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March 04, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-04

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Latest Deadline in the State



FBI Has No
Evidence of
Condon Guilt
Fellow Seientists
Rush to Defense
By The Associated Press
Atomic scientists rushed to the
defense of Dr. Edward U. Con-
don today, and it was disclosed
that an FBI report said there was
no evidence Condon was disloyal
in his alleged association with a
Russian spy suspect.
The chief of the Bureau of
Standards was pictured by the
Federation of American Scientists
as the victim of a "deliberate
smear." It assailed a report of a
House Un-American activities
subcommittee which had said he
mingled with alleged Russian
The House group's chairman,
Rep. J. Parnell Thomas (Rep.,
N.J.), conceded today that the
report had omitted the favor-
able reference to Condon in
quoting from a letter by FBI
Director J. Edgar Hoover.
)Thomas explained that an in-
vestigator had copied only parts
of the Hoover letter, and said the
subcommittee used all that it had
in making its report.
"A further check discloses," he
said, "that while Hoover did say
there was no evidence that Con-
don had been disloyal in associat-
ing with this one individual, the
tenor of the rest of the three and
a half pages is entirely different.
Its tone is certainly critical of
Condon and his activities."
Thomas called for full dis-
closure of the letter by the de-
partment of commerce, under
which Condon works. The sub-
committee said the Hoover let-
ter was addressed to the de-
partment in confidence last
Thomas has said previously that
-' his growl has. no evidence that
Condon is disloyal. But, he added,
Condon "has at least been Indis-
He demanded to Minow why the
Commerce Department "required
until last Tuesday to reach a de-
cision on Dr. Condon't loyalty,
since he has held this highly stra-
tegic position-for over two years."
The loyalty board of the depart-
ment held there was "no reason-
able ground" to doubt his loyalty.
Students Will
Present Four
One- Act Plays
A grouf of four one-act plays
will be presented al 8 p.m. today
by advanced students in the
speech department at Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
"Hamburgers," a 1947 Hopwood
Award play by John Cook;
"Mary," by Margaret Parsons;
"The Torchbearers" (part of Act
II), by George Kelly; and "Death
Comes to My Friends," by Carl
Dollman will be presented.
William Allison will direct the
production of "Hamburgers," with
Joyce Henry, James Lynch, Don
Mitchell, Betty Jane Holton,
George Crepeau, James Reiss and
Robert Hauke in the cast.

Directing "Mary" will be Ann
Davis. In the cast are Betty Ful-
ler, Shirley Kallman, Barbara
Ferguson, Ruth Livingston and
Mary Karoly.
Joyce Katz, Richard Charlton,
Arthur Prosper, Paul Wilcox,
Shirley Loeblich, Ruth Franken-
stein, Earl Maathews and Esther
Stulberg make up the cast of "The
Torch-bearers," which will be di-
rected by James Drummond.
Acting in "Death Comes to My
Friends" are La Verne Webber,
Betty Ellis, Lucille Waldorf, Heidi
Prager, and Lloyd Van Volken-
burgh. Beverly Kroske will direct.
No admission will be charged.
The doors will open at 7:15 p.m.
and close promptly at 8. No one
will be seated during the perform-
ance of any play.

Virginia's Anti-Truman
Law Wins Green Light
RICHMOND, Va., March 3-Governor William M. Tuck gave
full approval tonight to a complete substitute proposal for his "Anti-
Truman"election law bill opening the way for the appearance of
the President's name on the November ballot.
At the same time the Governor defended the "broad objectives"
of the original bill while conceding it may have been loosely drawn
in some respects.
"The revised draft," he saiid,~ "should remove all objections which

could be raised by any reasonable
confronts us in the form of the

citizen, cognizant of the peril which
so-called 'Civil Rights' program of
-_ President Truman now pending in
The new bill, however, still re-
serves to the state party conven-
tions the authority to instruct
electors on how to vote for Pres-
ident and Vice-President in the
Electoral College. The names of
the electors and for whom they
have been instructed to vote shall
be filed with the state board of
elections at least 30 days before
the presidential election.
Even if the Democratic electors
should be instructed to vote for
someone other than the National
Democratic nominee the name of
President Truman could go on
the ballot-but not as the can-
didate of the Democratic Party
of Virginia.
Meanwhile, in the North, Joseph
B. Ely, twice Democratic governor
of Massachusetts, came out
against President Truman's re-
nomination. He said he would
like to see the party run General
Douglas MacArthur instead.
(Ely backed the late Alfred E.
Smith in his break with President
Franklin D. Roosevelt. He also
supported James A. Farley against
Roosevelt at the 1940 Democratic
National Convention).
And in a radio speech last night
entitled "If I Were President,"
Senator Edwin C. Johnson (Dem.,
Colo.) said Mr. Truman had failed
to bring about national unity.
Student Radio

... conducts band tonight
''Band Opens
Spring Concert
Schedule Here
The University Concert Band
wmill launch its busy spring con-
cert schedule with a varied pro-
gram of band works at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Prof. William D. Revelli, hBead
of the wind instrument staff and
conductor of the University bands
will conduct the 95-piece concert
group in the performance of both
classical and modern composi-
The musical bill lists works by
Bach, Dvorak, Tansman, Gomez,
and Heifetz-Dinicu among others.
Some of the more noteworthy
numbers include Gomez's "Over-
ture to Il Guarany," based on Am-
azon Indian melodies, and "Hora
Staccato," a "catchy" rhythm by
A new arrangement of the Rus-
sian folk melody "Dark Eyes" by
The 'University Concert Band's
program from Hill Auditorium at
8:30 p.m. will be broadcast, via
WPAG, over WJJW, Wyandotte;
WMLN, Mt. Clemens, WTTH-FM,
Port Huron and WJALJ, Flint.


Guild Backed,
By Committee
A resolution endorsing the for-
mation ofpastudent wired-radio
guild was passed yesterday by the
newly-formed University Execu-
tive Committee on radio.
The committee approved the af-
filiation of thk proposed guild
with the University Broadcasting
Service at a meeting attended by
students interested in inter-cam-
pus wired-radio.
Dean Barnard, who originally
petitioned the Student Affairs
Committee for permission to start
a station, Phelps Connell, another
advocate, and West Quad Radio
operators Ward Cornelius, Brad
Stone, Fred Remnley and Jim Leen-
houts discussed broadcasting
problems with the committee.
The wired station would use the
Broadcasting Service's equipment
in the General Service Building,
when studios there are completed.
Barnard announced that he will
hold a meeting early next week for
students wishing to form a wired
radio guild.
Members of the University Com-
mittee are Arthur L. Brandon,
chairman, Dean Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music, Dr. Charles
A. Fisher of the Extension Serv-
ice, Prof. Karl Litzenberg, Prof.
Charles L. Jamison, and Prof.
Waldo Abbott, Broadcasting Serv-
ice director.

Czech Envoy
Resigns, Hits
New Regime
seeks To Rally
Nation's Patriots
By The Associated Press
Czech Ambassador Juraj Slavik
resigned today, announcing ie will
try to rally Czechoslovakia's "pa-
triots" to oppose the Red regime
in his homeland.
He said the Czech minister to
Canada likewise is resigning
rather than serve a government
imposed by "duress and terror."
He predicted that other envoys
abroad would do so, too.
(In Ottawa, Dr. Frantisek
Nemec, Czech minister to Can-
ada, announced he had resigned
together with practically all his
staff. He is remaining in Can-
"Czechoslovakia has become a
fully totalitarian police state," the
ambassador told reporters. "Pres-
ident Benes may even now be a
While the envoy was announc-
ing his self-exile, workmen start-
ed moving his personal effects
from the embassy. He and his
family will live in a hotel..
Slavik announced his decision
at a news conference without
advance notice to his staff. He
said he was notifying Prague
without delay, and also the
State Department and the gov-
ernments of three other gov-
ernments to which he is accred-
ited-Cuba, Haiti and the Do-
minican Republic.
Undersecretary of State Robert
.A. Lovett told reporters mean-
while that the United States is
considering whether to go through
with a reciprocal trade treaty ne-
gotiated last fall with Czecho-
Lovett said the question of
withdrawing diplomatic recogni-
tion from Czechoslovakia has not
yet arisen.
Slavic didn't specify how he
proposes to combat the Commu-
nist regime in his homeland.Bu
he did express confidence that
the great majority of Czechs "are
in agreement with us in this great
cause., _
Ticket Probe
To Coitinule
The probe of "bootleg" basket-
ball tickets will continue today
with the Men's Judiciary Council
slated to hear testimony from sev-
eral unnamed witnesses.
It is expected that the council
will release a statement on the
probe after the completion of to-
day's hearings. Yesterday hear-
ings before the Men's Judiciary
Council got underway with several
hours of testimony.
Thus far the probe has resulted
in a skakeup in the Student Leg-
islature's Varsity Committee with
Chuck Lewis being replaced y
Bob Ballou.
-1Ticketss This A.M *
Distrubution of pref erential
tickets to Saturday's Michigan
State basketball game will start at
7:15 a.m. today at Feriy Field, Bob
Ballou, newly appointed chairman
of the Student Legistlature Var-
sity Committee has announced.
Up to four tickets may be ob-

tamed by each student on presen-
tation of identification cards.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
HELSINKI, March 3-Most Fin-
nish Government leaders clung to
their hesitancy tonight about hur-
rying into negotiations with the
Soviet Union for a military pact
against Germany.
NEW HAVEN, Coni., March 3
--The first union local in the
nation charged with violating
the Taft-Hartley Act was in-
dicted here today.
CHICAGO, March 3-The CIO
United Auto Workers executive
board today said it would seek the
formation of " a genuine progres-
formaion 1a g,,A0

Lashes Ball's
Bid for Council
Outside of UN
Charges Plan Could
Commit U.S. to War
By The Associated Press
Chairman Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich.) of the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee today chal-
lenged a proposal to set up a new
international agency with power to
resist Communism by force of[
Questioning whether the meas-
ure was constitutional, Vanden-
berg said on the Senate floor:
"What overwhelms me is the
asking of Congress, on 24 hours'
notice, to accept a formula which
would commit the United States
to war on the vote of foreign
Ball's Amendment
Senator Ball (Rep., Minn )in-
troduced the measure as an
amendment to the $5,300,000,000
Marshall Plan bill.
It would set up an 11-member
"Supreme Council," outside the
United Nations, to resist "subver-
sion" or "aggression." And no
country would have veto power.
The amendment was debated
during a day filled with foreign
aid developments.
Marshall Asks Aid
1. Secretary of State Marshall
asked Congress for $20,000,000 in
economic aid to the British-Amer-
ican Zone of Trieste for the 15
months beginning April 1.
2. The $3,750,000,000 loaned by
the U. S. 19 months ago reached
zero, the treasury announced,
with a final $100,000,000 with-
3. General Douglas MacArthur
messaged the House Foreign Af-
fairs Committee that he couldn't
return from Tokyo just now to ad-
vise on Chinese aid and other
Far Eastern problems.
But he told the committee,
which had invited his views, that
it should not "underrate" China's
Third Part Is
ADA Holds Studen,
Faculty DiscussioP
The third party issue will be
debated at 8 p.m. today in the
second floor, terrace of the Union.
The debate, which is sponsored
by ADA. will present Prof. Wli-
fred Kaplan of the mathematics
department and Morton Rosen-
thal speaking in favor of a third
party in 1948. Both Rosenthal and
Prof. Kaplan are officers of the
local Wallace for President Com-
Arguments against a third party
will be presented by Tom Walsh,
who heads the Young Democrats'
steering committee, and Prof. Jo-
seph Kallenbach of the political
science department.
Vatican Fights Left
---A decree from the Vatican's
Consistorial Congregation was
published today warning Catholics
to vote for only those candidates
who "defend the rights of the

CIO Calls Meat P
March 16, Supply

aeker Strike

If I Were Edi tor!

Geyt Ridi of Your ihibitions, Tell

The Daily Off ail Win tCash


TlE DAILY'S "If I Were Editor" contest enters its second day
with a total of $25 in prizes offered for the best letters telling us
how to run the paper.
BORROWING AN IDEA from professional newspapers, your
University paper is giving readers a chance to "tell off" the editors.
The Daily will offer $5 each for the five best letters in the contest
closing March 12.
ANY READER is eligible to be an "Editor." Telli us what you
would do if vou held down the editor's job. Would you print more
-or less campus news? How about pictures and feature stories?-
Should The Daily take the lead in pressing campus issues-or reflect
prevailing student opinion?
our way if you like some particular feature. Would you make changes
in the sports and women's news-or are they alright as they stand?
What student cause would you promote in the columns of the
TIIESE ARE JUST A FEW of the questions you might want to
take up in the "If I Were Editor" contest. Keep your letters down
to 250 words each. They will be judged by Senior Editors of The
Daily and the five winners will be printed in the March 14 issue.
Studenit Leotislatre Initiates
Revamped Procedural Policy.

Philip Lang, will be given its first
public performance in today's re-
Other works to be presented in-
elude Bach's "Prelude and Fugue
in G Minor," the first movement
of Dvorak's "From New World
Symphony, No. 5," and Tansman's
Carnival Suite. 4
The concert band will follow-up
this performance with an exten-
sive state-wide tour including 30
scheduled appearances.

Vandenberg Hits Anti-Red Pact

Walkout Will
Pinch Eastern


Procedural policy, requiring the
referral of all business to standing
committees, was clarified last
night at a meeting of the Student
Only urgent measures, or those
not irequirimug special investigation
will be give n imediate considera-
tion by the group without commit-
tee report.
Motions introduced at the meet-
ing and referred to committee in-
clude proposals that the Legisla-
ture clarify its position on Uni-
versity refusal to allow Gerhart
De A p e To Talk- Tod aIy
Dean Paul I, Appleby, of the
Maxwell Graduate School of Cit-
izenship and Public Affairs at Sy-
racuse University, former Under-
secretary of Agriculture, will speak
on "Public Administration" at
4:15 p.m. today in the Rackliamn
Dean Appleby will address the
University chapter of the Amer-
ican Society for Public Admin-
istration at 8 p.m. today in the
West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building.
Former newspaper man and as-
sistant director of the U.S. Bu-
reau of the Budget, Dean Apple-
by took his present position at
Syracuse University in 1947.

Eisler to speak on campus and
that Legislature support be given
to the drive to have MYDA rein-
stated on campus.
The Legislature also voted to
send 12 delegates to the Naitnoal
Student Association's Student
Government Clinic, to be held next
week at Michigan State College.
Approval of committee chair-
men, appointed by the Cabinet for
this semester, was given by the
group. The new committeemen
are: Social, Tony Spada; Varsity,
Bob Ballou; Cultural and Educa-
tional, Marshall Lewis and Mim
Levy; Campus Action, George
Gordon and Public Relations, Bar-
bara Newman,
Members absent from the meet-
mug were Paul Anderson, Ruth
lights, Charles Gibbs and War-
ren Bovee.
Dascola Trial
Bevins Friday
The case of Dominic Dascola,
Ann Arbor barber charged with
violation of the Diggs Anti-Dis-
crimination Act, will be tried at
the Municipal Court at 10 a.m.
The Dascola trial will be the
test case of the effectiveness of
"Operation Haircut" conducted by
IRA last semester.

Unions Seek Wage
Boost; AFL 'Satisfied'
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, March 3--A C10
union called a nationwide strike of
its 100,000 meat packing plant
workers today for March 16.
The strike of CIO United Pack-
inghouse Workers was directed
against, Armour and Company,
Cudahy Packing Company, Swift
and Company, Wilson and Con-
pany, John Morrell and Company,
fly-Grade food products Corpo-
ration and other independent
companies throughout the na-
tion. The union called it to en-
force demands for a 29 cents an
hour wage increase.
A strike would cut the na-
tion's consumer meat supply
about in half, with the East feel-
ing the pinch more than other
sections, industry sources sa&d.
A shortage of fresh meat cuts .
would hit the average household
within a few days after any
work stoppage,
The AFL Amalgamated meat
cutters and butcher workmn of
North America already have
signed an agreement covering 40,
000 packing plant workers. qThe
were granted wage boosts of 9
cents an hour wtih the right to re-
open the wage question in June.
Ralph Helstein, President o the
CIO union, said the strike is set
for 12:01 a.m. March 16. He add-
"We are willing to continiwe
negotiating wtlh the compan-
ies, although it Is apparent fron
our previous meetings that
they are unwilling to give any
realistic consideration to the se-
rious economic needs of the
packinghouse workers."
Helstein said two thirds of the
union's members earned less than
$1.10 an hour and that "since 1939
[the big companies have increased.
their profits well over 300 per cent
while their stockholders enjoyed a
24 per cent return on their invest-
ment before tax deductions.
This is a sordid contrast'to the
living conditions forced upon their
employes by inadequate wae
Concentration .
Talks To Begin
Arts, Music, Zoology,
BotanyGroups Meet
Concentration discussion meet-
ings in fine arts and music, and
zoology and botany will be held
at 4:15 p.m. today.
The arts and music meeting
will be held in Rm. 231 A.H., with
the science discussion in Rm. 25,
Prof. G. H. Forsyth will open
the fine arts and music talks
with a discussion of education
values and vocational opportuni-
ties in fine arts. Programs of con-
dentration in the fine arts de-
partment, and professional and
non-professional aspects of music
will be considered by Prof. Carl
D. Sheppard and Earl V. Moore,
dean of the music school, respec-
Professors A. F. Shull, K. L.
Jones and W. C. Steere will speak
on zoology as a field of concen-
tration, the nature and scope of
botany and its place in a liberal
education, and professional and
vocational opportunities in. bot-
any, respectively, at the science
The economics department will
sponsor a concentration discus-
sion meeting at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in Rm. 231, A.H.

Return of MYDA

Snowfall Spels Hard Work
For'IT'City Removal Crews

The snowfall that blanketed
Ann Arbor this week may have
seemed harmless enough, but it
spelled more work forthe Uni-
versity's plant department and
the city's public works office.
Both the University and t'he
city were forced to call out their
snow removal crews before the
flakes stopped falling. City crews
worked on an around-the-clock
basis yesterday, sanding streets
and hauling snow from the main
It is especially important to
keep snow off the streets at this
time of year because of the danger

blade plow attachment can be
The city, with roughly 100 miles'
of streets to be cleared, main-
tains 16 pieces of rolling stock,
including two belt snow-loaders
and seven sanders.
Snow Removal Charges
No figures were available on city
costs for individual snow falls, but
$46,571.49 was spent for snow
and ice removal during the win-
ter of 1946-47, according to
George H. Sandenburgh, city en-
gineer. Twenty-nine inches of
snow fell during this period.
In addition to wage and equip-
ment costs a portion of the re-

FDR Inaugurated_15 Yecars Ago Today

Daily Corresp ondent I
The Daily will soon be carrying
exclusive stories from Europe by


Fifteen years ago today a con-
fused nation watched with hope
the inauguration of a new presi-
Aoro.q ethp. vonty. millions of

"The 'bank holiday' will sound
the death knell for several of
Michigan's fraternities," a Michi-
gan Daily writer forecas.
Welfare Funds Low
U Tmuif m wIfrp m oiIs wprp rm

know what he will do. . . I don't
either," commented Ann Arbor's
But there were others, more
truly representative of the Ameri-
can nbliP- _to them the man was

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