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April 01, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-04-01

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\sst. lL No.i~t U UINIVEIRIITY OF .LCIIG Xl, SATUI1L)AY, AIIfL 1,ISf933. 5ssiv(5Nt


ICHIGAN THE VICTOR! long independent andt prosperouis. ISI1'PROVEM ENT IN PLAYING. !F
ftms1fncest i5 5 ttsnTie Later Practice Games Show
hie first Annutal Inter-University { tself those fatilities whicihosake it Considerable Advance in the
PlDebate a Complete itdependent. Commnerse anst et- Playing
Stitnoss. ficient nmariisers are at thselpresenst "Ie playng of the tcandsidlate-s for
Te - time srclnesary. 'e snow tic 'v'asityl basebalta npoe
Th_ Ys iow cacl Blsie Wavy-s srxlyleesasay tl rit l-o -
cissi huant Over V>snunsis TI stasndlanion- thIte marine trsowers of diy
Cardinal. the sworist. ITiheftrts vlow )totse ' li oldt Aua e s aisle'i tong their
Assiericatsociariedvshs-asirst aiii5 i5 "eyresisn tie bati," aisdlire batting
as tluit cerrd te irs ii~-by isitritci so tiairon Iiull ini piace sore sssreiy aiid adivanstageoussly,
at dtebate betstol rithe IUniversity of of iswosleisones. This rc.i Itta ledt ouri sil ohts sas10s tr
siiii-aii antI the U niversity of taewshct e osiyI ses ilothonfdrsth e otFieles
iNscoiisini. A large cnd cistlissi- tegvivtof t vso Iivas rl aconscdarymutrsegiscoienc-
teretsortewr. gan an cua ipiknupaience waspresenst Itoyreet nsesiittiat isrIsaissstl
i on lsebinteesttbo us. atsd serisritis th oar rs, jsigiiflies andr titroiasr to
"tie debaters. Fo tbases.bou 'h ecn lo oou
msasifestedl there is no doubt but a bae
permanent debating league ivill be nmarine interest iwas th c titiswasmaifstdesterdasy switti Iatais anidiGriffin
swhichi iearly sreckedrll11otis coi-o
esntirely successfnl. uec.Whtcisresi-t afrinin tie box, the tiwoinines pliayedi five
I t was a bard fought battle, and vrfra s ilsLriencu-innings it a sptiritedl assd encoiirag-
the judges declared it a fairly even tisnloseinofalteliernig nianner.
one. The markings wvere very close, cantile shsipss?. What sse need is a Tefoiloswing i yesterday'sscr
but a final average made Mtichsiganttayntialpicsbideg for the five inninigs:t
the winner.' ship building, and trans-Atlantic rvaitSn .
Thse prograns of thse evesning wvas postal service. England iwill meet -_______________ P0___A__E'
opsened by the Freshnman Glee Club = uch --- ------ 0
it wits more subsidies at first, bit-
signweis nl ie'adi ee nmust do likeswise, until wve can t-- i- i-
-esoiise to an enicoare, they saing 0si-S.lliill"- - -----_ 5-o-
-comliete with her on equal ternms. 1s 4Iir
Miill issb ia.te 1r. J. F. Griffess of tie hU. of AT., - -
club Ihatda most enthusiastic receps- ottentlthediscusion-fo;the nga- 1
sis.[erfrtajpaac ft~t ive. 'Mr. Griffin is a goodl speaker, - - __
thsemns siundoubted success. Their anti osakosdIsis-arguns--s---clearoansi c
sinon wsfsia s siiriterl andthfier votices -55 i
-~~~ distissct. I Issaild: Thsys~stenm of1 5
a-crce perfectly iii Iarmnsy. - sisbidietis- is serss Sissii si0 055 1) i
Presisent Angell aroe t itr-; nonsir stand---st--n-rosts ss ceo-111(;.-sn 1'5
Hcsie it s te ieuss prove that the necesity of the i5..
fis mise iercihanst mrnssucs thsat it msay - -
save smet as universities for the lsur- u sissil frine eis r Stetasfslit- - - - --}I0I 1
s)ose of debate. We ,welcome nmost jsty cl ortectsE,-i faIs infti i -. - ----- t 10
ouir teople. Ansdlthey mstfpr ovetshit iss -
hatlthyon ssfrsiii-subsidies sith gai the desired end.tlr'----
--onssi. tf it is your good fortune fletiveensthe years 18I) 9ail e856 own emme ht orvcor as---------- -
a usnressenlae tht yur ictrythe Uniitesd States hailthes -scales' t 5--
-;- paritially- ours. IWisconsisn ivas cryi- taeo h Er ,o d,- -
tot so loug ago a part of Mi r-chitaegstiastn.t e~-~
Scv~ivtts ss~tisesnhad free shipst, sandI were onre-s-- -

lIehrrno-nd SfradTht Q-t.
('!hisisii i-,is rwiisrb
.,1 r, i si-ii o s issi little
_ - iifiii '5 ,,i lie trie
~i v i iti-- l i i s t5i _ . tl s s 1 1 5
c-i l -ssiill T 55Is it i. Ol5i
t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F 4~5~~ssss iv ss-

istitutto 1fCrlIiws} irpossoa st 'oiicwe sarsC1:a
a share itt the hontiss sif s-oss
ityL diuoyof introsdacing tile pry;:
sg officert is a perfusnctory one, lb-t
1 gladltylterformssthe tasic aasignedc
ice. I have the pleasure of ptiesenst-
s.ig e-x-CongressmnsaI'P. Ali n
CaptatisnAMess at osice instrtoduced
Mr. C. T'. Purdy, lit '9fl, of the C.
of M., weho opened Ilse affirmative
irs the questiosi: "Resolved, That
the United Slates Should Adopt the
Policy of Subiidieing Itse Mercantile
'Marine. "
Mr. Purdy is a forcible speaker.
f-e presented a fine appearance on
the platformand commanded the ad-
nmiration of all his hearers. No
merely agrarian nation has ever been

etqual footinig iwiths 0 t it irsntionts.
Ousr cieclisieSice thess- s itsueto

" I U-

Sother tisfisth.isi lds f 1 stbssCts - -- -
lvrtroaAmrcndl)mks UiesyAlmiadC<ac the Attiastic, t I jcrds$50Adm~inistratioss.
isoite thnsass ls1isss11 is onild, K 'iieraity al-mniiasc
sialiiigthe sansei-plrft Ourlis5hips jtheir shire of the Iplums
are restuceil to isap iig theec sifeent IPresident Clevelaisi. Secret.

it i


taxes. And Amsericanitlar costs
isore than foreigin. What ive acivo-
cate is the givinst of nothing, but the
removal of oplpressive burdens.
lSbsidhies introdluce corrip~tioR.
The FreshisiallManlsoin Club
favored the audience at this point
with the U. of Alf. Waite. They
played with their usual success.
Presiding officer Allen incidentally
remarked that this was an addition
to the college curriculunm since his
(Conatissed oasuspplemient.)

Agriculture Mtortoss asnitPfivsate / E CH NTF
Secretary Thluirber were the first
fortunates. Lasereince X11axivnit, jit.,
of Cincissnati, iwho ivasn samed on !T IO
'Tusa o h oiino oi-ior General of the United Stahes, is-
also a U. of Nit, graduate of '73, of -A Ntis iasssss-ics(si
the literary department. Th le place
is next in importance to that of-= O
Attorney General. Mr. MNaxwels
predecessor, Chas. Aldrich, of Chi-
cago, is also a University literary 55 W_ :OR 2'S=-.
graduate of '75. Attorney General
Olney was formerly a pupil of Presi-
dent Angell at Brown University. Detroit, Mihigan.

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