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February 10, 1948 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-10

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T, w






Latest Deadline in the State








Post- War





Policy Paved
Way for War,

_° °° ___

A Ilies -
Daily To Hold
Meetings For
New Writers


Drop of t
At 192

Kremlin Says
Charges U.S., France,
Britain Helped Hitler
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Feb. 9 - Russia
charged tonight that American
dollars and British and French
diplomacy paved the -way for
World War II.
An official Soviet statement
Ir said the Western Allies' dealings
with conquered Germany after
World War I gave Adolf Hitler the
armed strength and diplomatic se-
curity he needed to launch the
second world war.
The statement said "Hitlerite
aggression became possible first-
ly becauft the United States of
America helped the Germans es-
tablish, within a short period of
time after the (First World)
War, an economic base for Ger-
man aggression and secondly
because the rejection of collec-
tive security by ruling Anglo-
French circles dis anized the
anks of peace-loing coun-
These facts, Russia said, are
' contained in "important docu-
ments which were captured by
soviet troops during the smash-
up of Hitlerite Germany.
"Publication of these docu-
ments will help present the true
picture of how Hitler's aggression
and the second world war were in
reality prep i and developed,"
the statemnt , .
The statemen ,eas the Soviet
reply ta the U. S. State Depart-
ment's publication Jan. 21 of
2G0 documents captured from
the Nazis dealing with Russian-
German relations prior to
World War IT.
(The documents said Germany
and Russia agreed to partition Po-
land between them. They said fur-
ther that Russia backed Germany
heavily against the west and
agreed the west and agreed with
hitler that the United States, as
well as Great Britain, should be
shut oul of Europe, Asia and
Award Forms
Now Available
Bomber Scholarlhip
Plan to Aid Veterans'
Application forms for the
Bomber Scholarship awards are
now aviailable for qualified can-
didates in Rm. 206, University
The Bomber Scholarship Plan
was initiated during the war to
provide financial aid for veterans
who would be attending the Uni-
versity after war had ended.
Those veterans who can meet
the following requirements are
eligible to apply for the scholar-
(1) The 'candidate must have
had t least one year's service in
the armed forces during the last
war (time spent in a college train-
ing program excluded).
(2) He must have completed
the equivalent of two semesters
of credit in an undergraduate
school or college at the Univer-
(3) IH must not have received
a degree of any kind from the
Applications must be returned
by Monday, February 16.

Debaters See
Action Today


OLYMPIC OOMPH-Charles Fonville at finish of best record
shot put in fourteen years-a 56 foot six and one-half-inch effort
at the Michigan State relays.
Fonville Sets World Record;
Hoopsters Stl in Title Foit

Michigan athletes, led by re-
cord-breaking Charlie Ponvillc,
punctuated the academic calm be-
tween semesters with an almost
perfeet record as five Wolverine
teams compiled a combined record
of 17 victories and two setbacks.
Fonville, Michigan's leading
candidate for the United States
Olympic team, established a new
world's indoor shot put record
with a toss of 56 feet, 6% inches
at the 26th annual Michigan State
relays last Saturday evening. The
record heave was exactly two
inches better than the previous
high set by the lat, Al lozis 0i
Mile Relay Excels
Although Fonville Aole the
spotlight at the Michigan State
relays with his record toss, the
Wolverine mile relay quartet of
Val Johnson, Joe Hayden, George
Shepherd and Herb Barten made
the national headlines with a
shattering performance of 3.21:1.
Coach Ozzie Cowles' unp redic-
table basketball team stayed in the
thick of the Big Nine pennant race
by toppling Wisconsin (43-37) and
Illinois (66-57) on the road. The
now third-place Wolverines dis-
posed of Northwestern by a 53-
37 score at home, but fell to Ohio
state at Columbus, 70-66.
Six Straight for Pucksters
The hockey team turned in the
Off to Puerto Rico
Quarterback Howie Yerges and
All-American halfback Bob Chap-
puis, two of the brightest stars
of Michigan's 1947 Rose Bowl
champions, will be recounting
their experiences in Puerto Rico
The University of Michigan
Alumni Club of Puerto Rico has
invited the two backfield aces to
San Juan to speak in conjunction
with the showing of movies of
Michigan's 49-0 conquest of
Southern California in the New
Year's Day classic at Pasadena.

most prolific ieRdf - six straight
victories. Vic Heyliger's lads pol-
ished off their traditional rivals,
Minnesota, in a pair of away-
games to start things, and then
went on to score a double win
over Michigan Tech at Houghton,
Mich., and two more over Yale
in the past week-end tilts at the
Saturday's close 18-13 victory
over a strong Purdue team at Ann
Arbor enabled the Michigan wrest-
lers to move into title contention.
Between semesters, the Maize and
Blue also disposed of Minnesota
gym) Pul~rdule.
imthate New
J Pan Goes Into EfI'et
A preferet Ua tick sysn tpide
signed to ffacilitate student seat.
ing at the basketball games, will
go into effect for the Purdue
game, Saturday, Chuck Lewis,
chairman of the Student Legisla-
ture Varsity Comuittee, an-
nounced yesterday.
Under the plan, initiated by the
Legislature, and approved by the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics, 5,000 preiferential tick-
ets will be issued to students, on
presentation of Identitication
cards or cashier's receipts from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, in the
University Hall booth.
Tickets and identification, pre-
sented at the Field House door
before 7:15 p.m,, gam night, will
assure holders of seats, Lewis
said. Students without the tickets
will not be admitted until after
Coupon book holders are not af-
fected by the new plan, Lewis ex-
plained, adding that reserved seat
and general admission tickets willj
be on sale as usual.

Business Staffers
Also in Demand
This week The Dairy will hold
meetings for all students inter-
ested in any phase of the news-
paper business and who wish to
gain experience by working on
their college paper.
The meeting for persons inter-
ested in writing for the news,
women's or sports staff of The
Daily, will be held in the Publica-
tions Building tomorrow at 4 p.m.
Prospective business, staffers
should attend a meeting slated for
Thursday at 4 p.m. also in the
Publications Building.
All students, regular or trans-
fer, who are second semester
freshmen or above may work on
The Daily. No previous experi-
ence is required and scholastic
requirements are similar to
other campus activities, with at
least a "C" average required.
Both the Business and Edi-
torial staffs feature training pro-
grams for persons with no prev-
ious experience in the publications
field. Students with professional
experience are automatically pro-
moted to the upper staffs of the
The Business staff features
sales, accounting and layout
training and experience. The
Junior and Senior positions on
the Business staff are also pay-
ing jobs.
This semester The Daily is also
issuing a call for experienced news
photographers. Students einter-
ested in this paying job should
submit samples of their work to
the editors. Political cartoonists
are also needed, and should sub-
mit samples of their work when
applying for the job..
In addition regula jobs as
movie reviewers, drama nd music
critics plus student columnists are
open. Samples of this work should
be submitted this week to The
Daily'sEditorial Director.
Cat Special Probation
For Yuletide Pranks
Seven fraternities and a men's
re'sidence hall have been put on
social probation for periods rang-
ing from four to eight weeks be-
cause of the conduct of these
groups "related to the stealing of
Christmas trees," a letter from the
Committee on Student Discipline
informed the groups.
Eight weeks probation was
meted out to Phi Delta Theta and
Delta Kappa Epsilon, while Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Trigon, Phi Gamma
Delta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha
Tau Omega and Anderson House
in 'the East Quadrangle got four
weeks each.
Social probation deprives the
groups of all "privileges for which
permission from the Office of
Student Affairs is required,"
which includes all parties and
rushing activities, according to the
letter received by the probationed

SPEEDY ENROLLMENT-Once inside registration lines moved quickly this semester, with some
students completing enrollment in 10 ro 15 minutes. Instances of two or three hour waits were
reported by other universities of comparable size.

New Rating
Plan Approved
Studeits To Share
I FR AcutyEvaluation
Evaluation of faculty services
.will be inaugurated this semester
.under the direction of the Dean's
OOffice in accordance with details
of the plan accepted in a Faculty
Meeting yesterday.
Providing for a thorough sam-
pling of opinion of faculty services,
the sy4tem was devised by a com-
mittee headed by Prof. Amos H.
Hawley, of the sociology depart-
ment. It implements the faculty
valuation plan adopted at the
Faculty meeting of June, 1941,
which was renewed in October of
last year.
Under the system approved, stu-
dent opinion of teaching effective-
ness will be considered as part of
aii over-all rating to be deter-
mined by Departmental Evaluat-
ing Committees. Students, under
the supervision of other students,
will rate individual professors on
nine counts. Data will be tabulat-
ed under the direction of the
Dean's Office and turned over to
the Evaluating Committee of the
nrnfc.cn,' rlnnrtm n fnr their

Re tail and wholesale grocers
joined Prof. George R. Anderson,
of the Economics department yes-
terday in predicting a gradual
lowering of commodity, prices
throughout the nation as a result
Michigras Set.
For Showling
April 23,24
It's collossal, it's stupendous, it
is Michigras'!
"The greatest show on earth,,
is coming to Yost Field House
on April 23 and 24. Gay Michi-
granders will swing high on the
ferris wheel, barkers will entice
the unsuspecting into the darken-
ed lures of booths. "Try your
hand" will become colloquial.
Attributing to the success of the
forthcoming Michigras will be the
representatives of the entire cam-
pus as petitioning opens to all stu-
dents. Petitioning and interviews
will be the selecting for#e for the
committee heads.

Prof. Anderson Predcts New
Drop in CommodityPrices


pr;lu")) l s Laui;LLfo Lneir Booths, tickets, prizes, publicity,
and ?is, confidential use. programs, and parade chairman-
_ - -- ships will be open to all students.
Co (Ghairnanships of finance, con-
No o cessions, and decorations will be
awarded to men with women tak-
inet'overthe refreshments and
Petitions will be due at 5 p.m.
(special to The Daily) Monday in the Student Offices of
WASHINGTON, Feb. -- _ the Union and in the Undergrad-
In response to a: question submit- ate Office of the League. Ap-
cin rby po eM ichia n ue ilnysub it - #rplicants i are asked to sign for in-
ted by The Michigan Daily White terview9 at the time of submit-
House officials declined to .ay ting the petition. Information
when President Truman would concerning the positions may be
sign a bill designed to increase obtained in Miss Hartwig's office
g csine oi crese i Barbour Gym or by consulting
subsistence allotments to student coBarbour mmorb onting
vetran ateningcoleg unercommittee members of the 1946
veterans ttending college under Michigras.
the G.I. Bill of Rights. Michigras will be sponsored by
Passed by both houses, the bill the Women's Athletic Association
which provides $10 monthly in- and the Michigan Union. Proceeds
creases ~for unmarried student will go toward the Women's Swtm-
veterans and $15 hikes for mar- mning Pool Fund. General chair-
ried students without children, is men for this year are Rae Keller
now on the President's desk. and Keith Jordan.
StudenitsRelax, Breathe Easy,
After Toiigoh Bout With Exams

of the current slump in commod-
it markets.
An average five per cent slash
in price of flour, sugar, meats,
fresh and smoke4 was reported
by all retail grocers contacted by
The Daily. caling down on the
wholesale levelhas hit sugar and
flour, both- off six per cent,
Price Drop Seen
"A substantial drop in prices is
due," Prof. Anderson said, "al-
though government policies sup-
porting agricultural prices will
partially check the fall, and pro-
vide a floor on food prices."
Prof. Anderson asserted that
the reason for last week's market
price tumble was the psycholog-
ical effect on businessmen of the
Federal Reserve Board's recent
tightening of credit regulations in
its New York and Chicago
branches, plus predictions of a
larger winter wheat crop than
previously estimated.
20 Percent Cutback
Largest cutback was 20 per cent
on smoked meats by one Amn Ar-
bor grocer. All agreed that the
drop would be more pronounced
when present inventories were
cleared and new stocks purchased.
They unanimously held out hope
for the housewife that more price
reductions wouldbe made in the
near future.
"But don't expect too much re-
lief at the retail level for quite
a while yet," Prof. Anderson
warned. He pointed out for ex-
ample, that a reduction in grain
prices passed through milling and
baking processes before it comes
to the grocer as bread. Possible
wage increases and the recent rise
in rail freight .rates .may reduce
the saving to the consumer, he
Grainis Rally,
Livestock Falls
Tren dIs Downward
On Commodities
CHICAGO, Feb. 9-(F)-Live-
stock prices plunged sharply today
while grains made a strong recov-
ery just as their shunp of last
week was being reflected in lower
retail prices for some basic food
Retail price cuts were affected
today in bread, bacon, steaks,
flour, and lard, but the trend was
on a relatively small scale. Con-
sumers were warned that the de-
clines would hold only if the gen-
eral trend is dow.

Spring Record Set
In Spite of Decra
First reports on the Unit"r
spring enrollment show that
215 students have signed up
classes, a drop of 975 from the
semester's all-time high of
Despite the drop, which
versity officials had expected,
19,215 figure is the highest
recorded here for a spring ei
A breakdown of the enroib
figure shows that 4,772 women
14,443 men students have Ire
tered, indicating respecivt d
of 291 and 684 from the fal
Veteran enrollment is 14,9
drop of 720 from the fall sei
ter and of 436 from last sp
Non-veteran students nunmbe
294-255 fewer than last fall
956 more than last spring.
Until the spring of 1I
spring enrollment here had
ways been smaller than f11
rollment. The rush of veter
to the campus in the last
years had reversed this tren
enrollment figures contiued
grow each semester
Registrar Ira M. Smith, c
dinator of registration and c
fication ,in Waterman Qymn,
that the registration system
"worked more smoothly thau'
The University units showec
rollment increases: the educ
school jumped to 363 from
fall's 351, and MedicalSeb
8i95 Is well ahead of las t
650 m:ark.
Spring enrollment figures
the anther shols and coll
are as follows, with 1047 0
and 1947 fal fligures given
parenthesis: literary ols
6,989 (7,368), engineering e
lege 3,487 (3,577, 3,827), Gr
uate School 3,415 (3,054,
419, Law School 1,006 (
1,091), business adminlstra
school 982 (942, 1,025)
architecture college 665 (
Further figures include: n
school 447 (415, 478), dental se
278 (242, 324), forestry school
(271, 282), public health sc
199 (204, 205), nursing school
(230, 275), pharmacy college
(154, 189) and hospital tra
program 45 (79).
Faculty Calm
While Studen
Sweat It Out
The University swallowed
Sitter pill of registering 19,000
cents with scarcely a tremor.
While students were won
>ver their programs, the fa
cat back with boxes of choc4
;igarettes and radios to fight
sible boredom.
This casual atmosphere
,maintained by many studeits
used the "railroad" tickets an
cards for social purposes, maw
dlown all phone numbers of I
esting women they saw. U
pecting females fell afoul of t
date-sharks by showing their-c
to anyone who seemed intere
thinking it a part of registra
Not only did registration fe
tate the University's social
but it also zoomed student '
nomic statuses. All through
process of classification, the re
of official documents were sw
by students soliciting subsclp

to local and national publicat
and pleas for contrlbu ions
numerous charities.
Art Reprints


Now On Sal

World News
A t a Glance
By The Associated Press
Government today halted exports
of heating oil from East Coast
ports. It also asked foreign coun-
tries whether already reduced pe-
troleum quotas cannot be cut fur-

Now that the horrors of the
grim grind of finals have waned
into relaxed grade comparing and

"immature" labels with heart-
gladdening averages resulting
fromwhat Jane A. Bonnell, House
nirecnt r atJordan. trmed "sin-

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