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April 03, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-03

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l c , It . of
Vr. .L-Noc. 132".
AVlume of 300 Pages
Numerous Illustrations.
Scott is a muarchiing song, soiuetihing the Campus in I136o, etc. There
the UC of M. does not loveanid des- are over z o ruts ini tile book. 'The
tinied to be one (If our favorite sonigs. title page by Freitag aund the dedli-
It is to tile air of "Gltory hluh l1 I ators- cults lby raver are excellenst.
ah11. one o(f tile ibest marcing itunes , Mr.lTraeri Irviou s to tis vn
lie (next piliciationl to apear "I cicr(littn was uniknolwnlas a ldesigierofCus
tile Ii~ieI~ii~leits.ofrtiefcliusso
Casta\liitainuoilthe 911111nuallii publiiishedtle ut
9111 iteisther oliiiiiaref mci ecFat- 1 butii Ihis elils inltiliiapeaedis
Pages a~~soii s tst iti l ii W hi Iisictrl ing B oy, by- 1.1 .It ii crs t 1 ri l. ti one ofhe aruti
f t sialuofgeeofaver 10li
tela ey lrktiai. ol ic Iely aii-'in on y :.I'.hleaethe bs hoaofitrve ipeared,9.ut
Pagesi livnlinhas a very, subsatiantiatl andlict
t4lper plortioni of the front coeis
Printedl the title iiin otiiiiienial" Strauis LiTe pies b 11 .IFici- 1doni,1busiess matiayc i arNI iciitC
l vie a ah idoftieltclanau lier ay rcerivd hloiior- B. Cook, secretary:;IClara M.Ni NI
aplaced representations of Roman ablel menitlin fromiithe iiidges. NIlMaryC. 11u11tir, Sallie . ISzol
Cois eaingth nmbe o Ie here wsere tiolns 4,'"G11111N itt"HB. Shioeniaker, l13.i IHamond,
Clss arllg.the Museroftlcby M\airtin I). Atkinis, anid "I ancc - . .Cheever, J . loss nhaupt, 991
There is iin the Castalian this year sliranil aori-eI byi1:.L.srillelly attnd svbic . wamot.-Thte
al unusual amount of exceclent liter- wto ll. rcie ooaleue (pitnwhc a oeb h
ary matter. P'rominenttamongth tis n Courier, is first class. Aliogether
Prose articles are "lienry C. Adatit'' One feature of the Castaian the Castalian, thoughl not witisout
bYProf Thom as, and ''John Dewey'' whlicih is inewv and of great value, is sonie defects, is one of the best col-
by Prof. Scott. iltey are especially the manner ini which all the organi- lege annuals ever published here.
nterestng because they dheal not soeations and societies of the LUniver-I lie Castaliais will appear about the
fitch with the vaiushstrca sity are writtenl up. -Eachi organizea ille of next wceek.
etfnts in the lives of the men as tbon is prefaced by all arti cerititen--- -.
With tile circumstances wvhichlinlut- by soniie promsinehnt muemberoi the Spring Foot-Bali Practice.
e1ced tiheir lii-eslansd ndithl their 110-sphca organization. The alrticles usually
ilbalecoomcalaid pilsolllcal describe the circtuiistaniIcsiindecr . feir foot-ball enithiisiasts fore-
1ctheories.'co"uilids andl Theological wvlichi the society or associaItionwsa stalled Captain Vat Inwcagen, yes-
ehool5 '' liv hr. l)'OoYe, is a title- formeid, its aimis and piurpouses and lterlay' afternoon, by biriinging a foot-
upo aril a1)11I sublject that is lie-- the prominieult evenlts iniits pasti ulhto healpl.'legrid
e llllrtlhtisitory. h-or iiistance, 111of. Ic
cni potan inAnt Arbor. 'isfilrn ot- frotbalpcie
riee tr- 'AWitrNi ftsiont gives a coimsplete accouint of i1nuh o iot'alprcie
piesty itr.\,hWontar'iis ts dlii ' the Choral Unlionl, James 1'. Duffty wsith the excepitioni of a fesv pudrdles
'Oc D~odcd's 'orsodet"b of the Foot-hall :association, J.lR. ill the center of the fieldi. The
PIck CoreioAng,' ey 9llhiof Tennis andlELC. I \lilcr classes of '9; andll'94 should pliay
~ .lerr(ing), are ill a lightcr-
inn aiid very reaidable. h.'. IBi-Ihas-al. Theearl csda off their miatchl for the chlamion -
bait gives sonie reasons "'w iiy 'e largely siltnt histtcry of thc re- thipi, so that tihey will lot inlterfere
are Wieak iln Athletics,'' and offers spective organizationis andh aie of unOth the base-ball practice, as the
Pertinentsuggestionus for an improve- conimon interest. Thlere is d cots teats needs thse eastern plart of tile
lt~t1 'ero~leC. Kosvton b'~pl etc list of the officers of ahl thse as- campus every afternoon.
Prof" cagln "ThleWm's sociations and societies in the tUni- Captain Van Inwagen shsould take
League1AleandrjWnchlh h}cversity. a-hnt from I-arvardand Princeton,
- e" ngelh, "Wlihliam 1'. Wehls" Thsere are grinds, too, every-body whsere the candidates for next year's
bProf. Knowlton; Henry P. 'lap- is ground, professors, tutes, fresh- eheven are already in active out-door
Pasn," by Dr. D'Ooge; and a syns- men and co-eds. There are prs training. At Harvard, the early
Po5ium onl "Lectures vs. Recita- grinds and poetical grinds, grinsds it part of this week, aifuil ganme was
dosns" are appropriate and interest- solid type anti grinsds illustrated. played on Jarvis Field,before one of
1119" Thle last subject is marred by There is a comislete register of stu- the largest crowds of studensts that
two5 articles whichs are unnecessarily dents, wviths city addresses, andllthis ever witnessed a practice gause there.
10119- The editoriahs are two in alternates wriths the advertisinsg pages More than ordinary interest is being
litttnber. thse one is devoted to blowv- at the end of thse book. msanifested in foot-ball practice, and
111 '9 l's boris, aud the othser to a Thsere are 15 insets in thse book; the results arc bound to be showen
Iitussilln of tse criticisms offered five of thsem are photo-gravures and next fall. Wihsat tbe U. of M. teams
regarding college publications. thse remainder "hsalf-tones.''Thse have lacked is familiarity withs the
'lhs poetical contributions to the former are phsoto-gravures of Pro- ball. This they can acquire in the
Castalian are mostly of a high order. lessors Winchell, Wells, Dewey, spring as well as in the fall. We
Teprize poem of Elsie Jones Adams and Knowlton. The "half- have no Gym yet in which to do
Coley, is, like all the poems she tones" include pictures of the dif- winter training, butits place can be
ha written for college publications, ferent athletic teams, the Glee Club, supplied in part by spring practice
"ery fine. The prize song by F. N. Library, Art Gallery, Laboratories, on the campus.
AVNth ie expleriellce of College
'(ell ssho kniows-and11appriIeiate
file c-a-chlscrlitinly- of College Stu-
denits. haingl a large corpss of skilled
D~esigniers -and1 Jewelers speeially
tralinedhfor 15111e 11111otiher jess-led
wo101 i mp111101ting, lits Ae 11(, directly
fromi PaisLondonlll 11111Ai nstel-daum
dule th i nlest illuliu anld jel-eledl
Sni-cis I adsoh" ill kindich h areI
jlniaiithacturI'ill isi untrii y.
Wri'.h , Kayi & Co.
IM1fIlt'T'fi1S-, I C9'L 1 11-
Detroit. Mch eon.
Chap. 'pe]]er & E .
University Outfitter,.
201 Sot Ill STATE11ST.
TOfllI$ ~GOOD.
___l3Y A-

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