r' , r { ,, 4 i r k , _7 i ; _. . - a _ : ' F , , - I - _ ir: _ t z f ';r "c-l-; ' - r I N. or'. \sst. lL No.i~t U UINIVEIRIITY OF .LCIIG Xl, SATUI1L)AY, AIIfL 1,ISf933. 5ssiv(5Nt N T ICHIGAN THE VICTOR! long independent andt prosperouis. ISI1'PROVEM ENT IN PLAYING. !F ftms1fncest i5 5 ttsnTie Later Practice Games Show hie first Annutal Inter-University { tself those fatilities whicihosake it Considerable Advance in the PlDebate a Complete itdependent. Commnerse anst et- Playing Stitnoss. ficient nmariisers are at thselpresenst "Ie playng of the tcandsidlate-s for Te - time srclnesary. 'e snow tic 'v'asityl basebalta npoe Th_ Ys iow cacl Blsie Wavy-s srxlyleesasay tl rit l-o - cissi huant Over V>snunsis TI stasndlanion- thIte marine trsowers of diy Cardinal. the sworist. ITiheftrts vlow )totse ' li oldt Aua e s aisle'i tong their Assiericatsociariedvshs-asirst aiii5 i5 "eyresisn tie bati," aisdlire batting as tluit cerrd te irs ii~-by isitritci so tiairon Iiull ini piace sore sssreiy aiid adivanstageoussly, at dtebate betstol rithe IUniversity of of iswosleisones. This rc.i Itta ledt ouri sil ohts sas10s tr siiii-aii antI the U niversity of taewshct e osiyI ses ilothonfdrsth e otFieles iNscoiisini. A large cnd cistlissi- tegvivtof t vso Iivas rl aconscdarymutrsegiscoienc- teretsortewr. gan an cua ipiknupaience waspresenst Itoyreet nsesiittiat isrIsaissstl i on lsebinteesttbo us. atsd serisritis th oar rs, jsigiiflies andr titroiasr to "tie debaters. Fo tbases.bou 'h ecn lo oou msasifestedl there is no doubt but a bae permanent debating league ivill be nmarine interest iwas th c titiswasmaifstdesterdasy switti Iatais anidiGriffin swhichi iearly sreckedrll11otis coi-o esntirely successfnl. uec.Whtcisresi-t afrinin tie box, the tiwoinines pliayedi five I t was a bard fought battle, and vrfra s ilsLriencu-innings it a sptiritedl assd encoiirag- the judges declared it a fairly even tisnloseinofalteliernig nianner. one. The markings wvere very close, cantile shsipss?. What sse need is a Tefoiloswing i yesterday'sscr but a final average made Mtichsiganttayntialpicsbideg for the five inninigs:t the winner.' ship building, and trans-Atlantic rvaitSn . Thse prograns of thse evesning wvas postal service. England iwill meet -_______________ P0___A__E' opsened by the Freshnman Glee Club = uch --- ------ 0 it wits more subsidies at first, bit- signweis nl ie'adi ee nmust do likeswise, until wve can t-- i- i- -esoiise to an enicoare, they saing 0si-S.lliill"- - -----_ 5-o- -comliete with her on equal ternms. 1s 4Iir Miill issb ia.te 1r. J. F. Griffess of tie hU. of AT., - - club Ihatda most enthusiastic receps- ottentlthediscusion-fo;the nga- 1 sis.[erfrtajpaac ft~t ive. 'Mr. Griffin is a goodl speaker, - - __ thsemns siundoubted success. Their anti osakosdIsis-arguns--s---clearoansi c sinon wsfsia s siiriterl andthfier votices -55 i -~~~ distissct. I Issaild: Thsys~stenm of1 5 a-crce perfectly iii Iarmnsy. - sisbidietis- is serss Sissii si0 055 1) i Presisent Angell aroe t itr-; nonsir stand---st--n-rosts ss ceo-111(;.-sn 1'5 Hcsie it s te ieuss prove that the necesity of the i5.. fis mise iercihanst mrnssucs thsat it msay - - save smet as universities for the lsur- u sissil frine eis r Stetasfslit- - - - --}I0I 1 s)ose of debate. We ,welcome nmost jsty cl ortectsE,-i faIs infti i -. - ----- t 10 ouir teople. Ansdlthey mstfpr ovetshit iss - hatlthyon ssfrsiii-subsidies sith gai the desired end.tlr'---- --onssi. tf it is your good fortune fletiveensthe years 18I) 9ail e856 own emme ht orvcor as---------- - a usnressenlae tht yur ictrythe Uniitesd States hailthes -scales' t 5-- -;- paritially- ours. IWisconsisn ivas cryi- taeo h Er ,o d,- - tot so loug ago a part of Mi r-chitaegstiastn.t e~-~ Scv~ivtts ss~tisesnhad free shipst, sandI were onre-s-- - lIehrrno-nd SfradTht Q-t. CIGARETFTES. ('!hisisii i-,is rwiisrb .,1 r, i si-ii o s issi little _ - iifiii '5 ,,i lie trie ~i v i iti-- l i i s t5i _ . tl s s 1 1 5 c-i l -ssiill T 55Is it i. Ol5i t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F 4~5~~ssss iv ss- istitutto 1fCrlIiws} irpossoa st 'oiicwe sarsC1:a a share itt the hontiss sif s-oss ityL diuoyof introsdacing tile pry;: sg officert is a perfusnctory one, lb-t 1 gladltylterformssthe tasic aasignedc ice. I have the pleasure of ptiesenst- s.ig e-x-CongressmnsaI'P. Ali n CaptatisnAMess at osice instrtoduced Mr. C. T'. Purdy, lit '9fl, of the C. of M., weho opened Ilse affirmative irs the questiosi: "Resolved, That the United Slates Should Adopt the Policy of Subiidieing Itse Mercantile 'Marine. " Mr. Purdy is a forcible speaker. f-e presented a fine appearance on the platformand commanded the ad- nmiration of all his hearers. No merely agrarian nation has ever been etqual footinig iwiths 0 t it irsntionts. Ousr cieclisieSice thess- s itsueto " I U- Sother tisfisth.isi lds f 1 stbssCts - -- - lvrtroaAmrcndl)mks UiesyAlmiadC