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April 01, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-04-01

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THE U. OF M. DAILY. o tr F hr sn esnwyamc LE ,.
g.J. reaster interest cannot hecreated(ins817 INJKIG S.1. fL.IES,189
the t i sssrssly, itsourlitcrrs o-
Pti~wr 15t'')s y (Snays oxepteli) (uin~sg cieits Itobaly i is the tot t (titct 'Csltttttillie '55155 t i ereSltu fo4ie-( PtTt'i AitOs nl it 1stt
THE 0 CabNEFrENDENASSOCITIONwills Wisconssin. At the omeetingd of
TH_.____NDEEDETASOIAINthe (lelegates tlis mrnintg, the lplan T\21.R
Suat-sription:,prce a;14.5() per year, ilivariawy of a lteague wsill edoubtless be cons-
;x dale SissaS etuopier; 3i("Cuts. 5sserip- !stttsiatcl. Ifs0, it still ihave the cs- SSEP SHOalelf: tteofc o h ALCit st IN Ste{)W. 48 SOUTH MIAiN Si TREET.
st Btottlet's, sWit ay of te editrs or tliisssasti spioo sup oto tudents andl _________________________________________________
atoi zd s ic ttitoirs. te te faculties aline. Lonag five thse idich- ~c a .-
Ccltosatttiiati shouldttt 'itt t hoficeSty r
tao'clock P. yi. ift tey are to epppear the teat iganta-isc5oasits debating league. P I S _L1 G ayAdrsalmteriendfopuic-1n.
tian ta the Mtanaging' Editor. All Sbusiess ttet
cammusnicaetion e suSte seen t ties Butt- Independents, Notice. 2 S anSre.W G E A O
aes Maenegee. 21S Man tre.W G R&C.
THE U. of H. DAILY. I Tse annual nmeeting and election
Anen Arbor, Xich. of thse tU. of lt. Independent Asso-
EDITORS.I ciation will be held Saturday, Api Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
t. J. stT A Yit9e.a'as.seeging Etites. jSat >etsa. m.,in room A. 'Only rJ ihg n R iw y
GA Devs'Nt 193Aa's'sisnt. laid-up subscrsibert to the l)_TsrYeare =
,1) 15tiseeeii te'La.3,Assistaiit
I. 1, dE INS w' ittitAssisnt-ise e nttld sole for editors. _____ 1 / "s
it.W. Vtys t i-ti-veiLilS, A si. t I i w. i
t3 LiY Dt.ss 94',5A-st'wat. ' Ti slrd i fet Su t~ty ietnt
11111,PA ly.1, W.- Ii is Sit~,
is. It
St' ,1ttssttttIs- Sla o t o a eailess t it s t l re'
4 , ,n~~~ietissi sistci;£, f,.i lelt"lccit_ ~ol
l)st. 1I:i'ilis sissI l si- - s: ('l't $l£'( tid i ii ctades i ll -s ttt e sitaiiiis;
S ev.<"55 t ' . t 5 stasaoftsk --sst sits-si - Ns - 5. Siss sitsal l~ut 5
-, aar 1'wekt a. O. it ta. t ees. o i. 'v5-ai-lt-ien i'"Id-
"r-} rt3Upux :, ~c ! w. ;.t w 1.t<.Phosp;hate._______P ____


Is Ith.espressionslsit by Iton.
Geo. I. i'enditg tt his lectiure
last year iii the S. I,. A. coulrse, on
"Sauil of 'l'arss,"' is to deternsine
Iis audience this evening, Univer-
sity Ilalstill be croswded. IHis lec-
ture. "UTe Man of Galilee,"t is said
to be even better preipared thans that
eelivered last year. We Ihope to
see a good auience this evesning,
boils as a cotsplisuient to thse lec-
t'urer, asnd as a testimsonial to thte
good setsvices ssf the S. C.. A, 5undter
Aho e sp55i/es sit lists sat
'T'tit ri is sizs iSpthei .}s -lba- -
situationgitli ase555ifn cte liot-,
ini to(ls easi i Su ttsit
fietteatta a the testistek are i slst-
fi liardl ball atte leiseumla witit sil
entthsats smad vigor thast bodes well
foir Else eause. Tlhere are steverael sess
after every piosition. STe scarcity tif
eattelerass'whiel s stroubhled sltsso long,
wtill tat be Else case Elis year. Manty
mietn, old ansd enew, are tryin~g for thse
positiont. 'The candridtee for pitcesa
wh'lile Slot 0 so atumerouts, ate very Iplenty
'iii r inter-university ilebate has
ptrovedi a conmpiete success. Tlhe
enthusiaas manifesteid by the auth-
ece of last eveninlg justifies thse con-
tinuance of thse schseame of an annual
debate betwveeni the twvo universities.
Tihere can be no doubt but that the
debates have served to tintulate the
debatisng societies to greater activity.
If the society offdcers puraue thoe
proper plan at the beginning of next
year in building up their member-

haIsve tise( td Ii tr SeeraiyellrsSitt $2,00, $3.00, $4.0 9$ 5tittlyrteil ttiti
sOlly its ily practice, hut il lly ossllit -1 9 }' lean;and6rnleA( AnHt:
tiividttal caesandtsilesiisiter it tisnder.al-P1st ('lats andsil Ttrrattl intetl at onl, ailv -ftsesl
eircumstlttes onse of Else test sorvsetIlsvery waty. sieiassOei tc s ttils
totics thaitt15eepossess. Fits enetx - Av. 11. OENaNETS'. I 5lt .xENsliOD,
hlStlitst tr tsverwotrk it giv es renew.sed E D oty " & F eine . Gen. u-ass. Agent. tacal Acut
atrensgths tisdvigior to thitentitesys- _________________
temu."S-. ~ O%1~
A noosE exeelleint tand agreeasble toniecu" u p®V
atnd sppetizer. It nsourishses anad issvsg- '
orates Else tired brain aned body, ins-
patrts rettess-dienergy antesiStalitiy, asid -StARE Ci ci I S Oi-A StilO
eillivelissElse futtetiotni.
SDese"ipts-e psmpettttesrest' ass stcsittititi so -
Rumoford Chemical Works, Provi- lsn
deuce, R. I. 771 1

liesiare sea stittt'ciilt initttts.
5 -ItefsSaet AseA-aer


Os'sisisto s
(tilt '(itt(
tht is
_Ii ii' ii tt
(f )gi~et
i/sit istse
(t tact,
a 'isit

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andsist (izes. Doat teetls i s ttof toe or ONE NIGHT ONLY.
Lans utrhien otan getiista rod tia h1 ONDAY EVENING, APRiL 3.
Saolty &s Cit's. Ste don'tetiste frs yls i-e, sit-
give ititoiuand tat tis oe -hiatt ist o tsnd 'Itioc 'a isie t,t- te i l c i i ts t
coldslenies at all hossus at the daty atd iht.i
"te JOLLY & CO., No S 6 outh MI1A KEL
riOTLUNCHES Iitill --lt'itisisscit itt i
And the verychoicest Cand~ies The - Shadow - Detective
-AT --h t litl ite ,tit Sctuuoti d Tset'isiisss
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FF'T1771F'~ _ iNiY St.itatto

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Cycle Emparism, 11 W. WashingtnSt.

Prices:, - 35, 50 and 75c.
Seeare Stats attts' 1Jewelrty State.

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