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April 01, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-01

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411 tily


Latest Deadline in the State



House I





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Rl//'U' Athletic Director


Includes Military Assistance;
For Greece, Turkey, China
Motion That UN Handle Problem Defeated;
Spain, Western Germany Voted Invitation
WASHINGTON, March 31-(IP)-The House passed the $6,205,-
000,000 foreign aid bill tonight by a vote of 329 to 74.
Aimed in larger part at blocking Communist expansion, it calls
for the largest overseas relief and rehabilitation program ever under-
taken by any nation.
It includes $5,300,000,000 as the first-year cost of the "Marshall
Plan" for European recovery.
And it includes $425,000,000 in outright military aid-$275,000,000
for Greece and Turkey and $150,000,000 for China. China gets another
$420,000,000 in economic aid..


Report on Greece
(EDITOR'S NOTE-The Daily today presents the first of an exclusive
series from European trouble spots by Daily staffer Dawson who will spend
the next five months overseas. He recently joined his father, Prof. John
Dawson, who is on leave from the University Law School to assist the Greek
ATHENS, March 27 (Delayed)-In its eighth year of almost
continuous warfare, Greece is a tangle of economic forces, political
pressures and military operations-but to a foreign observer all these
are at first relegated to the background by the extraordinary qual-
ities of the Greeks themselves.
In appearance, every Greek is markedly different from every
other Greek; in spite of widespread poverty, the illusory "com-
mon man," and the look of suburban averageness, are both con-
spicuously absent here. There is no rabble in Greece-there are
just the Greek people.
Individualism is carried to fierce lengths, as anyone observing
a Greek traffic jam will readily conclude. But with their natural
gregariousness and seemingly instinctive consideration for others, the
Greeks could give anyone a lesson in equalitarianism.
For instance, I have yet to see any evidence of discrimina-
tion against minority groups. Chinese and Negroes, being almost
unknown in Greece, have to endure curious stares; but all,
including Turkish and Jewish minorities, are looked upan and
treated as equals.
A positive example of this equality is the apparently inalienable
right to search out and appeal personally to any government official,
See DAILY, Page 5
U.S. Aid tor Spain Destroys
Dentocratic .Front --- Fifel

whither Bound?

Witholds Comment
Concerning Reports
Stall on Sports' Plant Enlargement
Given as Possible Motive for Move
(Daily City Editor)
Is Fritz Crisler about to sever his 10-year connection with the
University of Michigan? -- That's the question the nation's sports
fans are asking themselves today.
Climaxing a rumor-filled week, a story yesterday in the Detroit
News said Crisler was set to leave Michigan for a more lucrative
business post in a Chicago firm. Earlier this week several radio corn-
mentators predicted that "Fritz" was set to pull out of Michigan. A
top University authority also partially verified the rumors.
Written by Watson Spoelstra, the Detroit News story declared

(The Navy announced shortly
U.S. Rejects
Russian Train
Entry Demand
Possible Troop Clash
Threatened in Berlin
BERLIN, Thursday, April 1--(P)
The United States rejected early
today a Soviet demand that Rus-
sian troops be allowed to inspect
American military trains and
freight entering and leaving Ber-
U.S. military trains running be-
tween Berlin and Frankfurt were
ordered by the American Military
Government to continue their
trips to Berlin through the Soviet
zone. Train guards were instruct-
ed to bar Soviet troops entry to
the trains. '
Most Critical Crisis
The sudden Soviet order precip-
itated the most critical four-power
crisis in Germany since the end of
the war. It was the first incident
that threatened any direct clash
between Soviet and Western oc-
cupying forces.
The Soviet order, issued yester-
day, instructed its troops to con-
duct such inspections as trains
traversed the Soviet zone. Inspec-
tion was to begin at midnight last
Soviet reaction to the American
rejection of inspection privileges
was not made known immediately.
British Order
The British also ordered their
train guards to refuse to allow So-
viet inspection. The French said
they were studying the order, but
had made no reply.
Trains on the Berlin-Frankfurt
run always have been well armed
and guarded by a substantial
number of officers and enlisted
men. Military government officials
said the train which left Frank-
fort for Berlin last night carried
only its usual crew and no extra
An order to hold up American
trains was issued temporarily last
night pending delivery of the U.S.
note to the Russians. Once it was
delivered, headquarters of Gen.
Lucius D. Clay, the American mil-
itary commander, instructed the{
trains to proceed as usual.
Without Incident
American sources said a Berlin-
bound train, halted temporarily at
Helmstedt by the U.S. order,
passed through a Russian control
point there without incident at
11:23 p.m.
In Berlin Allied forces and civil-
ians waited tensely to see if the
Russians would try to use force to
back up their order. If they do,
it is considered a certainty that
clashes will result.
In effect, the Soviet order would
make it impossible, if enforced
generally, for 25,000 Western Al-
lied residents of Berlin to move
out of the city into the Western
zones by road or rail without Rus-;
sian consent.
Mitchell, Nelson

before the bill passed that three
escort carriers will be used to de-
liver planes to Turkey under the
assistance program during the
next few months.
(The number of planes was
not disclosed. But the 12,000-
ton carriers can transport more
than 100 planes each in ferry
Besides the military and eco-
nomic aid provisions, the House
"package" bill includes $60,000,-
000 for the United Nations Chil-
dren's Fund.
. A proposal by Rep. Marcantonio
(Alp-NY) that the entire relief
program be handled through the
United Nations was voted down
by an overwhelming 270 to 6.
Today's vote came just two~
weeks after President Truman's
appeal to a joint session of Con-
gress for speedy adoption of thei
European Recovery Program
(ERP) as one of three road-
blocks to Communist expansion.'
The other steps he asked were
Universal Military Training and
the draft.
Before voting on the measure
as a whole, the House reaffirmed
by a 188 to 104 standing vote its
invitation for Spain to join the
European Recovery Program
along with 16 other non-com-
munist countries and Western
The entire $6,205,000,000 bill is
expected to go to President Tru-
man for signature late this week
after Senate and House agree on
comparatively minor differences.
The Senate has passed separate
bills adding up to nearly that sum
for the same foreign aid programs.
Sell Singles to
Hay Festival
Tickets for individual May Fes-
tival concerts will go on sale for
the first time at 9 a.m. today at
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Tower.
More than 900 season tickets re-
main unsold so far, according to
Charles A. Sink, Music Society di-
rector. These will be broken up
and sold separatelyrfor eachof
the six concert series, scheduled
for April 29-May 2.
No special preference will be
given applications from students,
whom Sink advised to get their
orders in before Spring vacation.

American ERP aid to Franco
Spain would "destroy all sem-
blance of Marshall Plan countries
representing a democratic front
against Russia," Prof. Russell H..
Fifield, of the political science de-
partment, said yesterday.
Commenting on the House-ap-
proved ERP bill giving Franco an
aid appropriation, Prof. Fifield as-
serted that "the inclusion of Spain
proves that the primary purpose
of the European Recovery Pro-
gram is opposition to Russia.
Academy Will
Open Annual
The 52nd annual meeting of the
Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts, and Letters gets under way
here today with section meetings
in the field of landscape architec-
ture and a dinner for the dele-
gates at 6 p.m. tonight in the
Highlight of the conference will
be an address by Rexford G. Tug-
well of the University of Chicago
on "The Study of Planning as a
Scientific Endeavor" at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the Rackham Lecture
Over 1,000 teachers from Mich-
igan, Ohio, and Illinois are at-
tending the conference, and will
participate in discussion groups
representing 17 different fields of
A total of 244 papers will be pre-
sented, describing recent advances
and discoveries in each field.

He pointed out that the House
proposal still has many hurdles
to pass, because the Senate did
not provide any aid for Spain in
its. ERP measure, and the State
Department is strongly opposed to
such 'a move.
Although favoring the Marshall
Plan, Prof. Fifield recognized that
the Plan is sometimes inconsis-
tent, such as the United States'
insistence that the door is 'still
open for Eastern European coun-
tries to join ERP, while threaten-
ing Italy with cutting off Marshall
aid if it votes Communist.
Aiding Franco would cost us a
great deal of moral support from
the more liberal democratic na-
tions of the Marchall Plan, such
as Switzerland and Sweden, he
said, emphasizing that the more
pressure Russia put on these na-
tions, the less they would feel se-
cure to oppose American aid to
fascist Spain.
Other dangers cited by Prof. Fi-
field were that aid to Franco
would provide the Soviets with
very good propaganda against us,
and that it would weaken the UN
by having the United States re-
verse its earlier stand against
Punished by U'
One student has been suspended
from the University and five
others have been disciplined for
"varying degrees of dishonesty ex-
hibited during spring registra-
tion," Assistant Dean Charles H.
Peake of the literary college said
Speaking as chairman of the
Administrative Board of the lit-
erary college which meted out the
punishment, Dean Peake de-
scribed the offenses as "ranging
from an illegal change in an elec-
tion card to forgery of official
Group Disciplined
Two women and four men were
in the group disciplined, Dean
Peake revealed. The Board con-
sidered each case individually and
varying penalties were imposed
including suspension, probation,
withdrawal of all privileges for
extra -curricular activities, nota-
tion on records, and notification
of parents.
The investigations are still going
on, Dean Peake added.
"The Board believes that in

Courtesy The Aran Arbor News.
LEAVING FRITZ?-Speculation raged today as reports continued
to pile up on Fritz Crisler's plans to leave the University. Most
sources say Fritz is headed for a business career in Chicago.
Young Democrats Assail Plan
To Include Spain in ERP Bill

The decision to include Spain
in the ERP Bill took a beating
here yesterday as the Young Dem-
ocrats unanimously repudiated the
plan, while Prof. Tucker Smith
told a University audience that "it
is the worst blow yet dealt Italy's
anti-Communist forces."
The Democrats 'sent identical
telegrams to Sen. J. Howard Mc-
Grath, national party chairman
and to John R. Franco, State
chairman. The telegrams urged
Democratic party action to defeat
"ERP aid to fascist Spain which
represents' an ideology repugnant
to freedom-loving people."
"This assistance to Spain," the
telegrams read, "will lower Amer-
ican prestige among all people
who fought against Fascism and
will foster, rather than check, the
spread of Communism in Europe."
Prof. Smith, of the Olivet Col-
lege economics department,
speaking before the local United
World Federalists and the Student
Communists May
Call Strike in Italy
ROME, March 31- (AP) - The
Communists threatened tonight
to order a nation-wide strike
which would paralyze Italy for a
10-day period before the April 18
general election.
Giuseppe Di Vittorio, Commu-
nist president of Italy's 6,000,-
000-member General Labor Con-
federation, announced in Palermo,
Sicily, the organization's execu-
tive committee would call the
strike if police fail to find a miss-
ing Sicilian labor leader by April

League for Industrial Democracy,
charged that our present foreign
policy is strengthening rather
than weakening Stalin.
"The Russians interpret our
preparations for war as a threat
of attack," he said. "Stalin's posi-
tion is thus solidified."
SL .Resolves
N1ot To Discuss
Partisan political issues not di-
rectly concerned with the student
body will not be considered by the
Student Legislature, the group de-
cided at its meeting last night.
The decision was made in line
with a National Student Associa-
tion report outlining jurisdiction
of student governments, which
was drawn up at the NSA student
government clinic held last week
at Michigan State College.
Legislators also decided that
since they were a gbody represen-
tative of the entire campus, no
delegate to conference such as the
recently held Academic Freedom
meeting, could cast a vote with-
out previous instructions from the
Fourteen members were absent
from the meeting last night, with
a bare quorum lef t at the end of
the evening for the conclusion of
Absentees were : Baldwin, Bovee,
Clark, Doust, Domangue, Lewis,
Maslin, Newman, Gringle, Janet
Osgood, Shirley Osgood, Roths'-
child, Shaeffer and Swets.

that Crisler was dissatisfied with
the progress of his program to en-
large Michigan's Athletic plant.
Spoelstra told the Daily he is ab-
solutely sure of his source for the
story. He said the source has been
"air-tight" in the past.
According to the Spoelstra
story, "Fritz" has lined up a
$50,000 yearly position in"the
Windy City. His post as Athletic
Director pays only $14,500 annu-
Evidently he became discour-
aged with opposition to his
million-dollar program to im-
prove Wolverine athletic f a-
cilities. Fritz has mapped out an
extensive building program
calling for an enlarged field
house, new ice rink and golf
clubhouse. Searing building
costs and Regent's opposition to
certain phases of the program
have pushed it into the dim fu-
Some observers believe that
these rumors of Crisler's resigna-
tion may have been deliberately
provoked as a trial balloon to get
some action out of the authorities
blocking the building program.
Significantly the University Board
of Regents is slated to held its
regular meeting Friday. At the
same time the State Legislature
has several important University
appropriations measures before it
in Lansing.
Fritz himself threw no light on
the subject when contacted by
the Daily yesterday. Cagey Crisler
parried reporter's questions with
his stock "no'comment" phrase.
However a later phone call by
Spoelstra added weight to the
rumors. Spoelstra said Fritz
usually hotly denied published
reports if untrue. "But today he
was very calm when discussing
my story on the phone" said
Reports reaching the Daily
claimed Fritz was set to go with
the Coca Cola firm in Chicago
which counts former ;University
Regent and coach Harry Kipke
among its executives.
However Arthur Brandon, di-
rector of the University News
Service denied this report. Bran-
don said he knew which firm Fritz
is negotiating with but was not at
liberty to divulge the name.
The resignation reports were
discounted by some officials
who said Fritz would have made
a clean break last month when
he announced his decision to
quit coaching. However Bran-
don said the departure from
coaching may have been a pre-
liminary step toward a complete
break with Michigan.
Fritz may have planned all
along to leave the University at
the semester's end, but ,didn't
want to jeopardize the football
squad's chances by giving them a
new coach after spring practice,
according to Brandon.

Extra Coaches
Will Replace
Sudents Will Get
First Seat Choices
Students will now be able to
get out of Ann Arbor for their va-
cations without any trouble but
they still may have a difficult
time getting back.
Extra cars, which will be added
to all regularly scheduled trains
leaving Ann Arbor on Friday will
Train Schedule
The schedule of New York
Central trains leaving Ann Ar-
bor on Friday is as follows:
Heading West: 8:46 a.m., 1:30
p.m., 3:227 p~m. an4 :6"n *.m
Heading East: 6:41 and 7:1
a.m. making connections with
the Empire State Express In
Detroit, 2:47 p.m. to Detroit,
3:31 p.m. and 7:26 to New
York and Boston.
make up for the special trains
which were cancelled Tuesday by
government order, E. J. Smith,
New York Central ticket agent
said yesterday.
Smith said Tuesday that if the
coal strike continues, railroads
may have to cut off passenger
traffic within a week.
Four or five coaches will be
added to each train and the com-
bined capacity of these cars, 1500
to 1800, will make up for the spe-
cials, he said.
Heading east, coaches will be
added at Jackson and not opened
to the public until Ann Arbor is
reached, giving students . first
choice in the extra cars. Smith
said that conditions would not
be too crowded.
Protest Willow
Rent Increase
Residents of Village
OpposeHike in Rate
Protests were voiced yesterday
by married University students
living in Willow Village, against
rent raises resulting from in-
creased GI subsistence.
Increased rent for a village
apartment faces any veteran who
has been paying an adjusted ren-
tal fee. Under a long-standing
FPHA policy, the lowered rate is
given to those having a monthly
income below $140.
The subsistence raise will lift
married veterans into a higher
income bracket. As a result, each
one will have to pay proportion-
ately higher rent, unless he is al-
ready paying the standard, unad-
justed rate.
Ken Cavanaugh, Village hous-
ing manager, said that lowered
rent adjustments are made for
90 day periods, so the increase
will not go into effect until each
resident's present adjustment pe-
riod expires.
Flatly against the rent hike,

Choir and Orchestra Join
For Concert Tonight at Hill

Combined talents of the Univer-
sity Symphony COchbstra con-
ducted by Wayne Dunlap and
University Choir under direction
of Raymond Kendall will be ex-
hibited in a concert at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Program selections cover the
span from Bach to a January,
span from Bach to a January 1948
work, "Symphony No. 2" by Homer
Keller, which will be premiered
today. Keller, a member of the
music school faculty, conceived

Hot'News Bulletin Hits Campus

SPECIAL FLASH: The drinking
ban was officially lifted by the
University yesterday.

ennial butt of All Fools' Day gags,
found himself opening a berib-
boned 'present' from the Detroit
newspaper correspondents, just
thirteen years ago today. In it the

1937, a vicious plot to sabotage
the entire Daily front page for
April Fools Day. Spirited printers
had switched the "ears" that give
the weather and the top editorial

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