See Page 4
Yl r e
Latest Deadline in the State
Hazing Rules
Submitted to
Report Provides
For IFC Control
Important progress toward stu-
dent self-government will be made
if the Interfraternity Council ac-
cepts its present recommendations
for the controlling of pledge haz-
ing, Dean Erich A. Walter told a
group of fraternity house presi-
dents at their meeting last night
in the Union.
The recommendations, submit-
ted by a committee of three house
presidents, provides for the ad-
ministration of the proposed haz-
ing rules through the IFC execu-
tive court, with the judgment of
this court "considered final."
The National Interfraternity
Council passed a rule against
pledge hazing last semester, and
left the enforcement of the rule
up to the deans of students of
the various colleges. Dean Wal-
ter turned this enforcement
over to the local IFC to act
According to the plan the IFC
executive council would be em-
powered to levy penalties ranging
from suspension of the fraternity
from campus for a semester for
two violations of the submitted
rules within three years down to
a $10 fine to an individual for per-
sonal violations.
The decisions made by the
council would be subject to ap-
peal to the' University, Dean
Walter said, but he pointed out
that under a similar self-gov-
erning plan in force at Prince-
ton for many years only two ap-
peals have been made and in
both cases the original decisions
were upheld.
A motion was passed after dis-
cussion of the report for the ap-
pointment of a committee to in-
vestigate the working of similar
set-ups on other campuses. The
report of this committee and a
vote on the plan will be taken at
the next meeting, after the house
presidents have discussed it with
their chapter members.
Under the rule, which the mem-
,ers of fraternities will be con-
sidering, all "activities" are pro-
hibited from using paddles or like
instruments in bodily contact and
from "any maltreatment of the
Further rules provide that "no
man shall be denied a reasona-
ble period of study for prepara-
tion of his next day's classes
during his entire pledge period,"
and that all pledges "shall be
given training of a constructive
nature during pledgeship."
Pointing out the undesirability
of hazing, Dean Walter read from
the National Interfraternity
Council pledge manual, which
states. that the "objections to the
practices of pledge hazing are
that they are negative. They are
adolescent high-school stuff." This
is a chance for fraternities to do
something of a positive nature,
Dean Walter added.
AVC Supports
Substitute for
Marshall Plan
The campus chapter of AVC last
night rejected the Marshall Plan
for European recovery and sup-
ported a substitute reconstruction
plan along lines set forth by Hen-
ry Wallace.
The motion adopted calls for
creation of a world reconstruction
fund administered through the
United Nations and the interna-
tionalization of the German Ruhr.
Previously the chapter listened
to a report on the National Vet-
erans' Housing Conference by
delegates Bess Hayes and Jack El-
The delegates demand concerted
action to force passage of the
Taft-Ellender-Wagner' Bill to pro-
vide a long range national housing
program, and formation of a city-
wide committee to enlist the sup-
port of Rep. Michener of the dis-
ATOMIC SCIENTIST ON TRIAL-Dr. Edward U. Condon, called
"atomic security weak link," by Parnell Thomas' Un-American
Activities Committee, was defended locally yesterday bly Professors
Barker and Laporte of the Physics Department and nationally
by third party Presidential candidate Henry A. Wallace. Said
Prof. Barker, "there is no question of his integrity and loyalty."
Prof. Laporte didn't remember Condon as being "much inter-
ested in political activity of any kind." Wallace termed the
accusations "nefarious."
* * * *
Condon's Loyalty Asserted by
Two T'_Physics Professors
Two University professors have
expressed deep indignation over
the Congressional "smearing" of
Dr. Edward U. Condon, head of
the National Bureau of Standards
and outstanding atomic scientist,
for alleged connections with So-
viet spies.
Both professors Ernest F. Bar-
ker and Otto Laporte of the
physics department have been ac-
quainted with Condon for several
No Question
"I have known Dr. Condon for
perhaps 15 years and I don't think
Wallace Backs
Condon On
House Attack
NEW YORK, March 2-(JP)-
Henry A. Wallace said today Dr.
Edward U. Condon, head of the
government's Bureau of Stand-
ards, has "kept inviolate his oath
of office to defend the Constitu-
tion of the U. S. against all ene-
mies, foreign and domestic."
The Third Party presidential
candidate, who as Secretary of
Commerce administered the roath
of office to Condon two years ago,
sharply criticized a report by a
House Un - American Activities
Subcommittee which described the
scientist as "one of the. weakest
links in our atomic security."
Wallace's statement was issued
through the New Republic maga-
zine, in which it will be published
this week.
Meanwhile Wallace, addressing
the national convention of the
CIO United Office and Profes-
sional Workers union, termed the
accusation against Condon "ne-
SL Will Meet Today
The Student Legislature will
meet at 1:30 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids Room of the
League, Dave Dutcher, presi-
dent, has announced.
there is any question of his in-
tegrity and loyalty," Prof. Barker
And he added: "Dr. Condon
should not be judged on the evi-
dence which has appeared in the
press." Prof. Barker said that the
reaction of the physics depart-
ment to Condon's appointment as
head of the National Bureau of
Standards had been very favor-
Prof. Laporte backed up Prof.
Barker's statements: "I regard Dr.
Condon as a first-rate man and
one of the best scientists in the
country," he said. Prof. Laporte
did not remember Dr. Condon as
being "much interested in political
activity of any kind." He has
known him since around 1928.
Symposium Here
The accused scientist partici-
pated in a six-weeks physics sym-
posium on campus in the summer
of 1936. At that time he lectured
on "Wave Mechanical Interpreta-
tion of Electro-Optic Phenom-
Since then Dr. Condon has been
co-author of "The Theory of
Atomic Spectra," regarded by
Prof. Laporte as the "very best
book on the subject."
Band Concert
To Be Given
A program of outstanding band
works will be presented by the
University Concert Band, conduct-
ed by Prof. William D. Revelli, in
its premiere 1948 performance at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
The musical fare includes both
classic and contemporary compo-j
sitions. Among the outstanding
numbers are the first movement of
Dvorak's "From New World Sym-
phony, No. 5," a popular concert
piece original with Dvorak, but re-
sembling Negro spirituals and In-
dian folk songs.
Tansman's "Carnival Suite,"
from the movie score of "Flesh
and Fantasy" representing con-
temporary band literature, will be
Lewis Ousted
In Legislature
Ballon Named as
New Chairman
Chuck Lewis has been replaced
as chairman of the Student Legis-
lative Varsity Committee by Bob
Ballou, F&C, Dave Dutcher, Legis-
lature president, announced yes-
Lewis was removed from the po-
sition by the Legislature cabinet
as a result of the basketball ticket
controversy last week. It was
charged that at least two of the
preferential tickets were in stu-
dent hands before the official dis-
tribution time. Lewis who was in
Preferential tickets for the
Michigan State basketball game
Saturday. will be distributed
starting at 7:15 a.m. tomorrow
at Ferry Field, Bob Ballou, new
chairman of the Legislature
Varsity Committee has an-
Each student may obtain up
to four tickets on presentation
of identification cards.
Special busses, leaving at 6:20
a.m., will be provided for stu-
dents at Willow Run who want
charge of the ducats for several
hours, personally accepted "re-
sponsibility for carelessness lead-
ing to leakage of tickets.
Further Legislature action on
the matter is pending an investi-
gation of the situation now being
conducted by the Men's Judiciary
Council, Dutcher said.
Paul Harrison, Council presi-
dent, announced yesterday that
hearings will be conducted start-
ing today, to determine whether or
not tickets were illegally distrib-
uted, and by whom. Efforts will
be made to clear the names of stu-
dents implicated who were not ac-
tually involved.
Harrison emphasized that no
students are being indicted at
this time. However, he ex-
plained, we want to hear the
testimony of all students in any
way connected with the leak-
The Council will work in con-
junction with the Legislature on
the matter, Harrison said, adding
also, that final acion will. rest
with the University Disciplinary
'U' Democrats
Urged To Tap
Liberal Vote
The Young Democrats were
urged last night to scout Washte-
naw County for untapped Demo-
cratic strength and to press an in-
tensive campaign to get hitherto
lax liberal citizens to the polls in
Neil Staebler, businessman and
civic leader, told the new campus
political body that it has an uphill
struggle ahead. But, he said, the
Democrats have a program with a
strong appeal. "And a lot of leg-
work will bring many Washtenaw
citizens over to our side."
Earlier, Redman Burr, chair-
man of the Washtenaw County
Democratic Committee had
launched the organization on its
way, presenting temporary chair-
man Tom Walsh with a charter,
affiliating the group with the
state's Democratic Committee.
And Prof. Robert Angell, spon-
sor of the Young Democrats, wel-
comed the members, urging them
to remember that "we cannot toy
with the destinies of the U. S. and
the world for four years as our
friends to the Left would have us
Balloons-big ones, little ones,
red ones, green ones, all sizes and
colors-will rain down on the cam-
pus tomorrow, some of them bear-
ing free tickets to the Union Open
House specialty dance Saturday
Dick Hitt, Union publicity
chairman, warned students to be
prepared for a balloon scramble at
12:45 p.m., when approximately
Spring Hopes
Freeze Under
Snow, Sleet
Unlike Iowa's basketball team,
Ole Man Winter staged an effect-
ive last minute comeback and bur-
ied Ann Arbor under five inches of
very wet snow yesterday.
Shattering illusions of an early
spring, more snow, mixed with
doses of rain and sleet, is expected
to fall intermittently today.
Prospects of turning Ann Arbor
into a lake were discounted by the
U. S. Weather Bureau in Ypsilanti.
Although some melting of snow is
predicted, with temperatures aver-
aging three degrees above normal
until Saturday, lack of sunshine
will keep melting at a minimum.
Diehard winter sports enthusi-
asts may look forward to a final
weekend fling at the icy slopes and
ponds as a renewed cold blast is
likely for Saturday and Sunday.
Meanwhile city police saw no
marked effects on traffic. As of
yesterday afternoon a slight fall-
ing off from the usual number of
accidents had even been reported.
Airport officials noted little dis-
turbance in flying conditions and
although visibility was poor, the
recent clear spell has enabled
flights to continue as usual.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 2-Nineteen
persons were burned to death to-
night when a Belgian Sabena Air
Lines DC-3 plane crashed at the
London airport.
HELSINK, March 2-The
powerful Social Democratic
party accused Finnish Commu-
nists tonight of trying to "pro-
voke unrest" in Finland.
The Social Democrats, one of
the "big three" parties which
constitute the government bloc
in parliament, issued a state-
ment urging the use of "Con-
stitutional and democratic"
means in dealing with the ques-
tion , of a military pact with
cry that "Harry Truman is a dead
bird" was raised by a Southern
Democrat today as Republicans
piled new fuel on the Dixie "civil
rights" revolt.
* * *
PRAGUE, March 2 - Rudolf
Slansky, secretary-general of
the Czech Communist party, de-
clared tonight that the action
committees which aided the
Communist seizure of power
were here to stay.
* * *
150 balloons will be released from
the Union Tower.
If wind conditions are favor-
able, Hitt predicts that most of
the ticket-laden spheres will land
somewhere near the center of
population of the Michigan cam-
pus, close to the intersection of the
diags. However, he declined to di-
vulge any further details of the
balloon launching, and would not
reveal the exact number of free
The dance, featuring the music
of Frank Tinker and the Union
orchestra, will follow on the heels
of an event-crammed afternoon.
Main drawing card of the Open
House this year will be the Gen-
eral Motors show "Previews of
Progress," which will be presented
at 2 and 4 p.m. in the Main Ball-
room. The show is composed of a
series of explanations of the
"Wonders of Modern Science,"
and will include demonstrations of
atomic power (on a small scale),
heatless cooking, and the manu-
facture of butyl rubber.
Other features of the open house
are billiard, bowling, and ping-
pong exhibitions, an afternoon
coke dance, complete with host-
esses, a re-showing of the Rose
Bowl movies, a WAA water ballet,
and, for the women, the once-a-
year privilege of legally entering
the Union front doors.
'Ensian Goes
To Bed' Today
The much-talked-about 'Ensian
is finally going to bed.
'Ensian salesmen will write- up
final orders for the 1948 yearbook
at 10 p.m. today. All students who
still wish to purchase an 'Ensian
after the specified deadline will
have to take a gamble on getting
one of the limited extra copies or-
dered on a first come first served
Sales this week surpassed 1,000
bringing the grand total to an un-
precedented 5,000.
In the rush of last minute sales
'Ensian staffers discovered a new
A certain Lee William Sunshine
paid a $1 down payment for his
yearbook last fall. The number of
the receipt was 1,111. Yesterday
he paid the additional $5 and the
receipt he received was also 1,111.
Students of the law of averages
can puzzle over this for awhile.
IfI Were Editor...
Here's your chance to tell us how to run The Daily and at the
same time win $5 in the "If I were Editor" contest opening today.
For the five best letters submitted before March 12 telling the edi-
tors how to run the paper The Daily will pay five bucks.
Anything goes! Should we print more campus news and toss out
the national stories, or vice versa. How about news of liberal groups.
Should we change the name of the paper to the "Daily Worker" or are
we a bunch of damn reactionaries.
How about the editorial page? If you were editor would you adopt
a definite Daily editorial policy or continue to let any member of the
staff write signed editorials.
Don't forget sports news-have we got too much of it or too lit-
tle? Take a crack at the women's page too. Is it good or bad? What
would you do with it if you sat in the editor's chair?
We want to know just what you think about the paper and hope
to get plenty of ideas for improvement from these "no-holds-barred"
letters. Keep your letters down to 250 words and address them to "If
I were Editor" Michigan Daily, Ann Arbor.
The contest is open to any Daily reader; student, faculty, or their
families. Daily Senior Editors will act as judges and the five winning
letters will be printed on March 14.
Open House Dance Tickets
To Float From Union Tower
declares political speeches" .. .or-
dinarily shall not be permitted."
Confusion over the by-law
hinges on the word "ordinarily"
which appears in the interpreta-
tion adopted by the Regents in
The Student Affairs Committee
declared that the by-law as it now
stands is too restrictive and if
strictly interpreted would even
rule out student and faculty
speeches in support of political
candidates or parties.
The Student Affairs Commit-
tee, composed of students and
faculty members, adopted the res-
olution after extensive discussion
and consultation with the Univer-
sity Lecture Committee.
Action of the Regents is ex-
pected to give the Lecture Com-
mittee and the Student Affairs
Committee a yardstick in acting
on speaker requests from polit-
ical clubs.
ADA Forum
WillBe_ Held
Students, Faculty Will
Discuss Third Party
"A Third Party in 1948" will
be the topic of a faculty-student
forum to be held Thursday at
8:00 p.m. under the auspiceshof
The forum, which will be held
in PM. 318 of the Union, will
present Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of
the mathematics department, and
Morton Rosenthal who will speak
for the affirmative, while Prof.
Joseph Kallenbach of the polit-
ical science department, and Tom
Walsh will present their argu-
ments against a third party.
Plans for the forum were com-
pleted last night at an organi-
zational meeting of ADA. The
meeting also passed a resolution
in favor of establishing a liaison
committee between ADA and
other campus political organiza-
tions. This committee will coop-
erate in some of the activities
of the recently established Young
Democrats, andwill work with
any other political groups which
may be recognized oncampus and
whose policies coincide with those
of ADA.
Other plans on ADA's program
include an Easter party for needy
children, and participation by
ADA in a student-faculty parley'
to be held this spring on ques-
tions of national and international
Sorority Bids
Given to 300
Coed Rushees
Pledging Ceremony
Takes PlaceToday
Of the 500 rushees who regis-
tered for formal rushing approxi-
ceived bids to the 19 campus so-
rorities yesterday.
Coeds will be pledged at their
individual houses today.
Alpha Chi Omega: Martha
Armstrong, Eleanor Boja, Donna
Cady, Nancy Carter, Jean Decker,
Betty Fraser, Carol Frazier, Cor-
rine Hakkala, Barbara Hall, Mary
Beth Howe, Barbara Kerby, Vera
Koch, Joanne Leivo, Shirley Mil-
ler, Jerry Morse, Sigrid Nelson,
Suzanne Redpath, Myrna Rees,
Lois Rowell, Hope Schaidler, Carol
Schumaker, Marnie Watson and
Mary Pat Young.
Alpha Delta Pi: Janet Dawson
and Doris Gardner,
Alpha Gamma Delta: Mary Pa-
tricia Anderson, Mildred Ashley,
Joanne Auch, Juanita Brown,
Jane Bueker, Nancy Clark, Jean
Emmons, Vera Hosley, Laura Nas-
set, Nedra Ohmstede, Pat Parkin,
Roberta Reid, Barbara Seeger,
Glenna Sotier, Mary' Stewart,
Marian Trapp, Agnes Waddell,
Lilias Wagner, Marilyn Wetmore
and Joy Williams.
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Audrey Axel-
rod, Shirley Balbot, Joyce Edgar,
Joan Fink, Ruth Frank, Berna
For typical and untypical
rushing scenes, see pictures of
Alpha Chi Onega and Delta
Gamma sororities on page 6 of
today's Daily.
Gilden, Edythe Goldman, Ruth
Khan, Carolyn Kaplan, Sue Kirtz,
Betty Krickstein, Rosalyn Lan-
gendorf, Ellen Leepman, Renee
Pregulman, Nancy Stenbuck, Har-
riet Stober, Sybil Witus and Mar-
cia Ziskind.
Alpha Omicron Pi: Betty Beller,
June Chadwick, Alice Coburn,
Beverly Dever, Margaret Donavan,
Patricia Dressler; Joanne Ellis,
Eleanor Hammett, Anne Hariton,
Yvonne Johnson, Janis Kistler,
Mary Kokales, Marjorie Letzgus,
Katherine Mills, Louise Moore,
Joyce Neumeier, Mary Ann Prince,
Rhoda Uhlendorf, Dorothy War-
meling, Shirley Wood and Jane
Alpha Phi: Patricia Adams,
Marilyn Churchill, Jane Dieterle,
Doris Egan, Myra Hahn, Shirley
Hahn, Cecily Hume, Margaret
Kennedy, Karol Kerr, Laurelyn
Lamy, Mary Ellen Nyberg, Mar-
See SORORITY, Page 5
Talks To Open
Concentration discussion meet-
ngs for freshmen and sophomores
will be opened at 4:15 p.m. today
by the classical and modern Euro-
,ean language, geology and min-
ralogy departments.
The language meeting wil be
held in Rm. 25 A. H. with the ge-
ology and mineralogy in the Ter-
race Rm., Union.
Designed to help uncertain un-
derclassmen ehn stheir flld_ tha
SAC Will Request
On Political Talks
Resolution Asking Liberal By-Laws
Will Be Submitted To Regents
The University Board of Regents will be asked to "clarify and
liberalize" existing by-laws prohibiting political speeches on University
The Student Affairs Committee adopted a resolution calling for
this action at a special meeting yesterday. The resolution will be
presented to the Regents at their regular meeting Friday.
Citing the by-laws, plus a conflicting interpretation adopted it
1926, the Student Affairs Committee asked for a new interpetation
to guide them in passing on speaker requests from student political
The by-law declares: "Speeches in support of particular candi-
dates of any particular party or faction shall not be permitted."
however, the 1926 interpretation
Lenten 'Fag' Denial Pointless -- Maier
Student Support Asked
To the Students.
The cabinet system of the Student Government that we have on
our campus is founded on the following basic assumptions: delega-
tion of authority to the various legislators within the sphere of their
projects. The Legislature as a whole will stand behind the policy
governing these projects, but there is still the need for individual
responsibility. When a member successfully completes some task,
he personally is given the credit, and conversely, if he should fail
to do a competent job, he must accept the responsibility. Unfor-
tunately, the latter has occurred in the distribution of basketball
tickets. '
Now is an excellent time, therefore, to remind you, our student
body, that Student Legislative elections are slated for April. Now is
the time for you to. decide who, among your fellow students, would
ma a_ anrl l~ic4t-nr ad ---in hm .nr ha +ha - a
Giving up smoking for Lent is
pointless, according to Prof. Nor-
man R. F. Maier, of the psychol-
ogy department.
effects which makes smoking such
a hard-to-break habit."
Since men may properly smoke
in more situations than women,
the cigarette habit becomes more
ingrained in males. Consequently.
As to the possibility of giving
up smoking permanently, he said
that the paramount question when
doing so is "At what price?" If
cutting off cigarettes results in