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April 06, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-06

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onght to make every possible effort
0""J 'f to hase her representatives hold the
western chamnpionship.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Cutiege year, by Tile addiress by Mrl. IBallenger, of
THE U. tf M. INDEPENDENT A8SOCIATION, Clil ago, liefore the Religious I icr-
t society,. Satardav venriig, wasj
Subscriptionipiceg',5 pryeariussb, iii lltsfldei
inadvaniccudSitl ies; cet's. nsaea
s'sh'ts sit Yst csl iccic news sit.nd eier'
ei at it; ois''cloct hi' is pt'ss [cia'sbe l \o'rl( an) -it l cial til o
Mocks, ati iii 'ii u at cicitict's rwtta ha ' 'a l liii s<ir lissdatsc ssii
ci the esdiitor
5'c itiiii'tis iciiii riib lt li i ) i P i Nu Hllai) ;
Cutciicisatistn s i olirechtheli siiis s I. (
Addretsstill mtier81stedcdfrpbiainoh a~gn ~io.Allibtc s ci - -
cainhold e t' tt ihr usnes5 - BUSINESS LOCALS.
ac THIE Ut. of 1. DAILY,
Offer live tuons of paper of all kinids to be sold bcytlte pound at regular
M til (rates. 'ry sissr (rowen Insperial Linetn atz25 censts per
ipountds. Itiondl Papeir, Thsesis, and Typewriter Palper at
(;Great Btargains. Enselopes to msateh lpapper
at greatly reduiceid rates.
C====_2=T c& 00C,
aia,, v Wj ~r~i .i [No !(- s ''s'ci-td in tciii'. c islum a i lti' c'ie
A nArbuor, Mich. sf5lU ces'sI' tiri ie. Spei cirate ifc l;e r
tieans tiis i si ii lw t)N5aplin t sCi
A. cc', 't' si x.i'91, - c it ssiss i tor.1111
Bah C ' I I. 11, '"9i, .Assit. ciusss'ictIliss' liii' ioe t I . 0.Basibert'S~ots. L 2 I I_ _
HA cI SON ,'92, (cit.t. 1 isgiig tit scc' Spec ialt ratisrSni or'lii'tsit tanltlits. L-S ..IL ~JsJ __
J.C R VS, .'92, Ilsiss c isiit siIIiil cesuisCo l a d sio t .J isl iiiS, sate St.
ii. 55ti silst r}, ,'li t. s issctc Stut (acc ( it t little I'.of A . btttiisto ___t__L (C
C.' 4. V 'li s i, '91, Asii. i31 ti is a' 'i c eil'.t ils. fllit s llii st orec. lit S.
r:. Mt. tisisissice.'9li. I,. 1. A .5 ti. t te ctrsct.
H.I.l!w:s 9. I. S>werI , ics . '9i:.. tc 0 1t'it' iscttc 'S T
(a. L.55. >.1 .;i L it c>s N"isi;>, The i lor'isi . f l.i....
5. 18 i lii.. i. d s.l" i tstisi iiis t it'I Imo. ("l.f:ci11c, Ices.
wt il'ciilibe (proiducedl it the Opeci -
scIII tic adeiiii'.miiusi calisim itschandiseg
A i(c li L Ycitscit xlllili i expetiti sue v
her seeld ihe le t i t gs i l t his I
1(1' il;\c'e\I{:1('it iuF! iic\ o' It. the ba ltn c sfti s m
x'h ~so c . o i. p iciecs W 'tio l t ,e N it=
tisuilc'' 0c.stingis s l t 'cttsn Itcit . sit
115 i' 1pa tn'1t o till c' s a mv lticii p it S o.iss's I t h A p i g
exicet tests lit.sit sitirstsp cii is sw'
ic ri ccc l Ii s t oisit ll tit I oficsis iti ici i li S i itit tir
Illaticwsichcctm'crtiit(itilsi ~iis sn(hit
I IIU\ebrhpindbytepicplt i c's ce1 5 ' I iis ]tii(ti isis i on f tiiilne glot il'ik ts t )t'
1,,1 o . itl e - p iit ils i u tg ii llpis 5O FIES
fsets wassmae r s t o i itlsinch'io i itt itida l stil sic0 cc, 'isi set' Ti et itig- ,
lo rwone hcari dtttt t 5511 eactrois ilct c Iit(I 'isretiurto i ptic- 20tsi185 1. - ciit
interest in tennis. The co~l ~ iii'tcc sund e itsiof nh (tcs it Istibti TE C E S R NTOUE
le iiii iir ete51lltc cc i n icis's)('csscss i teit "',A" o'stccOtSCiiii
sc k o n esnstifa sh s i (itch111)'oitt h tsbe st's us }taien tso
donti owards Cict ii it ii i I i lyth e grac iits-si ictsss Ofi hemi-
up extr courtsItheit'ic cci' It. <sti i titi lss 5 utsC
It is l s,] ime thtc simcec.riviciiionc'. o epeateddtc on er5 t ive °ltA~ R S.C iia O
b maefretactrs ron _ocetsccs. t FortSC.,tW nte- eteost Mich
thisbetiofiisrkin everciveli nIChc
Thit wiire sAngi1,fc(2IurgQ G -Voil
)ia li'ls isci'iiiiiii 1iiW cipo l ) 0l ,oltil 1A nprng t h
tistnirs hr[ii i 7ictrcIci iFor'tcTfl r Q TT 7 T Sth.,12Wst, -lDti t. ih
iieibr u fii tthessc ae rs.;k iio ilflte S li liiicigtiits-'cgscs-t-s it- ra d pe a jo
t('11(itiiiialls(1sn(,ittotle-thiritthaisiisc. ( (st/"'firiI'
eoris. ca e liaccoic oters iarsw t1c, _____
Me'iiisol (se t id f1 t iCo et
tisetcv ortis .si io!ci iasicu' tsl(s C HIiiicra, D t') rsgstitl',EO '..L J Ib i
(In gassitcourt To i arfoth 'n r lsero ti e tstotey s l7'ssistall[fr V ' T 1L c 1L tIIA
,tso selct (,sho~uld er, A. is lnssnte tgrlthi, OidC oto otisiei iftt setartif Sct
tise osutitg slosencontgs or ets to A C'McCLU DT Q1' O.13W 1'1N-T
tha ounestl, Codd MillerhansvoesicS.( randi.QCAY rics 5 0andt 7 upte
may praesttientnis.ayrih e Sp ial CHiCialdsgO.scetseniiteatPusufle NwtStnG
1 IograrmSaturdayteatty "statione.y,.
Yocfid(sii fu1Pll 1Linc of
Fine Furnishinlg$
A11"T IIA2'S-
Adler's 1(i(1Cloves,
Pterrin's KhidI Gloves,
HIalflHose ufata1rgil
Made lo Order auid Sati'sfadionl
P. ji. L E1w USOPI
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
T11. T'i'iacs i ' ingint c et o d13,1cj 0
it. Pleast icc s Se ......... Ii
se. It. tiENNETc'l i t 15.6RE NN. 0 )
en.ss.c Apced. Loc5 acCget

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