superbly given. Statistics Made up from Observa-(
A Large a d Fashionable Audience O h igrnx oMs Iuh in aea h irr
Greeted Seid's Superb I hesise nxAt is&'+c,'insMdea0teLirr
Opera Company. f Miss Stein sust be awarded the Last Week.
Atargec anti appreciative audience and the bird'' is a wonderfultn edn omadcasfctn f JAdJ~I~
greeted Aitois Seidl, the greatest picture. Siegfried hearing the birds laes uigtewe nig DTOT IH
lsvnugWagner interipreter, as e singwishes thatleumiglt runder- tint i s8 wsus isfollows:
came forasid to direct the Tanhaus- tanci their song, 'ad tliniks th't by tii ni sioe ier'
cvrnwt oun.r. Ie"n.eroverture last evenings71 iii ciii itiainthe song on pis 1h0rn11It Literiar.... ? 'I e.. i} al 11cvringvn nnma eoepsil o i oLw..... 20(
as the "ai smsecision,"develops a't do s ebr s sin"ging Seg- Meicl ...ii ~
lengtoh te I 'no iii isand irep-I fie s't history 'aidithr'hisiory Ihums (aic..tir'
De i t ml iiI.
resents a perfecltiih cin ofiluptuous o f lihis cestois. After the srugle iimsme
excitemen~t aSveiitaibisecmi se leIwiihthe icsragoiilirouihts titng its ligh Schol.. 1Jspr uaiyouhubas lo eudesad l ha a colo
stebrbiisic sl iits it bi shs beesnI iiilr ti sl t t bustSoihnthe oof itlina vs snueitss rr iiilanisic
sun ii tit.ui.th titilin1VathanrAnmaArimm
tebilany eehpecil mlId i5lii s~it th](ise-I "ii Shn'Ani nUries ansĀ«i frev aaiuse Sm
'sirinsgi s, tie xqisie t ropicia~l msoimes in hech iestia
Cilnenent of the syod swind" werec ' oemronful fuiscia'I iiissic thsa ultl .. aAh lGi
asdmirably mdislayedclin tlis sleciiin. "segfres lD eathi lasinciecibeen Thle largest inuber of svouiiisR A H
Scul is a mgieticispring misn- scuned. It iresis a naicliswlicih druwnison aisyonue ciay sv's SturdaI 0, 113185 iv muusln Ar.,
lsctor, nd islireainmgss reveal liis is at thecssae tiiie u funral ortoniwhesi69 weredurusn. 'soisdly, j 1)1 T, - - MtC1IAN.
issellhectuaulity No onr run coisdusct foi thiemiuscl is mde uisofottypicasl 917' I sescl" ' it iWeniesilay,
the great svuiikis which seeeonlte uoies lhSutrusis, the wolesiIfe of 462 Thusday 3,,;IFidaX13i l iniond 5 traign1 Q .
pro "r'mmme last ei'eninsg shoiis not'ihe rdad herosSastuday, 609. lissduoes smt gveOlGA.
ass'asteuris cverysnsessof tie word. the lis crMaienscn1fomut 'loc uuer of books i ir r r _i'uAmRri' iuiTEvS
The un"Prelud"Lhtsc tatPasiflsas finey' our'.ts"nun'r culationsmsinus"'1cmthe fuel thuat ooks- itwiainmile -
bi fmusssialItruicry, wsi"nmimossiffiscseultsci make i sell snih are plaed otidesthe I i""m an i s .or siae is'
wih etdeliacy ii st Ic ITheimpssibletohidhimit t inc.,sbsuta boks onIPsyc holgu hus"" iii mearut'
s eblneino h utetwenmos e rfeesc uusic tics 1ccl Mtics iou case 0Alsithescvric hurlm Is II
Isen and' F,'ust sa , mprepsaiedii helm a's''r''cen ci nve uehitnd eculbook s h smish cre Iplaceniliil st Feisi "s "u~msmssuei'
Isis ,.H iss fJich' t i ph ini "''sa' s A l' n ll\ i s te mus' s upieb 'aliove for' Ihe"usecocit hesi>3 m iis inIi' iiak'~' iru .i t
Ihucauisi iss Juci is oneofIte concetee e1e hn_-i ro sutisis ' < rc hi the
Ei euest icoial itists sir hiv a tus an irsiitliii mimul Iurgrnet (L ii Las t Y ars nbiam ln Team.in's isarmu. nm'''
stume andii slit'rcuiseid gensuicti- ves' 'ra sol rcmeaqamiantdu"l I" h oa ,lla
tisusiasius lst eveninug. withuretpsrsentaivesworkhaof thmc 'I clcip thinfllwig usiaga I
Tis utunsanmItsolde issstl rumn-I tesI drrumaicitgemsiiisusce fromiuthe ColegecV ces epasrmnt
sinertuoneoutcf lthegreaest, if sot Shiaespea recistrprtdt by such u of Spading's Baie hll G uite fos
thegreaest of Waguiem s muks rareins cluhucicr su sAnston Se'scll 1'931
Islde's Lasent stnduDeh poi rtcaiitine of the MitchiganUnsh ieri0
slit grief of Isolde as slitfmds Trs- at, a~'s Gme withs Aiomn. nnsitriumusphs initheirMayluy l Iu
tandin imnore perfetlthiaswordisI thittailtsas thiir victory' oer te
amiiitie effect is over'eringc IThe folowiii etuai ale nine, uat Nwvtavcnu on YPlay
cialy' to thocseswho (y' ani mimhus' ' 'in atins'orier forStualus '-6my hConhenuiitheyg wsut on esys3t
semIquatmance iwithitiemusic calm 'unme ithmiiAlbions t C hok odCaubichg aueitBoers.ic AtmIs
hreciate tie sonderfsulhwevings'iu thj ie 'thleticn Cabigld'Crawfsrduic Cabigth c dyhe1ih-I
sether of ltheidetas.Itich, 1. f.;Spteri s. i. pprsoni ganers hunchto sisbmut timdefet SbhyI
Tist Meistersiuger 1 iuuuete re- ' r. f.;SmCIttecs er, zb.;Jfrs .;4 to ,hilgihansi li hms'i nt I__________-_________________
vetaledl the punrly nielodie sne of I Ptausoss , b;Sitelds c fhanks Codd. J IN C
Wiagner; thaI is, menody isosmsec-andIMeimhesussp.; u sbs,sRussl, 'e.siiiamCmiesiysmi IN C N
what conventionaI style. n elim tmy Seymour, hymnmman XWcntwortisAh.rbr vu hecunusshM ERC AN
'ilo h esenclee i 82 y agluer'ssmunsic is nothing but nel- I Senmestnader Sitherlaindhahrv fheevseaties nmhi s
ninty'.It i s ris i sitloi 5 Pi atseok om lst m~hlcie 1ith I defeaingthe uines of thlim er isits
meodies are so interwvoven, that tierllng ml and iputin uis in rt-class o micnisheolColghnp
mimressionu of those lstenng, to lisicidlms iacsbcvo i ersity of Illinois norhwstelrn 1TAILOR1~
music for the first tiit is sinply Isecond, and thirdibases, such short- L'iivNrily,(Ils' ' Colegeaur
thaI of anaaetsoessl. ~~Albionu College; ansd they' mae a ANmmi u~ u m
5l0 hae btiaclare of5ras aadfine recordl against the eastern co-
The Grand Scemne of tie Wal. sod, and the field takes onanoehgsfosMya oheirto '~T IT O S
kures sas a wonderully ivid pit-' professional air. Somec good hit- Day.
ure of the characteristics of tlese ting, base-running ansi fieldinmniy - 5W O ''ST
iarrior maidens. The scene repre- libe expected. Everything points to The Athletic Association's annual ~ 'r OETDI.
sets the gathering together of a nmarked success for the first game meeting, Saurday, promises to be
Btrunhildie's sister Waikures to shield of tie season. unsusually exciting and importama.1 Detroit, Michigau.