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April 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…LlIje iL. of Am. wrilip. 1tI. -Nq. 1 i C. UNIVERSITY OF' MICIUGAN, AWEDNESDAY, AP~RIL I, Isp)I. I'iiici:, TieeF:eCENTSi. The Nine on the Campus. I CORRECTION. ,1ItO teams5 chosen fromt the cJul11 tendance This Year. dtsfor the \ 'rsits'niine plted i te1 i stra h ted o r1 aimpuis esterilay afternol.f11101D )i-ryetrdy1h ated Illlacews -wenasC2,}.x6.ByiIlii-' e groud NN asicry niuddly ail- iake the senliornmeica lls11w1s sf anid as a econslcl lie...…

April 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…le . of IYU. WALg T T V I.. i. - ). 1 "J 1 . "_ , , ., ._ x _ _ _ _ _ _._ r... _ _ U IVEIlS1TY OFILVMICIGAN, Tl iISi.) Y. AISII. i2, iSto. lPistc, 'btt o,,C E NT S. T[I 6(\_S [i THE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. A Comparison with its Predecessor. O3VER $20,000 TO ADD TO MR. WATERMAN'S tieeieCti hiCago Alumni Heard From-Grand 129091( , has beei lrifiteli rttt a-it Rap~ids, Kansas City, Denver be issued sonietimee text wee. tn ahntnYto Report. re...…

April 03, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…l c , It . of Itt. Vr. .L-Noc. 132". THE CASTALIAN. AVlume of 300 Pages Numerous Illustrations. With U\ IVEUSITY OF MiICHIGA\N,FRIDAY, APIRIL 3, > 91. Scott is a muarchiing song, soiuetihing the Campus in I136o, etc. There the UC of M. does not loveanid des- are over z o ruts ini tile book. 'The tinied to be one (If our favorite sonigs. title page by Freitag aund the dedli- It is to tile air of "Gltory hluh l1 I ators- cults lby raver are exce...…

April 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…of l. alA \- o.. I-N _. .I> UN IVElIISITY OF1i\IICIIIOIA\, SATI DAY, APIRII. ,4 IS9i. I RxcE, lxiv-iZCENxxS. THE JUNIOR HOP. The Most Successful Hop Ever Held. 'lle byofx lintepe pariations forCihe Juior Hop xillii charge, earii resoved i lxmakeithe 110) til yiai thein ost Osuccessfl Ii harationiixnur lbrtbteey tzixNa s inn rexxxxc afi xix 1)111 iheretofore. IlxxIlpis x b-x ternities. Tlix fraterxit1 ies- xre xas follioxsCh Pi, AiixixxD1ltaxxi...…

April 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…l c 46 'I'A- . of Al.k IVor. 1-tiN,. 1:,4. UNrIVERSITY OF AMICII()A , .MYONDAY.1",PIl. , 18 IPi-tcit TutoF, CPi'-t. The Daily Banquet. commtence his trork inniediatel V. the btoard requnests all candidates for The University Record. AVINUx the experietnce of College o ii Iitte the tutu to retttini tot pra ti( lii(lr- Itecord Itas bteni ll istld, a (1 is tihi Vaiteltllscritinly of College St- tug thetl (opttn01011ats 5I ion. I'he ii t fort ae t...…

April 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…i 1 ' LU.* Wail Our New Law Lecturer. UNIVIERSITY OIF MICIIIIGAN, TUI:SD AY, APRil. 7, 1 <>i. l 1ICIttic, TisrF EN'icar. A Conservatory of Music in the the democatic caietndidiate for itresi- i 'lien Prof essor Rogers resit ed . den oi f tiht tity coul wales elected, postid hai Dca an itiftre if)tst iti i thie tiat need here foito~ittlt Illr tt tial f1011ills aetlic h ticket . ctr c Ti it i l t- lltw deatet , hitt fal much i+tai i Iit i c uual...…

April 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Of , n. Wiai p. ai.. I.-ti«. 1:,15. U NVEIZSITY OF'!IMICIIII XN, WE DNESDAY. APRZII. ,tl tiai+,, Tiui-:c:Cc: i-r. t Secretary Wade's lImprovement.i;,C ostuc tol of in taddition to tight ner ao, otiecamiipiis prese nt- - ll iiectioiiof detl -it idi "d aver unatrativeapparane. N-ili the.Bilerii tclitAilarras< ii ieu X ar--n part iof it ii it init-, tl i' l ~tti Iral siatic. iI i i iiiii and l iereriii - r iaeancwttsh oftw n Iii of the icnii i ii...…

April 22, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…~Ij 1I.of , n. Wail~p. Vor. I- * 17 . UN\IVEN"SITY OF 1IICIIICAN, AWLISI)XY, APRIL 2f2, 1 )l. I'ii., Txon-PCE NT ,S. U.OF M..-10;M. A.C.,0O The First Carne of the Season Play- ed at Lansing. le nietlayedt its first ('tote at I'an i Saturday, April 18. Manager Abbot and Co0aichbConwtay took ten men wit thtent to oeet the teami of the II ii ;in 'gicueltural olle(,e E. II.ftSiitht anidiarelpre- itittativ of the It, o1tvtiete the otnly- At the sco...…

April 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…tt* Of Alt. WI hlp. VOll. .- I ;)1,5 U-NIVE ILSITY OF M~IATHUI'RSDAY, -APRIIL 2,)', 18i91. PI'lCEi, TiuisrtCENTS. OH, HORRIBLE.' 1105rling Iron in Nearly Every Stu- dent's Room. are farniers' s01ns, 30 per cent. athtletes, 2 5 per Cent. Sobier, (illict anld studjo 1-., and nine-tenthis of the Senior Medics' Trip. lo-moirrow moI rningt, the Senlior1 MIedics, nider IDr. I lerdmia, iwill 'Ile Chicao is'Tritbitne puiiisited take. a speiaIl train f...…

April 24, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…/773 jc . o ItI* j7j all f vol'. 1<'i. IJINIVEISSITY OFi MICHIGAN, FRZIDAY, APtiIL 2-1, IStil. IiioTtcGr. Plzlc :, C I .N T.S. New Law Lecturers. 11o1-1schools (if that lplacet(iidenii- irks, epresentin' ,the otanufac- tereed the 1ain tip irtiiient of the Ititire ot all kint s oft ion tail steel Ott Kreinr ii orr nI iI I Ine -ecc the haesiii-honse 1ElectricIEngine sCrli)ratiijiiitio the juiiiior clissitwas o \.*11 73,aiIrc i l lniel titi L I l...…

April 25, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…~n. WaiIp. VOL. 1.-No. 140. THE U. OF M. RECORDS. UNIVEI1'ITY (IF MIUJIIGAiN, SATV I2DAY, APRIL 25, iSPi. Puice:, TIleect (boaTs. U. of NI. Records. They Have Been Collected and Au 000111) thenticated by the Athletic Directors. A tOlltliiittee from the board 01 te mcI o directors (If tim .Xtbietic Associabon tl~~ ititilointed before the spring 01 1 01- 11-lI ~ntS to collect alili alttlteliticilte tiltieth rm-orIis of tile 1. of Si. Uftini recl...…

April 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…Vol- I.-N 1U1..LNIX EIISIiX 01F IICIII(_x MONDAX, AUIIII 27, l;1.I 'micE, Tmu ECENTS AN5 TWO HOME RUNS. The Indian Pitcher was Pounded Unmercifully. Score-24 to 6, There wtere abioit Goo at tile fair gros Stuirdlac afternloonto see tie farmlers of the -N,.1. is. "dsoneo Up' t was a ser'tihie ilnlini Umatch.'sWilkinslontand. Booth lifted tile hall out1 to tile track for lo021 rolls, withi perfect disregardt for tile ftelings of tile Initan twir...…

April 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…, ,4c t * of Al.A WA VOL. .-N-o. 14 2. UN\IVER:SITY OF IIhIGA , TUESDAY, AI'IIIL ?S, lIS9l. PICEtu, Titi;E-tCENTS. what's the Matter with the U. of recent iurillber o1 Puck, into the Tributeto Dr, Henry Wade Rogers. M. Yells? i10m1u11 of a youIg1lady1. So that "The Nortlhll siorn World p)1ints- I Several hundoredl coliog yelols, froml o 11.11i' . iil 10k.115 all t1he lealou colle-es o1 the coffinc-rll 1) 101 1te 0 into the 0101iv V1 111 (11 Ol...…

April 29, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…/* ln.Wai Vron . 1-N"Tc. liii,. U-NIVEILI1TY OF MIICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRLIL f:), 1691. Pja'cE, THREE CENTS. Inter-MCass League Schedule. Harvard Recitation Hours. 'Va I~~~ ~ asThre t~i-a rso lr f icasing" toiiier of courses gi Vai s casteamts iot in r1om 1 0 0feredilat I 1Irvardf tolleefits marde waia fisti 91 theflateblif andiif atecr somer m1o01 rcitation 1hours ncessary T'lnineplayedf 6iftitssllii adoptedI ther folfowing1"et temi thfac ult...…

April 30, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…Ij~c Ut. OtT Al, Wai I.-1 -No. 14-4. press Comments on the C. & B. Clubs. 1110 follosejo-' ore s01ve of 111e Ctu11110111 of thele ssupon the work of thle (lee an1d 1>011(0Clubs) "trains as Swveet as the siren 001t0s01h01t1ma(10l losses forget the tilsj~ of t n'n ears of wnor:101- 1011)10,1melodi0es11t0at llhr1)b)ed1will)i 10011 nd leeflnetlss ;(1111)00 as 1010 love an1d11t110pa)r11o)ic1devotion1 11h01 oniy colle1boys diplay-all these NverI 00t...…

April 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…Of A t l. i, VOL. II.-No. 1fI UNIVTERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, FRID)AY, API'L 1, 1--92. PRICE, TH I' ECENTS. Cornell Glee Club. Th onell Clee, iBanjo, all Miadolin lcillbs were greetedi be aI farsized audiencre last evellilg. 'the ialktin tihe size of tile audence «-a lllt i lnde t yentihusiasmll. Six of tenmbers were tencoredi N1I r. tIsoln i HC\-reciing H Hiouli cllore ill tilJaee ~ ~lSe8r- otad.H is0rendlerinig of the jail- aile.'5 part of ti...…

April 02, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…l c . af , 1. 1a lt . VIorL. ItI. -No. 1< UNIVERSITY OF M\ICIIIGAN, SATURDIAY, API'IlE - ,1,92. Geological Society. Foot-Bail at Ypsi. Amendments to the Constitution ot the U. of MI. Independent Asso-- \eslerdalaf 'terno0o0nI r. tuset}' 1 011011row ifternoon at N'psi, 'o, ______ 01 HL I <rv eye nteresling tailk: tiefoire I Iits' loot-ball t tehwilplayit mt ch i Notc s011 i te lltti thGoloicalstity-clon the latest gamte wxithi Ia team f...…

April 04, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…-,Row AN of . lail . VoL. IL.-No. 184. UNIVERISITY OF MICHJIGAIN, IONIAY, APRiIL 4, 1 92. April Law Journal. sty le and would be of interest to the renlerl -treader. ,Professor Abubott Ths \ pili numbser of the Mlishigas ihais giv en the subject of legal biblio- 1,ic'srnaltesirl e hiuats o-oesow.-"raphi considerahie studs andi 'I~h aricls ae b julgeCooeythlossilt, unit the history he has Profsso NahanAbbot ad Hn.givess is tlse resitlt of r...…

April 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of' , n. Wla~Ijj. VOL. 1I.-No. 1=83. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 5,1192. THE REPUBLICAN CLUB. cans; J. H. Adams, NV, I). Meals, together with three (3) oembers E . . rfae,J. R.. Atrneil, F.C. eected by the societs- shall consti1 Large and Enthusiastic Meeting anF.onestiete-3etieIorl01C Last Night. hlnadF obs ueteEeuieBad - ___Press Committee: W.I). Mieats, Tis Ioardt shall hate general It is stile to say nio larger norlmre1...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Ije . ofAl. alip . Votf. Il-No. 1">G). New Constitutionl Adopted 2, 1889. UNIVERSITY OF' MICLILGAIN, WEL)NESDAY, APRIL f, 1892. April( to concerts which may lbe 1lin commnencemeat week. (,ii cdfiy'elaet 3,t'. A1.1(101 s-- asil P. T ,'IC iIf' vi. \mendmnents. -this c ct, to I .. shaill taike eftect is soon is a ttioll I Eliection of IOfthcers. -by the C t iverity Muias Il iestall tie electedi by Ill It (call le amsendledi on lot .,. t e ann...…

April 07, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IL-No. 1%37. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURISD)AY, APRZIL 7, [92. PRICE TEs-;, CENTS. The Amhest Glee and Banjo Clubs. _ Yesterday's Practice. Oxford and Cambridge. ( OF YOUR -- '[le entertaiinent was given by Tile fildig in yestils"P rf.\iegeaiiterestise r[ jgSQIEIY BAr DGE the homne cl)b anti was a failure tie aliesa llcl1te hnjskech of tie growtl of Eglishl~i ii iii r hereaoore.aHrne.s Adanotience finanially Avryi lade nc s ereofreerrnsi...…

April 08, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…je U1. of sut. W1ail I. Vos. IL.-No. 1:ls. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, APRIL s, 1892. The Thought News. porter. So the chasm between edu- and will prepare its pupils for any cation and life, between theory and school its the country, although On or about Apjril 22 tttere wil practice, is bridged over once and closely connected weiths Vale thtrotught CR issute fron thte press intshlis city a forever. Rf.IE. P. its board of trustees. newsp...…

April 09, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…iz~rtlt. of Itn. Wailjj. VOL. IIl-NO. 1:1. UNIVERSITY OF MICIIIGAiN, SATURDAY, AMILI,},1892. The Election of Athletic Association toh room in the Watertni n (ym-ind0( greatness of the nation which officers. nasium. Tthe object ot this is to wotiul be producedi, by joining the Befoe pocerbe tothereglarcreate sentinient anti the creaition of!tw and very- vividly iescribed the 0t ll irfer of the hiisiness, -Mr. Boswen sentiment is a unifying...…

April 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.Of , t . 1a lb. VOL. II.-No. 140. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, APRIIL 11, 1892. independent Association Meetinbt. Ztie regultir'anniilcmecting of theI IiiiejitndentXssoi ation iwasOicalled l to order at 2 ,o Siturilay'if ternoion. President (Cirtiss icailed MIr. W. Ei. {grifein to thetihaii and the .Assoria- tol jiroceedied to passcin the sevcral amieindmeints to lihi.coiistitiu-I .;nWiihehiad ii iiipropiosedi Tice dic sinontevaiu...…

April 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…izl e '.a , n. W1a~ijj. VOL. 1.-No. 141. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIIGAiN, TUESD)AY, APRIL 12, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. University School of Music. ( Cass oti3,nlhours perssweek $25 ()lpeis -onisier Athletic Board Meeting. OF YOUR :iIr1i-sE YPiat,! orlsos erwe.---$ 0Fr the benefit of the Ireaders af Isi-te hThesos is siile newvAthletic IBoasid lield UR SOQ ETY .B DGE IPrivate, lull lioiselesson, ten lessosseir the t-, of )I. 111 who -ire iter-I...…

April 13, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…cIje iII. Of , n. WiaIjj. VOL. l-NO. 142. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13i, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A SAD ACCIDENT. Democratic Club Banquet. cii-ars. -Mtr. O'Rourke, of Detroit, was also given a vote of thanks for This evening the Demiocratic Club his kindness in supplying the mater- Prof'. E. D. Campbell Loses His of the University gives its firstannual ial and his services for the Eye Sight- banquet at the rink, live hound...…

April 26, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…e . 0 , t . alai . VoL. II.-No. 14"). Vos. If-o. 148. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. TUESI)AY, A PR IL I.t20> 159. Pirn ueCNS IiICF:, TI-iI;,F-o CENTS. THE WESTERN TRIP. Michigan's Tiumphant Tour. Dii ctioni li'hian's Base- IBitt termnadte its irst \Vesteris toil, ad wioni tsr itself an enviable rcorit 'siliiga's teamn consisted. of C.;apit oumsimbinsnad Seymour, pitcth- ts rword, cter Jsffcis, i t; ,idt Stiltzer s.S.;Simitrtt . .1 Shieldlii c I...…

April 27, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…t , i r._. f Tj (I te S" Voc,. 144. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN. W EI)NESI)AY, APB"IL 27', 1,92. INTER-COLLEGIATE ATHLETICS. Association of Wester n CollegesI For med at Chicago At (;pica o, tle i ihi nst. wa iirtcicd the 'WNesternInteColle-ia \illetic . soiat ev e'h sitilC5 ofl ichii a0n, M inneisot,\'s :,i n a d te N rtiestrn il croity applied foriiiliiissimiilut %',asI ceiectcd 'li, ceirstitetion drafted cov ers all oar branchsofrll ...…

April 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…bc * IL.of n.I Wai Von.. II.-No. 14-5. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL )s, 1892. PRtICETHRlIECENTS. THMt ATHLETIC FELD. PROF. D'OOGE TALKS. Will be Formaily Opened Saturday. The Value of Classical Education. Communication. To tie V. OF NI. DAILY. ,.rie co-ed" of fte. of M.\l arc Tlie base-ball commsittee anil Prof. At a recent session of tbe Sunset ichasrgediwiths lack of interest in ?tl Langblin lookedi over tbc Athletic Clubt ...…

April 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…Iif AT . a . Vo. II.-No. 146. THE NEW CALENDAR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FI.)AY-, APRIIL 21.r, lk9. IPRICE, THER I: ENTSa. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. '95 Glee and Banlo Clubs. A Radical Departure from Formeri A Full Report of Last Night'a Meet- ixe first joint bulsiiness meeting" ofj Issues. iisx i lii'9cn'r 1c l Iini the S. (.xA.ieiheiirsai 100ms, 1lii. clndriiri'ai0 ppers Tile aihleiciboaridi 1e1t1lst 11 d M r(1dill textforIt10 is 1p...…

April 30, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…tt* / of LU. WaL VoL. 1.-No. 14 7. UNIVERSITY OF MICIUGAIN, SATUII)AY., APlIMIL3li, 1892. Psimp, Tsssttss JC/x'r TS. ROBINSON CALLED HOME. Harness Occupies the Box Today. Those enthusiasts wtho wers e spec-r altlr anxious to see the old and thet sets stars pitted against each other il today"'s gaine, and thus snake the nevitahie comparisons,cwiii he dis- ppoitsted. Captain kohitsosi was is s1expectedi t summooned ]ionic vcs- tcrdai, iby '...…

April 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…r' , r { ,, 4 i r k , _7 i ; _. . - a _ : ' F , , - I - _ ir: _ t z f ';r "c-l-; ' - r I N. or'. \sst. lL No.i~t U UINIVEIRIITY OF .LCIIG Xl, SATUI1L)AY, AIIfL 1,ISf933. 5ssiv(5Nt N T ICHIGAN THE VICTOR! long independent andt prosperouis. ISI1'PROVEM ENT IN PLAYING. !F ftms1fncest i5 5 ttsnTie Later Practice Games Show hie first Annutal Inter-University { tself those fatilities whicihosake it Considerable Advance in the PlDebate a Complet...…

April 03, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…y S h 4 i , py Fx - - . t1 - t la A Vol- t");-). Mci. 111 c. Li 1UNI VERSITY OFY' JIGIIGA-N,, A1fINDA Y, ABLIDE , ISP.tllce c17o(lk I -'R I CE, Tul ,E-i, CENT6. AN IDEALOOATOTO. Gorg cR.1 11 Wendoling Delivers Two Excoellet Lectures Before Lar~e and Appreciative Audiences. '1'1, etuIre tSaturdl''( to 'ii I _) 1101~i. (;corro 11. '('eair', oni"Th ti rar-. Notala 1e 100aver i' 11 11 t 1 2sii '(1 am i n c gr c fcl 1 111. tihey are goern1eld ...…

April 04, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…-- r f row All F , . F 7 ! its FYII F ,1(.NO. Cin UNIX EIISSITY (if iI(JGAN, TUESDAY, APIIL 4, VIP. ilaoF" Taiie] : Ciai-s. THE SOUTHERN TRIP. Seven Attractive Games Rave Sec Arranged--Full Schedule of the Trip. favorabsle snetices free Euroupean critics;. Aperopoes to1 Iii' . c1 et 0111111 5' eeeing, s' sl 11,1nt facts will hie of interest: VARSIT'Y FIELD EVENTS. fden Wanted to Train for Field Day,j Msay 20, and tor thle Chicago 'rack...…

April 05, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…44M .d: . fi a , ;'' ,'M' 'i < + r ('.rte : F . Vol- l l i.'--iN O. 1"' 7. 's1oic. 1(1.-iT,.1l.0.T FNA LA IT1 OA T,10I110AN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3y 1893.PIE hRCNS ERIC E, Tm., -,m CENTS. THE NEW CALENDARS. Will Soon be Ready for Goneral isribtion-Fao'vrof lnterestI in the Work. (11111p1' 1''Iii l I 1' aYIii ~tt 1111 1A l ai1l n"l y-K MEN WHO WILL PULE.. A Hot Contrast Between Lits adi .aws for Oratorioal Assooi- at10n Otfies,. i_ 1( ' ) ti...…

April 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…- ' 1 '. A. . rJ ' J. 1Y { ^a : . ;t w , , r 4 4r ~ 1 3 c c tt99 F' NILt3. i .-i t UI <s1v.i<('<1l" Y OF 71101110 A-V',TI!. _YlLSiAY<, API it" 61, 1>e7< Pto i, 1w K (17 IS. WA I'NER-IA 10NIGH.0 a,.ic11, His Or0che>stra,1 r;<O Mich, and 0r<01)1of iIl th C :_ 1<10CI <1O1 C1-- Kstil Kster. ,i1 WiAciNI-0R'S OP: PAS4 Ao or< ~ PoPints from Prof.; 111111it Letur~e That Will Aid in 1111 <KApprecation. !' £ i 111i01 1 1 K-= <l 1105'; 1/ I111...…

April 07, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…VOL. 11.-No. 139. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1893. PRIE, THREE CENTS. THE WAGNER CONCERT. he(rm Wlns rt.I a LIBRARY CIRCULATION. superbly given. Statistics Made up from Observa-( A Large a d Fashionable Audience O h igrnx oMs Iuh in aea h irr Greeted Seid's Superb I hesise nxAt is&'+c,'insMdea0teLirr Opera Company. f Miss Stein sust be awarded the Last Week. Atargec anti appreciative audience and the bird'' is a wonderfultn edn o...…

April 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…4h /,qqwr IRW* of AT.L VOL. 11.-No. 14f0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1893. PRIC , THREE CENTS. TH ER AC. guests were entertained. The gay THE MUSEUM EXHIBIT, ___ scene wvas illumined by twelve large Noalrolcin fSufdMi HareHomae Pad tothe odsarc lights, and occasionsally, by thse mats and Birds for the Worlds- R eomsic ad otheDne.Go psrotecisnics from thse heavens with- Fi- oMuianthDac. out. The exhsibit in Chicago will be_...…

April 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…Of .10 AL 49. VOL. III.-Nu. 1 41. VOL.111.No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHItGAN, MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1893. leioTr iTS PRICE, TmOKE CENTS. MICHIGAN DEFEATS ALBION_ I such a gathering in this city, and bans Des ffetiv Wok i th ihe so interested Isis Isearers thsat Box-Our Boys Score 10 Runs ttsey will he glad to hear hini again. to Albion's 4. He discussed the freedons of man A large nuniher of spectators, is-an his tendancy to do as tsr pleased cb...…

April 11, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…VOL. I1.-NO. 142. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAiN, TUESDAY, APRIL If, 193. PRItCE, THREE CEN-rs. FROM SUNNY ITALY. teilii caught in awhirliiigsiiow squall.I ORACLE CONFERENCE --lHowevei, the weather Cleaiied sod tilt The Boards of Ninety-five and Nine-- An Interesting Account of Proes- next dy we tookaitstety-ise sile ty-i il etan e"Pit_ sorixKeisey'setExperiencesnten NotenAfiariive to visit the Rton ]Eii sitls it For the Benefit ofOP6,er F sobts Kels...…

April 12, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…n T'Yr ai { .. y :. I l VO.E1-o 4. UIEST F[01 N IDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1893. PRmc, ei, ~e VOL. III.--NO. 1 >. UNIVERSITY OF i1IiCIIIGA , AVI 1 a 1 A GRAND AFFAIR. tesaosapa eyhitt tl THE MILWAUKEE TRIO. ___-lthikseasoatpereere rct.Siow4 Such Will be the Second Ann-ual etik htwhr hr r o The Fourth of the Chamber Con- Observance of Jefferson's fifteein sen training there should be certs Tomorrow Evening. at - Birthday. a least one hsundredl. e...…

April 25, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…,, , . W " m ...:C ti L4.: T, r:.Pl , f 7i L 3 d' r w., r :-::, V(;L. IIL. _ ,.>1I .I NTLSIT 9YCTGN USAA~IL3.f9.Pia ort S PRioE, THREE CE OUR VICTORIOUS NINE. -er ofsan Team eturns from i - _ ut rn"T'ripa.-New Laurels ford Cther;U. ofn 2-bae eo. tase;piteme, \.n1Arbor \-;:. the '. & ..\. ra lroad l rt-s te; S tFrda rthtfithlnst. hied s tenys ntouriof, esot.the-n and westrn states. de party con. sisted of anager CtativeanivCa tain Crawford...…

April 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…ii) 3 t 3£3tU ( ei 5 -4 or 1)-l tiS 31>i; y "s del0)> )- r'a .ROl'! MIC BANQ ETE E in'S k. l tenic.'. l"T 1.Ii 1 :_ )iil10F(1. ..... 5 lo --~--- ________ tiS no ii. 1 iii t - t ~ lon 1310 lo 1oi ,i , e ainoil.i.o li 1hi o o rs1(, i, te iti irl ' lI 0 l( l tin fte lii n;Xi olthc1e i i lp ttroeot I i of says ti nit1 recoj ils givnd in t ll hoo l.V l il1011010 010 5el tlatll~c~ oicrt i1 en das. i~cr wler n c tl('(li-een t i, ld d 0 i)e1)5ttso...…

April 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…_ Al. o . W aig . VOL. III.-No. 146. IN FINE CONDITION. Our Boys Have Good Prospects of Winning Saturday's Game with D. A, C. The baseball team has returned from the -southern trip, and without joubt is in better shape than ever 'sefore at this stage of the season. The gauses played on the trip have been the best kind of preparation for the inter-collegiate games, and the Decoration Day game with Cor- nell. The boys met several good teams, h...…

April 28, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…Alb, i s o VOL. III.-NO. 14 7 . UNIVERSITY OF ,I-CIIGMY, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 189-3. P',Tt sCNS Yxscr, TjijzF,,E CENTS. HONORS FOR DR. VAUGHAN. pseradventure of a doubt, that ARE NOT IN FAVOR OF IT. -- ~~~ptomaines, products of putrefactiou,ThSpcaAprrito frte :;Yichit n's Learned Frofessor Tri- still give the same reactions as osor- Co-ed Gym. Opposed by the Ui uimphs Over Eastern FreFesiY Chemists. phisse. Ins corumenting upo theFrePs. stor...…

April 29, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…e . a kTUTIDAY, APRIL 29, 1893. Przici, THRIIEE CENTS. Vol- III.-No. 14,x. Vos. 111No. 4$. UNIVERITY OF AIICHIGAN, SI A BENEFIT CONCERT. tion prevented aoy elaboration i RIVAL CLASSES TO MEET. The Glee and Banjo Clubs will Give thba fanatatveiorn Full Arrangements Made for '95 'T one Wednesday Night-A The main object of the sociallbittI '96 Track end Field Sports, Good Program. I evening was to glee the nicibters it May 12. N hen a concert...…

April 02, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…1 . o . 1az . Vol,. IV.--No. 1-1. THE TABLES TURNED. An April Fool" Ending of the Cas- talian Grind-box Theft, which Costtwo Students 5 Dollars. "He laughs best who laughs last," so says the Castalian board. Never perhaps was there a more surprising climax to a long standing joke, than thefools'dayending of the"Castalian Grind-box Theft.' All students will recall that about' swo months ago the Castalian grind- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN record...…

April 03, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…c l e 1. Of AILARAB lit 13etil VOL. TV-No. 135. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. VOL. IV.-No. 135. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1894. PRICEI THREE CENTS. AN IMPORTANT MOVEMENT. school; Mr. J. H. Harris, Orchard THE NEW CALENDAR NOW ON SALE. Lake military acadeiy; Mr. E. L. Will Soon be Ready for Distribution. Plans for a Latin and Greek Con-- Miller, Englewood high school; Mr. -Factsand Fig...…

April 04, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

… . a l VOL. IV.-No. 136. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1894. RAH ! RAH! RAH! WILLIAMS!! election of officers for the coming THE APRIL INLANDER The Visiting Clubs from Williams year. First ballot for president, Mr.Contains a Number of Very Inter- College Gave an Excellent Con- Devolt, '95 law, received sixteen esting Articles.-On Sale cert Last Night. votes, while Mr. Brooks, '96 lit, Tomorrow. A very small audience greeted th...…

April 05, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…c je . of AT. ~ VOL. IV.-No. 1,37. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL ., 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. OUR REPRESENTATIVES Marlatt's chum, W. H. Cox, was A FORECAST. NOW ON SALE. one of the Yale debaters in the Har- In the Debate Tomorrow Evening Review of the Candidates for the -Messrs. Mays, Marlatt yard-Yale contest last year. Last Nine.-Weak Behind the Bat, and Lindley. year M r. Marlatt attended the St. Strong Elsewhere. "BL H . o...…

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