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March 11, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-11

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Se rage 4



Ar I
t A



Latest Deadline in the State











Six Delegates
Give Dewey
Full Support
Wins Primary in
New Hampshire
By The Associated Press
CONCORD, N.H., March 10-
Governor Thomas E. Dewey was
assured tonight of six of New
Hampshire's eight delegates to the
Republican National Convention
and whatever campaign stimulus
goes with the initial ballot vi-
tory of the 1948 presidential pri-
Final returns from the year's
first presidential primary in the
nation showed candidates favor-
able to the New Yorker clinched
three of the four delegates-at-
large posts and three of four dis-
trict delegate nominations over
men pledged to Harold E. Stassen
of Minnesota.
Informed of the result: Dewey
said: "This expression of support
is heart-warming and encourag-
ing to me."
Stassen, who won two of the
delegates, said in Minneapolis his
showing was "strong" but "not
quite strong enough." He regard-
ed the Wisconsin primary next
month as the "second inning" of
the battle for Republican support.
Senator Taft of Ohio, another
candidate for the Republican
presidential nomination, termed
the results in New Hampshire
"about what was expected." There
was no slate of delegates pledged
to him in the primary.
In beating back the initial chal-
lenge of the former Governor of
Mnnesota, Dewey showed strength
in the cities as well as the rural
Leading the victory were two
veteran GOP campaigners ,Gov-
ernor Charles M. Dale and former
Governor Robert O. Blood. The
latter polleld the top vote of 27,-
980. Dale was second with 27,74.
Third in the four-place dele-
gate-at-large field was another
Dewey supporter, Robert Upton,
vice chairman of the Republican
state committee. He received 20,-
949 votes.
'No Campaign'
* . (MaeAthur
TOKYO, March 10-(/P)-Gen-
eral MacArthur's refusal to let
the U.S. presidential campaign
interfere with his occupation job
indicated today he will remain
aloof from campaign issues, at
least for the present.
Furthermore, it is unlikely he
will make any special effort to
clarify his views on subjects other
than international topics which he
already has discussed.
His Public Relations Office is-
sued a statement saying MacAr-
thur's announcement of availa-
bility will make no changes in
headquarters operat ions. The
statement obviously came from
Correspondents had asked for a
press conference. The statement
advised them MacArthur would
meet them as before-for off-the-
record conferences giving back-
ground of the occupation.
Most observers believe MacAr-
thur will not let himself be drawn
into domestic issues until he re-
turns to the United States.

Harvard Vets Advertise
Against 'Fighting Doug'
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 10
-(/P)-The Harvard Crimson, un-
dergraduate daily newspaper, to-
day carried a full page advertise-
ment with 57 signatures which
Not one veteran's vote for
'Fightin Doug' MacArthur."
The student signees were iden-
tified as World War II veterans.
Strilo Is Elected
The Engineering Council cast
mrnn mnm vfnf- V nn Vm..ri

(AP Wirephoto)
premier, Mauno Pekkaa (center) is flanked by Foreign Minister
Carl Enckell (left) and Agriculture Minister Vihtori Vesterinen,
during meeting of cabinet in Helsinki, (March 4) to consider steps
to meet Russia's request for a friendship and mutual assistance
pact. Helsinki sources reported that President Paasikivi's reply
to Stalin would contain agreement to negotiate such a pact.

(if I Were Editor'

1'HE DEADLINE is drawing near for readers interested in entering
The Daily's "If I Were Editor" contest.
Prizes worth more than $50 including a table model radio and five
$5 prizes are offered for the best six letters in the contest closing Fri-
day evening. The radio was donated by the Music Center Inc., one of
our advertisers who is also interested in making The Daily a better
OPEN TO ANY DAILY reader, the "Editor" contest puts the reader
on the spot for a change. Anything goes in the contest-what would

Anti-Poll Tax
Bill To H1ave
Public Hearin g
WASHINGTON, March 1---(/P)
-Dixie won a skirmish in the
civil rights fight today when the
Senate Rules Committee agreed
to hold public hearings on anti-
poll tax legislation.
Previously, a three-man sub-
committee had approved the bill
without hearings. It said the facts
were so well known there was no
reason to argue.
Senator Stennis (Dem., Miss.)
protested at a closed-door session
of the committee today, and
Chairman Brooks (Rep., Ill.) said
the committee would condu't. a
four-day hearing.
Brooks said the full committee,
composed of eight Republicans
and five Democrats, will hold the
hearings here, probably starting
a week from next Monday.
Southern g'vernors and sen-
ators backed Stennis in his pro-
test. He said the hearings should
be held in the seven southern
states which have poll taxes--
Texas, Virginia, Mississippi, Ar-
kansas, South Carolina, Alabama
and Tennesse.
The poll tax measure is one of
President Truman's key points in
his civil rights program which
caused a split in party ranks.
The legislation would remove
any requirement that a poll tai:
must be paid in order to vote for
federal officials. These include the
President, Vice - President and

you do if you ran the paper. Any
particular cause The Daily should
espouse? How about news cover-
age, sports and women's items?
You may write on any subject
for many) related to the report-
ing, writing, editing or advertis-
ing end of The Daily.
But Hurry! Letters must be in
The Daily office by 6 p.m. Friday
night. Then members of the Sen-
ior Staff will get to work judging
the entries. The six winners will
be printed in Sunday's paper.
Officers Say
N Draft Here
Yesterday's unofficial reports
that the conscription systeni, left
from the last war, was being over-
hauled found little positive sub-.
stantiation in Ann Arbor.
Mayor William E. Brown, who
headed the local draft board dur-
ing the war said that he had heard
nothing officially from the state
or national agencies. He said that
he had been asked informally sev-
eral weeks ago if he would be will-
ing to serve if the board was re-
Attorney Edward F. Conlin, also
a former board member said that
he too had been asked informally
if lie would serve on a reorgan-
ized draft board.
.Prof. Laylin K. James of the law
school said that he had had no
communication from the state or
national boards.

Jan Masaryk
Takes Life in
Suicide Leap
Czech Minister's
.Motives in Doubt
By The Associated Press
PRAGUE, March 10-Jan Mas-
aryk, Foreign Minister of Czecho-
slovakia, plunged to his death to-
day after staying two weeks in his
country's new Communist-con-
trolled cabinet.
An official government an-
nouncement said he committed
The 61-year-old diplomat was
the son of a Brooklyn-born mother
and a Bohemian father who be-
came Czechoslovakia's first presi-
dent. He jumped more than 50
feet to his death on the stone flag-
ging of a court yard in Czernin
Palace, said an announcement
from the government which seized
power, two weeks ago today.
Communist Minister of the
Interior Vaclav Nosek told Par-
liament that Masaryk had ended
his life after a night of brood-
ing over "tedentious malicious
letters and telegrams from his
former friends in Great Britain
and America assailing him for
his manly stand" in remaining
in the Communist-led govern-
(Prime Minister Attlee said in
London, Masaryk may have taken
his life because, "He could not en-
dure to live in the suffocating at-
mosphere of totalitarianism."'
(In Sydney, Eiusralia, Czech,
Consul K. Tokoly said Masaryk's
death "is not suicide. It is plain
murder." Tokoly said he was re-
signing his post.)
Government sources gave this
account of Masaryk's death:
He apparently stepped up on a
low couch that stood under the
window of his bathroom and
hurled himself out of the window.
He occupied a small apartment in
the palace that houses the For-
eign Affairs Ministry.
A guard on duty found him ly-
ing crumpled on the stones. He
summoned a medical student on
duty at a first aid station in the
The student pronounced him
dead shortly before 7 a.m. IIis
head was uninjured.
No official cause of death was
given. A post mortem will be held.
A state funeral was announced
for Saturday afternoon, with
Communist Premier Klement
Gottwald speaking at the Pan-
theon of the Prague Museum in
Prague's Central Square. The body
will be taken to Lany, to be in-
terned in the family plot beside
that of his father, President
Thomas G. Masaryk.
Wallace ERP
A 1r~Itfd fleilI
B~y The Associa ted Press
WASHINGTON, Marh 10--The
Senate cast aside today by an
overwhelming 74 to 3 vote a Henry
A. Wallace-backed proposal to put
U. S. aid to Europe under United
Nations control.
Senator Taylor of Idaho, candi-
date for vice-president on Wal-
lace's third party ticket, offered
the proposal-after a 35,000-word
speech that began yesterday-as

an amendment to the $5,300,000,-
G00 European Recovery Bill.
Proposed Amendment
Taylor charged that the ERP
bill, commonly known as the Mar-
shall Plan, "prepares for war and
puts Europe on a permanent dole."
Senators Pepper (Dem., Fla.I
and Langer (Rep., N.D.) joined
Taylor in voting for his amend-
ment, which provided for a $5,-
000,000,000 contribution by this
country to a UN reconstruction
and eco omic development. admin
istration for Europe.
Russia, as a UN member, would
have a voice in controlling the aid
setup proposed by Taylor. The
Marshall Plan seeks to do the job

Secretary Harriman Hits
Un-American Committee
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 10-Secretary of Commerce W. Averell
Harriman tonight accused a House un-American Activities subcommit-
tee of un-American action.
In a formal statement dealing with the sub-committee's investi-
gation of Dr. Edward U. Condon, Director of the Bureau of Standards,
Harriman said:
"The subcommittee's action is, in my opinion, un-Americai.
"It summoned members of my staff to secret sessions. It has pub-
lished their interpretation of their testimony. The press and public
were excluded and could not form an independent opinion. From my
knowledge of the situation, I can say that the subcommittee's action
is misleading.
"It is interesting to note that the subcommittee now appears not
to dissent from the Commerce Department Loyalty Board's finding

DC-4 Nose Dives
Bursts into Flame
Miami-Bound Plane Crashes Near
'W dy Cit~y'; Cause Undetermined
CHICAGO, March 11-A special report to The Daily
from the Chicago Tribune placed the toll at between 30 and 35
persons in the Chicago airline tragedy which ocurred at 10:58
last night. However as The Daily went to press this report
had not been confirmed by the Associated Press.
CHICAGO, March 10-(/P)-At least 13 persons were killed tonight
with a Delta Airlines DC-4 plane bound for Miami, Fla., crashed and
burned fiercely just outside Chicago's municipal airport.
The plane, crashed at 10:58 p.m. (SCT). An hour later it was still
burning and firemen feared more bodies might be inside. Six were
r recovered.
An eyewitness, Pat Smith. a
Northwest Airlines cargo handler,
said the plane "came straight
down in a vertical dive and splat-
tered and exploded on the
The airliner plunged into a field
just outside the airport boundary
at 55th Street, two blocks west of
; Cicero Avenue.

Officials Hold
M~eeting overa
Food Situ ationt
Students Circulate V
Food Policy Petitions 1
Top University official' went
into a huddle with Residence Hallsi
stoff personnel over the "food sit-
uation" yesterday, but no worde
on the outcome of the conference
was forthcoming.z
The seties of meetings wasc
called as a result of charges
against East Quad food and its
preparation levelled Tuesday
morning in a radio broadcast by
two Tyler House residents.
Withheld Comment
As University administrators
withheld comment, a new five-t
man food committee circulated
petitions among three houses of
the East Quad in an effort to
measure student resentment
against the University's residence
hail food "policy."
Figures on the number of resi-
dents signing -the petitions will
be submitted to University offi-r
ials Monday, according to BobI
Gardner, committee chairman.tHe
told The Daily that "a concerted t
attempt will be made to seure
a. complete breakdown of residence
hall food costs from the author-
Gardner said a letter concerning
the aims of the committee had
already been sent to University
Vice-President Robert P. Briggs.
Committee spokesmen claim
gnat about 90 per cent of Greene
and Tyler rsid nts have signed
their petitions.
Spoth interviews by The Daily
indicate that the food gripes cen-
ter' around the preparation of the
food. Individual charges of "not
enough variety" and "inefficient
service" were also made. Few com-
plaints about quantity or the "raw
quality" of the food were made
by the residents questioned
The student, who told The Daily
he had been "chosen by lot,"
claimed the University would not
"tell us where our money is go-
IVAA Tickets
Ot tSale Today
Tickets for the Michigan-
Holy Cross NCAA basketball
game at Madison Square Gar-
den March 18 will go. on sale
at 8:30 a"m. today at the Ath-
letic Administration Office.
Garden ducats cost $2.50 each
foiseats in the end arena,
while the better pews in the
mezzanine sell for $350.
'There are tournament tickets
also available for the March
20 NCAA contests, Don Weir,
Wolverine ticket manager, an-
nounced yesterday.

that Dr. Condon is a loyal Ameri-
can. There was complete agree-
ment on this finding by members
of the loyalty board before (Har-
riman underscored 'before') issu-
ance of the subcommittee report
of March 1."
The commerce secretary re-
ferred to a report which charged
that Condon had associated with
alleged Soviet spies. The report
called him "one of the weakest
links" in the nation's atomic se-
The Harriman statement was
issued a few hours after a govern-
ment qfficial reported that a gen-
eral directive is being prepared
instructing all executive depart-
ments to decline to release confi-
dential loyalty files to congres-
sional committees.
The order will be issued by
President Truman, it was said, if
it meets with his approval.
At the White House, however,
presidential press secretary
Charles G. Ross said he knew
nothing about the order.
The .official who reported that
the order is being drawn said it
has been discussed with the chiefs
of several agencies, but that its is-
suance is being held up by the
temporary absence of Attorney
General Tom Clark.
The blanket order, it was re-
ported, would lay down an ad-
ministration policy of keeping
confidential the loyalty inquiry.
reports on federal employes which
are now being compiled by depart-
mental boards.
Political Clubs
Begrin Drives

Dems To Hear Talk;
Sublicans Organize
The donkey and the elephant
will both move forward in their
1948 campus campaign plan to-
The local chapter of the Young
Democrats will hear Bob Carson,
publicity director for the Demo-
cratic State Central Committee
at 7:30 p.m. in the Henderson
Room of the League. He will speak
on the activities of county and
state divisions of the Democratic
And the new-born Young Re-
publicans will get organized at
7:15 p.m. in the Union. A con-
stitution for the partisan political
group will be submitted to mem-
bers for ratification at the meet-
ing. Plans to petition the U~ni-
versity for official sanction will
be completed.
Business School Adds 7
To All 'A' Student List
The School of Business Admin-
istration contributed seven more
members to the University's list
of all "A" students yesterday.
Tli~os'e who received all "A"
grades for the Fall semester of
1947 were: Gerald Christin, John
Jansma, William LaBaw, Geral-
dine London, Lillian McLaren,
Wayne Roth, S. Sidney Zilber.

-courtesy Ann Arbor Daily News.-
* *
Marshall Calls
State o orldt
WASHINGTON, March l0-)
-Secretary of State Marshall
declared today that, the world sit-
uation is "very, very serious."
He made plain at a news con-
ference that he was referring both,
to Communist expansion in Eu-
rope, including Czechoslovakia,
and to what he called a "consid-
erable passion" aroused in this
country by European develop-
Authorizing direct quotation, he
cited the death Of Foreign Min-
ister Jan Masaryk of Czechoslo-
vakia as evidence that the Com-
munist rule of that country is "a
reign of terror."
Marshall said he did not know
whether Masaryk had committed
suicide, as the Czech official ver-
sion reported.
Marshall's summary of the world
situation carried a virtual appeal
to the American people to remain
cool-headed and allow their gov-
ernment to pursue what Marshall
himself would regard as a coldly
calculated course of action.
When asked about China, Mar-
shall told thenewsmen that he
still favors taking Communists
into China government - even
while opposing the spread of Com-
munism in Europe,
Broadening the political bhase
of the Chinese regime, which he
tried to arrange as President Tru-
man's special envoy, is still what
he would like to see, Marshall
The problem has changed in
two years, Marshall added, be-
cause the Communists are now in
open rebellion against Chiang
Kai-Shek's government,

Airport officials said the plane
had a capacity of 44 passengers.
There were conflicting reports as
to how many were aboard. The
airlines said 30 were aboard. Re-
porters at the scene were told
there were 24 in the plane. Deputy
fire marshal Otto Dahl said he un-
derstood there were 17, including
four crew members.
The fire marshal and reporters
counted six bodies removed from
the wreckage. Firemen feared
more bodies were inside.
Chicago police said the plane
took off in snow flurries and
cleared the northeast. corner of
the, field on Chicago's southwest
side. Then it fell into a prairie
from about 500 to 1,000 feet.
"The whole prairie caught fire,"
flirst policemen on the scene re-
ported. 'It looks pretty bad."
A cab driver, David Heckman,
said two uniformed crew members,
one stewardess, and four passen-
gers were removed and taken to
Holy Cross Hospital.
Viw iDeath
Shocked dismay but little sur-
prise was registered by four fac-
ulty members yesterday, at the
news of the suicide of Czech For-
eign Minister Jan Masaryk.
However, it was agreed that too
little evidence was available to
consider possibilities of murder,
intimated by some international
"My guess is that he killed him-
self out of sheer despair and frus-
tration," Prof. Preston W. Slosson,
of the history department said. It
is improbable that he was "suicid-
ed" by the Communists, as his
name alone meant too much to the
new regime, he added.
Masaryk was a weak man with-
out the drive or stamina of his fa-
ther, the founder of zechoslo-
vakian democracy, Slosson de-
cleared. It is very possible, he
continued, that he nominally ac-
quiesced to the new government
through inability to fight and then
simply could not go on.
Terming Masaryk's death "not
surprising under the circumstan-
ces, but a distinct shock nonethe-
less," Prof. Howard M. Ehrmiann,
of the history department, advo-
cated immediate investigation of
the whole Czechoslovakian situa-
tion by the UN Security Council.
'We can no longer afford to be
indifferent to the extinction of de-
mocracy and the democratic way
of life in Czechoslovakia," he em-
Prof. Dwight C. Long, of the his-
tory department, pointed out that
the Czech people may be stirred
to action by the death of the man
who personified their hopes for

Disabled Vet Designs Own
Gadgets To ReplaceLost Arm

Necessity, the mother of iven-
tion, has had its proverbial status
reaffirmed by the ingenuity of a
disabled student veteran.
Don, the veteran, lost an arm
in action. After the long months
in the hospital when he recoin-
menced his civilian life, he found
that life was not quite as easy
as when hie faced it with two good
hands. He discovered that the
many simple little every day tasks
of normal living were no longer
Buttoning buttons, for instance,
97.9 1. 4'11 i_. - IV7__I ; Irr .. 7 ' nt

a spring wire hook on the end.
This "buttoner" is held between
the knees, thrust through the but-
ton hole, hooked around the ut-
ton and, with one quick flip of
the wrist, the job is done.
Able now to dress himself with-
out difficulty, Don turned to his
other problem: how to keep the
paper from dancing all over the
desk while he wrote on it. Paper
weights were the obvious answer
but paper weights are not known
for their portability, and Don
wanted something that he could
carry with him to class.

Darmg Damsel Drags in Dead Deer

+ _

A new hunting record was set
last week when a University coed
brought in a deer without firing a


through the woods, where they
found the frozen deer.
"I couldn't let them just throw
it back in the woods, when I
thought of what my 10th grade

The deer finally reached Ann
Arbor, and not on Nadine's lap. fIt
was taken to 'U' High to await dis-
section by the biology class. At the
moment, the students have

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