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April 14, 1948 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-14

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Latest Deadline in the State







on Politica
ka Primary



Stassen Leads in Nebras


Dewey's Bid
Yet To Come
From Cities
Taft Lags Far
Behind Leaders
OMAHA, April 14-Wednes-
day-(R)--Harold E. Stassen piled
up a widening margin of farm
area votes in Nebraska Presiden-
tial primary returns today as Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey began to show
strength in the cities.
Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio
lagged behind so consistently that
only a sharp reversal of the count-
ing trend could pull him up to
within challenging distance of the
two leaders.
Complete returns from 349 of
the state's 2,024 precincts gave:
Stassen 10,936, Dewey 7,635,
Taft 3,257.
Representing 66 of the 93 coun-
ties, the returns were largely from
small towns and farming areas.
One precinct each from Omaha,
the state's largest city, and from
Lincoln, its capital, were included.
The first Omaha precinct to re-
port supported the contention of
Dewey backers that he will run
strongly in the city areas. It gave
Dewey 34, Stassen 26 and Taft 7.
A preliminary check of inbom-
plete counts in Lincoln indicated
that Dewey may display the same
sort of strength there.
The Omaha and Lincoln tabu-
lations, delayed by counting in lo-
cal races, seemed unlikely to be
available in any bulk until later in
the morning.
Senator Arthur Vandenberg,
Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Gov.
Earl Warren of California and
House Speaker Martin seemed
clearly out of the race for the
state's Presidential endorsement.
This endorsement probably will
carry with it support of the state's
15 convention votes on the first
Philadelphia ballot.
Stassen, Dewey and Taft held
their one, two, three positions
steadily during the counting of
the early returns.
Clothing Drive
To Start Here
Next Tuesday
A concerted two-day drive to
collect clothing for European chil-
dren will be launched by the Uni-
versity Famine Committee next
Tuesday, Seymour Goldstein, com-
mittee chairman, announced yes-
Collection posts will be estab-
lished in all dormitories, sorori-
ties, fraternities and designated
women's League houses. Lane
Hall, as general collection head-
quarters, will also accept clothing
from students.
Carrying the ball locally for the
Save the Children Federation of
America, which has sent thous-
ands of tons of clothing to Eu-
rope since the war, the Famine
Committee is undertaking its
third annual campaign to collect
wearing apparel. Last year ap-
proximately two tons were gath-
ered on the campus.
With the emphasis upon chil-
dren's clothing of all types, espe-
cially shoes, the drive will not
overlook the needs of adults,
Goldstein said. Clothing of all
sizes in wearable condition and
bedding are urgently needed,'

he declared.
Reports from scattered Euro-
pean points disclose that many
children are still not attending
schools that have been reopened
because of their inadequate garb.
Because of its scarcity, clothing
has reached a prohibitive cost for
most people, both in terms of ra-
tion coupons and money, the re-
ports indicate.

An Editorial...0
UNIVERSITY students have been taught another lesson in
the "proper" isolation of academic life.
The Board of Regents has refused to allow speeches advo-
cating political candidates at open campus meetings.
Just so students won't get the wrong idea, however, the
Regents re-affirm their desire "to encourage student interest
in and discussion of public issues as a part of the educational
But the Board's action on political speakers doesn't
quite match its words. The biggest public issue right now,
and for some time to come, is elections. In rejecting the
Student Affairs Committee's request for a more intelligent
policy on political speakers, the Regents didn't explain how
students are supposed to become well-informed about can-
didates and platforms in a political vacuum.
The Regents carefully state that speeches supporting par-
ticular candidates can be heard in meetings open solely to
members of the sponsoring student group. But how many
students belong to the campus political groups? And what
about the students who are still trying to make up their minds?
Main reason for the Regents' decision apparently lies
in their concluding statement: "The Board does not favor the
use of the name, prestige, or property of the University in
connection with the promotion of the platforms or candidates
of partisan political groups at political meetings."
It is hard to see how the bugaboo of disrepute which
seems to dog the University at every turn can apply here.
Various members of the faculty often sound off on all
manner of subjects political without jeopardizing the Uni-
versity. Surely a parade of political candidates of all parties
speaking here would obviate any charge of partisanship.
The Regents, acting for the people of this state, took the
easy way out. They decided that education and politics don't
mix very well, at least not in public. Ironically enough, it is
the people of this state who suffer most as a result of this short-
sighted policy. By "playing it safe," the Regents have put
one more obstacle in the way of an.educated electorate.
In an earlier editorial The Daily senior editors pointed out
that revision of the By-Laws by the Regents would take "vision
and courage."
Their bid fell short.
-The Senior Editors.
MSC Ruling on Communists
Attacked by Prof. Slosson

LEWIS ANNOUNCES PENSION AGREEMENT-John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers chief, reads
announcement of acceptance of tentative pensi on plan at eleventh-hour meeting of pension
trustees. Others are: Sen. Styles Bridges (Rep., N.H.), "neutral trustee" and Ezra Van Horn
(right), operators' representative.
* * * *

House Group
VBotes Billions
For Air Force
WASHINGTON, April 13-()-
A House committee quickly ap-
proved new billions for air power
today as Capitol Hill heard that
Russia has far more submarines
than America, and is building the
world's greatest air force.
The House Appropriations Com-
mittee voted $2,376,100,000 as an
emergency fund to finance imme-
diate warplane and guided mis-j
Wile programs.
Meantime the House Armed
Services Committee was in its
second day of hearings for a draft
bill, but in the Senate, where the
Armed Services Committee was
writing its legislation after two
weeks of hearings, work bogged
down temporarily.
Chairman Gurney (Rep., S.D.),
chairman of the Senate group,
said the committee voted unani-
mously for a top age limit of 25
years on any required registra-
tion under the proposed draft and
universal military training pro-
gram, but that further action was
delayed by lack of a report from
Defense Secretary Forrestal and
joint chiefs of staff on air-power
Seniors Lend
Htelping Hand
Student experts will be on hand
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow in
Rm. 1025 Angell Hall to help un-
derclassmen with program troub-
The advisors, literary college
juniors and seniors, will give fac-
tual information on the content
of courses in the major college
Sponsored by the Student Leg-
islature, the one-day advisory ses-
sion is particularly designed for.
students who want to get next
year's program approved before
the end-of this term.
"Experts" will also hold sessions
during registration week next

Michigan Coalmen Skeptical
About New Back-to-Work Pact

Ruling Will Limit
Partisan Talks to
Closed Meetings
Board Turns Down SAC Request
For Liberalization of 'U' By-Laws
The Board of Regents have closed the door to full-scale political
activity on the University campus.
Public meetings featuring partisan i political speeches will not
be permitted on University property, Regents announced yesterday.
However, political speeches may be presented at closed meetings of
the various approved student political clubs.
The Regents ruling followed a Student Affairs Committee
request for clarification and possible liberalization of University
by-laws banning political speakers from the campus.
The SAC, top student-faculty policy group at the University,
asked that the "speakers ban" be eased following approval of a
Young Democrat, Republican and * * *
Wallace student clubs. The newly- 1 Bn
formed political clubs sought to i
bring top-flight speakers from S
the various parties to the Uni- U nrealistie
versity campus during the comingTL)1f
Disapproval Resolution
presidential campaign.
The SAC learned that its re-
quest had been turned down yes-
terday during its regular meet- Leaders Decry 'U'
ing. A Daily representative on the
SAC suggested that a resolution 'Stifling Education'
expressing disapproval of the Re-
gents action be passed but mem- Campus political leaders showed
bers of the committee felt that a rare unanimity yesterday when
such a resolution would accom- they branded as "unrealistic" and
plish nothing. "stifling to education" the Re-
.Under the Regents ruling any gent's interpretation of the po
political speaker appearing in litical speeches ban.
Ann Arbor will be forced to ap- Chairmen of the three newly
pear in public parks or in down- recognized political clubs - stu-
town halls. This procedure was dent Democrats, Republicans and
followed during presidential cam- Progressives - agreed that they
paigns in the last few decades would strive to have the ruling
when political speakers appeared libralized. The ruling baxs
in theatre, public halls and speeches in support of parties or
parks. candidates at open meetings on
The SAC request for lifting the the campus.
"speakers ban" here follows sim- "Work Together"
ilar requests in other colleges Max Dean, chairman of the
around the nation. Authorities at Wallace Progressives, called on
the University of Washington re- the organizations to work to-
cently reversed previous rulings gether to have the ban rescinded.
and permitted political speeches "The purpose of a political or-
on campus. However other col- ganization," he said, "is to con-
leges have reaffirmed previous vince people that its platform and
stands prohibiting political candidates are the best. Under the
speeches on their property. Regents ruling, we can only con-
Full Statement of Regents vince ourselves. Political speeches
The full regents statement to are now open only to already-
the SAC follows: :convinced members of an organi-
The regents reaffirm their de- zation, which makes it all futile."
sire to encourage student interest Anthony Cote, chairman of the
in and discussion of public issues Young Democrats, called the Re
as a part of the educational pro- gents' action, an "example of the
cess. They construe the portion of University's paternalistic atti-
Section 8.10 of the By-laws, re- tude."
lating to the use of University "The benevolent permission
property, reading as follows, granted to partisan groups to or-
"Speeches in support of par- ganize," he said, "has been coun-
ticular candidates of any po- terbalanced. Those same organi-
litical party or faction shall not zations are now impotent."
be permitted," "Stifling Education in Politics"
to have no application to appear- Stifling of "a very necessary
ances or speeches at meetings education in politics" was seen as
open solely to members of the an outgrowth of the ban by
sponsoring student group. James Shoener, chairman of the
However, the Board does not Young Republicans.
favor the use of the name, pres- "The trading of opinions on a
tige, or property of the University single platform at an open meet-
in connection with the promotion ing is vital to our education," he
of the platforms or candidates of said, adding that "The Regents
partisan political groups at public haven't recognized this."
meetings. The Young Democrats blazed

The outcome of John L. Lewis'
trial today was eagerly awaited in
Washington, 'the Associated Press
reported-and in Ann Arbor, as
the government lifted all railroad
restrictions "until further notice,"
Michigan coal men eyed Lewis'
back-to-work agreement skepti-
Thousands of miners returped'
to work in some areas, but in oth-
ers the back-to-work movement
was far from complete as workers
Engineers Will
Hear Parker
At Assembly
James W. Parker, president and
general manager of the Detroit
Edison Co., will address a general
assembly of the engineering col-
lege at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Natural
Science Auditorium-
Parker will discuss "The Engi-
neer and his Relation to Society."
This lecture is the first in a se-j
ries sponsored by theEngineering
Council under the direction of the
junior class officers of the engi-
neering college. The series will
feature leading men in industry.
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the
engineering college said that he
feels these lectures will be of con-
siderable value to the engineering
student body. He urged that all
engineers attend.
Parker, who lives in Ann Arbor,
is nationally known for his work
in engineering - management:
An outstanding figure in De-
troit engineering circles, Parker is
Chairman of the Engineer's
Council for Professional Develop-
ment, Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Development of Atomic
Energy for Industrial Use, and
past president of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers.

awaited Federal Judge T. Alan
Goldsborough's decision.
Local Viewpoint
In Ann Arbor more than 250
Michigan coal merchants, after a
month of bin-scraping and "vol-
untary rationing," say they aren't
relaxing yet. They're in here for
their twelfth annual coal utiliza-
tion institute.
"The only sure way to get coal
right now is to go out and dig it
up yourself," Eugene K. Wellman,
president of the Michigan Retail
Coal Merchants Association, said.
If the Federal Court slaps a heavy
fine on Lewis, the miners may
stay away from the pits stilllong-
er, he declared.
'Back To Work Anyway'
Dr. M. Edmund Speare of the
Bituminous Coal Institute, who
spoke at the Institute, predicted
however, that the miners will go
back to work anyway, since
they've already lost almost $1,-
500,000 in wages.
But the coal retailers looked
ahead with misgivings to the June
30 expiration date of the miners'
contract. Wellman and A. Wm.
Honecker. secretary-treasurer of
the Association, said that the min-
ers would probably make more
wage demands then.
Other merchants reported vol-
untary rationing plans to make
dwindling coal supplies stretch
farther. So far no home owners
have been cold, they said, al-
though many Michigan industries
have been hard-hit by the strike.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
CINCINNATI. April 13-A ram-
paging Ohio River crept rentlessly
into lowland areas tonight,
threatening its first major flood
since March of 1945.
BOGOTA, Colombia, April 13
-Fresh outbursts of shooting
were heard outside the U. S.
Embassy late today.
Meanwhile the Inter-Ameri-
can Conference, interrupted by
abortive revolt, will reconvene
* * *
LONDON, April 13-The Mos-
cow radio said tonight Russia had
rejected as "unacceptable" a pro-
posal of the United States, Brit-
ain and France for a four-power
conference to consider the return

Political or religious beliefs
should not be a criterion for hir-
ing or firing a member of the
faculty of any University in this
country, Prof. Preston A. Slosson,
of the history department and
member of the Academic Free-
dom Committee, declared yester-
Commenting on a statement
made by Michigan State College
President Johns A. Hannah, that
no Communist would be tolerated
on the MSC faculty, Prof. Slosson
said that as long as a professor's
work was acceptable, academic
freedom would be violated if he
were proceeded against for any
beliefs he held.
"Any employer buying services
for a particular piece of work
should be concerned only with the
quality of that work," he said.
Hannah's Statement
Hannah made his statement
before the Callahan "Un-Amer-
ican Activities" Committee who
subpoenaed him to appear Mon-
da. He also told the group that
Communists have little.chance of
operating on the MSC campus,
pointing out that student organi-
zations needed official approval
as well as a faculty sponsor.
John L. Brumm, formerly of the
journalism department and
chairman of the Academic Free-
dom Committee, told The Daily
Daily Tryout Meetings
Regular meetings for Daily
editorial staff tryouts will be
resumed at 4 p.m. today and
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow.
General news, sports and
women's staff tryouts must at-
tend either of the meetings
this week.

yesterday that college authorities
must face the fact that being a
Communist is not illegal.
"It is only' a short-sighted uni-
versity policy that would bar a
person or group because of legal
political beliefs," he declared.
Favor Campus Group
Both Brumm and Prof. Slosson
took stands favoring an official
student Communist group on
"The investigation of current
political problems by students
should be encouraged rather than
hindered," Prof. Brumm said, em-
phasizing that qualifications for
such organizations should be spe-
cific and as liberal as possible in
keeping with the orderly working
of the University.
Plan Joint City,
County Edifice
Action on the proposed county
court house took a new turn yes-
terday when the Ann Arbor board
of supervisors voted to investigate
the possibility of a joint city-
county building.
The county building committee
reported that the cost of renovat-
ing the present structure was
"prohibitive." An act which has
passed through State House of
Representatives, making it pos-
sible for city and county govern-
ments to join in building an of-
fice, has prompted the reconsid-
Mayor William E. Brown has
asked that the county join with
the city in putting governmentj
offices in one building of the
proposed civic center.


SL To Clarify
Calendar Set-up
A clarification of the new Stu-
dent Legislature date calendaring
system will be made at its meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. today in the
League Grand Rapids Room, DavE
Dutcher, president, has an-
The group will also decide the
method of selecting campus NSA
Legislature candidates and
members of campus groups plan-
ning to sponsor events next year
are particularly urged to attend
the meeting, Dutcher said.

the trail for political, groups on
campus by becoming the first po-
litical organization ever to be
recognized by the University in
February. The Young Republi-
:sans, then the Wallace Progres-
sives followed, both gaining recog-
nition last month.
To Open Jewish
Appeal Drive Here
Murray Aronoff, crew member
of the "Exodus 1947," will speak
at 4 p.m. today at Hillel Founda-
tion in the launching of the local
1948 United -Jewish Appeal Cam-
Keynoting the opening of the
campus drive which will aim at a
$7,500 goal for overseas needs and
refugees, Aronoff will describe his
experiences aboard the refugee
ship and in displaced persons
camps in France and Italy.
The meeting is open to the

Conferences Would Bolster
U.S.-Canadian Ties--- Maheux



Canadian-American conferences
of newspapermen and politicians
were suggested as a means of bet-
tering relations between the- two
countries in a speech last night
by Abbe Arthur Maheux of Laval

the border settlement, especially
around Maine, has left a feeling
of frustration among most Cana-
"French Canadians view world
nrh mcfrnm n ohnn crnb.cyn, of,

Colombia Revolt Can Help Communists

fru- ". -Tti" ntrnl+ in f+nlrmhiQ I

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