o " az " Glee Club and Hop Tonight. SPRIN G STYLES, 1898
___A._ sliit mistake was smade in
Published Daily (Sundays exeepted) during yesterday's Dlfl.v. Tickets for thespse s a yhnuevesownsin the SIOE LINElhere 'ifire. Ria,.'u Tans, und Paunit
the College year, by concert tonight are to be reserved Li tl sirs.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION at Wabr's, on \lain street, instead - afI =
Snsc-rpiiisprice $2.ss per year, invariably of at Moore & Wetmore's. Tbis
is dners iniele copieas 3vents. Subscrip- wittllbe the only concert given by SlD'sIloe48 OUH ANSRET
iasmay be left at the ofince ntthe DAILY, te lub hs erinAnAro.
osat Stosl~et's, wtant asy iofthe ediitos' lss oireri A nAbr
rtshorlued souictitore. The seats are rapidly being sold, ('+krdi
Comimuications slioulidreach Oheisffite by atad the prospects are tlaat the gaiter- 1rii
a ociock I'. A. it they are is appear the eat wilb rwe oih.TeSHRIJ G U T PG . 1
Jay. Addrest all mttier intesiied Cr publies- tes wl e eade.oigt b
,ion ouitiAasabsal"ditorstatllabiie uss-gymnasium presents a fine appear-
ses sI aneper. ance, ant illii be a nmodel place for 21 S. Main Street. WIAGNER & CO.
THE U.of X. DAILY. siuch an event. PTse concert begins_____________________________________
Ann Arbor. Xinh.
promptly at 5:3o, and sdaticing at an. 1 -- - Y TOLEDO
EDITORS___________ t ir-
E.J O i'5 ia9-I,'Si lant iiig Ediit.
.I.D.Stsr a ;KLai.r'93, ssistant.
55 H, 'sAN s L'isi413, Asitaiisi. ; iy I = - .--"-- ; 56
;. vi0itiss . . it.,lBtisiness Nasinger. tFyTp r l i A a 5 NORTH MICHIPGANI
1. i v tI ot, saint i94,Asisats ? i . rRA/< I LWAY. 'tkkH. {LA (T7r i
. tTwe,1iit, .3 )Iro . 'aaard ~i, 1 i ltait lttitay, iiiiiii'9,iI :
l o i .K ol,1. i }Ii)i .. I)cii riiieo' illstat~sisi irtor.
II.B ai n ot H laCsN Siii''a, N3. ( l)[. 11(V Iis tat ?its rvst C't, t l' -
l~r 1i l !I .I.A i-it 5 .1I ilN7.It' is te LEADNGS CH en OOFBSINES. Stan-
'5 H. Blk-, c}:isi t 1,W:P i' . IN.J.,.. st of iic't biidiing i ne ea chitiers;li~aiiiii'atten acit'ai, tit'
No m 1li is's,'6 ' ,.ti K.IaSieseati. ':. aoo i i its";siiperirsaark; sell suppiied eeadiiig a 1 Stiiii Iaiea s
Slitiet Si't'ai~tstl. Hrsfod's Aid Posphae. oeoi,5daily itcutrssa; baiturdy eveaiiig receptil
iyesaaettiri'AcidiaiPeeaaleailaieate.entNai. it. l'aass AiniArbor ecm'rii.. 00tnoo
THE R~apiesiaii'iau.de aii; aiioethiaid geadutes alltseroposaitons; Na. 3. SlMasi 'iand eaeiap.al~'i.
" iTriageapensea a2.aaat.t5perweehiit pveisafai- assINGasit Is.
ya't liavi- ueid it lfir Sev eral years, ist i-.Pe s ass'N iCAAaLGUE aadLit, attudenis alia
siiiT ; O ly in iay prtacticeb(nt ini syon t i- tnaepasiioaa feosaw'etoiweekl,adidresNi2. a. ussil nd iaeii ae' . ....1> . iii.i,
slvilitl lSP aa~leiiiie i tili''ilP. a. CLEARYPra. Nao. 4. lui 5an1 Expiress .... . IIi
______________ase,_and__consider___it_____e___all__ No.i6. 'Toledos Atesii i is .i. . ;oia. iii.
circiumstancees ote of thes best iierv eCetael Stiaadie s.
A EYN It I issauc of the I)Ii r tisics thatte is iss-s. I'or mseintal ex- F $2.00 $3.00, $4.00X5 *Dasily excepit Sindiy.
stated the aiimbee of studenats in htiistioni or overwork it glves renesa ed flI'T'saints'land it rain beitweenssAnssi'Aram!i
sls'asgtlsanailvigor to the pintire Sys- I' IFirst Class a anl nii~itedin 'tleda sl aily uls eassesiSunas.
the denialldtepartmentt to lie II3. It tenm.'N I Every Way. Otherstrains sily ass'septsSuasy.
sihould hauve been iSq5. A nost excelleiit tand agaeeable toniec E I WFie . 55. BENNETT. IIR. S. G1155N55'tOiti.2.
- tad appetiser. Itiioiirishess aand avig- E D tyI0 Fener fl ee. Pass. Agent,. .oal AgeAt.
Es vita nienaber of the lhti is ortes the iredl brtin and body, imi-C O P N
board muist be at thae office thais paurts reljewet eaiergy atillvitallity,aiid 4 aterooNtJ445 Themeein i enivnsphefuntins
especially implortant antI tlaeattend- Descriptiva'masphilet freessn applications , ___SE toi'.l E~Sbs
Ruamford Chemical Works, Pa'ovj--AES>(I. t1NrFR
sace of every editor is necessary. daneRI.
ToE unit gives the Inlander do: tsttgt ait'ile ai salalsst A.C Ssldit & Rio.
served lpraise. It ut~loes, as aia ex0 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Is>11~ Dilson,
apeof the excellence of our versa, H N YH U(z c 111 .1 ~~'fe.'~' l/'id//t ac °[(Co
the recent posems of Mr. A lI. E R A G
'1'e, aches and alt Giar Bnjoo and Man-aiu ,L oTllis a d
I tlnsrs,enititletl ''Iar i'retly Pace.''a dalis.Siil tiWE1/s"t ;Cxft~s ~iai 'wi e s' s
WEi a are askedtioi call particular It s Pii all G00dS.
attention tri Ihe Ileeting of the 2] Years in the Business. lollat~s lbi om2, CT A N R , 1S ZI~I1E1'1
tomsorrowv, beginnsinag at 0:3. 'ile M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fnurth St.
pirogram will ba found elsewli it re. ANN ARBORD I RENTSCH-LER,
All studensts atadIprofessors S ii in- Qti 1: ot
viel Inoiii'presenst. 'ahe nieetings ... 1 TT2AUA 71 TTTT.1P 0.1p h'Joto g cpiher,
kill ibe itt tnu~sual mtest asad
ptrofit. ___ ____
Tttc game Saturday at the Athletic
field pronsises to be a good openinig
of the seasosn. The Albion teant is
repsorted to lbe unusually strong
this season, andi aill tdoubtless put
tip a goosd ganme. Osir satn are
equally aell tiretparedrtoIs smake the
gamae isterestinag. A large atten-
stance should greet thae teana on its
first appearasace. the large nttmber
of good bome gamies arrangesi by
Mtanager Cleaveland ottgbt to be suffi-
ciesat inducement for at least aono
studesats to btty season tickets and
shaowv a practical appreciation of thse
tse enterprise putt forths to make tlae
season a successful one. ILet tbe
games be inaugurated Saturday,
witha big attesndance and equai en-
9lf/ti' i
IP. rrf
'h' li io
11"aduasd dir ad State SireaI
23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. ! t raNt: 3551JNi lliUt)\ Tt
NOT ICE.-toi('attNSGLA"IND OE RA .1101SF.
S~t 1)--v'S AsisiAstbsit sine Ni_1it i~a a.
usl istizes ' Dorntiit't isedoti ofitownfolasDAYEassN site 0.
i'iisstssaleniyou cansget j fit s gooat . ONDAYEVENING, ARL1
Jaoll' Eso's. sWe doni't ehuge rs tye u -- -
give 'issittto yulan ttiatisonas f.Hotan lw lao iROfCE I& 5's-Ni, t
Statediuhsa l o fte dy anInigSt.I IL 6D/JF3B
R , . J L Y & C . o 6 S t t t e t S C LUHO T L U N C H E S T O M 'S V A C A T I O N .
- 5 Viititiariintuicti al 'Comedyl. New'itustis
And the vary choicest Candles Ncwnestisa. IsinAs.'Ar'i.hight Wit.
-A -NoveltIdias. t'tnssfsis'\11.
43si lt(hl (isnt. Prices; - 351 50 and 75c,
Cycle Emporiam, 11 W. Wahtngtos Si,