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April 06, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-06

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l c 46 'I'A-
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IVor. 1-tiN,. 1:,4.
IPi-tcit TutoF, CPi'-t.
The Daily Banquet.
commtence his trork inniediatel V.
the btoard requnests all candidates for
The University Record. AVINUx the experietnce of College
o ii Iitte the tutu to retttini tot pra ti( lii(lr- Itecord Itas bteni ll istld, a (1 is tihi Vaiteltllscritinly of College St-
tug thetl (opttn01011ats 5I ion. I'he ii t fort ae t, he bo kstores Ito tten leents..haiga ilorge corps of okilled
'-'cii i t 111 i to t1)e t tlt~a (l lilies still it(t it. Itsa o bec lumttinOtlittiIdieer pcal
Sacturdi1 iy t tii 'ti. he y ests ts' tralied lot haiIre an tlter jewelled
ti b-, pu illto keep1 the cIritowds11hot o h fttientit (iir 'i''V titlii'tt oli er so tiolte is se(,drcl
woe. itprtigas e titheet
'Jlire Ill1~l ak he e s 111111 . iIs l(1U t ~ tice i it illdelit- iii 'titt ol's 111 nd ote el ii 11
tIr. (lci.iS.liCurliest 1of1the Cliron-esseile
Memkbrifrst oIfilihelr 11111 ii willb fn d)-~ il I il 111111 o il tl e sareifkll ilsos ti n t re-
'Iik r of111111l0 er1an( repr1 per it ill li e e nl s ciiii st it r1,1tde itluatliiCIlurisie. 111
salsiei Stilteiso'rots kiindtlthtihltrs
lit'- 111 iito uca es onSi thri I IforaNiw (;tnIMal laTalllS, .1"landfvariI
'sen oi llt o rf is iitt . rtiiiili hs 1111 it o iil Iitieual Nois,1Ifaa-o 7 i i li A ne l ti oNi ry
Iarand I ICiiss s t s ii s i pta hr tinbase-all tlllis tii ti 110 oslthesii MAN l'F C --lt.. ,J -- IIS
1cets ret ait tthisro isteliofrosorioi
r tr t~t A.A. atl Ineii rt111 'liet re rsirticn Rknoceii T"'rhol- Dricettro1. 1'h Mat fur our
tct ae sti itlisrrs o whalitis wi esary tsli ii r1r1(1 a r- lll''Wsofgeaintrsthiil i, ___-CL______L?_ __
rll ys t rtgtet1anit heiry eatilr ia1ii1ti et f the ng , elud s te tord ofthe l etetli r S ho 0 'IJY'
Citnitictets atte.ithere otetintscItsaitll IoIlaseGerallIartil 'lendsIassociations 0IT
tvlles to rtaeliccisltaolalyth I )xiv'.tnc rrt h ~ ~ rceteoii e rhsittt
IAe cohrmtistsesiraasfoppotsnted to K-lahoraitor adLtiay ni ro e Centuhi-esiy utA ttrD
Scott ave sme reScienceess.
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ga li i ~ IliI i it i l esryiltoutda lit rd~leto arshipisfrep aiekrtiasdlie- E N G L S H
ealrl ecdays iat ihes, ivaeirs ii a r e- itave it iroprV t rrof t li ii rllRugoblyii I iirr
cIire the tro iempArgofii -h imsl rtnt lss t llt ao dc TenInis aisocirathos ir d sre ek ( oitt oaitil e 2) s1iitiittoal ha p. T( 1\ T e 0 h&
th r to est b ishtt at d at ilylii'r. St r neir oiii t c oih e A . .itd pi e ii' r i ti e ( h e a i gi nl relsop rh es i(to)P r aiost e e a o lo s - + + - - a o a o y a d i r r , a d rec n n v r it u f t e s
'i .o IlPof.h.cs cothGenimttiriiStol for tilhriiiliteirrbliais'byilesiici ftela- 27.SLrI ~ r
F~tt I assn -sartil l-- - ---------------O . vatiilorlandlalilrl
tile iii~ We a rs l rrr inso f rec it il uaprtstrets Inithlc a rtmti ntirktorwntir s h 1of I'IIiL iI4
I le grsossoihr herf Iips, itiiiia sirilei1irihacr, isl iiiatstEiNtiGcLtetit o
al i Uii I I-Au o f ArStt mIr foirso ti ygic cripIr tio fa t ur ellClorsege E G ISE G
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Ta eske tr itruigiiic tiiiee t he ol tin Iftie s Ito betirs t c a reflly dsrbd ad epand
the lternt treatd uof l Inf <<G lSepIDtTLOJnEal
- -R--I: I alp hStiey 1ttei 'licatlthe IirrhheArlIln er.aniewii o
T"n s + + G O $ Tl viieu-kn'trsintihe ing of itslriret., otte Twoiif the leaigi nscitrte- C e ia aoaoy h colo
'Ik U' ofH. ~aly - J. 'rt r s hr-w i lie rcof. cr tiieiDewn 'le o.P a iricy, landaniarnoncliettilf
TecSithe l-s e lisiesigip yI.lkbigo yt o ict epiitewr. 'hc tilleottl omrosIirltg ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ "on
cot Th fomr wl giei-Ithi eondpti M dcl Colg N LIH SE G
r'eIn an cvr. __H S ho a e n-e thcini lee' 'ilsp f o pe r theandcstaii a g h e of O t- .
" 'M e emrin hn o innvel 1tSiit and praticl. Pzl tenn s,swhili r
rae tal ati the toastsl ret fTh or o C Tand - SE
' nP seri ined 011015 -- --Rapf o ne- ,Egiveisnaet l e schoolhe situ-a r eain T e Ar i ncae fr ight A RI
"'hr' ogietn ui'' atoe ahnts ftw e N miletfrnthtae pgs rf ele otiue a i l " . .
5e andofClueDsilk pages . T(fits iter inuticeronf"the IMoader-__TY A
ttiie coer ere he anic Ctu plai"Theeinethioernteparmofn
printede t pnte X'otk. icingoofiRonie." Mr.1I. K.GPond,
Thet ome Occihadesomedidotheatmftending cnooulssworeccien- long stcory uentid l"ThequMystr
etitriein ofir-casastyle le fr ainfon-ihrPof hse fthe fiit'n sotiswill aC e of FCn-L= E
nque wasa prnouned scces, ' , (rest ttere adeirso(eItianer.h
Srvd ca d ifTte l the is astsperou e is Ena etoeng hNo s Tsiteu-r f usin h gt
mteaftwereasritehasuben this yel-ae bu ares. PCy fJ K.setinc n riAleaner 'H= -
lh, anq bue will unds.Oubtedyhe tSotymiisro Lae1
Shdeananulmixur.alnthriayor.hericpardsoiiintisestigivestsome onnthreMti erg-inforni-
navedeveryr interrintedige nampsrewottttioinf onme.R"ssian 1situat ondihT,4 L S N
of hegust. esss.E"Ste nd Amy hored e eo an.iert inard KntalatnsdofthesUhavernottouhed -
A. A. Dir te Octs'Mentid heattnihMan o btWa r." eve uon. "'oryientitlgeofNorboia"ystr E R I -
Tate execuitiecbards ofte.TltefAnmameondmeont ethro f. e ycnsit- finihedLinht(Isi h issu e.The nl-A
anq uet w as a lionow asuadodteduw hereby t e of R et t h e n an e s o h n a d r n f T r D I Y i s p o p r u n i e r n o e ." w e der "E v erysi n M augts n + 3 O D A D A E U
herecasr scitorh aas ntinlstySatr,'technic.illebeesentdreeltoaever
Orday Te treaiorer rliorle. tEngi eeinggraduthe Ewhon rillIhsng ino' ~otistesa
oh nuthal nd ube furneSoishyliesocFiea tyw ihisadss. n sounetgveomexcneetingly nf[reaalm-reot'yr
mare Mr. Cnay, rf smetture.Iavangst r erreystngOvaer foty ationsfo"the Rusnsitatin" by iPro. TePd 1LI ATC$
Suitable-asSme av Dedgproniise oil oar enaadotrshvnttuc d
p.A erson, rsmetballgcoach. rih ea on, 'ba ben lete Sott,"InTheKnebris" rbnan "The
anasersAdbota illsrobablytoaTmastgnerswthe bo nutte maBe heMauemsincaludweltrTans-

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