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March 25, 1948 - Image 1

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WNA iRM E[Ud 1

Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LVII, No. 123



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House Sends
Tax Cut Bill
To President
Expect Truman
Veto on Measure
-The House sent President Tru-
man a $4,800,000,000 tax reduction
bill today, pounding home its ap-
proval by a 289 to 67 roll call vote.
The margin was 52 votes greater
than the two-thirds majority
which would be required to over-
ride a veto, provided there is no
change of sentiment.
And President Truman is ex-
pected to veto the tax cut prompt-
ly. His supporters take the stand
that instead of reducing taxes,
Congress should maintain the cur-
rent high flow of revenue to re-
build the nation's military
strength in the global drive to
stop Communism.
But the House vote, coupled
with the topheavy 78 to 11 ap-
proval given by the Senate
Monday, was viewed by Demo-
crats as well as Republicans as
assuring that the tax cut wmill
became law.
"There is not a chance in the
world that Congress will support a
Presidential veto," one highly
placed Democratic lawmaker said.
The bill would:
1. Grant relief to all the 52,-
000,000 taxpayers, ranging from
100 per cent in the lowest income
bracket to 5 per cent in the high-
er brackets. It removes 7,400,000
low-income persons from the tax
rolls completely.
2. Effective May 1, reduce all
tax withholding from pay envel-
opes and salary checks. The tax
reduction is retroactive to Janu-
ary 1. So next year the taxpayers
would get refunds on overpay-
ments from January 1 to May 1.
F House action came in the fae
of an impassioned statement by
Democratic leader Rayburn, of
Texas, that "danger lurks in this
world." He asked: "In this hour
of disorder, had we not better
be In a position to bring about
those instruments of war that
may be needed to defend our
But in the voting 84 Democrats
deserted the Administration to
join 205 Republicans in support
of the measure. Opposing were 64
Democrats, one Republican (Mor-
ton of Kentucky) and the two
American-Labor Party members
from New York. Not one Repub-
lican voted against it.
Speaker Martin (Rep., Mass.),
after the vote was announced, told
"A veto will be overridden. This
tax cut is certain."
The House put aside briefly its
debate on the $6,205,000,000 for-
eign aid bill to rush the $4,800,-
000,000 tax slashing measure to
the President's desk.
Republican Leader Halleck of
Indiana challenges Rayburn's ar-
gument that national defense
makes a tax cut unwise now.
Plan Approved
'I' Faculty Endorses

Greek Movement
A movement at the University
of Athens for Greece's spiritual
rehabilitation has been endorsed
by members of the University fac-
ulty as well as President Alex-
anger G. Ruthven.
The Student Orthodox Chris-
tian Society has secured state-
ments from President Ruthven,
Prof. Ernest F. Barker, chairman
of the physics department, Prof.
Russell C. Hussey of the geology
department, Prof. William C.
Steere, chairman of the botany
department and Prof. Arthur E.
R. Boak of the history depart-
The statements, which backed
the Greek scholar's stand for re-
newed Christian values, will be
sent to the Christian Union of
Alumni in Athens. More than 180
University of Athens scientists
and teachers as well as other
Greek leaders recently published

Daily Launches Magazine
The need for a permanent student literary magazine at
this University-with its crowded writing courses and its famous
Hopwood contests-has been self-evident for some time.
Today The Daily announces plans for an entirely new
literary supplement which will be published for the first
time May 2. Contributions will be accepted at the Student
Publications Building immediately. Deadline for manu-
scripts has been set for April 16.
The new magazine will publish work in all fields of writing
-fiction, poetry, drama and essay. It will also carry art work,
criticism of current books and records, and articles on special
subjects written by students in all departments of the Uni-
In addition to student work, contributions from faculty
members on topics of current interest will be published.
The supplement will be under the temporary direction
of Daily senior editors. Eventually a special undergraduate
staff devoted solely to the preparation of the literary mag-
azine will be established within the framework of the
Student Publications organization. When The Daily issues its
call for tryouts next Fall, students interested in working on
the literary staff may apply.
A special feature of the first issue will be a report of the
International Critical Symposium, to be held April 13 to 15 at
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Andre Gide, Benedetto
Croce, Alan Tate, Herbert Read and Ernst Curtius will be
among the participants in the symposium.
We hope that the new literary magazine will provide The
Daily's readers with a cross-section of the best creative work
done by students at this University.
-The Daily Senior Editors.
Niehuss Points Out Necessity
For Four. Building Projects
An urgent need for four additional building projects was cited
by Marvin L. Niehuss, University vice-president, in a recent interview.
The four projects are an Angell Hall addition, a General Library
addition, a University fire station and a motor service shop. A request
for $7,057,000 to cover construction costs of these buildings has been
submitted to the State Legislature.
The Angell Hall addition would provide approximately 150,000

IStrile Brings
New Slash in
Rail Service
-A new slash in railroad service
was ordered today as a result of
the 10-day-old soft coal strike,
and President Truman named a
three-man board to investigate the
causes of the walkout.
The Interstate Commerce Com-
mission ordered a 25 per cent re-
duction in coal burning freight
service, effective midnight next
Tuesday and continuing through
April 30 unless the order is modi-
About 67 per cent of freight
movement is by coal burners.
An Office of Defense Transpor-
tation order for a similar cut in
coal-burning passengerstrain serv-
ice became effective last Sunday.
Hoover Says
FJRP Is Block
On Aggression
-Herbert Hoover endorsed the
$5,300,000,000 European Recovery
Program today as "a major dam
against Russian aggression.'
The former President said the
program "should produce eco-
nomic, political and self-defense
unity in Western Europe."
"I believe it is worth taking the
chance," Hoover said in his first
public statement since President
Truman's stop-communism speech
last week. Mr. Truman called for
quick adoption of the program as
one of the most urgently needed
parts of his new policy.
In the Senate, the question of
turning the atom bomb back to
military control was raised during
a foreign affairs discussion.

square feet of additional space.
Most of this would be devoted to
classrooms and a few depart-
mental offices.
Niehuss said that the Angell
Hall annex was also necessary in
order to reduce fire hazard on
campus. He called attention to
such oft-condemned buildings as
the Economics, Pharmacology and
Romance Language Buildings. All
of these could be razed if an ad-
dition to Angell Hall were au-
Additional Volumes.
The library addition is neces-
sary in order to house additional
volumes and for additional study
hall space.
In this connection, he men-
tioned that the student body pro-
per has tripled, the graduate stu-
dent body has increased more
than tenfold and the Library has
added approximately 1,000,000
books since the building was com-
pleted in 1917. In spite of this,
Niehuss said, no permanent rpo-
visions have been made to meet
the expanded needs.
The need for a University fire
station is claimed by both the
city and the University. The ex-
pansion of the city eastward has
left the campus area without ade-
quate fire protection, Niehuss said.
The motor service shop is need-
ed to service University motor
units which are now being re-
paired outdoors.
WJR Will Be
WASHINGTON, March 24-(A')
- The Federal Communications
Commission today announced it
will investigate news broadcasts by
radio stations KMPC, Los Angeles,
WJR Detroit, and WGAR Cleve-
The stations are jointly con-
trolled by G. A. Richards, of Los
Angeles, who is president of the
operating companies.
At Detroit, a WJR spokesman
said the station probably would
not make any comment before the
FCC hearing.

' Assemibly
Acts on Code
Set Up Academic
Freedom Plan
An assembly of University stu-
dents and faculty members, agree-
ing that "there can be no thought
except free thought in the world"
took steps yesterday to establish
an international code of aca-
demic rights.
More than 300 students and
teachers who gathered to deal
with reported infringements on
academic liberties in Czecho-
slovakia, sent the proposal for a
global code to the United Na-
tions. They sent comnunica-
tions to Czech Premier Gott-
wald and to the International
Union of Students in Prague de-
ploring the clamps on academic
freedom that have allegedly fol-
lowed the Communist coup.
Declaring that these messages to
Czechoslovakia can be "no more
than a gesture," Robert Miller, a
Czech student and one of the five
speakers at yesterday's rally, said
that word would nevertheless fil-
ter through to the subjugated stu-
dents and hope would be revived.
He declared that our task is to
rid the world of fear. As our first
step he said, we ought to let the
Czech students and faculty mem-
bers know that we are behind
them in their fight for free
The rally, initiated by SLID and
co-sponsored by a number of
campus organizations, dealt with
the topic, "Czech Academic Free-
dom is Our Problem."
"The Czechs had a Demo-
cratic heritage that paralleled
ours," Alfred Shapiro, chairman
of the meeting declared. "And
they believed as we do, that
academic freedom is a principle
and not a tactic."
Academic freedom is a relative
concept. Prof. Preston Slosson of
the history department said in the
keynote address. "No nation is or
ever has been completely free," he
said. "But virtually all of what we
know as civilization-wha tM
world has cherished-has come
from the relatively free govern-
In a relatively free government,
like the United States, he said, "a
professor might occasionally be
fired-and go on to a perhaps
better position. But in a totali-
tarian government, thousands of
teachers might well be put in
concentration camps."
Dr. James H. Meisel of the po-
litical science department spoke of
the "Battle of Prague."
The Communists and "both
labor unions and Socialists-
uneasy partners of the ruling
coalition-have a joint majority
of 52%," he declared. "The rest
is silence. The silence is the evi-
Rev. Edwin H. Redman of Ann
Arbor's Unitarian Church, assert-
ed that we will do most to give
strength and encouragement to
the students of Prague's Charles
University and the people of Cze-
choslovakia . . . if we demonstrate
the depth of our belief in the dem-
ocratic idea which is summarized
in the Czech slogan, "Pravda Ves-
tasia, Truth Prevails."

Rev. Redman urged as the
strongestwand mostkimpressive
protest we can make, "a clear
integrity, so self-evident that
no amount of material power
could ever add to our
moral, intellectual and spiritual
Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman
of the Michigan Committee for
Academic Freedom declared that
the "more youth grasps the sorry
scheme of things, the more it real-
izes that freedoms are restrained
either from within human beings
or imposed from without, but that
innner restraints are the more im-

PAPANEK SPEAKS TO UN COUNCIL-Jan Papanek (seated right) addresses the United Nations
Securitly Council at Lake Success, declaring that Russia engineered the Communist grab in Czecho-
slovakia. "God help me, I shall prove this to y ou," he asserted. Seated at left is Andrei A.
Gromyko (dark glasses), Soviet delegate. Papanek was voted a seat at the table by a 9 to 2 vote
despite bitter objections from Russia and the Soviet Ukraine.

Ann Arbor Debates Following
Detroit in Change to New Time

Where did that eight o'clock
class go?
That and many other confus-
ing questions are liable to arise
in the befogged students' minds if
Ann Arbor decides to follow De-
troit and adopt daylight saving
The motor city will set its clocks
ahead one hour April 24 if Mayor
Eugene Van Antwerp does not
veto a Common Council measure
approving the action. The mayor
has indicated he will go along
with the move.
In Ann Arbor, most citizens
including Mayor William E.
Brown, Jr., felt that the city
would have to go on "fast time"
because of the industrial ties with
Council President Cecil 0.
Creal, however, said he would
Stason Sees
Better Chance
To Study Law
Prospective lawyers will have a
better chance this year of entering
law school, Dean E. Blythe Stason
told members of Michigan Crib,
newly formed pre-law society, last
A slackening of war-time pres-
sure, coupled with a slight increase
in the number of students the
school is able to admit, means that
not only Michigan residents but
out-of-state students with good
averages will be admitted, Dean
Stason pointed out.
Michigan Crib was organized to
give prospective law students a
chance to get acquainted with
some of the problems they will
meet later.
Future meetings will present
other speakers dealing with spe-
cific fields of legal study.
Dean Stason suggested that fu-
ture action for the organization
might include not only speakers
but lists of suggested readings for
students interested in legal prob-
An apitude test, used to deter-
mine whether students with bor-
der-line scholastic averages will
be admitted to law school, will be
administered to the group soon.
Test records may help them to de-
termine interest and ability in the
legal profession.
During his undergraduate years,
the pre-law student can study any
sound program which trains the
mind thoroughly, he said, since the
lawyer will need "almost every-
thing" during his professional ca-
Eisler Given
Jail Sentence

oppose such a measure if it comes
up for consideration.
Most conflict would center in
shipping schedules especially in
plants geared to Detroit automo-
bile production.
U.S. Silence
Stalls Action
On Palestine
LAKE SUCCESS, March 24-(P)
-Unexpected and unexplained
United States silence stalled Se-
curity Council action today on the
urgent Palestine issue. It was put
over until next Tuesday.
The Council had expected to
take up a United States resolution
calling for a special assembly of
the 57 United Nations to recon-
sider the Palestine partition ques-
tion. The U.S. now proposes UN
trusteeship for the Holy Land.
But no resolution appeared.
Warren R. Austin, chief U.S. dele-
gate sat silent through the entire
two-hour council meeting.
Informed sources speculated,
however, on two possible reasons
for the switch in plans:
1. The U.S. delegate may be
waiting until after Mr. Truman's
news conference in Washington
tomorrow. It was said the Pres-
ident might then explain the U.S.
decision of last Friday to ask
for the special session and for
trusteeship for Palestine.,
2. The new switch came the day
after Foreign Secretary Ernest
Bevin told the House of Com-
mons that Britain cannot change
her policy in Palestine because
some other country makes the lat-
est of a number of propositions.
On Friday when Austin disclosed
the new American position a high
British official in London had said
Britain now might stay longer in

Not Available
As Nominee
WASHINGTON, March 24-(P)
-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, re-
tired Army Chief of Staff, will not
be available for a Presidential
nomination on any ticket, his
friends said today.
This was in reply to demands
from a number of Democrats that
the five-star general be given the
Democratic Presidential nomina-
tion instead of President Truman.
The General is now writing his
memoirs before taking up the
presidency of Columbia University
in June.
Friends said the General is
aware of recent moves to revive
his name for the Presidency in
both Democratic and Republican
But they said his position was
made known irrevocably last Jan.
23 when he wrote a New Hamp-
shire Republican supporter that
he "could not accept" a nomina-
tion and "my decision to remove
myself completely from the po-
litical scene is definite and posi-
!ngrahm Rally
Set for oday
The legal and sociological as-
pects of the Ingrahm case will be
discussed by George W. Crocket,
CIO-UAW lawyer, and Ernest
Neal, graduate student in soci-
ology, at a "Help the Ingrahms"
rally 7:30 p.m. in the League.
The rally is part of a national
campaign to collect funds for a
retrial for Mrs. Rosa Lee In-
grahm and her two sons, con-
victed of murdering a Georgia
Sponsors o fthe rally are IRA,
AVC, YPCM, SRA, Wallace Pro-
gressives and the Unitarian Guild.
Money collected during the local
drive will be sent to the national
headquarters of NAACP.


'Charge Plane

Engines Sent
To Russians
Witnesses Testify
Before Congress
WASHINGTON, March 24-()
-Testimony that American war-
plane engines have been shipped
to Russia within the last six
months and that shipping boxes
marked for Russia are lying "all
over the New York water-front"
was presented to Congress today.
In rapid-fire order, witnesses
made these salient points before
a House subcommittee:
1. Forty-six new B-24 engines
"suitable for bombers or troop-
carrying planes" were shipped
from New York to Russia and
Poland starting last May and
continuing to the end of 1947.
2. Since V-J Day, the war As-
sets Administration has sold 21,-
278 combat-type planes for scrap,
at scrap prices, "some of which
were obviously new."
3. President Truman is ex-
pected to issue a proclamation
"within a few days" banning the
export of all airplane engines
and other supplies used "pre-
dominantly for military pur-
4. The State Department has
"not yet worked out its policyon.
the distinction between shipment
of American goods to friendly and
High officials of the War Assets
Administration and the State De-
partment testified on all these
points except the reported ship-
ment of airplane engines to Rus-
Clarence Carruthers, President
of the Wall Street aeronautical
supplies firm of Carruthers, Inc.,
told the committee:
"Everybody in New York
knows there are boxes and cases
marked for Russia lying all over
the New York waterfront. They
are being loaded every day.
They're being loaded this after-
noon, for that matter, and
they've been loaded for the last
three days I know of.
"I've seen diamond (oil-drilling)
tools for Russia and other mate-
rials ear-marked for Praha
(Prague), Czechoslovakia," the
went on.
"They've brought in 60 Soviet-
flag ships flying the hammer
and sickle into New York harbor
and loadted them with material
for Russia since the first of the
year. They carry everything
from tractors and bulldozers to
electric generators."
Asked by Rep. Rizley (Rep.,
Okla.), subcommittee chirman,
to name some of the alleged ship-
pers, Carruthers ticked off a list
which included Pratt and Whitney
(the witness did not say whether
he meant the firm that makes ma-
chine tools or the one that builds'
plane engines), General Eelectric
and Western Electric.
Arab Attacks
ill3 7 Jews
Hit Haganah Convoy
BearingRelief Goods
JERUSALEM, March 24-()-
Arab attacks on convoys and a
Jewish hilltop fortress north of
Jerusalem killed 37 Jews today.
Fourteen Jews were killed and
10 wounded when Arabs ambushed

a two-car armored convoy of Ha-
ganah fighters speeding to the re-
lief of beleaguered Neve Yaacov~
six miles north of Jerusalem.
The settlement was reported
under attack by 700 Arabs, and
11 Jews were slain in the initial
Twelve Jews were killed and 30
wounded in an attack upon a
12-bus convoy at Bab El Wad, a
town on the main highway from
Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.
Bab El Wad is in the Judean
hills west of Jerusalem where
more than 100 persons were re-
ported killed in heavy fighting
during the past few days.
The unofficial death toll in Pal-
estine since the United Nations'
decision on partition mounted to
Three major battle areas were
developing in Palestine and Brit-
ish security forces, weakened by

Argentine Alumnus Returns
To Campus After 23 Years

Dr. Pollock Approves Truman Decision
_____________ 4 _______________________________-------_____

Rafael Luna, '25E, General Di-
rector of the Argentina Board of
Transport, visited his alma mater
yesterday for the first time since
his graduation 23 years ago.
He has been visiting American
manufacturers to order railroad
cars and equipment for the newly
nationalized Argentine railways.
Luna, whose swarthy features,
dark fiery eyes, and soft Spanish
accent immediately mark him as a
South American, has kept alive
his interest in the University de-
spite living 6,000 miles from cam-

gentine railways the first of this
month will soon bring great im-
provements to the transportation
system in that country Luna de-
"The government has a five-year
program to replace and modernize
most of the railways," he stated.
"We are buying cars and equip-
ment here in the U. S. and Canada
as a start."
When Luna left the University
in the spring of 1925 with a de-
gree in highway and railway engi-
neering he went to Tucaman Ar-
gentina, where he worked with the

President Truman's decision to
retain Army control of the Ger-
man occupation was regarded as
the "wisest possible move" today

risk, especially since it would mean
that Gen. Lucius D. Clay, present
military governor in Germany,

Dr. Pollock, former adviser to
Gen. Clay in Stuttgart, also said
he hoped the crisis period for the

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