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April 05, 1892 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-04-05

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Ijc U. of'

, n. Wla~Ijj.

THE REPUBLICAN CLUB. cans; J. H. Adams, NV, I). Meals, together with three (3) oembers
E . . rfae,J. R.. Atrneil, F.C. eected by the societs- shall consti1
Large and Enthusiastic Meeting anF.onestiete-3etieIorl01C
Last Night. hlnadF obs ueteEeuieBad -
___Press Committee: W.I). Mieats, Tis Ioardt shall hate general
It is stile to say nio larger norlmre150 c3" Travcis, I). S. l)oti st le, 1. A charge of the busitness interests of
enthisttic meetinhg was evser held jleadty atnd L. IF. I arts s te societs-, but shalt tate nio autho-NI xx
1 s- any iol itta thisub if this It i- iterature; NR. -I. Shtaits (. (Ct It sil i il iiitii lc sit
s~yit ii ic ocut ii li lct~iti- r.ht It 'sic s~e \lsi s it efilstill liii nydbtinth n m
sit sts ith ietigo hs Rept- sitler, M.'. Ittitti i er .N11 fts i ett ' I ciltti' liiiic
]an Clu roo sti ghiaket o its cW c - sts .W. - in 1 li l t t i iItiCotti tti it P11(
tus'omwspce o vrfo-" ~eLamnn oilte hl si-liheuIPresisdenti Itirke caiiedithesc New C0llStitntiOn Adoed Apr-il 2 89 asuo h ulfctoso
itse itteetit tto riter, andiltsr o cctd--- its fsoiststtc tctticeme b rsha nd si
i- .l es, st-lit 'ave a routsinig' 1R lIC 1:.11psncitl t ir na es1t1 th
shee Is tt kpitttirat li ot~ccttIll c. tll iliiiittiitiLIST
slicclcr oloesit sot lie . ll~lh ie Cnisersitr Chol t (is i 1 _iltielsi"ilterIts ne 'lltltt 'e t I sic3lil

Mailed tn You
Through Your
Upon -

The rellort sit the genseral rconlnli-
tee to arranige for the Ilnter-Cotlegi-

IRelatioin to the UIniv-ersity M3d it-

hstniot tieen recranienileil Itsthe


ate L eaguse convlention wsatthen .Ical5Scicty antI object of Itic society. fk RTI[CI,-I-I N
saiaileby It. D ted1el liThcon- 'Sectioni. TIhle CUnitversity Chlorait1ii N1 BE Sil] 11s
vetioi~ vll bcelielilit knit Airboi Union is a branch of and uiincer the 1T'lienmenmbersihip of thc society
(,il May i17th siidl sill Icinn clceithciontirol (If the Uniivcersit ly 1ssical shall coinsist of act itv-antIasitttatel ~
act elabiorate baiiiluit. Inviitatiiintsocey owitl t sieliel y ncobi
Date beetsssittoillevery iipoirtanatthe provs tioiinsof Illdinan~itc It of Sectionir. kc tire'imeimilici t
sittege anisi tiersity iii thescouoatrysaiu sosiety. rtitve mt escashicaliltcontsist ill the tthen you want the Latest mettropolitanStrict
ands ass address statin" the objsect usf Sectionst .'I'li escit fthe prseseiti activec imcmbers of the I it- ilses ittile t i-ia thair less thinilnAssiAe
te ensterlprisetsotsheleasding Iepisli society sha ll bc thcpiromiitioin of vs eity IChoirat 18 iisi, andllsuch prices.Sen (rCat - u
l ican psps.ileheiccaisescofimuic.isit. by Ithc othlersssas shaltltie recoin itietict- ' Lr i \ J
'T'he Club theniiprisceed to elct sy stctmatic studiy sif sutlse clustal edl i atcrdanicsestithS-c. 2,kit. !. H. * J J FE ..t &.
a msembser to Iclivci the addriess of iiswsoir Itkiii is ypo i ill muil IN"I' andlclecd it accrcdansiiciswits in TLQ'i no MIVII
wlclomne to thisitingudlcgates it ciiiert-ainiients foir ittsmembers.______Sec._____,__Art.___V____.
te convsentison. Ithic votcrestiltseit Ak N.. 11. 1 1Il.I'liceyshtall, upont say iiic 1sthe lic T'[ DE1C
i tile chicse ofi:k.1 1wing.it Vit Js preIscrIiccd fccs, be ititled to sari-1
The greatest interesi ceintcred ini Section t i.Te ofths iof) the cipationin i the niusical trork of the Stbscsriblisfosr the - -
the electioni of delegates to the cili- soriety shall coissist of a Presidenti society-. They shall be eligiblle to O A L
ventioni. litwI tickets twere in. the a price-P~residetnt, Secretary, 'Treas- office anti shall tave a vosice ini the , I O VI A L
field, ''Stornis delegates,'' Mcssts.I tier, Conductor atd itbhrariatn. csincduct of te affairs of the society.Adke ntrid
Steele, Slick, Spitzer, Tay lot andil Ihiy shall perform teususal They shiall be consitleredh nenibetr tts cl sttto
Arneil andil"Burke cdelegates," ditties pertaininto1 their reslsectit-e otnly- so lonig as they- shall osbserve 1(Itt iiersitv cand
M5essrs. hc~iiire, Jeffries, Russ, offices, they shalIpresenstswritten thte laws of the sosciety. Intetrotheiaite doings.
Iloeb atitl Hagler. Tlte lattet were relports to the society- at its annusal Sectiotn 2. Associate :Menmbers.--
elected by tiajorities ranging frsomt imeetinsgs, they- shall lbe elected at Associate imenilers shalt, upon the It p-S fAL ,A~i
100 to tat. the antnual mteetitng of the society, paytteunt of the Iprescribsed fees, be
1:.. R. Susttoit repolrtedl thic ItoI int shall hold their offices until their , etititleid to attendcance upon rehear- BALL GAMES will be rtioult
gres i te ~rogan coI~tiitecs~l tlccss.rsare apapoitnted. saIs aticlpublic hperforomances gi iils Picvernicrttau
C. I. ranosae te rllot o th Setio a.Duties of the Conduic- by- the society-, butt they shall have tint'of the college' yeat', t$I.25.
commuittee ota arrangements. IReso- for (Director). -- Ihie Coniduictotr- no voice ill the transsactionl of buisi-
lutonsfavrig te rcosidratonshall hare charge of the rehearsals sess, neithier shiall tey be alloweed 1Iil'hmOfld Strc'iqht c.
ttf the appini1tm5ent of toastmaaster atndlluiblic performsances, tie shacll to participate itn the tmutsical stork, Not. I
and appoinating M'sr. Iluirnett as chair- select the nttsic, sitbject to the at)-ciitinuiedtotli-morro. CIGARETTES.
sisas a10 Irorl Excitise ist I -- -Cigarette Smokearsh
mnofacotmmitteeto itnvite poa of the Leu il oardl,anj The Athletic Board. aresiling to nay a ittil
(leneral Alger tos act, wsere p~resenstedl I shall hav e thec right to appiniit a b
buit were tabsledl after an ainatetdIstubstitutte whetnever lie tniav-besits- 'The Athletic hoard umet last tnighttaecgrttssilfn
discussion. able tu co~nduict the rehiearsals. atnd tratnsactedl routitie butsitness. A aeeriereto
Thte Richtmtnd Straight
(Ina totion the cliairtaappllointedl ARTICLE lVs. inmber of bills were itrdered IpaidI, ett No'sI Ca et iyasaved n made from he bright-
thse folloswing additional cotmmittee; GOVEtRNME NT. anmong whichi was otne of $25 for aeld teat croan ofVirgiaia. T his intet id
Reception; A. C. MacKenzie,' G. iBesitdes the regular officers of te Coach Conway's services for la Bwr ist antd wasobr imitat yntinsus inthese year that at
El. Ayers, S. T. Mears, E. B. society there shall be. (a). A-n week. Thse base-ball nmanager w Sas 3Tan sbt nae ypcae
Tm a eowi nhe ALLEN & GINTEE Branchkae
(rower, A. .P. Will, F. h.. Ruggles, Executive Board. (it). kn l-Naniin- I irth iernsission to hire a lsoy to at- aoth mericanTacond.,Vrii
L. S. Taylor, J. J. tParker, W. J.j in0 Comtmittee. tendl ltl t rope, water and otiser
(Cahbraith and C. C. Spencer. I Section r. ExecutiteBoart.--I'he mtatters on the ball grount.i . POLHEMUS,
To invite Michigan Republican t President, VicePresident, Cotnduc- Thse old Board goes ostt of office ".~1W ~ I
Chubs and distinguishetd Reputbli- tor, (Director) and Secretary, to-day. ALSO 'BUS MACK AND BAGGAGE lINN

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