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April 23, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-23

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of g work. All the other fields are openCO ' T QT 1 Cfl t2 Q I1k
OJ ~ to them, and the best report will be GRET I s TpI ILVIL RfI $)f1 P
pulished. Credit will be given for WEWL O iE ETFU EK
Patabe tirl Srirr enerted dai. every artic le, wshether publlishied orI Offer fire tons of paper of ati kinds to Ire sioad by the pounda tglar
bel-iera.not. The recomnit.nndat Ions to the Mill rates. Try our Crown sIniperial Linen at 25 cents p)er
THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION eieenint ssiatois ili iiil IiirParrThiaidTpwtrPaert
4:Great Ilaricains. tEnvelopres to match all papiers
Stlsrpinprie $2.501 pueryear, racariairi
ins advance. Siagie cois3liemsr. ilasale at
Sneinsarid Post Ofiace nwstand iat 1:
o'lc , i l. S1ilireerer urnsa iray ie left a
th i( ofiii tire DA 11N, Oier a -c i (W-,ikii
'Icel ls at cirritit-, r()I- it il iay of tie
Comm nica ions sldl viii i tie oSire liv
clc r,'. ift he\ are toaiperal. errnext
THE U. aof t. DAILY,
Ann Arbar, Mich.
1i4. IW. c run -- r 5--r-r ist NN rira hun"i
Gi. 11. Lrri '2, Assit.51anringirEdIiir.!
J. . Tvar s',Bsir n ssi--Mantager.
iv . r'. I aiiit K i r 1;; i sr liBusiess -Mari c
C. W1. RICK ETTSi'94,As-istI liil--- -Ma ruri
F. 1)ciGii, ill.
F.. Arririri *!I:;
I1" yill wish to ecil i iI ire mu lis
tie t\eV li ii l v I i i5 I iv a. v
cii_ iC, I (pu i d te -niis 'la
tile ci. s l l io:pa y (11 11Scast
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irart, ioh filr tilde rest errar
Cncl, wit rrr alf011oar ttetrreen
heow apnlsthn sta iiurrll elirn Ier
analrellrttof nre ~ietsirgs cann ocr-
renc11et o imoane.o M
toCh(ompettr r ra sedntt
reporcftaeshralltgamer, tat regular
the preet hwildbeasgnedto toa
wo-rrk rmie. is isellI as tor Ille exrcl-
lenae e(in)f -i..Te aSirir at i ira- or to ed& O -
til ---by - -i a-Ic , 11,
01rt(,rea1liv nrc P i. i .i , f't i
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Mi ordeiartoi appea r ilic samic cay.
No rI ii 11 li mcii rviruil frrr
patice (mir inpil si avryi1)-in
Yonn na ur 1111Line rrh
QLLCG I ' kderls iGoves,
Perrini's Kidt (lovsS
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7 'M7
1-nlil IA'1. ill r iiiir- inn au ter ate tri
tilli. andililirri ii - i illl byl -i- iii i % iii al
6Iont i 1i:1 1 I ii fori-i l.
lb Ia, liid; -*i 1
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4.,hr I a isi rrlr I' iiirr
iii ('5 1c ni iirr- . W e111\'
sold 1 sr-i ii- ii ili dgo ds ilii- 0f
1lue shiw'sitis.S or TEPIC H E13 ARE INiTRDtCED
-i i . ct oriri- rip trriec r - glnill reIrT C O L
ire ( vto nyill *rrr it.
aX anyhric it-i ruar____Fourth_____________________________
________ 7 Pa S Weasa - tint artuitlo
Hat* lI lose at a 5gaJ
'1111ZALL 71T1ITS
SkT Ytb llit tll- .
Madio to Or-der-aod StlisfOOiOl
*J1. L. FEiiG USO1i
- -iAT -i-i---i A -N NA ,1 (
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Tire Tabiie aoirrginto etact. , iriir.5el- O
'iIr i- I - 11 , al'rri
Mrili i~t i ii-........ .. .....
Ge-i-iln. NIi Ag w . - imi1'i l~
Recreation t;ito'Students.
Irn firne trios for season of 1839'
Moadern conveniencescu Psi
treatment, elegant row and.si
boatt, dance trall and mtrsic.
A. 0. McCurg& Co.
C)7 7 IDzF rIW D R f~
-,7 77 >11 12AV. IlON ST.
- lirli rierrlrtcgis55iirIti raind Ojpera Iou~e
e lairs ill b ii' sher i l 11 re l't iiir wedliensdty 1an(1 hthrsdlny
C I I rrrm ei-rr Iin v rsitaionirs. C is-Dav
q Iln-igraiiniis. t'raternity Statinery, I A PRI 1, 211A-ND d30
Menul anril (Guest Carrts finn Ill(Illers 'Wt a i mtneThrdy feno .
arirt Ii rib lDirnrers, 11D11ce Progranmmles, '~rrlriiraarrcTrtrrii etrit
s anitll o rtrer kiril(s of college stork.IlhIIiT t
-obur statiniery is alseas s rnotable for111ITU iF UllhlJ
its lianilsime erigras-itig, corract formRiOM'S KJIEII a[Ua,1111
and odeate rics.30 Famous Trained Hlorse.
rA, C. MOCLURG,& CO, Prices, - 25, 35 and 50 Ots.
t CHICAGO. Seats ar:oruber's.

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