
and Jews.
* * *
"Fritz ain't talkin'."
That's the latest word from the
Athletic Office where the current
Crisler crisis is weaving its way
through its usual series of rumors,
However, this year's rumors are
a little more vague than last sea-
son's crop-when all agreed defi-
nitely that Crisler was going to
California. Now they offer a
choice-Detroit or Chicago.
Some quarters maintain that
the Wolverineathleticdirector
will accept a position with the
Murray Corp. of the Motor City.
Others declare he's going with
Coca-Cola in Chicago.
Actually, no one knows, Les
Etter, Athletic publicity director,
said yesterday that Crisler hasn't
revealed any plans to anyone.
Prof. Ralph Aigler, Athletic Board
member who appointed Crisler ten
years ago, adds that the former
coach has not said anything to
him about leaving.
(For the latest rumor, see page
Special Train
Last minute permission was
granted yesterday by the Office
of Defense Transportation to
the New York Central railroad
to operate two special trains
today to handle vacation-bound
University students,
The new schedule calls for a
special train to leave for Chi-
Unmasking of 'Mr. Finn'
Ends City-Wide Hunt
Shake hands with the fabulous
Mr. Finn-he's actually Quentin
Douglas Watkins, '49E, is the
:nan who finally put the finger
starting defensive line of the Rose
Bowl team, told The Daily yes-
terday he had a lot of fun being
Mr. Finn.
"I've got blisters on my tongue
from lying and trying to throw
Reviewing the clues, Rose Mary
Schoetz of WAA that almost
everyone identified the In 11 has
and will with football. Janie was
a play Sickels appeared in in high
school ("Not my girl friend," said
and punched the Northwestern
angle again, plus a musical clue,
Mr. Five by Five which again sug-
gested "Quint." The Northwestern
brother business is what set Wat-
kins on the right track. He has
.: X ..