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April 23, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-23

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tt* Of
Alt. WI hlp.
VOll. .- I ;)1,5
PI'lCEi, TiuisrtCENTS.
1105rling Iron in Nearly Every Stu-
dent's Room.
are farniers' s01ns, 30 per cent.
athtletes, 2 5 per Cent. Sobier, (illict
anld studjo 1-., and nine-tenthis of the
Senior Medics' Trip.
lo-moirrow moI rningt, the Senlior1
MIedics, nider IDr. I lerdmia, iwill
'Ile Chicao is'Tritbitne puiiisited take. a speiaIl train for Toledo to
t an j5 inltersviest with Iisiaiijisha I lloa tii tat sit thins ane asit aylum tand tntuy
* o05enlit Cincinnati, 0.(ini he cases there preseinted, clisnically.
tilh'0 t r.ttBowen chiarg,,es ti t h t li tIi I,. 11 ttI year IDr. 1 teriiinasitakes the
ttari al-sl thie niate stiidents at thc iii iiutli!IstilirOnii a siilair trip. 'thlis year
U Ot 'it[. nue ecirli ng 1,1Sii i a ii iii i itthI 1i r etill tilani t ti N tl m k i
tillch to curilI their halt-. 'th']at tetiint lliiitiait Iater they will sisit the ioontiac
haeiiutterlysswiihontfoundtiloin, tis ts isi ah i isyitiii , which iters I toinithe oiie
lt i % liarili s-necessarc to say.It tfalgsadtesitnsiitea tI'Toldo in that tile LIti .r is a cit-
'- false tis it is ridicu louls. ThisiIles 6l sis aeaymltleptet en ls
lj What Mr.liownssis creiditeit with . trihistert iiicotta( 'ci andrtare tts
1~tis..New Suits for the Nine. 1
_______isolateil. A\t Ponitiac the inmates
Tile artiticial carts wsere nlot Charles Stietter & Co., have flli- are cisstisici in oiiehbsilinsg iii
""stilt seeing '' sait Mr. Btowen, istied thsanewesusits for the '\arsity wards, siakisig tire ssore dlangerouts,
ki otIt not tietp discovering nine. T'tey are Yale grey iitth aiid ttseir association msore intimiate.
thn.At first I ttsougtht the cttrls crimson trinmnings, with ttie word White in Toledo, ttte asytunt auttsori-
5t~naturat, and wontd ttave coneic 1Micligasi''ons the breast of tie ties entiertain thesi, anit a vret)le-
thitay witsttiat inmpression bail not snit in crimson tetters. 'Tte catp is joyahte assit trofitabte time is anl-
Orl of my sons expitodted the secret. of ttse same cotor witi a dloubte ticitiateit.
1l0tired ttsat nearty every younig crimsson hand. Ttse Knickerbockers A .DrcorsMeig
PsItassed on the street tiadt pretty', are padded fall tength ini front and-__
tUttY hangs. 'Tie boys ttsere wsear around tte ie pst. 'Ttetiett assd The directors of thle Athletic Asso-
calls anit'atsvays take good care tthat stocki'g r crimson, ansd ttse ciations set agails last siilt. Sea-
t4ly are tilteit tack oil tilt' headi. swveatet is witte wsits a lar,,e crissi- soni tickets for liase-hall calil noss le
11lny do ttlis so ttse curls rail he son 'Al woven iniittte breast. li roicurect frosi any nsemiier of tile
" ell and taidmlireit.NMy sosn Tost, Ttie fotlowsisig lmi eneenieasiirectboiarit. Mienmbers ofthte A. A. casls
i~sis ii tile phaurnacy delpartmlenlt, firsuiits, asic their nanies ate sewveit obtainl thlemsfortiit1.00011 tie tire-
laniatural] is- curly htir, asnitI re-- 1:illthe iciliar of tile silrt:Iltil, iilliOl of their eliherseliseatick
I1lrkeit to i'tlatitImost of tlisi l- hiiiti, Aiiiiitt, tichi, lPearsons, Ani- ets tProper iilel '1,s eao
10iVstaiteits loot leesitasvored as sieli ygell, tBauer, Wilkinisonl,tKelly ant tickets autit lsodii t'.fielil dayl. La-
5sIle. Thlenltilecat was let oust of tile 1two cxtra us its-one of wviicth is usn- iissilleuilltelte.lslt
wcas tolil tiat the curtlin~g ioushlell inltendtedtfot Walsht. tees wcere apitpointedt ti comlttete
tia1 555resiortedl to daluy. Ttie 'The teaml, commssenlcing 'to-ilas aralg1le1) ur-llt a- ''s
10o1m sias rattler reticeilt-ill ptitce upons the talc groundlis. '-,A. C.,tias-e kinlyi 'offeredithte
ibsaut teilin-' ise the cuirliscere arti- After tle tiractice tile playcers will services of Mrl. 'itMurphyl, ticostays
1tial wcas because tistiriotlier Char- runhack to the msecical building, a sveek, to traiss tlose wlso expsect
ie, itllo swas in the titerary- detpart- ishere a shiosser tiattiact'u to cnter the Fieldt Day- spolrts.
iras ttlc ownier of a cutting idos-s'' wsill he takens.'The sesw suits ThOrticlCne.
lie didnst use it, hsosses-er, still tie sorns for the first titme in
whieIias at Ann Arbor, andlfthte ganseiwiths the Usiversity of 'T'te timie is nearisng whlen ttse sta-
0 ltthink ie erer wtilt agrais. I Indiana. T'te gasse still lie catted dtensts asnd citizens will hsave the
h thsreatesned to take hiInsiout Of at a:30 o'clock. priv-itege of wsitnessinigosse of the
~th University if I learn of hinm m uost excstsssg events of all college
leg Iis hair its the future. And TeU fM uicasi h etexteietence, nansely ThIte Inlet-
41ide nso idle threat ivhens I msake 'Tle Glee ansd iBanjo Clubs uset collegiate Oratorical Contest. The
tItstatensent either. I idont in- their first smsall house at St. Josepht, contestants are, front all accounts,
ti lW any boy' of mnse to adottIIo. 'T'tere vere but thirty-eight pretty evenly smatcheid, ansdtalreadty
tftttiine ideas. iell n~huewss h u there is qluite a partis anssit nasi-
"D you wtonder that I ant dii' taitsestelup. A first-class concert fe stu ntsf. eeragihv
Isttdiith suds proceedings? IPresi- was given, the basijo club doing esudst ua evraaishv
u"tAgell vouild nmake a reputa. etrs'rkttna ss 9ieiu the privilege of iitnessing this an-
l for hinmself if lie vould nmake concert. nutcnet 0sitge rudt
l'itlrcurline assong the nmale stu- AtCuclBusI, trJo the different colleges of the League
iltt good cause for expulsion front and Mr. Spaulding sang solos in St. in regular tulrn, and as there are
th e University'als"hrh Tetoclb *t five colleges in the League, we wilt
A .of M. student, in a cons- tended in a body. not again be thtus favored until alt
tis~ricalion to the Tribune, signed -. - that are here now will have quit
rhie of the 2,ooo," took excep. To the Harvard Crimison: This their college life.
to Mr. Bowen's remarks. He is the University of Michigan and .00
i~~that 20 per cent, of the 2,000 not Ann Arbor college. Who's'got the Key?
J5AVTNG the experienuce of Coillege
the casreful scrustiuy of Coillcege .Stu-
detslt. havuing a littecortis of skilled
lDestii' rs sait Jewseless puteciaslly
trinedttiulfir bhitlge aindi othecr jeiweledt
dui- thslisufiest plini an11d1jeiwelled
>011115 111110-esiii ill ihit(s w1hichi ste
maufu~actureiltis C tolivtt
Wriqhe Kay & Co.
I.I'lTl'EllS, J'1l-LElIS
Detrot Mich'aan.
Chap. Speller & ~
Uiiversity Otutfitters,
20.1 SOUTisSTATEiltSr.
TCnish1 + GOOD$,
-i uuli.-
CO17lS A1ND T70-JSE73
J KF2 B [ibiGOODS,

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