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February 12, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-12

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;10 Leaders Indicted


Federal Grand Jury
Claims Taft-Hartley
Labor-Law Violation
Union Head Calls Congressional
Action Threat to Freedom of Press
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11-Philip Murray and the CIO heads
were charged by the government today with violating the Taft-
Hartley Act ban on union political spending.
Murray said he welcomed the indictment. He said it will test
what he called an attempt by Congress to curtail the "vitally im-
portant freedom of the press."
A federal grand jury accused the 61-year old Murray and the
CIO of intentionally printing in the CIO News, a publication financed
by union funds, an endorsement for Democratic Candidate Edward
Garmatz last July in a Maryland
Congressional election. Garmatz
won. - -
The indictment said the en- 2
dorsement was made in deliberate
violation of the Taft-Hartley
Law's prohibition of political £ ; :> .*. r:
spending by labor organizations
and corporations.
Attorney General Tom Clark,
announcing that additional
prosecutions are being prepared,
said he is trying to enforce the
law "as written." But he said he
recognized that a delicate con-
stitutional issue is involved.
Senator Taft (R.-Ohio), co-au-
thor of the new labor law, saidz
in a speech at Gary, Ind., that
the political spending ban "prob-
ably requires clarification." He
defended the law, however, as
providing a "bill of rights for the
working man."
The legal question involved
is important; it may determine PHILIP MURRAY
the degree of political activity .... indicted by U.S.
permitted labor groups in the
1948 campaign. The CIO and Lii'
its branch CIO Political Action CO S s 19
Committee helped elect the late -
President Roosevelt to a fourth W
term in 1944.
Murray will be arraigned Fri-
day, Feb. 20. The CIO at that The 139th anniversary of Abra-
time is expected to ask the court ham Lincoln's birthday will be
to quash the indictment on the observed quietly at the University
ground the Taft-Hartley Act in- today.
fringes on freedom of - the press. No ceremonies have been ar-
The government could appeal the ranged, and it is not a University
dismissal of the indictment di- holiday, the Dean of Students Of-
rectly to the supreme court. fice has announced.
If Murray and the CIO go to But at the Clements Library
trial and are convicted, he could Colton Storm, Curator of Manu-
be fined up to $1,000 and jailed scripts and Maps, had two new
for a year and the organization additions to the historical collec-
fined up to $5,000. tion, in the form of letters writ-1

AVC Rift Closed
A storm in the AVC, involving a near rift between the national
office and the chairman of the campus chapter has subsided after
an exchange of notes clarifying a political misunderstanding, it was
disclosed yesterday.
Jack Geist, chairman of the University's chapter of the veterans
group reported that the alleged linking of AVC with his own support
of Henry Wallace was a "distortion." And the national office's sup-:
posed threat to oust Wallace supporters was likewise untrue, Geist
pointed out.
Geist had been named on a list of sponsors of a Wallace-for-
President rally. He had been identified as chairman of AVC and
was, allegedly, representing AVC4%

at the rally.
(The AVC bars linkage of its
name in partisan politics, and
does not support candidates for
When the sponsorship list with
Geist's name followed by the ii-
tials "AVC" appeared in the Com-
munist Daily Worker, it came to
the attention of thegroup's na-
tional office. Chat Paterson, na-
tional chairman, asked Geist for
an explanation, threatending to
summarily expel him if the re-
ports proved true.
Geist answered that he was
supporting Wallace as an indi-
vidual, not as AVC's chairman.
Thus, Geist said, future spon-
sorship lists will omit the name of
AVC in identifying him.
Students Make
Lobby Plans
Against UMT
Concerted opposition to Univer-
sal Military Training will be
launched on a large scale this
weekend when students from all
over the country ' convene in
Washington to discuss the pro-
posed UMT program and plan al-
ternate action.
Meanwhile, students on this
campus may express their opposi-
tion through petitions which will
be available today at the center of
the Diag, where a booth will be
manned by members of YPCM.
The meeting in Washington is
being sponsored by the National
Youth Assembly against Universal
Military Training, which was init-
iated by leaders on various cam-
puses who constituted themselves
a committee to call the meeting.
University students on the list
of national sponsors of the As-
sembly are Jack Geist, chairman
of AVC, Hanny Gross, chairman of
IRA and Miriam Levy, YPCM
The object of the Assembly is to
unify and make effective the op-
position to UMT, in order to coun-
teract forces working for its pas-
A two day's program, beginning
Sunday, is planned, featuring
roundtable discussions, panels, re-
ports and resolutions.
Any student interested in at-
tending the Assembly may make
arrangements by contacting Mim
Levy at 3034 Stockwell, or Jack
Lucas, at 6748. Busses have been
chartered to leave Ann Arbor Sat-
urday, and will return Tuesday.

Last Tribute
Ily Students
Desar Leads Service
Honoring Leader
As the traditional burial cere-
monies were being held yesterday
for Mohandas K. Gandhi, people
all over the world gathered to pay
tribute to India's beloved spiritual
and political leader.
While Gandhi's ashes were be-
ing scattered over India's Ganges
River and memorial services were
being conducted around the globe,
Leela Manibahi Desar, president,
of the Hindustan Students Asso-
ciation and 90 Indian students led
Ann Arbor cultural organizations
in the solemn tribute.
After Manu Mesta had sung
Gandhi's favorite song and Ka-
mala Chowdharia had read his fa-
vorite passages from the Bible and
the Koran, Dean Ralph A. Sawyer
of the Graduate School spoke on
the meaning of Gandhi to the
Gandhi typifies India to us, he
said. Gandhi, who symbolizes
peace, unity and democracy for us,
joins that great company of mar-
tyrs whose influence grows after
death, Dean Sawyer said.
Rev. H. L. Pickerill, student re-
ligious counsellor, listed "Gand-
hi's Influences on the West." He
mentioned non-violence, suffering,
truth force and confession of sin,
repentance and dedication as the
four teachings of Gandhi found
in all western religions.
Quoting George Bernard Shaw,
Rev. Pickerill said, 'His teachings
have not been tried and found
wanting, but tried and found dif-
ficult and abandoned.'
World News
At a Gdance
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Feb. 11-The Soviet
Union charged tonight that Brit-
ain and France encouraged Adolf
Hitler to make war on Russia and
tried to isolate Russia from the
rest of Europe.
* * *
Plunging prices on the com-
modity markets may force Con-
gress to alter its tax cut plans,
if not scrap them altogether,
some legislators said today.
* * *
MOSCOW, Feb. 11-The Com-
munist Party Central Committee
called today for a virtual revolu-
tion in Soviet music.
The committee in a resolution
upbraided Dmitri Shostakovich,
Serge Prokofieff and five other
composers for writing music with
a "vicious formalistic trend
against the people."
* **
"leading speculator" who made
a killing of $200,000 or more
when grain prices slumped was
nadt odaias E: Wavnard

Col. Marshall
To Speak At
News Conference
To Be Held Here
Col. S. L. A. Marshall, noted
military commentator and edi-
torial writer for the Detroit News,
will be the main speaker at the
banquet climaxing the First An-
nual University Newspaper Con-
vention, to be held here Feb. 20-
Fifty delegates, who are coming
from college newspapers all over
the country to attend the con-
vention, will be guests of The
Daily at the banquet and at a
special dance to follow Johnny
Oakes and his orchestra will fur-
nish the music for the dance,
which is to be given at the
The Daily-sponsored convention,
first of its kind, will feature dis-
cussion sessions on editorial and
business problems confronting col-
lege newspapers. Schools sending
delegates include: the Universities
of Alabama, Colorado, UCLA,
Texas, Minnesota, Illinois, Wis-
consin, Chicago, Northwestern,
Michigan State, Harvard, Penn
State, and Ohio State.
Col. Marshall, a graduate of the
Texas College of Mines, has seen
active service in both wars. Re-
sponsible for the establishment of
the Army News Service, he was
named Historian of the Armies of
Occupation, in 1945. The follow-
ing year Col. Marshall was ap-
pointed to the Historical Advisory
Commission of the War Depart-
ment. He is the author of several
Books on World War II.
Honors Await
U' Scientists
British Government
To Make Awards
The British government will
honor two members of the Uni-
versity faculty and one former
faculty member for outstanding
contributions made in the fields of
scientific research and develop-
nent during the war, British Am-
bassador Lord Inverchapel an-
nounced today in Washington,
Dr. Walter F. Colby, professor of
physics, and Dr. Werner Bach-
mann, professor of chemistry will
be awarded membership in the
Order of the British Empire, and a
ribbon, respectively.
Dr. O. S. Duffenback, formerly
with the Randall physics labora-
tory here, will receive the King's
Medal for Service in the Cause of
Operetta Tryouts End
Anyone who wishes to try-out
for a lead in HMS Pinafore must
attend the final audition meeting
at 7 p.m. today in The League,
the Gilbert and Sullivan Society

Operating Costs
Force $25 Raise
Increase To Be Effective Next Fall;
State Students Are Not Affected
Faced with increased operating costs, the University has raised
tuition fees for non-resident students $25 a semester, effective with
the fall term 1948.
Fees for Michigan resident students have not been changed.
The tuition boost was decided upon by the Board of Regents at
their December meeting, but not announced until yesterday by Presi-
cent Alexander G. Ruthven's office.
The hik,. will advance out-state fees to $175 a semester in under-
graduate schools and colleges, with fees in certain graduate and pro-
fessional units ranging from $175 '

..... meeting for him
*. * *
Third Party
Mass Meeting
To BeHeld
Wallace Supporters
Aim at Organization
Active local backing of Henry
Wallace as presidential candidate
will get under way when the
Washtenaw County Organizing
Committee holds a mass meeting
at 8 p.m. today in the Masonic
Part of, a campaign to organize
a "Washtenaw County Committee
for Wallace," the meeting will pre-
sent as principal speakers, Alan
Brown executive board member
of the Michigan branch of the
Wallace for President committee,
and Mort Furay, former member
of the State Resolutions Commit-
tee of the Democratic party.
Prof. John L. Brumm, of the
journalism department, will in-
troduce the speakers and preside
at the meeting. Prof. Brumm is
co-chairman of the Washtenaw
County Committee, and served
as faculty advisor on ADA.
The meeting today will be the
initial phase of a campaign to or-
ganize a strong third party in
Michigan. Next step in the cam-
paign will be an all-day statewide
conference, to be held Feb. 21 in
Today's meeting is open to all
students, and membership in the
"Committee for Wallace" does not
commit anyone to the third party
movement, according to Max
Dean, '49L, temporary co-chair-
man of the Washtenaw County
Organizing Committee.
Dean urged all interested stu-
dents to attend the meeting,
pointing out that the Masonic
Temple is big and "will hold a lot
of people."
Slosson To Speak
On Marshall Plan
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department will discuss
"Will the Marshall Plan Lead to
Peace?", 8 p.m., today, in Rm. 319,
Michigan Union, before an open
meeting of the campus chapter of
Americans for Democratic Action.
Copies of the study, "Committee
for the Marshall Plan," Washing-
ton Post report on the European
Recovery Plan will be distributed
at the meeting.

to $250.
Corresponding boosts in non-
resident fees will go into effect
for the 1948 summer session and
for part-time programs of nine
hours or fewer.
Commenting on the tuition
boost, President Ruthven said
that "fees charged to non-resi-
dent students at a state univer-
sity must bear some reasonable
reference to the cost of educa-
"Fees for resident students arc
established at a point where it
seems wise to divide the cost of
education between fees paid by the
students themselves and appropri-
ations from the State," he said.
"It is the University's hope," he
added, "that increased appropria-
tions from the State Legislature
will provide the additional funds
needed to absorb increased ex-
penses for the education of Michi-
gan residents.
"In the case of the non-resi-
dent students there is no other
way to absorb these increased
costs without advancing the
fees paid by these students,"
President Ruthven said.
(Tuition schedules reveal that
the University's resident tuition
is higher than that of any other
Big Nine school, with the excep-
tion of Northwestern, a private
institution which makes no dis-
tinction between in-state and
out-state tuition fees.)
Other large universities, espe-
cially private institutions have re-
cently hiked tuition fees. Two
days ago Columbia announced a
33 per cent boost to an average
See TUITION, Page 5
Prof. Daiches
Will Lecture
"Criticism of Fiction" will be
the topic of an open lecture to be
given by Prof. David Daiches, of
Cornell University, at 4:15 p.m.
today at Rackham Lecture Hall.
Prof. Daiches, who is coming
here through an arrangement of
annual exchange lectures among
Cornell, Michigan, Toronto and
Western Reserve Universities, will
speak again before the English
Journal Club at 8 p.m. in the East
Conference Room of Rackham.
Born in England and educated
at Edinburgh and Balliol College,
Oxford, Prof. Daiches came to the
United States in 1937 to take a
teaching position at the Univer-
sity of Chicago. Although he is a
specialist in the study of the novel,
he has also gained considerable
note as a poet in his own right.

Olivier Film
'Henry V' Will
Be Presented
Proceeds Will Go To
Student Award Fund
"Henry V," technicolor lihn ver-
lion of Shakespeare's famous play,
vill make its promised return to
Ann Arbor next week.
Six performances of the LaW -
rence Olivier production have been
scheduled for Feb. 19-21, in Iydia
NIendelssohn Theatre including
three afternoon showings and
three evening showings. Mail o-
ders for tickets for all perfori-
ances are being accepted now at
the Lydia Mendelssohn box office
in the League.
Fulfills Promise
The return engagement fulfills
a promise made by University au-
thorities after many students who
attended the showings Oct. 15 in
Hill Auditorium complained that
,'oor seating and poor acoustics
iad marred the presentation.
Although only two showings
were held last time, the much
smaller capacity of Lydia Men-
delssohn made it necessary to
schedule six performances next
week. The matinee will start at
3:15 p.m. and the evening show
at 8 p.m.
Studient Award Fund
Proceeds from the film which is
open to students, faculty and
townspeople presentation will ge
to the recently reactivated Btu-
dlent Award Fund. This fund' was
established to aid students who
are active in campus affairs but do
not benefit from scholarships.
Main floor tickets are $1.20 in
the afternoon and $1.80 in the
evening. Balcony prices are $.90
and $1.20. Self-addressed,
stamped envelopes should be en-
closed with all mail orders. Tick-
Ats may be obtained from the box
office starting Monday.
Lifting of Ban
The Executive Board of Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Action
sent a letter to President Ruthven
requesting that the University re-
consider its banning of that or-
ganization, Ed Schaffer, Chair-
man, announced yesterday.
MYDA's recognition was with-
drawn last year on the basis of na-
"ional investigations of American
Youth for Democracy, its national
The letter states that the ban-
aing of MYDA has done a great
deal of harm to both MYDA and
the University, and that re-rec-
ognition at this time would be of
advantage to both.
Schaffer has presented copies of
the letter to leaders of several
campus organizations. in the hone

Tickets Will
Be Distributed
The preferential ticket system
for basketball game seats, initi-
ated by the Student Legislature
will go into effect for the Purdue
game Saturday night with the
Wolverine Club handling ticket
The plan, which has been ap-
proved by the Board in Confrol of
Intercollegiate Athletics provides
for the issuing of 5,000 preferen-
tial tickets to be issued to students
on presentation of ID cards or
cashier's receipts from 9 a.m. to, 5
p.m. today in the booth in Uni-
versity Hall.
Tickets presented at the door
of the Field House before 7:15
p.m. game night will assure stu-
dents of seats. Students without
tickets will not be admitted until
after 7:15.
Reserved seat and general ticket
sales will proceed as usual without
interference from the new plan.
Sales To Continue

ten by President Lincoln concern-
ing Michigan.
Mr. Storm had represented the
University at the opening of the
Robert Todd Lincoln Collection of
papers regarding his father last
July 26, 1947.
The letters, which Storm
brought back from . the opening,
are an autographed letter signed,
wherein Lincoln arranged for the
only speech he made in Michigan
-at Kalamazoo in 1860, and a
letter to Russell A. Alger, governor
of Michigan.

One-Man Crusader Petitions
For All-Student Radio Station

A radio-minded lit-school junior
is currently crusading for an all-
student broadcasting station,
which he says can put the Uni-
versity on the college airwaves
Dean Barnard, '49, has been
petitioning theStudent Affairs
Committee ever since early fall

The same broadcasting methods'
that have worked at other uni-
versities could be used here, Bar-
nard declared. Programs would go
out through a 200 feet-range
transmitter-not strong enough to
even be called a station by the
Federal Communications Com-
But then they'd be piped at

Clark Clan Holds Court on Campus

If you know two pe ple on cam-
pus with the sur-name Clark, it's
a pretty fair bet they are related.
Then-iversitv is something of a

contemplating a return to the
University for further work in
According to the family the GI
Rill he hin e ennhsutantial factor

In the meantime John, a gradu-
ate engineering student, did a tour
of duty as a pilot with the Eighth
Air Force.

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